December's Shadow


New member
continued on (same chapter though)

Josh looked at Jo sharply. Jo shrugged his look off and continued to figure out what Ravyn’s little spit was about. Jo sighed, knowing too well, that woman is uncontrollable, even in the most controlled environment.

Josh looked back to Azem, with a huge fake smile on his face.

“Sorry, about that, Harris and her foul moods, ah, that’s Joanna, the head of nursing,” explained Josh, being a total suck up to the new doctor on the scene. “That’s Andrea, head of paediatrics.” Andrea raised her head completely bewildered at Josh’s attitude. She shook her head in disapproval. She was going to say something but she feared that the hate between Azem and her would be too obvious too quickly. “Over there against the wall, that’s Greyfoxx, oh no sorry, that’s Meaghen, the head of radiology and radiotherapy. Greyfoxx is just her surname which I have to repetitively have to say to shut her up sometimes.” Josh didn’t know it but he had just said his thoughts out loud and had obviously put Meaghen in a greater bad mood. Ravyn was the instigator, as always, of Meaghen’s bad moods, rarely followed by anybody else. “And I take it; you’ve already had an encounter with Sacred Heart’s third kind…Harris.”

Azem nodded slowly.

“Glad to meet you all,” smiled Azem, shortly, and then he turned and faced Josh. “Is Harris always in her bad moods?”

“You have no idea,” interrupted Meaghen. Azem faced Meaghen as she continued on speaking. “I don’t know what history you guys have together, but ****, I’ve been working here for a couple of years now, and do you know how many times I’ve been tempted to pull out an inanimate object and commit a crime against her?”

“She’s not that bad,” complained Andrea, rolling her eyes at Meaghen’s exaggeration of the topic of Ravyn’s attitude and caustic moods. “Stop exaggerating and start doing what you need to do. Like getting me those stupid x-rays you owe me from three days ago.”

“You’re only saying it because you don’t constantly get compared to neo-Nazis and other historical figures that at the end of the day, make you wonder if she needs to be admitted to the psyche ward,” retorted Jo.

“I wouldn’t blame Ravyn for comparing you and your department to **** enthusiasts,” replied Andrea smoothly. She was only sticking up for Ravyn because she had enough of everybody’s **** about how evil Ravyn is. Andrea did recognise the need for her to change her tone and her moods sometimes, but not to the point where one can be tempted to be above the law.

“She likes comparing people to historical figures?” asked Azem, as everyone’s attention was back on him.

“You sound like that’s nothing new to you,” commented Josh.

“Oh no, it’s not that, it’s just wow, you’ve got to give some credit to her for comparing everyone to historical figures, it takes a lot of intelligence and brain power to keep it up, as I figure that she does,” replied Azem.

Andrea was ready to tell Azem to go to **** and never come back, the same way that Ravyn did, including the storming off and out of the room part as well. Andrea’s rope for Azem’s tolerance was going to snap and she knew it herself, if she didn’t depart from the room within five minutes, she was going to implode and Azem would be right in the path of destruction. Andrea got to her feet suddenly, picked up her half empty coffee cup and preceded to leave the room.

“You know, you and Ravyn have the same exit to a situation,” commented Meaghen. Andrea stopped. “Has anyone notice this?” Andrea concluded Meaghen was deliberately trying to be a pain in the *** and ignored her. She cut between Azem and Josh, giving Azem a really painful watch-your-***-from-now-on look. Azem was amazed he was getting such looks on his first day.

“Meeting’s over, everyone get back to work without hesitation,” ordered Josh, as there was a couple of seconds of silence then everyone got up, talked and walked out of the room at the same time. “You’ve got a record so far, mate, two evil looks from two evil women within ten minutes of each other. Jeez, I haven’t even gotten that many within ten minutes from two women.”

Andrea walked out into the hallway to see Sarah looking at the wall, sitting on the line of chairs next to the wall, and pale faced as ever. Andrea knew Ravyn would find a way to kill Sarah for being so emotional while on the job, despite the fact that Ravyn wasn’t even allowed to teach Sarah without a medical licence. Andrea rushed over to find out what drama had gone down. She was expecting something to do with Matt.

“Are you alright? Hello?” asked Andrea, as she waved her hand up and down to interfere with Sarah’s out of blank gaze that was fixed to the wall. Sarah shook her head to get of the blank gaze that she was in.

“Huh?” asked Sarah, as she realised that Andrea had saw her blankly gazing at the wall. “I was having fun in my own world just then.”

