Chester Bennington in Custody Dispute with Estranged Wife

Wow,i still can't belive kinda makes me think
of how what a great couple the seemed to be,now all
i can think of is if two great people in love like that couldn't
make it last...then how the hell are we all supposed to?
Damn...i really hope it's not true. :(
Alot of the female fans out there along with myself probably
thought this would be cool and all with him being single
but i feel pretty bummed out
right now,but i'm at least kinda happy that they are thinking of

I also hope that (if it is true) it won't affect Draven in any way
with him growing up.My parents split up when i was really little and
ever since every thing for me has been pretty screwed up.
But i doubt Sam and Chaz would let anything like that happen to Draven.
uwantme2b said:
Dude, you're entitled to your own opinion, but that isn't very sensitive to Chaz. Imagine how he must feel right now... I very much doubt he's happy about it. Your personal dislike of Sam isn't a reason to be happy that Chester's marriage has fallen apart.
i'm not happy because he's sad because i've always said sam suffocated him with her jelousie and a lot of that things.....but no one listened to me
no one could live with that,no matter how much he would love his wife
i support him and i'm sure all the fans will support him
yeah,u're right about one thing-i hate her,but that doesn't mean that i did this divorce thing-it's like he is getting tired of her
come on
let's just not get into a fight,ok???
This is on WB people, it's got to be true. Plus there have been rumours of this for weeks, even months.
I just hope they solve the custody problem, they've reached two agreements, I don't see how they can't solve the whole thing as well.
I also hope this won't affect the upcoming album. I would prefer LP postpone the new album for Chester to get back on his feet than to drive him into the studio with all his emotions right now.
omg I'm speechless.....I don't know what to say except I hope they all get through this and do the right thing.....divorce is a scary thing and I NEVER though it would happen to chaz and sam I mean they seemed so happy...God,I feel so sorry for draven,for all of them but he's only 3. I just...don't know what else to say...
That's sad, but I'm more worried about Draven. Being that small (young) and dealing with that all. He's gonna be way confuesd. And who would of thought Chaz and Sam would split. I hope it's a rumore.
Like a few other people have said, since its from Warner Bros., it has to be true. That sucks though, but again, like some others have said, at least their top priority is their son.
Friðbjörn said:
I also hope this won't affect the upcoming album. I would prefer LP postpone the new album for Chester to get back on his feet than to drive him into the studio with all his emotions right now.

yeah, i hope that it won't affect it either, but it probably will. if there have been rumors of this for a long time, chaz is probably really really affected by this and it will show in the album
dany said:
it's true.......yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just made my day.......
finally,chaz without sam,without ugly,and stupid sam
oh my god,i'm so happy,i just can't experess my feelings
yeah....go chaz...go
u're gonna win the custody

^^Just so you know, you're the biggest cold-hearted mother ****er alive.

I feel really bad for Chaz...imagine how sad he must be right now...and you're happy?! Get a ****ing life!!
Asuming that it's true, it's got to really suck. They just didn't seem like a couple who would divorce, but these days lots of people do. I mean after so long, you've got work to keep a marriage together (that's scienticficly proven). Hope fully the Draven problem will be solved and all. For putting Chester in the studios for the new album, it may actually be good to do it because it can help him express a lot of emotions and stuff.
Rae Rae said:
omg I'm speechless.....I don't know what to say except I hope they all get through this and do the right thing.....divorce is a scary thing and I NEVER though it would happen to chaz and sam I mean they seemed so happy...God,I feel so sorry for draven,for all of them but he's only 3. I just...don't know what else to say...

I think its a good thing that hes only 3 and not much older. At least this way he wont know what is going on too much and wont worry about it. But yeah he may end up confused. The worst part of divorce is the part the kinds have to go through because the parents want to split up but the children dont want them too.

The Article said:
"Sources tell us that custody has not yet been resolved, but in the meantime, the couple has agreed not to make any defamatory remarks about each other in front of their child."
And that ^ is good because then he may not even know there is anything wrong because he is so young and this way he dosent notice anything is too astray. :thumbsup:
I'm speechless....I heard about it on Celebrity Justice from my Linkin Park keywords on Yahoo. I don't know...I mean Chester and Sam. This is too much. I have to say we have to watch out more about it in the future. This is too much. I gotta go lay down.
some girl said that all **** happend sinse like two months ...
there has been rumors for that too....and now it seems its true..
well they can give theirselves another chance and begin with a new start
atleast for draven...
i used to like sam but i think this whole **** is her fault cuz she knows that he'll get back to drugs and he gets sick alot... so why the hell they need a divorce..
we need to know alot more about this...
thats my openion
Well, I said I wouldn't acknowledge the rumors of thier marraige being rocky until I saw proof. I guess I got it.
Its a shame, really. She probably got sick of him not being around so much, but what can he do? The man has a commitment to his band, his fans, and his job. This is how he makes money..
Either way, best wishes to them right now.
if she got sick of him she wouldnt let him be in a band in the first place ..i rem once i read soemwhere that she's the one who told him he should sing and everything...and now she does that ****....he's not a game in her hand to do whatever she wants to do with he always made her feel speciel other than the other guys i guess she should appreiciate that...and stick togethet to get back to the way they were...i still feel bad for chaz and poor draven he's too young to deal with that
like clogz said i got my proof too. i guess that all we can do is stay supportive of chester. (cries) I just feel really bad for draven. i think we all should hook up our CD players an play stay together for the kids by blink 182. I hope that Chester i gonna get through this alright. I know what its like to be going through the divorce. its a living hell.
WHAT THE ****!
This is so not true! NO WAY
I had a heart attack just this true?