Chainerreturns Journal

woodyloveslinkin said:
yeah sure....
i love u ! i love u !
and u were the one that told me where u got them done so i can get them done as well !

NOOO!!!! yeh that day..was fun..soo the city day with Sarah was interesting..we walked around the city, went to his brothers place but he was asleep so we left a message and walked to apddies market, that was ok. went to the t-shirt shop,Sarah brought A Perfect Circle didnt look good on her, it looks better on the bin,lol!! just kiding!

We walked wround darling harbour after that then up to utpoia, then walked back to city market to have lunch with her bro, Ra, then after that we were just like "to the library!", but we didnt so we walked back towards Central Station, there's a Gun shop on Geroge St so we just stood outside and stared into it while i explained about how my freind Eliot got into trouble with a Tanto(like a short katanna) that he brought from there,Ra left soon after that so we started walking towards the Queen Victoria building where Sarahs carches her bus home, but that wasnt the end coz some interesting stuff happened after that too,as i walked away from the bus stop infront of the church there was a bunch of people having a break dancing contest, i watched for about a min or so then left for the train station then suddenly some guy in his 30's shouts out "Yeh! Deicide!",refering to my Deicide t-shirt and does a rock on sign \m/ to me, i do one back and he tells me to get long hair im just like i wish....

then at Hurstville Station i was waiting for another train that goes to my Station, while waiting there i was listening to Deicide, some random chick sitting next to me tells me that her sister wants to have sex with me. her sister looked like she was 13? i was just like .."right...". lol it was funny! as soon as she said that to me they backed away like 2metres.

it was a great day.
Damn, bleeding. I had braces for about a year and a half. They sucked, Now I have these retainers that are like invisible braces. Im supossed to were them every night like for the rest of my life. Phat Chance
azemkamikaze03 said:
Damn, bleeding. I had braces for about a year and a half. They sucked, Now I have these retainers that are like invisible braces. Im supossed to were them every night like for the rest of my life. Phat Chance

wtf?!?!!? that sucks ass! i was told i only have to wear for like 2-3 yrs?