“I’m sure you were,” replied Andrea, blankly, as she took a seat next to her. “What’s up?”

“Have you ever had one of those days were you think that this world would be a better place without death and sorrow?” asked Sarah, as a bunch of doctors and nurses went past her but she didn’t really notice them to figure out who they were and if she knew them or not.

“Yeah, everyday, but the sad reality of it is, we work in a hospital, and strangely enough, everyone sees death on a regular basis, even the innocent ones die,” answered Andrea. “Why do you ask?” Andrea was quite certain Sarah just saw her first death or Matt was playing with her mind again.

“That poor man, he just went like that, I couldn’t do anything, not even the nurses could do anything,” answered Sarah, recalling the events of the past ten minutes.

“It was his time to go and that may sound harsh but, it’s the truth, you live or you die,” told Andrea. “See. Sarah, I’ve told many interns this, many times. But life is just life, there are no rights and there are no wrongs. And when you die, it’s like oopsy-****, I’m dead, now it’s time to haunt people that I hate.”

“Yeah, you’re right in a way,” concluded Sarah.

“There’s no way, I know I’m right, I’ve been here longer and I’ve had more difficult cases to deal with other than cardiac arrests,” replied Andrea. “Cardiac arrests are like men to me almost, usually I find one that I really like, and it goes like that, on and off all the time with me. You’re lucky in a way, when it comes to surgery, you don’t have to do it right now. ***, I hate doing surgery with Bennington and Delson, they crank their music up so loud that Gradon usually comes in and takes the CD player away. Life’s a ***** then you die, really.”

“Yeah, I see it now, you are right,” replied Sarah.

“And if you think seeing someone dying is bad, you’ve obviously never been down in the morgue, ***, I hate it down there, especially when you’re around Bennington or Delson, they make the morgue look like a form of entertainment,” bitched Andrea. Andrea got up from her seat. “Any who, time’s wasting away and I’ve got things to do. Cheer up, because in the long run, we all die.”

Sarah smiled and realised that it wasn’t just all of Andrea’s sentimental bullshit after all. Andrea replied to Sarah’s smile with a smile of her own, waved goodbye and then disappeared out of sight, leaving Sarah wondering what the **** would happen next that was so traumatic.

Sarah got up from her seat and slowly started to walk the opposite way to where Andrea was going. She was looking to ground, looking to the repeated patterns and lines on the hospital floor, wondering what was going to happen to her in the long run. She stopped. She had a feeling that someone was watching her. She hated being watched, Alexis used to do it to her all the time when she was little, that was, grabbing her from her behind and dragging her somewhere where Allie didn’t know about, also known as, Alexis’ stoners pit at the bottom of the house. She looked around. Only for her eyes to stop on Azem, who was looking directly at her.

Azem really freaked Sarah out. She didn’t know who he was and what his main purpose was right now, but she felt unsafe around.

“You’re Harris’ intern, right?” asked Azem, gruffly. Sarah now remembered where she had seen him. He was the person from the other day who wanted to know where Ravyn was. Sarah nodded, silently, as Azem stopped leaning against the wall and approached Sarah. “What’s your name again? Sorry I didn’t catch it the last time ‘round.”

“Sarah,” answered Sarah, a bit confused.

“Is she nice to you?” asked Azem.

“Sorta,” answered Sarah. “Who the **** are you anyway?”

“The name’s Azem, the man,” gloated Azem, trying to act like a teenager who’s up himself in the playground. “The man that is the boss of this entire hospital thanks to Grant’s departure and the board.”

“What happened to Grant?” asked Sarah, a bit surprised that Grant has just disappeared like a sci-fi character teleporting.

“He left, duh,” answered Azem. “Any who do you know where I can find Harris?”

“Did you try her office?” asked Sarah. Azem shook his head. “Do you know where her office is?” Azem shook his head again. “Are you sure you want to go there?” Azem nodded. “Are you really fit to handle her bullshit?” Azem nodded. “I highly doubt that. Okay, here’s the deal. Just because I lead you there I am not going down with you, because it’s two kamikaze missions in one.”

“Trust me, I can handle anything,” assured Azem, not thinking for one second that Ravyn might’ve changed since their last meeting.

“Fine, if you think that way, come with me, I’ve got nothing else better to do,” sighed Sarah, as Tarja and Meg passed her deep in conversation about the social pool of events that occurs within a hospital like this one. Sarah started walked towards the elevator, not wanting to make conversation with her new boss. Then she realised who was ahead at the very end of the hallway. She stopped and turned around to Azem and pointed to the end of the corridor. “There’s Ravyn and now, this is the part where I leave.”

