:thumbsup: Done! That was the fastest final ever I think. All about photoshop and printing, all that good stuff! Im sure you would have passed that final Jos haha.
Update since I can only do this at school, Over the weekend I saw Alvin and the Chipmunks, mainly because its what my brother picked out to see, and I was really suprized what they did with a show I used to love as a kid, I thought it was a neat little movie!
Saturday rolled around, met up with some friends at the mall and headed off to see another movie, I am Legend, I really liked this, definately one of my type of movies, he acutally makes you feel for him when hes all alone, sad, but dont get me wrong I was into this movie pretty much the whole time!
Then sunday worked..worked..worked..1pm to 10pm oh joy.
Basically im sore as ever because of work and I recently started working out again, something I needed, the usual weight lifting, sit ups, push ups and bla bla sooo yeah! Whew