Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

Wow alots happend... sort of.
A friend of mine is currently at the 1st of the 2 LP concerts in NZ, and shes making me jealous as.. lol
Also another person, whos name I will not mention (PM me for the name if u really want), had a slight break down as they txt me last night. Telling me how sorry they were because they went out with a certin person that they had dumped twice, and they were angry with themself cause of what they had done, and thus had ditched me as a friend. So i was quite touched that they cared that much.
Anyway its late, friday 2mrw yay.
Oh yeh the kiwi concerts are on ^.^
my daddy (no not real one LOL) is going to both of em :D or was going lol
aaawww Jona *hugglez*
me will talk to you bout it on saturday then you will tell me more bout it ok? :D
night bro
Friday 10:12pm

Ok yall. Here I am again....Depressed...
Why well yet again I feel left out. Out of what? I dont know... It seems ALL of my friends now have Girl friends and two each have started up their own bands. I dont why I feel depressed or left out, I do, but I dont want a GF right now, and Im not too fussed about a band. But I was going to see Joe on friday (today) yet he has a gf now and was spending time with her. He says he'll hang next friday, so thats cool. But I dont know. I feel left out, Do i think too much or what?

Ok this evening (friday) I went with my parent out for dinner for the 1st time this year :O Either Im antisocial or we dont go out much. Anyways we went to a Thai/Chinese restaurant called "YumYum cafe". A small place with great food, owned by the type of asian guy who buys the national sports team merchandise, just to be "hip" and fit in. But hes great. And after that we went to the Warehouse, NZ version of Walmart, and bought some stuff, I got the Saturday Night Wrist deftones CD, cause I felt guilty for copying it. LOL And its pure sex all over. Anyway, if you dont know, which you dont, my mother is in a wheel chair, shes from the US, making me half Yank, which im proud of. Anyways my mum caught the 50's epidemic, Polio. This had left her crippled as she is only as tall as my arm pit. And she breaths through a pipe in her neck (its not as bad as it sounds, she can talk, think, cook, and living perfectly normal, she is not retarded). FYI, thats why my names Jonathon, IE: Gift from god, cause of her inhibility to have kids. Anyways dad was lifting her into the car, and I was putting her wheelchair away, which im embarrassed of sometimes,
and some loser smoking, and drinking outside the warehouse. one girl who look my age or older, asked if she could have a ride in it, which is a dumb question when my mother is obviously disfigured and disabled, I said no, and she asked why, sit sitting on the ground smoking, I said because its for a serverly disabled person, and its costs 5 grand (which it does, cause its motorized etc.) Anyway after i said her n her hoodlums talked among themselves, and as I was getting into the car to drive, cause I love driving out grunty truck, she asked for my number, and out of sheer shock, disbelief, embarrassment, and disgust I said no way. And then closed the driver door.
Anyways whats ur opinion on this entry.

EDIT: sorry for any grammar typos.

PS: Here is some photos from the 1st LP concert, that my frnd pxt me this afternoon, from last night. And some new photos of me.




Ew i look like white trash...


Eye brows raised... My favorite thinking pose...
I think that you kinda have a reason to feel left out but still don't let this get you down :) its not good!!

and honestly if that girl would have asked me I wouldnt have given her my number either (i mean if i was you lol) bc imo that was just not respectful that she was like "can i have a ride in it"
Its so cool that you help your mum and dad :) and your mum was right when she gave you the name Jonathon... :thumbsup:
and dont be depressed its just ****in you up

and cool pics :D
go jona... show that bitch who's boss... yeahhh!!!! :D
you look dead fit btw!

Ditto to both :D

Hey, Jona, your friend was like, really close to where I was lol. Like, a couple of rows behind and a few seats to the right of me by the looks.

But don't sweat about the whole gf thing. Your mates will come to their senses soon enough.