“You don’t have to leave,” replied Azem, as he stopped, but Sarah just walked back to where she previously was heading towards before she ran into Azem. “Jeez, talk about uptight ******* in this hospital, and I thought be married to Harris was a big enough thing to deal with.”

“Who is he?” asked Rob, at the end of the corridor and Sarah hadn’t seen him talking to Ravyn. Ravyn tried not to hide the fact that she hated Azem for all that he was to her, a *******. “It’s pretty obvious you don’t like him. You can’t hide that amount of hate, Ravyn; it’s pretty **** well obvious.”

“Must I?” asked Ravyn, trying to avoid telling Rob the real truth for her hate as Ravyn looked back to Azem and they caught each other’s eye contact. Azem started to move from where he was stationed. “I don’t like him; can’t I leave it at that?” Ravyn was starting to look for escape routes. The elevator doors opened and an outpour of nurses came out. “I’m going to leave this conversation now.” Ravyn detached herself from the conversation and entered the nearby elevator, leaving Rob thinking the oddest things.

She thought the doors would just close automatically behind her, or so, that she hoped they would. She closed her eyes, just praying to *** that Azem wouldn’t follow in. She heard footprints and then she heard the doors re-opening.

****, just close you stupid doors. Thought Ravyn, still not opening her eyes.

The doors were closing and the footsteps were next to her. She could predict who it would be now. By this stage, she said to herself that it was only Bennington and Delson being sadistically cruel to her. The doors had fully closed now and both bodies could feel gravity take its effect on going down.

“You were never one to face your fears,” said the voice that she hoped wouldn’t be the one to point that fact. She opened her eyes and looked to her side. Azem smiled. “You thought you could spend the rest of your career in this hospital, not talking to me, right?”

“Why are you back in Chicago?” asked Ravyn, trying to restrain herself from letting every emotion loose. “And I thought I made it clear when I said I never wanted to speak to you, that I meant it.”

“Everyone’s pasts always catch up with them and don’t even deny it that I am this horrible ******* that did all this awful stuff to you, supposedly,” Azem carried on. “I didn’t do anything to deserve the divorce.”

“Just except the things that you did to me when you were drunk and angry,” replied Ravyn. “I was your punching bag and I will be damned to eternity if I ever take that divorce back. That’s got be the highlight of my life, getting the divorce over and done with.”

“Bullshit,” muttered Azem. “I treated you like any man would treat his wife.”

“I reiterate, I was your punching bag,” repeated Ravyn, as the elevator stopped on the ICU level. “Now touch my desk and I will personally make sure that you will pay. I may be a *****, but ****, I’m a much better doctor than you and I don’t give two ***** if you have a doctorate in biomedicine. That’s just a piece of paper that tells me that you cheated on all of your exams in med school and yes, I know that for a fact. It’s amazing what I learnt being married to you.” Ravyn walked out into the hallway.

“You haven’t changed,” commented Azem, just as the doors were closing. There was a smirk upon Ravyn’s face, as she found that comment to be a compliment.




New member
You can't leave it like that!! *panics* Quick, I need to know more, no, I need my character's **** out of that elevator. In fact she should do what she did last time and run again, or at least if nothing else avoid stepping into confined areas with that SOB. Dunno what it is but the way you write him makes my skin crawl, he's very two-faced, predatory and calculating, in a word the new boss man is DANGEROUS - and what's worse he seems to not only know it but revel in it. He's like *** with an ant farm, right? (Constantine? Kewl movie btw)

And Ravyn wanna be careful - I think she might be bighting off more than she can chew with this new nemesis *shakes head* I think I finally met my match. Of course Azem seems charming enough, so far seems like most of the staff like him (except Andrea), and I guess at this point he is an enigma and until they get to know him (like I supposedly do, which depending on who's side of the story you believe may be a good or a very bad thing - punching bag you say? And he even ******' tried to justify it?!) that they will sort of be a little wary of him. Azem seems the type to use this to his advantage, and I'd hate to say it but at least his confrontational never-back-down attitude may work better for the hospital than his predecessor business-wise. I of course as a character may beg to differ. And surely to *** Rob should know something's up. Can't wait to see his showdown against the brick out-house that is my so-called ex-hubby. Ex? Is he wanting a reunion? Did he have a (corrupt) hand in making Grant leave and steal his job? What's Azem's real motives here? Where does Andrea know him again? How long I mean? Is he (the new boss man) going to make our lives a living **** just to get sweet vengeance on my bitchy ***?? Hahaha - wow, what a turn around, I went from victimizer to victim in less than 200 pages (word) Some may call that justice *shrugs* Meh. So be it. (I want to scream at Harris to rip the man's sack off like a paper towel! Still miffed over that past bit, warranted more than divorce, *** *grumbles*) Man, so many questions, so many possibilities, so few answers haha. Insatiable, no? ;)

