Brandon's Journal


New member
Yeah after debating a couple of hours I decided to give this a go, thought having an online blog/Journal thing was cool, especially on LPF!

Here you will find out all the random/funny stuff that goes on periodically with or around me. Basically over the next couple of months I have things happening with my band, planning for my first overseas trip with 3 friends, and various other things!

Only differnce in my journal i'll include pictures and videos when I can, videos are too fun for me because something is always happening, so i'll see what I can do with that!

I'll update tommorow evening. Dont have much time now besides trying to catch up on homework in Accounting :( .



New member
Haha yeah Awison I take a little bit here and there, and yeah yay new journal!

Sygy its a senior High School class, I decided to take it just to test the waters a bit for college :D



New member
Yeah they sound hard to keep up with but ima gonna try!

Ok my first entry woo!

Well like usual today school ruled my day confusing me and all that, glad I have friends that are able to save me and make me laugh! Weird thing happened though. I got a rumor that one of my friends Matt supposedly got hit by a car and was in a coma and they diddnt know if he was going to make it through the night. It freaked me out enough to make me worry for a little bit. Luckily I got a call from one of his friends sayign that all was good and it was just a hoax kinda thing that some guy started. Whew!

Yesterday I went to the mail and found a big, flat envelope sitting there. I opened it up to find my Linkin Park tickets! This will be my first LP show so yes im stoked beyond belief, now if I can get to the meet and greet ill be complete!

LP Tickets:

Moving on..over the weekend we shot a video for the song "The Flame in all of Us" by Thousand Foot Krutch. It was fun but even after filming a live set for 3 hours it wont upload to my computer due to tech problems. So we have to shoot it all over..again. Theres some pictures from that as well like me jumping super high haha at the end of the song heres some:

Brandon's Ending Jump:


Into it:

On a Knee:

Ok and so on, most of you dont know so I'll say it Im going to Germany Late July 2008. So far its a task! Im at 100 bucks saved up ohhh boy i still gotta work harder. A plane ticket is 600+ dollars itself! I still gotta figure out places to stay, nearest airport, and all that, im sure I can get help with all that. 3 Friends of mine are tagging along as well, its one of those big things you cant wait to experince, I mean 2008 so far seems great, I have my first Linkin Park concert, Graduation, and then Germany on the far!

woo greatness!!

shoot that vid again me wants to see!!!! aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! xD lol

oh oh tell me who's the 3rd of your friends coming along to teh germany?



New member
I dont know exactly yet, but I plan on hangin with Jos haha, this trip is far from educational and stuff, so all LPF'ers who want to join in on this please do! haha that would be awesome.

Ok light day only had about a 30 minute band practice, got nothing done because of our guitarist not showing up, but naywho being creative we decided to try something drums and bass which turned out to this:

The laughing about halfway through is me, well basically every laugh, woohoo, yeah!, or whatever you hear is me lol.

Besides that it was a pretty uneventful day!

Oh one more thing, we randomly in my filmmaking class had a competition who could create the coolest song in 10 minutes this is what I got out of it:

haha yeah we gotta go party and stuff! haha fun fun lol

Jeezy's gonna come over and be like "BUUUHHH!!!! deutsch deutsch deutsch!!" xD lmao

oh and me likes that song :D



Active Members
haha yeah we gotta go party and stuff! haha fun fun lol Jeezy's gonna come over and be like "BUUUHHH!!!! deutsch deutsch deutsch!!" xD lmao

oh and me likes that song :D
Yeah that's exactly how it's gonna be

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