Chainerreturns Journal

retainers, except i get metal wire put behinded my teeth when i get my braces pff so i dont think ill have my retainer forver but i dont know, ill have to ask my orthadonist(sp?) next time i go
can people see them? cuz im getting them behide my front teeth and behide my bottem front teeth and a retainer but not till march when i get mine off..
lol cousin, when i got my braces on i watch this video on braces and this kid had full head gear and hes like i dont have to wear it all the time i get to take it off for basket ball, lol what a loser, not to meantion fugly..

im gonna make a braces thread so we stop spamming chainer journal..
yes i look forward to the blood,but its gona stop bleeding and im just gona recieve pain and thats no fun! which is happening now. I eat so damn slow, i cant use mollers coz they 've got this thing in between them making them seperate and everytime i tried to chew with those they hurt so i cant use them i can only use my front teeth,so i only nibble now.

Anyways on Sat i was at Parramatta Westfield, with Sarah! we were suppos to watch "Sin city" but no the cinemas were closed for devleopment,damnit,i wanted to see it so bad! so we just spent the rest of the day walking around Westfields and the other shops,we brought some "chewing gum", gave 1 to Fiona and Sally the next day.
hehehe they were flavoured ones too, and werent they expensive "chewing gum", $6 for 12. It was a great day and damn.i miss her.