And yay for Andrea. Top gal that one. She at least in work and personality shows the kind of ethic and standard that almost everyone in this place is lacking. Sorta sad really. Jo's attitude may need readjusting, as may Meaghan's I think. And what the ****, didn't I read like waaaay back at the start Chas and Brad were paramedics, then they were doctors, now surgeons that like to play 'Weekend at Bernie's' with the inmates in the morgue?! :lol: What a car-azy set-up of a hospital this one is... good luck bringing a sense of control and order here Azem, you're sorely gonna need it.

Good work. :D



New member

It was 3 pm and it was almost shift-over time for Chester, as he looked out the window. It was just another cold Chicago winter and with Christmas about three weeks away, it was getting harder for him. He never agreed to the break up with Sarah, she just left him like that and she hasn’t had a civil conversation with him since. Chester sat down on a chair in an empty ward, as he realised that snow was progressively building up on the window sill. He just felt a bit empty and lonely. On top of not having Sarah around anymore to keep him company, he had been told he had to work Christmas day or be fired. Chester was furious at the fact that the new boss that was supposedly better than Grant wasn’t the one that had told him, he used Gradon as a medium.

He leant over so that his ID tag was hanging off him. He knew that those things came off easily and if he didn’t watch it, it would disappear and he would hassle the new boss for a new one. The last time Chester hassled Grant for a new ID tag, Grant had referred him to look through the day’s trash out the back.

Chester looked back up to see Tarja in her pink nurse’s uniform in the middle of strolling through the ward and replacing the clipboards with new sheets of empty charts.

Chester and her met eye contact and Tarja gave him a short smile.

“Tarja,” Chester broke the silence as Tarja stopped what she was doing. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Okay, but I ain’t answering anything concerning Sarah,” answered Tarja, as she had gotten sick of Brad asking her questions about Sarah’s previous relationship with Chester and how much Tarja knew of it.

“No, not that,” assured Chester. “Do you ever wonder about the state of this hospital, in a social context?”

“Yes, have you not seen the fights that go down between Meg and Joss?” asked Tarja. “I swear this hospital is turning into a petting zoo.” Tarja walked over to the corner and dragged a chair to the middle of the room where Chester was sitting. She sat down and crossed her legs, wondering where this conversation was going to end up like. “Let alone the fights that go down between Rob and Ravyn sometimes. ***, she really needs to learn to respect that guy, he takes so much **** from everybody else about her.”

Chester felt about a bit guilty about that section of Tarja’s response, as he’s been consistently trying to get the message across to Rob that he deserves better and he should go back to dating Vanessa.

“I don’t like the new boss,” Chester blurted out. “He’s making me work Christmas day.”

“He’s making everyone work Christmas day,” corrected Tarja. “On top of that, he’s got Jo and us nurses, working straight eight hour shifts from Christmas Eve to New Years. So don’t complain.”

There was a long silence. The pair didn’t know what to say, for they had said what they needed to say to each other, well, not in Chester’s case. He really wanted Sarah back, not as a partner but as a friend, he really missed the good times he had with her before they went out. Chester didn’t want to say anything to Tarja about Sarah.

There were some footprints out in the hall, right outside the ward that the pair was in. Chester recognised one of them to be Sarah’s, and then, shortly Matt’s deep and pounding voice followed.

“Come on Sarah, you’ve got to cut me some slack,” begged Matt, as he stopped Sarah’s path to the hospital’s exit. They weren’t alone; Sarah had Ava in her arms. Sarah really wanted to drop Ava because of her heaviness, but she was afraid that if Sarah let Ava walk Matt will grab Ava and run. “I’m asking you nicely, please.”

“Why do I want to help you?” asked Sarah. “You’re still on the run from the law. You haven’t reported to the police in twenty-four hours as part of your parole regulations. You’re going to be locked up for violating your parole conditions. The real question comes down to, if I say yes, what’s the chance that you’re not going to take Ava and do some stupid stuff that will hurt her?”

