Chronic's '13 Build

Playing with the Hero3 camera, bike is running pretty good too..

so far so good, I don't really notice them to be honest. I didn't have a whole lot of seat time this season before I put them on and now I can't tell when my hands pivot.

I still shocked my wrist though on Saturday when I overshot the double in the pic above and landed a little front end heavy.. My buddy was trying to bust my balls saying "all that suspension, stabilizer and flexx bars and you still hurt your wrist" but I told him just because I have a good setup doesn't mean my wrist problems go away completly, lol.. that could have been a broken or another sprain if I didn't have them..

Worth it to me anyway, lol
Saturday was the first time for me... I put the factory fresh kit in with yellow compression and red rebound. I couldn't feel them flexing while normal riding but did see them flex on a hard landing... I was getting wicked arm pump (something I never get).. Wasn't sure if the pump was from the bars. I was thinking maybe I was death gripping because they were flexing? Could have been the fact I haven't been on an MX track since last summer.... I need to ride them again before I make up my mind.
yah I notice them through the whoop sections more than anything, make sure you have them setup tp pivot with you in your natural riding stance too.. One of the nice things about the precision clams is they can move and flex in 360 degrees where the flex have one way motion.

As for arm pump, my thumb is weak as **** right now, I was getting really cramped after 5-10 minutes of hard riding, I notice my for-arms don't cramp up as much though, not gone completly and my arms a still a bit tender today, but I could keep going 'for what feels like' forever if my thumb didn't need work lol
Ill tell you what, I have nothing but normal bars and that ccp stabilizer on it and it does wonders for arm pump and fatigue.

btw, the little knob that sticks out goes to your adjustment number btw. I emailed the ccp guy.
I never got it with my normal bars... Even my buddy thought it was odd. There where times I was afraid I was going to loose my grip, lol. If I get arm pump in the woods with them, they're gone.
I tried them on a friends yfz once and I just cant get used to it.

Honestly I usually fill the bars with silicone, old school trick that dampens vibration.
I can barely tell they are there, but I'm all over the place bike too.. just feels like my suspension is working lol.

I think I have them set pretty stiff too
I got me some precision clamps off airmobile101... but I have yet to install them on my bike.... I'm hopeing I will see a difference.
Yah I was on the fence for which way to go.. used Flexx bars or new precision clamps, both around the same price.
For the price of new flexx bars I'd surely run the clamps if choosing new equipment.. I think the clamps would be nice because they move in any direction, flexx bars ore only up and down.. I like them I think for the price I have into them I'd get flexx bars again, I would like to try different flexx elastos though and definitelty the precision clamps somewhere down the road..

Let us know how those clamps work, Peter.. have you ever tried flexx bars before to make a comparison?
Not really.... once but it was a very short ride and the terrain I was on wasn't a good place to test them. So I couldn't tell the difference other than the bar angle wasn't the same as my protaper bars I had at the time on mine.
I've ridden so little this year that I will keep what I have now and just swap them out for the precision to see if I can really tell the difference.

It reminds me of when I had my rear shock done by gtt with their xc link... I started riding and was like this ain't much different from when it was stock... Then after a few hours I was amazed at how much less worn out I was and really noticed more over certain terrain.
I really want to try the precision bar clamps, but I also REALLY like the teixiera bar clamps that are adjustable front to back in 1/4" increments!
Just seeing those now, those are pretty sweet I must admit.. Those clamps adjusted all the way forward and flexx bars would be awsome for me lol.
Yea i honestly like the bars a bit closer than they are on the stock setup so for me I think Id like it alot. Just damn costly.
Yah they are pretty pricey..

So last night I was getting my bike ready for the races on Saturday and discover a bit of play in the from standing on it and rocking side to side. So I tear the bearing carrier out (which is one from my 400ex (with a 450r rear end) because I didn;'t have the right bearings for my East Coast Atv carrier that is nearly impossible to find replacement bearings for) and the bearings have a bit of resistance, no biggie I change them.

Get to the pivot bolt area and it looks like it's coming from there.. wtf, I just changed them 5 running hours ago. So I pull them apart and they are fine also.

The little bit of play is coming from pivot bolt having a bit of extra room in the 'All Balls' brand pivot spacers, I'm going to look and see if I have soe old OEM ones... I repacked the bearings and got it all ready to reassemble.. anybody else ever see this before? if there's still exessive play when I bolt it back together tonight I'll be using a stock length swinger this weekend..