Dear timesjoke

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I see by your multiple replies that you are getting flustered again. TRUTH hurts, huh wez?

And that still doesn't explain how I am a hypocrite..
What did I judge, label, and look down on you for, much less, for being what I am?
ok, I am gonna type slower this time, so maybe you will comprehend it:

You are a hypocrite (by your own admission and using your own definition) because you judge me (and others) and look down on me (and others) for judging you- which you have just judged me (and others.)

during this you label us "hypocrites," when you yourself are one as well.

You look down on me for judging, all the while judging your own self. According to you, that makes you a hypocrite.

When Jesus spoke about Judging, he didn't quantify it with "well, it's ok if wez does it." His lesson is for us all, and that includes you.


(if you didn't get it yet, go back and reread, just slower this time, as you must have read it faster than I typed it.)

As for Jesus- He was perfect. No flaws = capacity to judge fairly.

Wez= Imperfect. Flaws = inability to judge fairly.

Eddo = Imperfect. Flaws = inability to judge fairly.

I'm not saying that you have tried to get anyone banned, or much of that other stuff that you seem to think this is about. This doesn't involve TJ, BB, Phantom, Atlantic, MK, Merc, ****, or anyone else you want to drag thru the mud.

In fact, I'm not talking about any other part of your character right now- other than your inability to judge and label others hypocrites without yourself judging and being one at the same time.

Does being a hypocrite give us a free pass to treat others like ****? Absolutely not. but admitting it will help you better understand it and be able to make yourself more aware of when you are acting like one.

Much like AA, wez, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. and believe me, you have a problem...



New member
I see by your multiple replies that you are getting flustered again. TRUTH hurts, huh wez?

ok, I am gonna type slower this time, so maybe you will comprehend it:

You are a hypocrite (by your own admission and using your own definition) because you judge me (and others) and look down on me (and others) for judging you- which you have just judged me (and others.)

during this you label us "hypocrites," when you yourself are one as well.

You look down on me for judging, all the while judging your own self. According to you, that makes you a hypocrite.

When Jesus spoke about Judging, he didn't quantify it with "well, it's ok if wez does it." He lesson is for us all, and that includes you.


(if you didn't get it yet, go back and reread, just slower this time, as you must have read it faster than I typed it.)

As for Jesus- He was perfect. No flaws = capacity to judge fairly.

Wez= Imperfect. Flaws = inability to judge fairly.

Eddo = Imperfect. Flaws = inability to judge fairly.

I'm not saying that you have tried to get anyone banned, or much of that other stuff that you seem to think this is about. This doesn't involve TJ, BB, Phantom, Atlantic, MK, Merc, ****, or anyone else you want to drag thru the mud.

In fact, I'm not talking about any other part of your character right now- other than your inability to judge and label others hypocrites without yourself judging and being one at the same time.

Does being a hypocrite give us a free pass to treat others like ****? Absolutely not. but admitting it will help you better understand it and be able to make yourself more aware of when you are acting like one.

Much like AA, wez, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. and believe me, you have a problem...

By telling the truth in my own defense, I'm judging you? Not my job.. Just like to not keep your dirty little secrets for you.. Judge me all you want.. I don't judge, label and look down on you for that.. Just exposing a liar for his lies.. and a hypocrite for his hypocrisy.. I don't look down on you.. I feel sorry for you.

So you're telling me I can treat you any way I want to cause we're all just a bunch of hypocrites who don't know right from wrong and the church can prove that to me for 10%?

I know I have a problem.. that's why I continue to openly verbalize it.. You trying to constantly shove a knife in my back and trash my character as that of an outcast who deserves nothing short of banishment from anyone and everyone on the www to earn admiration from your subjects..

I don't try to pretend I don't know right from wrong to keep from feeling my guilt.. I didn't go to church.. I don't falsly judge people.. and I condemn no one for anything.



New member
Go give your minister 10% to tell you how to not tell right from wrong and have no sense of good judgment towards your fellow man because the lessons of Jesus are too complicated for any and all of us? Sounds like a good deal.. Got a number I could call?


New member
By telling the truth in my own defense, I'm judging you? Not my job.. Just like to not keep your dirty little secrets for you.. Judge me all you want.. I don't judge, label and look down on you for that.. Just exposing a liar for his lies.. and a hypocrite for his hypocrisy.. I don't look down on you.. I feel sorry for you.
So you're telling me I can treat you any way I want to cause we're all just a bunch of hypocrites who don't know right from wrong and the church can prove that to me for 10%?

I know I have a problem.. that's why I continue to openly verbalize it.. You trying to constantly shove a knife in my back and trash my character as that of an outcast who deserves nothing short of banishment from anyone and everyone on the www to earn admiration from your subjects..

I don't try to pretend I don't know right from wrong to keep from feeling my guilt.. I didn't go to church.. I don't falsly judge people.. and I condemn no one for anything.
If you listen closely, you can almost hear it going right over wez's head...

