Check It

sixes said:
I will make this stupid ass post for CES, or any others that want to **** with my account. My profile has been set to /nothing. This means any attempts made on it will be very clear. As you will know it was not me. Also my post/. I will not be posting for awile untill I know this sinks in. I dont give a ****KKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! who gives a ****! So blow me!

That being said, any other post made by this account have not been made by me either. I find it sad that this has to be brought up in a common members area. But then again I didnt move this post here. If anyone has any problems.. my feelings toward you can best be summed up by my vote. Take A Look. Kisses Everyone. -sixes

Can I please make you a cuppa tea?
phreakwars said:
Is there no sense of humor on this site anymore... where did we go wrong ?? When did people start taking **** to heart like this ?? It's just the stupid internet, this is just a silly little web board we all come to to flip each other ****... why do people take it personal... you'll never catch ME doing that:rolleyes: .


I half agree. But also, lately on this site, there seems to have been some confusion of stupidity/jackassness/whateveryoudliketocallit vs. jokes & being funny.

And I can understand that people would take it personally - if they paid for it. $12.00 may be a buck a month, but it's pretty damn expensive for some stupid pixels on a screen, and e-conversations with people you'll most likely never meet. At least give them the right to controlling their own av and signature :p
(not tat they need a stick up their ass about it either, though)
phreakwars said:
No, it's because you are a very respectable member, even MOD material .

Better to have a Mod that just likes flipping ya **** and ribbing ya a bit then one that is a dick and bans you for having your own opinion.

You love us .:D

Give us time, we will hit you when you least expect it.:p

Thanks Phreakwars...
I feel all warm fussy inside right about now! :)
sixes said:
I will make this stupid ass post for CES, or any others that want to **** with my account. My profile has been set to /nothing. This means any attempts made on it will be very clear. As you will know it was not me. Also my post/. I will not be posting for awile untill I know this sinks in. I dont give a ****KKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! who gives a ****! So blow me!

That being said, any other post made by this account have not been made by me either. I find it sad that this has to be brought up in a common members area. But then again I didnt move this post here. If anyone has any problems.. my feelings toward you can best be summed up by my vote. Take A Look. Kisses Everyone. -sixes

You post in a way that makes slugs and other invertebrates look like Nobel Prize winners.

Thanks for your contribution, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables. You could type every thing you know on the subject on back of a microscopic postage stamp and still have room leftover for a shopping list.

When you are at a loss for words, your loss is our gain. You bring to mind the saying "Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair."

There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet, or, better yet, suicide. Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if you didn't have an intellect rivaled only by the Village Idiot's stupider brother; if your weren't so fat that the Brooklyn Bridge would collapse if you ever tried to go Bungee Jumping off of it, or if you didn't have a face that people rub tree branches on to make ugly sticks. Who am I kidding? You would.

Now, why don
phreakwars said:
Is there no sense of humor on this site anymore... where did we go wrong ?? When did people start taking **** to heart like this ?? It's just the stupid internet, this is just a silly little web board we all come to to flip each other ****... why do people take it personal... you'll never catch ME doing that:rolleyes:.

Exactly.Have you ever caught me doing that?And I have far more reason to be pissed off.
Just chill out sixes.I like your avatar.

A certain someone used to mess with my profile pic. clears throat . :rolleyes: I wonder who that was.
Exactly.Have you ever caught me doing that?And I have far more reason to be pissed off.
Just chill out sixes.I like your avatar.

A certain someone used to mess with my profile pic. clears throat . :rolleyes: I wonder who that was.

I wonder indeed.

Thanks for my sig, Cogito Ergo Sum. Most enlightening.
builder said:
I wonder indeed.

Thanks for my sig, Cogito Ergo Sum. Most enlightening.

Yes GF is certainly fair. :) I tried to leave but this place's pull is too damn strong!

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builder said:
I wonder indeed.

Thanks for my sig, Cogito Ergo Sum. Most enlightening.

You're welcome you ingrate...

Also, now's a good time to let you know that most repair manuals are far more interesting than you, and far less turgid to read.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
You're welcome you ingrate...

Also, now's a good time to let you know that most repair manuals are far more interesting than you, and far less turgid to read.

Now that's not nice.He was thanking you. What has that box done to you?!
sixes said:
Hey I dont care about my signature or avator at this point. Clearly I dont have control over either. But please stop editing my post as if I'm in the Idiot Box! Taking away a members right to speak whats on thier mind is just FUCT. If you want to keep doing that ,I will give this account away. Also I would have liked to have kept this post away from the newbies!!! But whatever..I dont run things here. Not smart is you ask me.

LMAO How come you wanted to keep it away from the newbies? Hmmm, could it be because you didn't want us to see that you were also being a major ass here?

Oh good stuff! I'm loving it.
bec said:
LMAO How come you wanted to keep it away from the newbies? Hmmm, could it be because you didn't want us to see that you were also being a major ass here?

Oh good stuff! I'm loving it.

Bec that really upsets me. Can I eat some Captain Crunch out of your ass?
Ya I keep gettin gYOUR old avi. No imagination there, I miss my farting ass now LOL

HHMMMM RO DID miss out on a lot of fun while he was gone HEHE