Chester Bennington in Custody Dispute with Estranged Wife

My gosh. I guess it looks like it's true. Warner Bro is their label right? And the website even has the document papers on a .pdf file. Go and read for yourself if you're still in doubt =( It's really sad to hear! They've been married for so long, after all they've been through. It sucks. Poor Chester. I hope everything gets resolved. I wish the best for all 3 of them. Ahhh :-S

I'm not happy at all to hear about this. Dany, you're just mean.
I BET this made your day, I mean after this, you'll be sure of a chance to get with Chester right? </end sarcasm>
Sorry, I had to include that. Your hatred for Samantha is pretty annoying, pathetic and lame. You don't even know the woman so don't prejudice and judge her. You don't know hardly anything about their marraige so you can't say that she did this to him, she did that to him. Whatever reasons this custody thing is happening is their personal own. Not what YOU think.
I'm pretty sure Chester wouldn't be feeling so happy with this custody situation either so eh. It's upsetting. Argh!
Because! Chester is a member of our favourite band Linkin Park lol duhh =P Hense the reason why we're here ^.^ Well the reason I'm here anyway. To hear information about LP and talk about them as much as we want without uhh... getting bitched at. ^.^ And we care about him lol. Most members here have been following them from day 1. It's just sad to hear. Doesn't it matter to you?
chazgirl90 said:
its really messed up that chester n his wife r getting divorced. i hope chester gets custody of draven.:|
Yea.. but I honestly don't see it happening, since Chester will have tours with Linkin Park in the future. The judge will probably see Samantha as the better choice because of this.
no,i'm not a cold heart but 've always said he's not happy with her-i said in post that smth is wrong because in asia he wasn't wering his ring and everyone told me it means nothing...
now tell me guys wasn't i right?????
i don't wanna be mean but how would u feel if everytime your wife would come around to check u out????u would get sick of her
i tell u again -u can see the vid when lp won best rock in 2004 and u'll see what chaz does after she kisses sam-that doesn't seem like a lover gets
come on guys let's face it-it's his life,he diserves to be happy,we're just fans he has to do what's best for him and someone here said he'll become addicted to drugs again....come on man.....he can live without her-do you thinks that chester lives only for her or because of her????
my only concern would be the child-i'm with chaz 100%-i hope he'll get the custody because he really diserves it
ok I just looked at the papers and I agree with wut chaz wants I mean he wants joint custody and sam wants draven all to herself and she wants him to pay all the ****ing court costs and chaz says both of them should and they both say chaz should pay child support which is ok I guess since he has all the money but goddamn.....she wants to put all this **** on him and I'm sorry that just ****ing pisses me off!

and like I said earlier I knew something was up when chaz went to asia and didn't have his wedding ring on,which was later in january and his thing said they separated on january 19th
Wow...I thought if this would ever happen but I didnt expect it to. This is sad, and they are fighiting on who should get Dravyne I wonder who will get him.

This is his life, if he wants to share it with us then we have the right to discuss it but he didnt, so if sam doesnt want to keep chester down the bad path then maybe the band should look into that, and if she was getting sick of him being on tour WHY DIDNT SHE GO WITH, and draven is too young to live the rocker life style, with just him his dad and the band...
Well I'm not sure what to say about this. If it is true I'm sorry for all of them, afterall, like it or not but they have a lot of history not to mention a son together. Divorce has ripple effects too, think about their clothing company, Replicant, and their Tattoo Studio partnerships in AZ, not to mention the effects it has on them as people and those around them. If it is true it's a sad day for LP. She's been as much a part of the band in a way as he has (not literally, of course) but Chas himself has been quoted on citing her as his support and inspiration. I wonder how this will effect him even creatively? This sucks. Divorce is a final act of desperation. I didn't realise things had gotten quite so bad between them.
Last I heard Rob and Susan split too. Seems to be the year for it. Hope they all find an amicable solution thats mutually beneficial to all parties and I hope they're happy with which ever direction they now chose to take. Let's face it, that's what matters most.

BTW, I just downloaded and read the court transcripts for the Dissolution of Marriage from the link @ CJ. Interesting to see. Is it factual? Looks it. But then again, who knows these days? I'm sure he'll make a statement officially soon if it is. Maybe. Til then... *shrugs* What can we do?
its on the WB site so it must be true but we cant be sure. i guess most of the worry is for draven as he is young and maybe he is in a state of confusion if the whole thing is true.