Dating younger people

angie said:
Here is what I found on NY age of consent laws:

I'm not seeing anything that says it's okay for a female and not for a male.
So I think SOMEONE is full of crap.

yes that is the state statuetes, the actual laws, however, there have been cases, and i cant remember the names, but more than 1 case where a female was charged with sexual misconduct rather than 2nd degree rape as it should be, the fact that a male is the dominant partner in the relationship was the determining factor in these decisions, i dont know the cases exactly but if you do some research im sure u will find im right...also as you can see angie, that is not the text of the NYS penal code that is just an interpretation.
dshogan1 said:
yes that is the state statuetes, the actual laws, however, there have been cases, and i cant remember the names, but more than 1 case where a female was charged with sexual misconduct rather than 2nd degree rape as it should be, the fact that a male is the dominant partner in the relationship was the determining factor in these decisions, i dont know the cases exactly but if you do some research im sure u will find im right

Maybe if you knew what you were talking about I would be able to find it. I'm not going on a wild goose chase. And as for these specific cases, that isn't the fault of the law. That is the fault of the District Attorneys and Judges. Not every case is cut and dry. Sheesh, don't you ever watch Law and Order? ;)

And just an FYI: I couldn't get it from the NY site because the connection kept getting rejected. Believe me I did try.
angie said:
. And as for these specific cases, that isn't the fault of the law. That is the fault of the District Attorneys and Judges.

The point im making is that had it been a male in the same position, he would have gotten 2nd degree rape, prison time, and have to register as a sex offender, that is the point im making. Because a guy has a dick he is expected
to be the dominant sexual partner.
dshogan1 said:
The point im making is that had it been a male in the same position, he would have gotten 2nd degree rape, prison time, and have to register as a sex offender, that is the point im making. Because a guy has a dick he is expected
to be the dominant sexual partner.

NO that was NOT the point you were making!
dshogan1 said:
In the state of new york, it is 2nd Degree rape,a class D felony for an adult male to have sexual relations with a minor female, however it is only sexual misconduct a class A misdemenor for an adult female to have sexual relations with a minor male.... now i think that is ****ed up..
You stated that those were the LAWS on the books. There is a HUGE difference between the two. I want YOU to find me these two specific cases that you think were prosecuted in the wrong manner. You can't go around saying **** that you can't back up.
How the hell am I supposed to find cases that I don't even know exist? I don't know names, dates, details, nothing. Too broad of a search even for myself to handle.
there is a 15 year old girl in my school, shes fat and shes probably trying to heal her broken self-image (it took a long time to get her to admit to being less-than-perfect) by going out with her newest target, a 35 year old man with a wife, last week it was a 27 year old man, and a few months ago an 18 year old, she seems to like some 20 year old to.

what do you think, sick and wrong? and who is more pathetic, the 15 year old ugly bitch? or the masses of older men who actually let her be with them?
I would say the older guys who take advantage of the fact that the fat bitch just wants to basically be noticed, and somehow thinks ****ing them will get her the attention she wants, so YA the portly bitch is lying to herself, and it's pretty damn pathetic, but the guy's are worse.

I am just going to say i dated younger ppl....ONE yr younger but nothing else. My hubby is 1 yr and 4 days younger then me. My 1st husband was 1 yr 3 mths younger. I figure i'd marry a young guy so we would live about the same lenght of time together. Knowing I will probably still live longer, but all the guys when i was growing up who were "older" just wanted sex...No relationship...I was like sorry for ya. I just think there should be boundaries on ages....
Gray~Gal said:
My 1st husband was 1 yr 3 mths younger. I figure i'd marry a young guy so we would live about the same lenght of time together. Knowing I will probably still live longer, ....

Maybe it's just the late night hour after an incredibly long day at work..

but this post strikes me as being really quite funny.

Gray tellin me that when you got married or considered getting married, you actually threw this into the decision making?

"hmmm...he's cute, I like him in the sack, and after all, he IS a year younger ..hmm average lifespan of a female is XX years, of a male XX years, so statistically my gender lives longer. .. so if he's one year 3 months younger the odds of us living to the same age are......(let's see, ratio times pie squared equals...) oh yes! Yes Darling! I WILL MARRY YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!"

just a late night giggle!

"Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die."
skategreen said:
"Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die."
There is also this one:
"Married men don't live longer than single men, it only feels that way..." ;)
i once heard marriage described as " A little bit like being pecked to death by a duck." is this a good analogy?
Having been there twice, YES !!!
It made me want to grab the ****in duck and wring its good for nothing scrawny neck until I had blood spurting in 3 different directions...Oh sorry I got a little carried away there.
Needless to say I don't date anymore (sigh of releif from the men of this world)
captainfrenchfry said:
"you'd never think about commiting suicide, Until you Get married....."

I've NEVER been married (or had a GF for that matter) and I thought about - and attempted suicide on more than one occasion.

I find that married people don't need to committ suicide. They're already dead inside a living shell.
dshogan1 said:
I have a 19 year old friend who has a 14, almost 15 year old girlfriend, he has just turned 19, now her parents found out his real age after 2 mos of the lieing to them unbeknownst to my friend, well after finding this out the parents went to their school and upon talking to the priciple, obtained a security footage tape with them kissing, nothing more on it, they went to the poilce and had him arrested for sexual misconduct of a this pisses me off for many reasons, number 1 i dont think it is wrong for him to be dating her, number 2 the school did not feel this is wrong, but as soon as the parents had a fit, the school made a big thing about it, and any student 18 or older seen kissing or holding hands with a student under 18 would be suspended. number 3 it is ****ed up that he can be arrested for merely kissing her, even though she was totally against them arresting i just biased or is this really ****ed up?

Learn how to spell, please.
shut up idot, i know how to spell very well and have a very wide vocabulary, what i dont have is perfect typing leave me and my typing alone
Now look, being that i was that age once, i did "Date" a guy that was 19. But no matter what my mother did, i still found ways to see him... My mother taught me to be a very independent woman and i am very intelligent and well mannered now.. It is not the parents fault... Me being an example, at the age 14 you would say that my mom was horrible because of this relationship... Looking at me now, you would say she did a good job.. Now days kids are going to do what they want regardless of their parents.. they are not to blame, the friends are... Who do you think influences her? not her parents.... her friends... Him being stupid is his fault because every guy knows the consequences of a girl being a minor, he chose to ignore them and he got caught... The parents can only punish her for what they know about and if she i anything like me, well they dont know everything.