Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time

manicmonday said:

When you have children 11 months apart, it's hard to get your regular body back. Not that I'm defending her in any way.

I know what you mean, but she was sagging before she (reportedly) lost her virginity.
People who decide to have children 11 months apart are those who belong to oppressive religious movements, are from Quebec, or are White trash who can't take the lesson of penis-goes-in-and-fires-a-load-and-hey-I'm-pregnant.
wolvesslasher said:
Do you have proof of all the above, or is it all just rumours spread by tabloids.
Plenty of female performers get boob jobs. That's the best way to get guys to attend the concerts since pop music isn't popular among the Male audience.
The rest sound alot like rumours.
Judge for yourself:


Pick me a winner Britney !!!

God knows George has it down to an art:
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Gallytuck said:
People who decide to have children 11 months apart are those who belong to oppressive religious movements, are from Quebec, or are White trash who can't take the lesson of penis-goes-in-and-fires-a-load-and-hey-I'm-pregnant.

First of all, who gives a **** about Britney Spears? Second I had my first two about 13 months apart. My first wife was an only child and I certainly didn't want that for my kids. I wanted two as close of age as possible. I wasn't very religious at all back then.
snafu said:
First of all, who gives a **** about Britney Spears? Second I had my first two about 13 months apart. My first wife was an only child and I certainly didn't want that for my kids. I wanted two as close of age as possible. I wasn't very religious at all back then.

I stand corrected. Include snafu in my roundup. What's wrong with being an only child?
snafu said:
First of all, who gives a **** about Britney Spears? Second I had my first two about 13 months apart. My first wife was an only child and I certainly didn't want that for my kids. I wanted two as close of age as possible. I wasn't very religious at all back then.

Gally's from Britain I believe, you have to make allowances.
Okay not all only children are bad. Just my first wife!:rolleyes: Her dad controled her every move. Including stealing my kids.
wolvesslasher said:
Since when did sluts only have sex with their husband? Unless you have proof that she is having sex with a bunch of other guys.
Or has the meaning of the word "slut" changed to mean girls who dress sexy while performing on stage?

According to professional critics,music producers and millions of fans she can sing, she can dance, and she is extremely sexy. Only bitter old shits and jealous bitches think other wise.

Builder pretty much answered it for me. But think about it BEFORE she got married. I mean come on now. This is one of those attention whoring teenyboppers. Do you really think she is this sweet little innocent girl? I highly doubt it my friend.
phreakwars said:
Judge for yourself:


Pick me a winner Britney !!!

God knows George has it down to an art:
Is that really Clearasil or just another wayward cumshot ???
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Gallytuck said:
People who decide to have children 11 months apart are those who belong to oppressive religious movements, are from Quebec, or are White trash who can't take the lesson of penis-goes-in-and-fires-a-load-and-hey-I'm-pregnant.
Or those for whom no form of birthcontrol seems to work...
My daughter is a depo-baby. Supposed to be one of the best forms of birthcontrol. Yeah, right.
Mr. Snip-it is a much better form.
Britney Spears with another child. Holy ****. How come stupid people continue to reproduce? I didn't even take the time to read other people's responses to this one because I had so much to say. First off, what the hell?!? I mean, the first time, it was pathetic enough, but now, it's just pissing me off. She knows she's not that talented, she's not intelligent, and she's honestly not that good looking...So, why the hell is she putting that poor non=talented, retarded, ugly baby on this earth?

Second, please, my god, tell me this is not K-Feds? Jesus Christ, I thought someone would have done shipped him off back to la la land or the white boy ghetto or where ever the hell he came from by now.

No..No..No..We somehow have to trick this bitch into using birth control.
manicmonday said:
If that doesn't say white trash, nothing else will.
What, she couldn't afford a white bra and pants that fit? And what the hell is up with that hair and those raccoon eyes. Yikes.
ToriAllen said:
What, she couldn't afford a white bra and pants that fit? And what the hell is up with that hair and those raccoon eyes. Yikes.

Well you know, when I let my ass hang out like that, I want a black bra to draw attention to it. Otherwise, it's just a waste.
cynthiaa89 said:
Britney Spears with another child. Holy ****. How come stupid people continue to reproduce? I didn't even take the time to read other people's responses to this one because I had so much to say. First off, what the hell?!? I mean, the first time, it was pathetic enough, but now, it's just pissing me off. She knows she's not that talented, she's not intelligent, and she's honestly not that good looking...So, why the hell is she putting that poor non=talented, retarded, ugly baby on this earth?

Second, please, my god, tell me this is not K-Feds? Jesus Christ, I thought someone would have done shipped him off back to la la land or the white boy ghetto or where ever the hell he came from by now.

No..No..No..We somehow have to trick this bitch into using birth control.

I say we abduct her UFO style and then sterlize her and return her to swamptrash land.

Then she can be a spermbanker and it won't make any difference.

ToriAllen said:
What, she couldn't afford a white bra and pants that fit? And what the hell is up with that hair and those raccoon eyes. Yikes.

I guess I'm showing how out of step with fashion I am but I just can't go for showing off your bra quite that much...Not because its indecent but because it looks like she is a hooker with her last tricks baby on her lap.