So Jesus was a hypocrite for judging hypocrites?
Already answered. but thanks for playing.



New member
Go give your minister 10% to tell you how to not tell right from wrong and have no sense of good judgment towards your fellow man because the lessons of Jesus are too complicated for any and all of us? Sounds like a good deal.. Got a number I could call?
I don't give my minister 10%. I give *** 10% as thanks for him giving me the other 90%

and that goes for more than just money.

and as I asked Anna in another thread- How can you teach yourself anything? If you have an understanding of something, then you don't need to learn it. If you don't understand it, how can you teach it?

Relying on yourself to teach yourself life lessons doesn't sound like a good idea to me...



New member
If you listen closely, you can almost hear it going right over wez's head...

Already answered. but thanks for playing.
You are a smooth operator..

He that deceiveth the just in a wicked way, shall fall in his own destruction: and the upright shall possess his goods.



New member
I don't give my minister 10%. I give *** 10% as thanks for him giving me the other 90%
and that goes for more than just money.

and as I asked Anna in another thread- How can you teach yourself anything? If you have an understanding of something, then you don't need to learn it. If you don't understand it, how can you teach it?

Relying on yourself to teach yourself life lessons doesn't sound like a good idea to me...
How many more decades of church before you gain some semblence of good judgment of right and wrong?

BTW.. what does *** need money for? To teach you how to be a moron who doesn't know right from wrong?

How can you teach yourself anything?
Do you have emotions? Do you understand them, or supress them?



New member
How many more decades of church before you gain some semblence of good judgment of right and wrong?
Since you have never been to church, how do you have any idea what goes on in one, particularly mine? You aren't judging again, are you???? :rolleyes:

and that isn't you judging my thought process or life choices, is it? :rolleyes:

I see you edited your post to ask why *** needs money.

*** doesn't need money. But this society we have set up for ourselves does. Pastors need to be paid for their services. Utilities have to be paid so the power is on. Ministries need to be funded. Sending money to help others requires having that money in the first place.

You not grateful enough to tell the Big Guy (that's ***, if you missed where I went with that analogy) thanks?

Do you have emotions? Do you understand them, or supress them?
Understand or suppress- emotions are not facts and can be very misleading.

Confucius was a smart guy.

but Wez is a hypocrite.



New member
Since you have never been to church, how do you have any idea what goes on in one, particularly mine? You aren't judging again, are you???? :rolleyes:
and that isn't you judging my thought process or life choices, is it? :rolleyes:

Understand or suppress- emotions are not facts and can be very misleading.

Confucius was a smart guy.

but Wez is a hypocrite.

I'm asking you questions based on what you're saying.. questions you can't seem to answer honestly.. Not judging you... suggesting you should maybe save your money and look within.. Just like Jesus taught..

Why do think you have your emotions? They're misleading only to those who supress them.. You saying emotions are just ***** nilly nerve impulses that mislead and get in the way of your good judgment? Is that why you supress them?



New member
Money to help others with what? Be like you? Have no sense of right and wrong, supress their emotions, and think it's ok to treat anyone you encounter any way you want for selfish reasons cause the bible told you so?

Sounds a bit f cked up to me..



New member
There is only one way in the world to be distinguished: Follow your instinct! Be yourself, and you'll be somebody. Be one more blind follower of the blind; and you will have the oblivion you desire. ~ William Bliss Carman



The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with grace? Manage conflict? ~ Max De Pree



The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.~ Ralph Nader



Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders. ~ Tom Peters


Maybe you just need to find a different church eddo.. Good luck in your quest for holy righteousness.



New member
Here ya are eddo.. this guy seems to make some sense out of it ..

So, a religious hypocrite is, by definition, a non-believer, since he is only pretending to be an adherent of the faith. A hypocrite is not a person who commits some sins on occasion (sin all people commit sin occasionally), but someone who practices those sins on a routine basis. The truth of the matter is that hypocrisy has been a problem for those who claim to follow *** for a very long time. In fact, *** challenged Cain (the first son born of Adam and Eve) on his hypocrisy when he submitted an inferior offering to Him.2

What did Jesus say about hypocrisy and hypocrites?By far, of all preachers and prophets of the Bible, Jesus had the most to say about hypocrisy and hypocrites. Since He didn't mince any words on the subject, but directly confronted the religious hypocrites of His day (the scribes and Pharisees), they hated Him intensely - eventually having Him arrested on trumped up charges. Here is a list of some of the hypocrisy that Jesus spoke against:

Giving to the poor to be recognized by others

Praying in public to be recognized as "***'s man"

Letting everybody know you are fasting to get recognition by others

Complaining about other's behavior when yours is even worse.


