Chainerreturns Journal

i think kate would love a three some......she fkn had a dream of me in one once except it was more then 3 people...........see she is a pervert just like jeremy...


why the hell would i go out with jeremy.....that is just wrong...he is my sister 0___o INCEST!!!!!!! i could like go to jail for that.........
stupidsoul1 said:
i think kate would love a three some......she fkn had a dream of me in one once except it was more then 3 people...........see she is a pervert just like jeremy...


why the hell would i go out with jeremy.....that is just wrong...he is my sister 0___o INCEST!!!!!!! i could like go to jail for that.........

i dont get it...incest wtf?? but jeremy+kate=gross!!!!
jst got back from camp,it was crap,all we did was walk and walk and a bit of canoeing but that was about it,it wasa rip off i tell ya,rip off,throught the 3 days and 2 nights we proably walked at least 70 kms the second day we walked for 7 hrs,gay! my pack was like 25 kgs and i had to freaking carry it! im not complain about the walking i could off walked that 70 km easily but not when i have a 25 kg pack on my shoulders,now that was made it hard,it was a waste of $AUS 234 we had to set up our own tent,coo our own food,no shower and the facilities were just poor. never again! im never gona do a camp like that again even when the school says it compulsory,it was boring,tiring,boring,stupid, and boring.
some idioit......
a kid from my form picked up some methane flicked it into the fire and *laughs* his body caught on fire, his hands,his face,his shirt,hahah,his face was lightly burnt but his hands for really screwed,he sent to the hospital and missied out the 3/4 of the camp.he lives down the road from me, but i guess i wont be seeing him for another 4 weeks.and yeh he will recover but his hands will be permantley screwed.
yes i shall put my glasses on,anyways today i felt accepted,i feel good now. oh yeh im very anti-social my gf keeps telling me that but ive only just accpeted a guy of few words. stay away and you will not get hurt.
yes im back i wasnt writing much over the last 5 days because my net was capped but now its a new mnoth i can write stuff again, anyways its been is going good, i just cant wait for saturday,its my gorgeous gf's birthday party(*sighs, oh how i love her*),its gona be great, just the fact im seeing her again is great.