Breakdown Conspiracy's Journal

Omg Jona you're so clever... you can be an atomic pysicist with your white lab coat and nerdy glasses but you'll also be a pimp with the ladies cause you're raking in loads of cash!
Random pix from the last week.


This is totally not really some poser jock lol


me and my friends $150 skull candy headphones. Ew pimples...>_>


some random van in the car park at my work.
You look lovely dear.

You need to ask where your "Pom" friends are from :p

Omg do they sell Pom Bear crisps in NZ? That'd be so funny, like you're eating British people.... you cannibals!
wow you look so much more grown up haha

Probably cause I was super tired, lol.

You look lovely dear.

You need to ask where your "Pom" friends are from :p

Omg do they sell Pom Bear crisps in NZ? That'd be so funny, like you're eating British people.... you cannibals!

I will indeed ask m'dear. Pom Bear Crisps? I dont think so, and we call them potato chips.
Hey all, I haven't bothered with this for awhile. I bought somi's bracelet
Her Bday is in two weeks...yet we have hardly talked in ages... but we keep in touch now n then.

I also passed some Art history... and failed some math cause of a question i changed cause i thought it was wrong, yet my original answer was the right one >_>
I cant wait to finish these exams.. then no more high school for ever...!!!! :thumbsup:
Long time no update eh?
First off, jos wants to be mentioned... don't ask why.
Anyways yesterday was my last day of high school ever.
Now all my exams are over, and Ive just got work to look forward too till xmas day
when I fly up north. Ahh since Ive last made an entry not much has really happened.
Somi got my gift, but as my intuition told, I wasn't the only guy buying her a gift, not only
but that, taking her out to diner and a movie.. :-/
She appreciated the gift, but I duno, Ive lost the "flare".
Ill be seeing her in 25 days so It will be nice, but yea I duno what will happen now.