Chester Bennington in Custody Dispute with Estranged Wife


nothing 2 add
Aug 5, 2004
My location is unknown o.O
April 29, 2005
Chester Bennington is going solo -- but we're not talking about his relationship with his band mates in Linkin Park. Instead, he's splitting with his wife, Samantha.

We spoke with Rolling Stone magazine Associate Editor Brian Hyatt, who told us divorce and rock 'n roll are common partners: "Marriage in the rock world is like being on 'Temptation Island.' There's temptation 24 hours a day!"

In court papers obtained by "CJ," Samantha doesn't cite temptation, only the usual "irreconcilable differences" between the once powerfully close couple. The papers also reveal that there are issues over the custody of their three-year-old son, Draven.

Chester accuses his estranged wife of trying to punish him by thwarting his visitation rights, stating, "I have every ability to care and nurture him"

Sources tell us that custody has not yet been resolved, but in the meantime, the couple has agreed not to make any defamatory remarks about each other in front of their child.

And then there's this rare agreement regarding any future bed partners: the documents state that neither party shall have Draven sleep in his or her bed while another adult is in bed with them. The non-party adult shall sleep outside of the room where the child is sleeping.

The couple married in 1996, when Bennington was 20. He once said marrying Samantha was the most poignant moment of his life, and credited her with pulling him out of an abyss of emotional torture he suffered as a victim of child sexual abuse, and later cocaine addiction.

Chester, known for his extensive and colorful body tattoos once said of the famed artwork on his body, "tattoos are permanent and a lifelong commitment, the same as marriage."

Equally ironic is another quote form Chester: "tattoos exude pain and pleasure, all at the same time."

The attorney for Samantha would only say that the couple's number one concern is their son Draven. Chester's lawyer did not return our call.

Here´s the link the the article:

:( I´m speechless :( ,I hope this isn´t true :(
4everLP_Shinoda said:
April 29, 2005
Chester Bennington is going solo -- but we're not talking about his relationship with his band mates in Linkin Park. Instead, he's splitting with his wife, Samantha.

We spoke with Rolling Stone magazine Associate Editor Brian Hyatt, who told us divorce and rock 'n roll are common partners: "Marriage in the rock world is like being on 'Temptation Island.' There's temptation 24 hours a day!"

In court papers obtained by "CJ," Samantha doesn't cite temptation, only the usual "irreconcilable differences" between the once powerfully close couple. The papers also reveal that there are issues over the custody of their three-year-old son, Draven.

Chester accuses his estranged wife of trying to punish him by thwarting his visitation rights, stating, "I have every ability to care and nurture him"

Sources tell us that custody has not yet been resolved, but in the meantime, the couple has agreed not to make any defamatory remarks about each other in front of their child.

And then there's this rare agreement regarding any future bed partners: the documents state that neither party shall have Draven sleep in his or her bed while another adult is in bed with them. The non-party adult shall sleep outside of the room where the child is sleeping.

The couple married in 1996, when Bennington was 20. He once said marrying Samantha was the most poignant moment of his life, and credited her with pulling him out of an abyss of emotional torture he suffered as a victim of child sexual abuse, and later cocaine addiction.

Chester, known for his extensive and colorful body tattoos once said of the famed artwork on his body, "tattoos are permanent and a lifelong commitment, the same as marriage."

Equally ironic is another quote form Chester: "tattoos exude pain and pleasure, all at the same time."

The attorney for Samantha would only say that the couple's number one concern is their son Draven. Chester's lawyer did not return our call.

Here´s the link the the article:

:( I´m speechless :( ,I hope this isn´t true :(

no i refuse to believe it

i can't and if i did why they look so good as a couple
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Yah, they could. But I still hope its not true. And if it is true, at least Draven is their #1 priority.

Oh yeah, and also if it is true, then all of lpp's cred goes out the window...

lol you can't tell she's bullshitting? there's no way it's really him, cuz there's no way for him to proove it. and i doubt he'd secretively chat with some teenage girls on the internet.
damn man, that sucks, but i guess its for the best, i mean when my parents stayed togther just for us (the kids) it really sucks, and it was at that point that i really started having problems (mental) and i think it is because of all the stuff that went on, that is a really stressful situtatation, but in the long run it will be that best for all 3 of them
i can belive it and i wont, and of course lpp is bullshiting, yea she really know chester*cough*...
i hope to god that this rumor is fault, i dont want them to get separated..
Hyper said:
lol you can't tell she's bullshitting? there's no way it's really him, cuz there's no way for him to proove it. and i doubt he'd secretively chat with some teenage girls on the internet.

Haha, of course it was obvious, but I was just saying that maybe she would finally shut up about knowing chaz :p It really dosent matter though, its not what this topic is about.
Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
chester probably should have never gotten married..

yeah, he was sooo young when he got married, i think its a bit of a waste to get married so young, he was practically a teenager, though its really none of my buisness...
i feel neutral about them splitting (if its true) cos it doesnt affect me in any way, i know i dont have a 'chance' with Chester or anything now he's single :rolleyes: and its probably the best for them anyway
it's true.......yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just made my day.......
finally,chaz without sam,without ugly,and stupid sam
oh my god,i'm so happy,i just can't experess my feelings
yeah....go chaz...go
u're gonna win the custody
dany said:
it's true.......yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just made my day.......
finally,chaz without sam,without ugly,and stupid sam
oh my god,i'm so happy,i just can't experess my feelings
yeah....go chaz...go
u're gonna win the custody

Dude, you're entitled to your own opinion, but that isn't very sensitive to Chaz. Imagine how he must feel right now... I very much doubt he's happy about it. Your personal dislike of Sam isn't a reason to be happy that Chester's marriage has fallen apart.
untill i hear it from Chaz himself im not believeing it. you'd think that something serious as this would be all over MTV, Fuse, and VH1. i dont believe it. you cant always trust things you get from the internet. besides guys, people just start **** like this to spark contriversy. But if it is true, then all we can do is hope that Chester finds someone better for him and his hetic schedual. besides he always has us here on the forum