Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

Wow quite the debate while i was gone. It was just a small family camp with the few surrounding areas.

Heres some pictures.



john, me (dunno why i wasn't smiling)


jivan, me (dunno why i wasn't smiling)


jivan (crips), paul (bloods)


pauls bloods-mobile.


jeremy, me


jivan, me




jivan, unaware that he's doing the dance for Micheal jacksons thriller, while shooting a basket.


john being himself.


EDIT: I need to workout more. I look shocking in those pictures.
Update -9:06am 24 October

Well last night I had my friend jeremy for dinner, see him below, and it was great. I think he felt at home since of our household, and mum's, American-ness. Somi also called me last night, had a good chat, just wanted to see how she was doing cause alot of **** has been going down with her. She kept saying how much im a sweetheart for caring about her, and plotting her birthday present. So yea it was a pretty good chat. Also this morning, fooling around with my cellphone, I was able to text Jos, and Alison lol. Anyone else who wants to send me a text my number is, 0064273339298, thats with the country code ad everything. If you do text me, make sure you tell me who you are, cause I wont know lol.

ooo jona, im soo going to text you!! expext one soon muhahah

yes fri, it seems so. i have a theory that everyone here is just going to meet at one point. its happened on loads of other forums, infact some have gotten married and had kids but even i think thats too far for internet.
thats so now fair that you can txt me and I cant txt you!!! :'(
****in carrier!!!! >:eek: lol
Don't text Jona... it costs 60 frickin' pence!!!!
60?? wooha! for me its just like 20ct o_O

ooo jona, im soo going to text you!! expext one soon muhahah

yes fri, it seems so. i have a theory that everyone here is just going to meet at one point. its happened on loads of other forums, infact some have gotten married and had kids but even i think thats too far for internet.
yeah Jona's going to marry Fribbs and then adopt you and me xD lmao!

When we're older we're gonna have like an LPF convention and it'll be dead cool like one of them star trek ones but not as geeky!
that'd be freakin cool :eek: lol