“I won’t hurt her, she’s my daughter, I won’t hurt her, I swear,” Matt swore, but Sarah shook her head in denial. “You think of how badly I’ve ****** myself up, I have a chance to make it better and I don’t want Ava to live the experiences I have.”

“And nor do I and that’s why I am saying no to you moving in with me,” protested Sarah, as her arms started to ache. “Look, why couldn’t you have left this until I got home tonight? It’s bad enough half the ******* hospital knows about our history.”

“Because I’m getting evicted tonight, and that’s why I had to come here with Ava,” snapped Matt, angrily, as he was getting at the end of his tether trying to explain himself to Sarah.

“And why exactly did you take Ava out of day care and bring her here?” asked Sarah. “Oh that’s right, because you can use her as a blackmail tool.” Sarah sighed, as she thought of the pros and cons about having Matt stay at her place until he gets his act together. “If I say yes to this, you will a, not dare to think that we will get back together, b, pull your ******* weight around the house, c, and get your act together for Gods sake! Because I swear to ***, if my mother finds about me doing this for the man who abandoned me while I was pregnant with his own child, she will be putting my head on a stake in her vegetable patch.”

“Thanks so much…”

“Don’t you start, I don’t want to hear it,” interrupted Sarah, angrily. “Now take Ava back to day care, I’ll pick her up at six and when I come home, there better be dinner on the table or you’re sleeping outside tonight, not in the guest bedroom.” Sarah looked to Ava. “Mummy’s has to get back to work now, but Daddy will take you back to day care.”

“No, staying with you,” protested Ava, innocently.

“Oh no you’re not,” retorted Sarah as she handed Ava back to Matt. Sarah looked at Matt blankly. “You run off with her or hurt her in anyway, just remember, you’re on parole and I can get you back into jail with any story I want.” Matt nodded as Ava started to reach for Sarah but Matt restrained her.

“Get off me,” complained Ava, as she attempted to remove Matt’s grasp from around her waist. “Mummy.”

“Where does she learn these things?” asked Matt.

“Just say, be thankful you’re not a child who plays with my sisters on a regular basis,” answered Sarah. “Now go. I don’t want to witness a tantrum.”

“Say goodbye to Mummy,” said Matt to Ava, as Matt waved to Sarah. Ava shook her head in protest.

“No, I don’t want to go,” complained Ava.

“Just go dammit,” ordered Sarah to Matt, as she turned her back and started to walk the opposite way. Sarah was counting down to the time where Ava chucked a full force tantrum. And there it was, the screaming had started and Sarah just kept on walking, as the screams eventually died down into soft sobs. Sarah walked to the nurse’s desk and grabbed a pen off the table to fill out some charts. Tarja and Chester came rushing up behind Sarah and swung her around by her shoulder.

They were angry at Sarah’s decision to let Matt crash at her place, because they had just eavesdropped on the whole conversation between the two.

“What the **** is wrong with you?” asked Tarja, obviously outraged but trying to keep her voice down. “Matt has never done anything to you that has resulted in a positive outcome, so why are you trying to get your hopes up? You’re going to bring up healed wounds if he stays and then the sentimental bullshit will come into play and you’ll probably fall pregnant with his second child. I don’t think you’re aware of what you just set yourself up for, Sarah, I really don’t.”

“I don’t need to explain myself to you Tarja, and don’t you start Chester, the last person I want to answer is to you,” retorted Sarah, as she went back to slowly filling in the charts for the patients that she was behind in because of Matt’s arrival.

“You broke up with me because I was a convicted con and what do you do now? You let that ****** back in to your home, he doesn’t deserve to be near his own child, let alone the woman he knocked up three years ago and it’s all too much bullshit for me to handle,” complained Chester.

“I am not going to go back out with him, I’m just trying to get him back on track with his life, so in the long run he’ll leave me alone and eventually let Ava make up her mind wither if she wants to be around him or not, I don’t know, let time tell,” replied Sarah, removing some sheets and placing them next to the main computer, near Jo’s special chair. Sarah realised if she placed anything near Jo’s special chair, Jo instantly responds to it as soon as she sits down on it.

“People, we don’t need melodramas in the hospital, take them outside,” ordered Azem, as he had obviously heard portions of what was happening in Sarah’s personal life. Azem approached the bench and picked up the papers that Sarah had filled out. He frowned as he read them. He took his gaze off them and looked for Sarah who had stopped to see what Azem was doing with the pieces of paper she had just filled out. “Question, are you planning to kill people?” Sarah shook her head, a bit confused and a bit worried. “Alright in that case, do them again.” Azem ripped the pieces of paper up in front of her and walked away.

