Brandon's Journal


New member
Haha thanks man.

Yeah shes not really a singer shes just messin around haha so I let her. Yeah im looking forward to studio time now. Just to see how it goes and how things turn out



New member
Hmmm last time we started talking around the 5-7 song mark including a intro song we working on.

We have around 9 rough ideas of what we may do all are still not even titled..well there are some. So far 3 songs out of the bunch feel completed I guess ill call it haha. The others were still missing a certain feel we want so were working on. Either that or final lyrics.

Yesterday the bassist in my band played me a little something which I recorded here:



New member
Hmmm last time we started talking around the 5-7 song mark including a intro song we working on.
We have around 9 rough ideas of what we may do all are still not even titled..well there are some. So far 3 songs out of the bunch feel completed I guess ill call it haha. The others were still missing a certain feel we want so were working on. Either that or final lyrics.

Yesterday the bassist in my band played me a little something which I recorded here:
sounds good, bass track sounds interesting aswell

looking forward to those studio tracks, best of luck:)



New member
Thanks dude!

Well today I we met as a group to the dude's home studio. I was kinda not expecting much, but oh man I was wrong. The quality of the stuff is amazing. He let us track a guitar track from a new song and I just stood there smiling. Haha it just sounded so beautiful, like I just popped it into a CD player! I sampled around with my own vocals, its crazy what you can make sound good in a studio. Im an O.K. singer I suppose, but I actually was impressed with the way i sounded mixed!

I cant wait to finalize some tracks!

We finished a song today that we're pretty sure is going to be our "main song" Its heavy/catchy and our guitarist nails this crazy solo. Cant wait to show it off.

We hit the studio on November 4th! If everything turns out good and people like it we plan to put it on iTunes, but thats all in the works.



New member
Busy freakin day, had our first day in the studio. Today was rough demo-ing some songs, my voice is actually shot, im tired, think im catching the flu or something. I feel like **** in general.

Studio stuff was great though, things came out sounding great I had an issue with the vocals being to low its something I gotta work on.

Tommorow ill post some pics and if you want, ill post a soundcheck of Escape the Mind! Haha

And congrats to Obama, really I was undecied on the vote :S



New member
Just an update since its been a while.

Im so sad that LPF is kinda dead :( Today was a pickup though, more people were posting! I've beenthinking of ways to revive this place since I dont want it to die!

On my life note, things are going good. It got cold and cold fast! The other night I think it was 14 degrees and I wanted to shoot myself as I walked to class. We already had a little snow which is kinda not normal for Lexington, KY.

Band wise, recording is on halt since we had the cops called on us for a noise violation (the guy's studio is in his apartment until he finds a place downtown) poor guy got a $175 fine and I feel bad that we are the ones who cause it! Oh well he told us not to worry about it. The guy is pretty much awesome about everything, I love his ideas when it comes to music.

Thats it for now ill be back muhahahahaha!



New member
reminds me of that vid of LP practicing in that studio where if you park in front of it after 12 pm they give you a ticket and then brad forgot to move chesters car and he got a ticket, lol he was ******. Poor guy had no income.

And Yeah we really need to find a way to revive this place... seriously.



New member
reminds me of that vid of LP practicing in that studio where if you park in front of it after 12 pm they give you a ticket and then brad forgot to move chesters car and he got a ticket, lol he was ******. Poor guy had no income.
And Yeah we really need to find a way to revive this place... seriously.
Lol never saw that vid XD

But more people are posting the last few days, let´s keep it that way !

And too bad about that ticket brandon, lol

At least you´re making good noise :D



New member
Haha yeah!

Picked up LPU 8 today..most random thing I have heard in ages, and to all the haters I love it! LPLive is ****** the **** out of it, another site i post sure you guys heard of it. I see Gradon on there sometimes.

On the FBM note, were still is halt mode. Got the song Truth judged by some people on a site called OurStage. They were impressed, they said work on it a little and we could be worshipped haha. That would be kinda extreme. They rated it a 3.5/5 which for a light demo was awesome for me!

All for now!



New member
sweet, congrats. pretty soon we'll be buying your cds xD

could you upload lpu8 in mp3 for me plz i still need to hear most of it thanks

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New member
Mannnn that would be amazing to one day be walking down the street and someone going "Thats the dudein that band!" and me completely ignore them if they were weird or something haha.

Nah Im not that mean.

Well wrote an 8 page paper in like 3 hours today I shocked myself, I diddnt think I could pull it off,but hey look at that I did it. Man my brain my brain hurts ha!

On a bigger note. The past two weeks i've been on discussion with two other friends on taking a trip to Germany to see a pal of mine. She posts here alot durrr..its Jos! We talked about this last year and nothing worked out, but hopefully this upcoming year I can actually make a visit! Things seem like it could happen, but the process is so much larger than any typical trip in the states. I dont even know what all I have to do, one is find alot of money! Haha.

Keep posted its gonna be a crazy coupleof months coming up!



New member
Ok just an update stright from Brandon! Duh! Yay!

Well today was random, bad, and good all at the same time.

Day started off with a guy trying to pick a fight with me, im in college, I felt like I was in elementary school. Just brushed it off, I refuse to fight due to personal reasons. But meh.

Came home did some hanging out with my favorite far away buddy Jos. MSN of course.

Went to work where it rained the whole time, I just sat there, we werent busy, joked around with some friends at work, entertained them, the usual.

On the Germany update thing:

As of a second ago I got info that we will get word tommorow if we will get plane tix half price. If that happens this trip is 100% on! Ive been thinkin of everything I want to try and do while there, I cant make up my mind or even think of what I even should do yet. Maybe im just rushing myself...

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