People like Sheik are pretty worthless to argue with, Eddo. I think you hit the nail on the head when you equate it with banging your head on a brick wall. This is an animation I created and use as my signature on a site where the anti-theists are pretty bad:
They simply don't realize their own hypocrisy and bigotry and how they act exactly like the people and the reason they claim to hate.
For instance: His signature says, 'Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.' I can hang with that. But then he says up above that people like me and TJ need to go elsewhere (church) instead of here- when religion is clearly a subject that is allowed to be discussed. So he wants to tell us to keep our noses out of his business but he sticks his nose into ours telling we should limit our religious discussions at church.
He thinks we should be offline and be discussing this in church. I say, if he truly believes this is all there is to life, he needs to log off and enjoy life. Then the bigotry comes in because he obviously hates us for something we never did- I've never been remotely mean to Sheik. I just met him.
However, let's say I was carjacked by a black man, had my house robbed by a black man, and watched the news to see what all black men have done. If I were to say, 'Well, all black people are [insert this and that],' I would immediately be labeled a bigot. He cannot see how he does the same thing with religious people.
Our IQ's are also obviously higher than Sheik's but they still typically resort to the 'Religious people are so brainwashed.' He hates me because of ONE thread I started about religion. That's all. I'm not a bad person just because I believe in ***. Sheik is the one going around spamming the site with his evangelism and saying hateful, bigoted things. Will he ever realize this? I hope so but it's not up to me to open his eyes.