Dating younger people

I Agree. Kids now-a-days are much less influenced by thier parents. The influences on kids these days lie more with things such as well High School being the biggest. I never knew what kissing, dating, and sex were about untill High School, and i learned it all long before Health class. Go into a club and look at how people dress and dance, do you think the parents taught them that. You would say, well the parents dont stop it, but ask any teenager how much his/her parent really knows, and you will find out very little. Im sure my mother never knew i was having sex in the girls bathroom at 16, and im quite sure she never will. A parent can only do so much because in the end, a child/teenager is still a human being, posessing the ability to make their own choices. I know my mother taught me very well, however i still made some stupid choices. I still did things my mother did not approve of, and she never found out. But as i was saying, high school is a big influence, so is Television, I cant think of one primetime sitcom that doesnt have some sexual references, hell watch Fear Factor even and u will get some sexual inuendos. My buddys 5 year old nephew taps me on the shoulder while playing Grand Theft Auto 3 to say to me "they are doing it" and point to the rocking car simulating sex. With influences like these, how can we prevent KIDS (12,13, 14 year olds) from having sex?
No matter how many laws we impose, it will not help. It is illegal now for anybody over 18 to have sex with a minor, they still do it. The law doesnt really help. People will still do it.
No matter how many laws we impose, it will not help. It is illegal now for anybody over 18 to have sex with a minor, they still do it. The law doesnt really help. People will still do it.

That's why we need to burn all of the people that do it and get caught. :eek:
Outlaw2747 said:
Is it better than my idea? KEEP PEOPLE FROM BREEDING!

Quick question Outlaw, you bring up this "Keep people from breeding" stuff alot. How would you go about doing that if you could? This should be good! haha
sixes said:
Quick question Outlaw, you bring up this "Keep people from breeding" stuff alot. How would you go about doing that if you could? This should be good! haha

I could not accomplish this feat as the simple procedure requires the participation of nearly ever person on the planet and since most people cannot follow a simple rule and not everyone follows the same ideology, this idea is an impossibility. Wanna hear it? Here it goes...

Castrate and spay every human baby that pops up until the human population has lowered to an acceptable number (or at least make them sterile somehow). That means to the point where our impact on the population of other more useful creatures is alot less than it currently is and overpopulation is a thing of the past. :D

Unrealistic? YOU BET IT IS!!! Though understandable...
Hey outlaw, i only found one flaw. After you have castrated and spayed everybody, how do you further the population once it is time? Other than that i am all for it. Especially in China.