“No wonder I hate that man already,” Chester muttered to himself as he looked from the pieces of paper on the floor to the clock that was on the wall above him. “Gotta go. Nearly the end of my shift got one more surgery to do then I’m off. Got to scrub first. Dammit, where’s Delson? He’s got my CD player.”

“Aren’t you meant to be on paramedic duty with Meg?” asked Tarja. Chester shook his head.

“No, not doubling up today, she is, but I ain’t, or maybe I’ve read the timetable wrong, again, oh ****, in that case, Gradon’s going to be in a foul mood with me tomorrow,” ranted Chester, as he shot Sarah one last look and walked away.

“Why are we suddenly doubling up as paras?” asked Sarah, trying to figure out what she had written and what could’ve been wrong.

“Because it’s Sacred Heart and we’ve always been short on paramedics, so we double up, that’s why Chester and Brad, are such a pair of loonies behind both the wheel and a surgery knife,” answered Tarja. “In that case, you’ll be up soon to do your training. Well, all I have to say is good luck with Matt. Really, that guy, just really sends off bad vibes. Catch you around.”

“Yeah, bye,” Sarah trailed off in her sentence as Ravyn approached her. “Wow. All I really need to do to attract people, is stand here, and wait for everyone to come to me.”

“I’m not coming to you for a suck up moment; I’m here to get something through your thick and naïve skull,” Ravyn replied smoothly. Sarah rolled her eyes. “You look like you’re hiding more than I think you are. But right now, I can’t give two ***** about what you’re hiding and whatever the **** went down just then between you and Chester. As I said before and I’ll keep on saying it to you, learn to step over trash.”

“You were saying before you started on Chester?” asked Sarah, just wishing Ravyn would get to the point straight away sometimes.

“Keep away from the new boss, he’s a sweet old obsessive *******,” answered Ravyn.

“It’s taken you only half a day to realise that you hate him to the point where you go around and tell everyone to stay away from him, wow, that’s a record,” seethed Sarah, but in a kinder tone.

“Just say I have more experience than you in this big scary world,” replied Ravyn, as she walked off, to her office, Sarah guessed.

Sarah shook her head trying to tell herself that whatever Ravyn was trying to tell her, she wasn’t making it very clear.

Hate Azem…right…and the bravo award for the most difficult translation of those two words, has to go to her, Thought Sarah.


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New member
Right, well that makes sense now - they double up as Paramedics. Fair enough. Like being surgeons isn't hard enough work, huh? Hahaha Christ. Thank *** I don't work there in real life!

Nice. Though I have to say Sarah should know better. Matt cannot be trusted and I fear more heartache ahead for her and her family. I have to admit I do feel sorry for Chester. Poor guy has a point. But anyway, all good so far.




New member
Hmmm...tomorrow/later on this morning. Same **** different bucket.

It's time for Sarah to go sleepy byes because she was an idiot and missed her first lecture yesterday morning.



New member
Hmmm...tomorrow/later on this morning. Same **** different bucket.It's time for Sarah to go sleepy byes because she was an idiot and missed her first lecture yesterday morning.
Okidoki. Goodnight. Sleep well. But eagerly anticipate more :clap:



New member
*sits on the end of her chair* more pwease?

I really like this story....kinda reminds me of House M.D. *drools*



New member

“Jesus ******* Christ are you serious?” asked Matt, who was standing up and Sarah was sitting down against the wall in the subway. “Please tell me you’re kidding me.”

“I’m not lying to you about anything,” answered Sarah, who was too shaken up to stand up. And the fear of being knocked back down was ever present. Sarah hid her face in her hands and proceeded to cry her heart out. “I knew you would react this way.”

“And what way is that?” asked Matt, turning his back on his girlfriend. “The most normal way to react, is that the most correct way to react according to your standards Sarah?” There was a slight pause between the couple, as the distant sound of the subway train kept on coming closer to the empty subway station. Viking had conveniently arrived on the scene moments later with Amy by his side. Matt’s attention was on Viking’s presence, as Viking stopped along with Amy. Matt turned to Viking. “Wait until you hear what I’ve just been told.”

“Matt, you said you would keep it to yourself!” Sarah objected, raising her head from her hands. “They do not need to know! He in particular does not need to know!”

