Can't get that ***** smell off your dick

Hey, wait a minute, when I first responded it was 2 seconds, she edited her post to 5 seconds... AIG you PHREAK !!!!


Oh I can't win with you can I.You always have to have the last word,but not this time.
Maybe after 5 seconds to understand what is happening then the ******* is coming up. :D

phreakwars said:
Hey, wait a minute, when I first responded it was 2 seconds, she edited her post to 5 seconds... AIG you PHREAK !!!!


OMG!! You were watching.I was trying to be realistic.2 seconds was abit short for me to register what's happening around
OMG!! You were watching.I was trying to be realistic.2 seconds was abit short for me to register what's happening around

Now that is funny.

"Oh, what was that? Hang on, he's.......well he's.........uuuuum, what is he doing?........oh,,,,,,errrrrrrm, .............uuuuuum, you'd best stop that,,,,,,,,eeerm ,,,,,,,,,uuuuuggggggh ,,,,,,,,,,now." :D
phreakwars said:
Only after you confess.


Confess to what?I have told you I hate anyone sticking thir mouth where it don't belong. A mouth is for eating and speaking.Eating food not any of that sick,gooey stuff Phreak!
builder said:
Now that is funny.

"Oh, what was that? Hang on, he's.......well he's.........uuuuum, what is he doing?........oh,,,,,,errrrrrrm, .............uuuuuum, you'd best stop that,,,,,,,,eeerm ,,,,,,,,,uuuuuggggggh ,,,,,,,,,,now." :D

LMAO!!!It's more like. ''ooh what happening? 1.2.3 secs later.You son of a bitch get off!!!!'' :D
LMAO!!!It's more like. ''ooh what happening? 1.2.3 secs later.You son of a bitch get off!!!!'' :D

Honestly, I could easily spend a half hour down there. :D

But,.... if you wish,............. I'll not. ;)
builder said:
Honestly, I could easily spend a half hour down there. :D

But,.... if you wish,............. I'll not. ;)

Buildy,down boy!what's happening to you?I think it may be contagious.
No not down,up boy!! what is wrong with me?I make it too easy. :D
LMAO, AIG what's wrong in making the man you love feel extra good? ;) , If you don't please him someone else will I know a relationship is not based on sex but sex takes a big big part in how the relationship is going to go. There is not an inch in my mans body that I don't know well (excepts his ass crack :eek: ). Anyway you're missing out AIG if you're clean and he's clean and y'all love each other whats wrong with that, as long as you dont swallow :rolleyes: .
Now sluts that suck any random dick gag thats just nasty!
Vaness said:
LMAO, AIG what's wrong in making the man you love feel extra good? ;) , If you don't please him someone else will I know a relationship is not based on sex but sex takes a big big part in how the relationship is going to go. There is not an inch in my mans body that I don't know well (excepts his ass crack :eek: ). Anyway you're missing out AIG if you're clean and he's clean and y'all love each other whats wrong with that, as long as you dont swallow :rolleyes: .
Now sluts that suck any random dick gag thats just nasty!

I'm just scared of ''the one eyed snake''.I'd probably scream my ass off and cover my eyes on my wedding night.So coming face to face with it would make me faint.
I'm just scared of ''the one eyed snake''.I'd probably scream my ass off and cover my eyes on my wedding night.So coming face to face with it would make me faint.

Oh, I didn't realise. I shouldn't be making crude remarks to you, AIG.

You're right. The phreak affects everyone here. No doubt.

builder said:
Oh, I didn't realise. I shouldn't be making crude remarks to you, AIG.

You're right. The phreak affects everyone here. No doubt.


LOL,If phreak was in front of me,I'd start screaming when he touches his shirt button. :D

I'm serious,I'd be scared on my wedding night.Just hoping I find a sensitive guy that won't pounce on me.
LOL You'll be OK AIG it won't be as scary as you think as long as he's gentle :eek:. I used to think I would never go down "that thing does not belong in my mouth!!!" until "I fell in love" and then dumped his it's funny how the world turns.
Vaness said:
LOL You'll be OK AIG it won't be as scary as you think as long as he's gentle :eek:. I used to think I would never go down "that thing does not belong in my mouth!!!" until "I fell in love" and then dumped his it's funny how the world turns.

Gentle guys? Those things exist? You fell in love and dumped his ass..Is this before or after you know

Another problem I have is that I feel really ticklish if my neck is touched.So that's definately a forbidden zone,unless he wants me laughing histerically all night.
Gentle guys? Those things exist? You fell in love and dumped his ass..Is this before or after you know

Another problem I have is that I feel really ticklish if my neck is touched.So that's definately a forbidden zone,unless he wants me laughing histerically all night.

Funny you should say that, AIG. I have "funny" zones too. It ain't sexual. Touch me there, and I go to water. Piss-funny, but no good for sex.

I'm as gentle as they come. Probably too gentle for most.

I like sex, but closeness is what I need. Must get that plane ticket happening. ;)