Brandon's Journal


New member
Heres how FBM was introduced to the people, pretty funny haha.
Went to graduation yesterday it was crazy 800 people staring you down as you walk down to get your diploma is pretty exilerating, I wanted to whip my band out and just start playing haha. But it was a great time celebrating, we carried one of my friends out on my shoulders and jumped around it was great we started singing "We Made It" and such being stupid! Ill have pictures and everyhting for the whole weekend coming soon!



New member
That sounds fun Brandon...we just had our "achievement night" aka we all sit there for 2 hours while they give the honors students all kinds of praise and recognition. I was a rebel and didn't follow the dress code :p

I can't wait till I graduate we are gonna have like 1000 people though lol atleast you didn't do something stupid and trip on your way up :)



New member
Haha yeah dont trip its a bad thing...I kinda wanted to for attention but nah.

Yeah achievement night we had something like that, of course I diddnt get anything ha.

Your almost there man! Haha but dang 1000 students ahhh



New member
Ok I finally got the DVD froma network that filmed our show haha. So i edited it and put it on youtube so heres our entire set!

1. As The Tears Fall (Original)-
Run was my favorite song to perform mainly because it was our first time playing it! I forget the second verse but I keep truckin haha. Escape the Mind has issues with the DVD the thing skipped causeing the final product to skip, once that is done its fine!

Fun stuff...haha



New member
I will have to check it out later my net is being so gay it took like 3 minutes to load this and my net is taken forever...I can't wait to see this...


New member
Once again the sing makes its return witht he cover of two Linkin Park Songs, with an original chorus created by us. Last song on the set, pretty energetic!

You might want to change that check FBM thread for my comments :p



New member
Haha I got it changed! Gah I knew I would screw up, its so hard to type out info for 5 things all in one night haha.


New member
Thursday, Friday and Sat im at a christian concert festival haha, every year this thing is amazing! I love it. I got halfway knocked out in the mosh pit my friend had to come pull me out cause i was so disorented that I diddnt know where I was at! Freaky for a sec, im sore today as heck but im goin back cause today is the best day I think Haha.

Anyway heres some video I recorded of 2 of my fav bands that played yesterday!

Skillet: Comatose-
(Fireflight is a huge inspiration for my band, I met them when they had like 10 people at thier concert and now they are pretty huge! Its cool to see how they grew in 2 years. Just like I want to do with my band)



New member
Cause festivals rock!

Ok long time no post so here we gooo!

Well fist of all I decided to get a haircut..actually got my hair styled for the first time. No im not gay, I decided to try it. Ok after it was done I porbably looked like the coolest guy ever..not to brag but **** I suprized myself! So yeah next time they want to put some color in my hair, I was joking and I said spike it red so I can be Hybrid Theory Shinoda!

Lets see I watched my band get trashed on a random facebook group, I actually laughed even though some of the comments were like a punch to the gut. I wrote a song about it called 'Inspiration' its nothing great but its something I can work with. Its great stuff.

That festival ended up being awesome actually like every year, I fell in love with Skillet's new drummer Jen, shes so freakin cute and has an accent and yes I love accents oh my *** haha. I tried to get her number on youtube but yeah right haha.

I cant think of much going on, that new contest started and its basically a dream of mine to do this but play in the same festival as Linkin Park. That new contest is getting me hyped to do it, theres no way but im encouraging people.

If you want go here:

and click the blue vote button for me and ill love you even more! Haha

I was joking and I said spike it red so I can be Hybrid Theory Shinoda!
That festival ended up being awesome actually like every year, I fell in love with Skillet's new drummer Jen, shes so freakin cute and has an accent and yes I love accents oh my *** haha. I tried to get her number on youtube but yeah right haha.
lol You should do that!! haha


fun fun x] I hope you'll get her number haha

so sweet lol


btw got some pics of your new haircut? :D like all styled and stuff ^^




New member
It was cool! :D


Got my first ever speeding ticket! It actually wasnt scary cause the cop was tryin to beall hard and it made it kinda funny, yet thr 190 dollar fine wasnt funny haha. I was going 45mph in a 25mph speed limit apparently by his radar. Oh well life moves on.

Flight by Midnight isnt doing ****. Ive gotten fustrated with the band cause we never practice and im about to drop out, I love what I do but when I actually get to DO things. Not sit and hear everyones excuse why they cant make it day after day.

So thats basically whats up, oh and Ivana called me today who really kinda hurt me, she met up with me and I havent seen her in about a month in a half. Since then ive grown a goatee, bulked up a lil and all at one shes like umm *hug and pull me on the roof of her car* but I dont have any attraction anymore so I put my hand down where she couldent pull me all the way down. I dunno after that little ordeal I just lost all my feeling for her but yeah skip that.

On a light note, I was jokin with Jos today about setting up a "Help Brandon Meet Jos Fund" haha. Ive known jo jo for getting close to a year haha and I was gonna try to make it this summer by makin a trip to Germany with my friend nate. Had it planned out but money kinda slipped by stupid mistakes. I still plan on makin the trip one day of course but I dont think ill ever get the money to make the trip, and all that. Its rediculous to put me and my friend on a plane there and back is around 1.300 bucks. And I have around 700 haha and its for college and shiz :(

I need a fund haha, all procedes will help two LPF best friends to hang out for 2 weeks haha. *Puppy eyes*


Im sorry to hear that stuff bout your band :( that really sucks...

I think you all should sit down and talk bout it if you gonna be serious and continue but like for real or maybe if no ones willing to continue than just take a break or end fully dunno... *shrug*

And bout Ivana... I totaly understand you it sucks when someone hurts you :(

Too bad I don't have your way of thinkin or lets say feeling lol since you say you're not attracted to her anymore... I guess guys can get over that kinda stuff way easier than girls ^^

w00t haha sweet you mentioned that in your journal haha



New member
That sucks about FBM. I have never understood why people commit and its fine for a little and then they are all like "Well...umm...I had to work yesterday" and then the next day "My car wouldn't start" then its "I got my car to start then ran out of gas"...I feel you on being in a band that just like stops.

Girls problems suck and at least you are over her now.

Good luck on your funding lol. I won't be able to put anymoney in your charity. I have to pay for Purdue. Where are you going to college?



New member
Im sorry to hear that stuff bout your band :( that really sucks...I think you all should sit down and talk bout it if you gonna be serious and continue but like for real or maybe if no ones willing to continue than just take a break or end fully dunno... *shrug*

And bout Ivana... I totaly understand you it sucks when someone hurts you :(

Too bad I don't have your way of thinkin or lets say feeling lol since you say you're not attracted to her anymore... I guess guys can get over that kinda stuff way easier than girls ^^

w00t haha sweet you mentioned that in your journal haha
Haha of course im gonna mention that! Its important haha.

Yeah I think when I was hurt everything kinda dropped off for me, I just lost all care haha.

Yeah band stuff is crazy, we're actually holding a meeting tommorow. I dont know what for I was just contacted and they told me to show up. I dunno its the final meeting or if they want to change. I still want to do musical stuff but FBM I dunno haha.

Oh college wise im going to a community college and after 2 years im thinkin of going to the University of Kentucky or Eastern KY but im still thinkin.

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