Deadly And Scary Animals


New member
Noodling is the stupidest thing I ever heard of. I've heard of people "catch" snapping turtles, Pikes and other nasty critters.
Hey, I said it was an "extreme" sport. The less common sense the better.

And apparently so popular you need a license to Noodle.

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- Missouri is legalizing a new type of fast food. The food is fast and you have to catch it. Starting next summer, people can jump into the state's rivers and grab their own catfish by hand.
It's called "noodling," and until now, it's been a misdemeanor offense. Conservationists were worried that people would pull too many large, mature catfish from logs and river bottoms.

But authorities have changed their minds and are giving the idea a chance next year. They're offering a $7 noodling permit that lets anyone hunt for fish the very old-fashioned way. The permits say each person can only walk away with five of the fish a day.

Before you try it, there's one warning: Many noodlers come up with fistfuls of angry snakes or turtles instead of fish.
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New member
Try to "noodle" a great barracuda. A 6 foot long carnivorous and potentially aggressive fish would not be very wise.


New member
Try to "noodle" a great barracuda. A 6 foot long carnivorous and potentially aggressive fish would not be very wise.
EEEEP I caught one of those off the coast of west palm when I was 14. I skipped the ladder and jumpt to the top level of the tuna tower when it was pulled on deck. HOLY **** they got some nasty teeth!!!!!!



New member
'Cuda are a global species, occurring in all oceans of the World.

They can be a pain in the **** when targetting mackeral, because they have the same range and feeding habits. They taste like ****.

I saw a six-foot plus one off Groote Eylandt. It smashed a lure at the back of the prop-wash, about ten feet from me. It must have come from deep down, because it went straight up, reaching maybe 12 feet high, before dropping back in head first.

It reminded me of one of those missiles launched from submarines.

Is it an urban myth that 'cuda sometimes attack divers?

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New member
'Cuda are a global species, occurring in all oceans of the World.
They can be a pain in the **** when targetting mackeral, because they have the same range and feeding habits. They taste like ****.

I saw a six-foot plus one off Groote Eylandt. It smashed a lure at the back of the prop-wash, about ten feet from me. It must have come from deep down, because it went straight up, reaching maybe 12 feet high, before dropping back in head first.

It reminded me of one of those missiles launched from submarines.

Is it an urban myth that 'cuda sometimes attack divers?

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Not all all. They are responsible for numerous attacks as the fish are attracted to bright colors and have been known to follow people. This fish is potentially dangerous. Only the great barracuda as been attributed to these attacks.




New member
Hey vortex you'll like this. (the beginning of a lifetime total and utter fear of spiders)
I decided one summer to do my mom a favor and totally clean out our garage. We had old doors on teh ground to make a floor. I decided that if I was gonna clean it better do it right. So I picked up one end of one of the doors to drag onto the yard when EEEP! are you ready........

About 500 wolf spiders came running out, over my feet and onto the lawn. OMG I **** near jumpt the 15 feet to the picnic table and started screaming ****** murder. I was about 11 at the time and just about every mother on teh block came running to the yard thinking I was being attacked. They very quickly saw what I was screaming my ****** head off about and joined me atop the table and joined into the most blood curdling chorus of screams ever to hit my little neighborhood. FINALLY one of the dads came out to investigate the horror and saved us all from a yard full of big nasty ugle scary viscious wolf spiders. He ran around like a mad man stomping on them. I think it was about 4 months before we could talk everyone into coming over for a BBQ. I still have nightmares about that day and will run faster that the Flash everytime I come across one of these evil buggers.

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I have a nice little story about wolf spiders.

One night (I think I'm 10 in this story), we were outside talking to the neighbors, when I saw something skittering along in the street. When it stopped, I realized it was a FREAKIN HUGE WOLF SPIDER. Now me, having an odd fascination with critters, I'm like "Aw Cool!!" and walk over to look at it some more (I love spiders). I didn't touch it or anything, just looked at it. My skin felt a little tingly, and it was kind of cold that night (we have weird weather here), so I went inside. Then I realized that wasn't a tingly feeling. That was a stinging feeling! I ran into the bathroom, and tore my shirt and pants off. Why was my skin suddenly so dark?? Turns out I was covered in what seemed like millions of baby wolf spiders and they were all having a time biting me.

It was so cool!

Anyway. What really freak me out are dolphins.




New member
Parasite you are a FREAK!!!!!!! I am going to have the hardest time getting to sleep tonight thank you very much!! :p LOL
I used to work in a warehouse and almost got mouse-feltched against my will....

The little ******* crawled up my pantlegs, so naturally I started swinging until it stopped crawling around.

And no I'm not bullshitting.



New member
holy ******* ****.....

(to put it quite plainly)

anyway, i don't have any real fears of animals, i am cautious of animals that can seriously hurt me, and i have plenty of animals that make me feel nauseated, and some that just plain **** me off (like pit bulls)

now, thats animals i think are scary, as for deadly, i will never **** around with a wolverine or a grizzly


The following (first two) pictures are of a guy who works for the US Forest Service in Alaska and his trophy bear. He was out deer hunting last week when a large grizzly bear charged him from about 50 yards away. The guy unloaded his 7mm Mag Semi-automatic rifle into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head. The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds (1600#). It stood 12' 6" high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head. It's the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world.

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Based on the contents of the bears stomach, the Fish and Wildlife Commission established the bear had killed at least two humans in the past 72 hours. His last meal was the unlucky nature buff in the third picture below. The US Forest Service, backtracking from where the bear had originated, found the hiker's 38-caliber pistol emptied. Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker . The other body has not been found. Although the hiker fired six shots and managed to hit the grizzly with four shots (they ultimately found four 38 caliber slugs along with twelve 7mm slugs inside the bear's dead body) it only wounded the bear - and probably angered it. The bear killed the hiker an estimated two days prior to the bear's own death by the gun of the Forest Service worker.


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New member
a grizzly isnt really an active threat for me......

im just not in their area ........nor will i be in that area to let them get me.......

thats not much of a scary thing for me!

spiders tho........those suckers are EVERYWHERE........



New member
That vid is great. Most spiders suck the life out of their prey. Do these critters actually eat theirs?

Also are the pincers vertically aligned, RO?

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