**** Cindy Sheehan, ****ing attention whore

The worthless slut not only insulted her son she insulted the victims of the hurricanes. She stands shoulder to shoulder with the Kim Ill Sun's of the world and has no solution for what her son died for.

The **** is like the cat or dog crap you scrape off the bottom of your shoes because the stinch is overwhelming. I hope some democrats come to her aid to perish on the shoe scraper!
Ya I kind of felt sorry for her and let myself believe it was the media that was dictating her actions, TILL NOW!!! She kind of went too far there and in the process hurt the movement for peace (not that she ever did anything for it) I wish the media would just drop her completely
that bitch pisses me off soooooo much... that I can't even come up with anything witty to say about her....

**** THAT BITCH! ! ! !
phreakwars said:

My guess is that she wasn't getting the attention she wanted in light of Katrina and Rita and went out of her way to get arrested so she could blame the big bad Bush administration or some other crazy ****.

Hey, her son is dead, and the war IS bullshit.

What she is doing doesn't affect you personally, or the hurricane victims, so why not just let her do what she needs to do?
Anna Perenna said:
Hey, her son is dead, and the war IS bullshit.

What she is doing doesn't affect you personally, or the hurricane victims, so why not just let her do what she needs to do?

Well i can tell now your an idiot. How doesnt it affect us..Its taken up valuable news time and discussion time. She is interrupting everyday life with her BULLSHIT whining cause her son CHOSE to join the military which includes going to war. He joined after 9/11 so DUH he was going to war!
She can grieve all day long but the stupid bitch has gone as far as to insult everything her son apparently believed in and she has contridicted herself plenty! SOUNDS LIKE A NEW JOHN KERRY
Gray~Gal said:
Well i can tell now your an idiot. How doesnt it affect us..Its taken up valuable news time and discussion time. She is interrupting everyday life with her BULLSHIT whining cause her son CHOSE to join the military which includes going to war. He joined after 9/11 so DUH he was going to war!
She can grieve all day long but the stupid bitch has gone as far as to insult everything her son apparently believed in and she has contridicted herself plenty! SOUNDS LIKE A NEW JOHN KERRY

What me no smarted? That'd unpossible.
Anna Perenna said:
The correct spelling is "you're" and "contradicted", by the way.

Valuable news and discussion time?

Get a ****ing life, please.
That's it. The 'oh I'm so witty' Anna corrects a few spelling mistakes. I gave that up on here long ago.

Cindy Sheehan is an idiot. She has disgraced her family and her son. She thinks the war is pointless, but apparently her son did not. It is selfish to use her son
To anyone who cries about losing a loved one in one of the military branches....


Oh boo ****ing hoo he only signed up for college money... ITS THE ****ING MILITARY !! What in the **** do you think they do ?? Uh... DUH !!:(
You can't belittle someone's grief, we all feel that differently, but you can take a look at how they react to it. This took her from grieving mother to media whore
phreakwars said:
To anyone who cries about losing a loved one in one of the military branches....


Oh boo ****ing hoo he only signed up for college money... ITS THE ****ING MILITARY !! What in the **** do you think they do ?? Uh... DUH !!:(

Right arm!

If I had a nickel for every time the thought, "I'm doing this for college." I'd be a hundredaire. In fact, while I was sitting in the hot ****ing desert with my M16 in my hand and covered in fatigues the thought crossed my mind three times. I knew what I had signed up for... I "manned up" so to speak.

I think a lot of people need to "man up".
Anna Perenna said:
The correct spelling is "you're" and "contradicted", by the way.

Valuable news and discussion time?

Get a ****ing life, please.

thats great ....lets see if i use this in the right CONTEXT...YOURE A ****ING IGNORANT BITCH. Now did u make sure my nouns were there and my correct you are up to your par. And i have a life ...apparently its you who doesnt since your all about correcting some GRAMMER!
**** like her always makes it look like the big bad military drafted thier 12yo kid and forced him to go fight.

i was 19, "legally" a man when i went to parris island. i hope my mom wouldn't have shamed me if i had died in gulf war 1.