“What the ****’s gone down man?” asked Viking, as Amy wrapped her arms around her trying to steal some of Viking’s body heat. Viking ignored Amy and her attention-seeking methods. Matt wasn’t sure now if Viking should be told. He was starting to think that Sarah was overall right about Viking having no right to know about Sarah’s surprise pregnancy. “What the ****’s gone down man? Do I need to repeat it to you again or what?”

Matt knew it was better out then in.

“Sarah’s pregnant,” answered Matt, slowly, taking his gaze off Viking and back onto Sarah just to see her reaction. She burst into a heavy downpour of tears. “Sorry Sarah, he’s my best mate, I had to tell him.”

“Jesus ******* Christ, what the **** man?” asked Viking, shaking Amy off him, and Amy made it clear that she wasn’t too impressed about being shaken off like dust on a mat. Amy sat down next to Sarah and proceeded to hug her instead of a non-responsive telephone pole. “Do you know what this means?”

“Yes,” answered Matt. “I have no choice.”

“Bullshit my mother’s *** you do,” objected Amy, looking sharply at Matt. “It’s your fault she’s pregnant now don’t just dismiss the mess. You’ve got take responsibility for your actions and not just ***** yourself out of it.”

“And where was your responsibility when you lost half our ice the other day, *****?” snapped Matt. “So don’t start on about how much I need to learn to take some responsibility when you can’t get from point A to point B without losing our *** **** ice.” Amy didn’t say anything. She knew she was already guilty of throwing away the ice in her backpack so the police couldn’t find anything to pin her with when they demanded a random search of her backpack in a supermarket. “I’m almost at the point of pulling my hair out, that’s how *** **** frustrated and confused you’ve made me!” Sarah whimpered. She had never been a fan of Matt’s anger management problem. Matt knelt in front of her so that they could look directly look into each other’s eyes. “Now, what are we going to do with you? You have a simple choice. It’s the stash or the baby, you cannot have both.” Sarah whimpered and sobbed some more and re-hid her face in her hands thinking about how hard this is going to be for her, the next nine months. “Just ******* ditch the child Sarah it’s so simple with today’s technology!”

“We don’t have the money to get an abortion for her!” objected Amy. Everyone’s focus was on Amy and what she had to say for herself, even Sarah was surprised at Amy’s outburst. “Even if we put all of our money in together, we don’t have enough to have both the drugs and the abortion. Do you realise how expensive an abortion is?”

“Wouldn’t it be just as simple as grabbing a knife and shoving it into her stomach?” asked Viking.

“Yeah, if you’re intending to kill Sarah as well, that’s a real effective way Viking,” Amy answered, as she looked to Viking. “Can I have an intelligent suggestion next time round? And plus, you do that to Sarah you get done for murder or some **** like that. And I’m already up for a number of shoplifting counts.”

“Well, what options do we really have?” asked Sarah, looking more worried then before Amy’s little speeches.

“Here’s an option for you *****, I’m going, and I will never believe that kid is mine,” snapped Matt in the angriest tone Sarah has never heard him say anything in. Sarah got to her feet as Matt started to walk away.

“Matt, no you can’t, you said you wouldn’t walk away like this!” protested Sarah, as she started to feel more helpless then ever before by the sudden twist of events as she started to walk after Matt. Viking grabbed hold of Sarah’s arm and Sarah tried to shake him off but his grip was too strong. “Please, just let go Viking, you have no business whatsoever between Matt and I.”

Matt stopped in his tracks and turned around so that Sarah and Matt were in a direct eye contact lock.

“He was at least a better friend to me than you were,” commented Matt, as Sarah fell on the ground limp. She just couldn’t believe that Matt was leaving like this. She was more frightened about the fact that she was going to be a single mother now. “Come on Vi and Amy, leave this ***** to rot in ****. She’s going to bring us all down and I will be damned if I’ll be the one to rock the boat.”

“Mummy,” said Ava, as Sarah woke up to see her child leaning over her. “Wake up Mummy.” Sarah pulled the blankets of her bed over her and rolled back over. She was awake but she had just realised that she had relived the events of the break up. For the first time in ages, she couldn’t face the three year old. Not because of what she had done, but the events surrounding her before her birth. Sarah wasn’t sure if she was relapsing or she had dreamt that out of nowhere. “Daddy says to wake up Mummy.”

