Brandon's Journal


New member
Haha well I feel somewhat richer if richer is even a word. Well Ill roll with it.

Ok one new thing I got the internet back and its like getting life back haha. Life really does suck without it ya know. I dont see hpw I could possibly live in the post 1997 age anymore. :confused:



New member
Oh oh oh I dont care if this is a double post but... Today once again only 3 members showed up for band practice. Me, Jordan, and Chris. So that a Vocalist Bassist and a Drummer. Last week I uploaded that song where its drums, bass and it gets faster and faster. Well this is what you get a week later:

The vocals are me its basically a cover of Faint, Bleed it Out, and A peice of In the End on mistake. Choruses are just off the top of my head and you cant understand them anyway. And yeah I attempt to scream, I dont sound to good anymore maybe its cause im sick-ish.

Oh well fun stuff



New member
Thanks Jos its appreciated lol, i ahve pretty much no confidence lol things like that are cool! Haha this cover idea came up in about 5 minutes lol and we did this in 1 take just hoping it would work :rolleyes:
^haha yeah you english speaking people are way to lazy for new languages

i mean ok you dont even have to learn anything else imo since english is like the world's official language and stuff... lol

but yeh you gonna have a crash course on german and croatian when you come over! xD hahaha lmao



New member
Well I guess I better get ready for school then when i come over there, yay your first teaching experience, well then, this is gonna be interesting.


New member
Ill have my pencil, paper, book, and latest Justin Timberlake album when I show up for class XD


New member
Ok I decided to update at 2 in the morning but oh well!

Hmm ok I went to the mall I always do. I went shopping for people and I found myself in Yankee Candle (you guessed it a candle store). Ok no biggy and all but I saw this girl and I was pretty much stuck in wowy mode for a second, shes not like super hot or anything but cute and pretty, you get what i mean? Anywhoo I kept eying her and making eye contact and stuff and her fellow workers were all huddled around talking and giggling and all that pointing over torawrd m. I felt like a loser standing there staring but I was devising a plan to get a number but im to freakin shy! And then all at once the mall alwrm went off and told everyone to get out, someone must have puleed it because nothing happend. But I had to leave for work. So I grabbed a friend I was with and told him to go in that store and give that girl my number...smacking myself at the same time for being such a pansybut oh well. I get a text back later in the day at work and hes says he couldent get back to them, thier door was closed so it told me to suck it up and go in there tommorow..and heck im gonna try it! :rolleyes:

Oh and that song I released earlier from my band heres the initial demo we had for it, you get to hear me screw up the 2nd verse of faint and forget the lyrics and stuff, and the bassline is a tad different! Some stuff in this song are better yet some things arent haha, includes duck and me tryig to sound like a siren intro!

I Faintly Demo Live [Duck Mix]:



New member
Thanks both of you! haha its a fun screw up.

About the chick..i'll see Im not good at this stuff im afraid im gonna walk up shes gonne be like "O i Have a boyfriend" all up in my face and im gonna be like son of a...



New member

Had to say it haha.

Well ive went to the mall about everyday now and that girl isnt working! Its kinda killer cause I build up my confidence and welp not there! Gosh and the mall is closed tommorow and I have to work all day wed. and im trying to get there before she forgets who I may be haha. :'(



New member
Welll its 2008 so happy 2008 everyone!

I just got back from my party, it wasnt much but dang it was a blast!

We got this idea, we had 2 exersize ***** and we just started messing around with em and of course yours truely winds up hurt haha. My back is in so much pain right now it not even lol-full right now! So tommorow im probably gonna have to get it checked out, unless by some miracle I feel great tommorow.

We brought in the new year with the countdown but I had a suprize and pretty much silly string attacked everyone at midnight, it went in about 3 peoples mouths. Which im sorry was freaki hillarious.

Oh and one more thing, alot was recorded tonight and you all will get to see it, even where I destroy my back, its on camera! Soo woohoo i'll post it after I edit on it :)


omg xD lmao

oh *** Brandon who did you manage to hurt yourself like that?

uh vids!! haha can't wait to see that! lol!

and once again Happy New Year!! :D *hugs* :friends:

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