Builder is a very BAD boy!

skategreen said:
Hey Tor, can you take a mom. and explain this further for me?

You were "first Mod"..righto?? So how come my Best Bike Riding Buddy CES is now ahead of you in "importance" ? and what is the significance of that? Did'jall have a vote in the Secret Mod Den and vote him Head Cheese?

I mighta missed something - t'aint been closely watching... (throes of moving)...
CES is a God! Specifically, Pan ;)

Pan (who is pictured above in the act of sneaking into a gathering of the twelve Olympians) was a god of shepherds and flocks. Pan was the son of Hermes and a nymph. He was born with the legs and horns of a goat, which caused his own mother to spurn him.
Nor was the adult god more popular with the nymphs. Echo ran away from him and lost her voice as a consequence, being condemned only to repeat the words of others. Another fleeing nymph was transformed into a reed, which inspired Pan to invent the shepherd's pipe of bound reeds of varying lengths.
Pan was considered to be the cause of the sudden fear that sometimes comes for no reason, especially in lonely places. That's why it's called "panic".
Tori loves to use the Demi Mod category. LMAO. There is no such thing.

If you are a Mod then you are a Mod. End of story.

All Mods have insufficient powers when compared to The Schwartz.

No Mod is as big of an Asshole as I am. I am the King of the Assholes and Tori is just plain sneaky and an egomaniac!
phreakwars said:
That is not the order of importance, that is the order of ****ability.:D
There's a difference?
skategreen said:
Hey Tor, can you take a mom. and explain this further for me?

You were "first Mod"..righto? So how come my Best Bike Riding Buddy CES is now ahead of you in "importance" ? and what is the significance of that? Did'jall have a vote in the Secret Mod Den and vote him Head Cheese?

I mighta missed something - t'aint been closely watching. (throes of moving)
So he thinks. Now he's earned himself a demotion. He is no longer at the top of the Demi-Mod list.

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Tori loves to use the Demi Mod category. LMAO. There is such thing.

If you are a Mod then you are a Mod or a Demi-Mod. End of story.

All Mods have insufficient powers when compared to The Schwartz.

No Mod is as big of an Asshole as I am. I am the King of the Assholes, but still a lowly Demi-Mod.
Now you
TommyGun1928 said:
You bet. LF is just asking for trouble. Everyone knows she's just gonna go into the box... just like I did...

harmonica plays

I got them box blues.....
She has already been...several times.
ToriAllen said:
She has already been...several times.

Oh really? The poor petal. I hope she gets over it.

The board wouldn't be the same without a mindless driveller derailing threads and calling attention to herself. :rolleyes:
angie said:
How many trips to the box has she had now??

Hmmm, maybe four. Going on current popularity ratings, she's likely to be in there more time than she's out.

I think her premium status should be up for donation to one more worthy. ;)
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
But how would you get out the smell before you offered it to somebody else? :eek:

The same way you recycle toilet paper; hang it on the line and beat the **** out of it. :p
builder said:
Hmmm, maybe four. Going on current popularity ratings, she's likely to be in there more time than she's out.

I think her premium status should be up for donation to one more worthy. ;)
I'll take it. I'm up for renewal soon :p
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
How to get the stench out?

Try throwing it in a vat full of swine ****. Surely that stuff smells better

Nasty. ****ing nasty. I'm sure Lethalfind smells like a perfectly fine lady.