Chainerreturns Journal

Chainerreturns said:
right here.

Name:Sarah Woodland
Eye color:dark blue
Hair Color:Light Black
Favourite Bands:APC,LP,SOAD,Evanescence,Killing HediBasement Jaxx(woo hoo rock on!)
Favourite song:Judith-APC
Favourite Male singer:Marilyn manson
Favourite Female singers:Amy Lee and Ella hopper
Hobbies: playing xbox,listening to music,jigging school,talking on the phone,LPF,writing songs ? watching LP Dvds,
Address: (classified)

yeh i think thats about it.

my hair is dark brown going light brown. n singing to music so crappily ! lol !
shahfire said:
i suspected a lil bit but i dare not say it incase it was wrong. hehe. anyway, anson what have you been up to? update journal pls. hehe. :)

ive been up to nothing much, like staying home, playing this game called star wars knights of the old republic 2,very interesting,that was the last 2 i had to go to school,missed out 2 out of 5 of the periods coz we had some mass practice thing, yeh i go to a catholic school, but i reject all
Relgioius figures, like the pope and espcially the greek orothdox, hate how they tell us how to live our lifes like whats good and whats not,the greek orothdox? well they just try and ban everything, those *****s...coz" life is ours we live it our way" , we dont have to listen to these faggots, relgioins brainwash people from the truth,all relgioins are a distraction from life.

its been a while seen ive seen sarah, i might be seeing her this friday, oh how i miss her.
but anson " life is ours we live it our way". that's correct, but dont we need a guide to what's wrong and right? that is one of the reasons why religions exist. well, that's just my view. hehe. hope you get to see sarah soon. bye!
shahfire said:
but anson " life is ours we live it our way". that's correct, but dont we need a guide to what's wrong and right? that is one of the reasons why religions exist. well, that's just my view. hehe. hope you get to see sarah soon. bye!

this friday! woo hoo!! yeh! dinner with sarah.
shahfire said:
what? oh no. *runs away* *comes back* cool that you're having dinner with sarah, anson. *runs away*
ps: i like your name. hehe.

Anson? you like the name Anson? its pretty rare.ive only met 1 so far and seen another Anson. i bet ya im like the only Anson in Sydney,i definitely know im the only Anson in my area, the ST Geroge area. i like it coz its rare,unlike tose common ones like david,james,john etc.
ok dinner with sarah was okay,we ordered too much pizza and i hardly ate anything so there was like 1 1/2 pizza left,haha,didnt get much time to make out with her,damnit. theres more to the story but just cant really be bothered to type it.
Chainerreturns said:
Anson? you like the name Anson? its pretty rare.ive only met 1 so far and seen another Anson. i bet ya im like the only Anson in Sydney,i definitely know im the only Anson in my area, the ST Geroge area. i like it coz its rare,unlike tose common ones like david,james,john etc.

lol...more common names r daniel and nick

freya likes ur name too.

there is a restaurant in hurstville named after you...
you should feel proud.
stupidsoul1 said:
lol...more common names r daniel and nick

freya likes ur name too.

there is a restaurant in hurstville named after you...
you should feel proud.

a chinese medicine store it is, never met freya...dont know her..
oh...thats freya? ok...anyways it was enjoyable going to the city with you,you didnt bore me at all,it was an okay day,but trying to meet up with those two girls was like pointless,lol!

quote"*boo yah*"-teagan?haha that was so lame.