Dear timesjoke

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Is TJ really banned?
that sux... He was the only other conservative on here as far as I know...
Ahem. :D

Not so much offensive as it is annoying as ****. Have a complaint or 2, fine, but when you are given a reason behind it and you don't take it to heart and constantly dog on the admin/moderator, then ya, that's a problem. He's talking about letting things go, yet refuses to practice what he preaches... even when told by NUMEROUS others besides admin/mods to just shut the **** up and get over it.
The way I see it is when people fight for something, that means they truly care about it. Most people don't bother fighting for things they could not care less about. To me that says he cared about JBS and wanted to address the issues that concerned him.

Anyways, I liked the guy.



New member
Timesjoke was quite disrespectful. If you disagreed with his opinion, you were labeled a liberal. If you "didn't answer the question" (which he never did when asked), you were labeled a liberal. If you actually gave a true and honest answer, if it wasn't what HE was looking for, you "didn't answer the question"...and were labeled a liberal. He has to resort to calling everybody under the sun a liberal to "debate". I wasn't aware factual evidence was dependent on party lines. "Oh, look...that rock is right there points ." TJ: standing two feet in front of you, facing the other way "There's no rock. Just like a liberal, always lying about something." You: "Wait...what?"
Oh so a man after my own heart, in other words. In that case, definitely bring him back! Death to liberals! :p



New member
Timesjoke was quite disrespectful. If you disagreed with his opinion, you were labeled a liberal. If you "didn't answer the question" (which he never did when asked), you were labeled a liberal. If you actually gave a true and honest answer, if it wasn't what HE was looking for, you "didn't answer the question"...and were labeled a liberal. He has to resort to calling everybody under the sun a liberal to "debate". I wasn't aware factual evidence was dependent on party lines. "Oh, look...that rock is right there points ." TJ: standing two feet in front of you, facing the other way "There's no rock. Just like a liberal, always lying about something." You: "Wait...what?"
Absolutely. He did that with me, too. Even though I asked him not to label me something I didn't even consider myself.



New member
Oh so a man after my own heart, in other words. In that case, definitely bring him back! Death to liberals! :p

Can I just call you an Obamite then?
Like I told TJ, labels are stupid. It's what segragates and automatically pulls people apart. It's what creates that US -vs- THEM mentality. It makes it more difficult to get past that initial "encumbrance" and finding common ground.



New member
Like I told TJ, labels are stupid. It's what segragates and automatically pulls people apart. It's what creates that US -vs- THEM mentality. It makes it more difficult to get past that initial "encumbrance" and finding common ground.
We don't like your kind around here. :D



New member
Exactly!! ****, I am ALOT nicer then what I was on GF and alot more tolerant of the BS. I actually try to put myself more into the background and let IWS take on the moderating. I prefer to just post and BS like everyone else, not have **** thrown in my face. **** that was the primary reason I stepped down as MOD in the first place on GF. .

I concur.

Since certain expletives are blocked or "astericked" out, I try to watch what I say and tolerate the bs a little more. I also, do my absolute best, to word things the way my dear old departed grandmother would've said them.


She had the heart of a saint and the mouth of a trucker.



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The very first so called "LIBERALS" were the Protestants who separated from the Catholic church. Basically, people who had a different view to what the Roman Catholics considered the definitive truth. Fast forward centuries later, the "LIBERAL" is now basically anybody who doesn't vote Republican. I really can't stand that US .vs THEM mentality, we are all the same, making those labels quite childish. If it wasn't for Liberal thinking, we would all be counting rosary beads. But that's simply not the case now is it? In essence, we are all "LIBERAL" somehow, even those who support Republicans and only Republicans.





New member
I don't see how Timesjoke can be banned and Wez stays an active member.

I should be banned for what? Being annoying, disruptive, and defending myself? You don't like me? I don't care.

Unlike others, I don't try to manipulate the staff into doing my bidding or try to form a gang to bully someone out the door. I've never wanted anyone banned from anywhere and still don't.

I was banned.. last weekend. Other than some posts telling people to shut the ****/f ck up, I tried as kindly as possible to keep repeating actual events in response to accusations that my accusers are guilty of, and point it out to them.

How do you suggest I should handle someone hypocritizing me to gain some kind of illusionary upper hand? Reality is not something they understand.. They get what they give from me to the extent I feel like giving it. And what does what I choose to do in interpersonal relations to other people concern you? I don't see you appreciating someone telling you to accept something from someone else that's unacceptable to you to appease me.

I'm open to suggestions.. the one thing I wont do is stand idly by while people try to paint me out to be them or try to establish some kind of superior/inferior relationship.

Should you be banned for all your "wez is this and that" comments? Personally, I laugh at them.. perhaps you had something else in mind.. that's you, not me. Maybe if I cried a river all over the forum everyday and got ****** you'd fit your reasons why I should be banned?

Like the rules say.. put me on ignore.. Do I threaten you in some way? :rolleyes:



New member
I boxed people for fun.
I banned people because they **** well deserved it and it gave me a cool, tingly feeling all over.
Someone has a *** Complex.....or mint in their body wash.... :D



New member
I should be banned for what? Being annoying, disruptive, and defending myself? You don't like me? I don't care.
Unlike others, I don't try to manipulate the staff into doing my bidding or try to form a gang to bully someone out the door. I've never wanted anyone banned from anywhere and still don't.

I was banned.. last weekend. Other than some posts telling people to shut the ****/f ck up, I tried as kindly as possible to keep repeating actual events in response to accusations that my accusers are guilty of, and point it out to them.

How do you suggest I should handle someone hypocritizing me to gain some kind of illusionary upper hand? Reality is not something they understand.. They get what they give from me to the extent I feel like giving it. And what does what I choose to do in interpersonal relations to other people concern you? I don't see you appreciating someone telling you to accept something from someone else that's unacceptable to you to appease me.

I'm open to suggestions.. the one thing I wont do is stand idly by while people try to paint me out to be them or try to establish some kind of superior/inferior relationship.

Should you be banned for all your "wez is this and that" comments? Personally, I laugh at them.. perhaps you had something else in mind.. that's you, not me. Maybe if I cried a river all over the forum everyday and got ****** you'd fit your reasons why I should be banned?

Like the rules say.. put me on ignore.. Do I threaten you in some way? :rolleyes:
Well wez with TJ everybody he disagreed with was a liberal and with you it's a hypocrate.



New member
Is that even a real word? :D
It is now.. :rolleyes:

Well wez with TJ everybody he disagreed with was a liberal and with you it's a hypocrate.

Not so snaf... disagreeing with me doesn't make someone a hypocrite.. judging, labeling, and looking down on me and wanting to punish me for being what my accuser in fact, is, makes them a hypocrite.

I've disagreed with lots of people for lots of things.. I've only called a handful hypocrites, and could tell you every one of them... and not once did I cry to have them banned.. quite the opposite.

I don't expect you to understand.. but I do.

You and I have disagreed on many things.. Have I ever called you a hypocrite?



New member
One thing too snaf.. if ya haven't noticed.. hypocrites ALWAYS need a gang.. which makes it seem worse than it needs to be.. Helps them hide.. Gangs, however, don't scare me to the bain of every hypocrite I've ever encountered in my life.. Most people are not hypocrites, but many are fooled by them.. not me.
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