Brandon's Journal


New member
Well the band is actually getting together on Thursday its gonna be amazing haha. First time in like 3 weeks! So im kinda hyped to see what goes down. Sad thing is our guitarist it out for 6-8 weeks due to surgery on his left arm. Sucks but we'll live

Im still working like crazy but immaking $400 every 2 weeks so it helps. Picked up the Carter III album that is pretty tight. Imnot a rap fan but heck its tight haha.

This Saturday ill be heading to Louisville, KY to support my friend (lead singer of FBM)in American Idol. Shes trying out! Im so happy, shes getting better at singing and I think if she gets in she will be the one who improves every week. That would be awesome. Ive been singing with her occasionaly adding somethint base her voice off of or whatever for practicing. She said I should try but heck noooo, im not getting associated haha. Ill suppot her but I am not facing Simon cause I would end up fighing him on TV haha.



New member
Wow I forgot about this! Haha shows how forgetful I can be.

Ok American Idol...DAY 1 Registration. We got there a lil before 5 am after a 3 hour drive. Stood in this massive line and finally signed and got our wristbands at about 9:30am. Not really eventful at all, just a long time to stand.

Day 2 is the tryout day. Once again we get there about 5am. We get in the building about 8 am and take our seats, we like almost freakin front row. The guy (producer) tells us were gona have to sing 2 songs and have fun doing it while the camera videotapes it for the show. The bad thing they do 12 takes of each song. I was so tired of clapping and singning those songs that I wanted to puke, but just kept being stupid. Well all that junk ends about ohhhhhh 9:30ish. They bring out 10 tablesand say that heres the tryouts, at each table there will be 2 people and they will pick 1-2 people out of a group of 4 singing, they may not pick any of the four. So I sit there basically what feels like the entire day and Maddies group finally goes up at 4pm. So im super antsy and nervous for her she goes up. I look only to see that its her, and 3 church chior girls all from the same church. Now what kinda luck is that!? I was praying that she would get by, but sadly my 10 hour sit day was all but for nothing. She acted like she was fine, but I knew she was down. Its hard to keep a light attitude and make her happy when you know its eating her. She still doesnt like to talk about it so I dont :)

This time next week is Linkin Park live in Cincy for me! 08.15.08! Had to throw that in.

One more thing, the other day 2 friends (both girls) of mine made a video for 'I Want it That Way' by the Backstreet Boys. Oh yeah I know you know em everyone does unless you were not alive at the whole boyband era. I joked that we could make a better vid than sitting in front of a camera and act like im singing. and Jordan, my friend, make this happen! We filmed it on Wed and I was done editing last night. Its gonna be up today and im hyped to show it! haha



New member

Im Hyped woot! Diddnt get a M&G Again so im 0-2 in that category but we all move on!



New member
Ill show my little random review/rant that i typed on myspace so I dont have to type haha.


Dont believe me? Shut the **** up.

Ive never been that close in a rock concert in my life, not even at Ichthus. Mike Shinoda (my idol) aknowledged me and Nathan cause we were being so hyped in the Pit. We then did a shoutout to him, he heard us, turned and nodded and laughed.

Holy **** someone more famous than me noticed!

Chester also looked right at us as we yelled his parts straining every vocal chord in me and nates body. Pheonix (LP's Bassist if you diddnt know) Pointed at Nathan and said "I love your hair" which makes Nathan an official badass to me.

I cant wait for the next one. Definately Riverbend MusicCenter is the place to be! Made some cool LP friends and cant wait to do it again someday. Everything was way to expensive and couldent check out alot, but the music, the liveliness was amazing. Its strange to leave a concert of that magnitude it seems like walking in a 60 mile and hour speedzone.

Once again guys blew me away!

Theres some of the details haha, and I caught Chris Cornells Guitar pick after it hit me in the neck haha



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Quick update since I havent posted in here for a while.

Just got a trial of Adobe After effects CS3 man its awesome. If anyone can supply me with a key for the program that would be great! I tried like 50 keys from a generator but it doesnt work. ****.

So help would be awesome if somebody is good at that hacking stuff!

Anyways messing with the trial, I was watching how to do a tutorial on making a Kamehameha from DBZ and neevr got it to work due to limited stuff I can do in the trial. So I did my own as best I could check it out!



New member
I would but my trial ran out cause i tried to hack my way in so it wont let me haha igotta find a real key to enter grrrr!


New member
Wordddd and updateeee!

Have been on and off of LPF, not alot of LP things happening and im never home! Ahhh

Life now is....Sleep, school, work, girlfriend.

Man it sounds easy but it actually is wearing me out, I like it but jeeze I wouldent mind a break allll too much.

In other news Flight by Midnight should be hitting a studio this month! If the studio is done remodeling, which looks like will happen. Ive been trying to keep my vocals right by covering songs and all that fun stuff. I tried QWERTY the past cople days actually and recorded it haha

If you want you can check it out there:

And all things with the girlfriend are awesome so far month and 3 weeks strong! Its great! Shes been helping me out on the music stuff too, I think she just wants to be in some songs with me haha So I let her try papercut with me :p

Thats it for now :)



New member
good to hear from ya again

so going in to the studio, awesome:D

keep me updated on that

i still like your screaming hehe, the songs are cool, i just dont like her voice that much..maybe the wrong song i dunno

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