Pretending to honor *** through lip service only


Testing other people to try to make yourself look superior


Deceiving people from knowing ***

Repressing the poor and widows

Teaching proselytes to be hypocrites


Tithing (giving to the church), but neglecting justice and mercy


Doing everything for show, while really being self-indulgent and unrighteous


Treating stock animals better than fellow human beings


Being able to analyze the weather, but unable to distinguish between right and wrong

Jesus indicated that those who practiced hypocrisy would be sent to ****,16 indicating that they were really non-believers. In other books of the New Testament, the writers associate hypocrisy with such things as evil,17 lying,18 perverting the gospel,19 envy and slander,20 and jealousy and selfish ambition.21 James contrasts the evil of hypocrisy with the "wisdom from above," which is characterized as being "pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering."21

Modern day hypocrites: The news media loves to make a big deal when a "Christian" preacher commits some sort of sexual sin, with the most recent example being Ted Haggard, who rabidly preached against homosexual practice, while he himself was involved in it on a routine basis. Everybody loves to hate a hypocrite. It is not surprising that there are hypocrites today, as there were in Jesus' day. The Old Testament prophet Daniel even predicted that there would be more hypocrites in the end times, as the cost of faith could well be your life.22 Jesus also predicted that many would fall away23 although they would claim to be His disciple at the judgment:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Christianity should not be judged on the basis of those who claim to be its adherents, when, in reality, they practice the opposite of what it teaches.

Atheist hypocrites: Yes, hypocrisy is not just limited to those who believe in ***. When I first started reviewing Richard Dawkins' The *** Delusion I expected to find some pretty crazy atheists' arguments, but did not expect to find any intentional misquoting. However, like some of the creationists he detests for misquoting, Dawkins, in his defense of atheism, used the exact same tactic - not just once or twice, but a bunch of times.24 It's good to know that even atheists can be hypocrites.

Conclusion Christians are often accused of being hypocrites. However, the Bible clearly indicates that those who practice hypocrisy really aren't Christians at all, but will be judged to be non-believers and sent to ****. If you are a non-believer, this is a good reason to consider the Christian faith, since you don't want to end up in **** with all the hypocrites. Having attended many Christian churches, I can assure you that the pretenders are few and far between. One should judge Christianity not on the basis of what the fakers do, but on the basis of what Jesus taught and how He lived.


Hope it helps... March on Christian Soldier..

Boy.. that sucks.. according to you and Aery and this fellow "we're" all non - believers and are all going to ****.. woe is "us"..

"We" are all hypocrites.. right, eddo?

Or is that just the dream/claim of every hypocrite so they can hide and continue to do what they do best with no rebuke?

directly confronted the religious hypocrites of His day (the scribes and Pharisees), they hated Him intensely - eventually having Him arrested on trumped up charges.
Is that why you hate me, intensely, and trump up charges to get me out of your little world?

Please explain



New member
I'm not saying that you have tried to get anyone banned, or much of that other stuff that you seem to think this is about. This doesn't involve TJ, BB, Phantom, Atlantic, MK, Merc, ****, or anyone else you want to drag thru the mud.
You're right eddo, here I am dragging bb through the mud..

I really liked bb.. And her me..

And who else? Atlantic? That was me, not you, right eddo?

Smooth how you threw a slew of names out there as you're telling me I dragged "them" into this and "they" have nothing to do with it and that I drag their names through the mud? Because I mentioned bb and what happened, exactly? And what? "Drug her name through the mud"? Wha.. huh? Aery? Who the **** said anything about any of those people? Now I know who's names you have dragged through the mud, hypocrite.. Most likely "behind the scenes".. right, eddo?

Please explain

Have I ever dragged your name through the mud Aery? Any idea what the fukk he's talking about? I noticed you really don't hang out at TJ anymore.. why is that?



New member
I'll try and read all that you posted but if it's anything like the bible I can't seem to get into it. But the one verse in the bible that holds water with me is:

JOHN 3:16

"For *** so love the world that he gave his only begotten son. That who so ever believe in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life". I think everybody is a hypocrite in some respects. But in this verse it tells you that even a hypocrite can be a Christian as long as you believe. Again I'm not an avid bible reader.



New member
Sorta sucks when ya got no one left to hide behind.. eh, eddo?

Time to stand on your own two feet.. No one left to sheild you with lies and insults... What's next? The brotherman brigade? Where is he when ya need him?



New member
I'll try and read all that you posted but if it's anything like the bible I can't seem to get into it. But the one verse in the bible that holds water with me is:JOHN 3:16

"For *** so love the world that he gave his only begotten son. That who so ever believe in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life". I think everybody is a hypocrite in some respects. But in this verse it tells you that even a hypocrite can be a Christian as long as you believe. Again I'm not an avid bible reader.
A hypocrite doesn't believe.. but with his lips for others to see..

..and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24:51)

This tells you where their "belief" gets them for practicing hypocrisy.. If that were the case, and we're all hypocrites... and none of us is fit to stand against it cause if we do, we are one too, as eddo and Aery claim.. then this is all our fate.. according to the word of ***. Right, eddo?

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