“Daddy says a lot of things I don’t approve of,” Sarah muttered under her breath, as she rolled back onto her previous side as she faced Ava. She grabbed hold of Ava and brought her daughter down in a fit of laughing. Sarah looked at her young daughter lying on her pillows as Ava stopped laughing. “Do you love Mummy?”

“Yes, I love Mummy,” answered Ava. “Do you love Ava?”

“You have no idea what I had to go through to bring you into this world,” answered Sarah, leaving Ava confused. Sarah nodded. “Yes, I love Ava very much. You indeed mean the world to me.”

Sarah didn’t know it, but Matt was standing in the doorway the whole time listening to their conversation. Matt, around about this stage, hoped the best for Sarah in her future occurrences. Matt on a lower level, felt bad for his mistakes, but he didn’t show it very often. Like Sarah had pointed out a couple of days ago, the main problem were his mood swings, they were uncontrollable and now Matt felt like he didn’t want to be around Ava for the sake of him lashing out on a three year old. And on top of that Sarah would kick him out of the house, out of Sarah’s life and most likely, Ava’s life. He didn’t want her to grow up not knowing that she didn’t have a father. Matt sighed to attract attention to himself. Didn’t work, Ava was babbling on to Sarah about her new toys that he had gotten her. Matt walked away, feeling like a complete idiot for his past mistakes.




New member
First and foremost, it's sweet, emotional yes, and it's about freaking time Matt's finally starting to wake up to himself! But forgive me if I'm wrong, Ava was born in Chicago right? Only Allie went holidaying OS to Australia recently minus Ava? Why then does Ava have an Aussie accent? I think it should be "mom" not "mum" (as natural as Mum is to you and I ;) ) Reading that faux pas kind of threw me - it's supposed to be set in the US, better keep the dialog there OR give a damned good explanation otherwise I say. Confused me. Aside from that it's all good. Traumatic for Sarah yes. And what the ****, Viking's suggestion about knifing Sarah as a good form of abortion! No wonder she didn't give him the warmest of receptions when he ended up in her care at the hospital. He (as a character) doesn't deserve it! But I stand by what I said earlier - I don't agree with Sarah's decision to give Matt yet another chance. Might sound cruel for Matt but until he proves himself independently without her that would be the only way he'd be getting back into my life if I were her. Keep shaking my head at that one. But no matter. Still all good. Glad you skipped your assignment to update :thumbsup: haha, selfish I know. But good. Thanks!


New member
I knew someone would catch me on this. I spell things the good ol' Aussie way even if it's set America. I figured that they are both pronounced the same way.

Nah that was this morning's update. That was get-out-of-bed-and-update thing. I've got another one coming. And I didn't partially skip the assignment after reading it's worth 40% of my overrall mark.



New member
Well, even happier now knowing there's more coming! Yay! But I disagree on the pronunciation, sorry, call me ****, but in being I hear a Yankee accent every night at work (Sam who heralds from Michigan apparently - I know she still DRIVES as if she is, wrong side of the road and everything! But that's a whole other story ;) ) well her accent is very thick (I laugh when she calls me Ravyn, weird, sounds like Raaaayvin - such is their love for drawing out vowels) so when they say Mom it really sounds well "stuffy" compared to the Aussie "mum" which sounds pretty blunt really. But hey that's semantics. And it ultimately means little. As I love over thinking everything I just saw that and ran with it. **** it doesn't detract from the story at all so you know, feel free to ignore me. All good. But may I suggest you get into that assignment (I wish I could take my own advice!) seeing as how it accounts for so much result-wise. Liking the story but not enough to see you suffer academically. So thanks a bunch for updating, always want more, you know me, but go do what you have to do first. Be here when you get that done, eager as always :D


New member
Don't get me started on luiguistics and semantics and semiology! I just did a 1700 word essay on all three and I ******* hate that subject. The lecturer makes an *** of himself on purpose, but put me in a room with a bunch of VIS101 huggers/nerds and I will kill them all.

Err...edit button being gay. I don't know why it was only like 15 minutes ago that post.


It was the same day, but the only difference was that Sarah hadn’t seen Matt since this morning and Ravyn, despite the lack of her disappearance from the hospital, hadn’t seen or deliberately stirred up Azem. Ravyn had to be in today. She had gotten a phone call from the medical tribunal this morning asking if they could review her case today.

Ravyn thought it was Tarja or Meg playing a stupid joke on her until she realised who she was talking to, the head of the tribunal council. Ravyn stood in front of the timetable whiteboard as various members of staff came up to it several times and rubbed out their names, only to be replaced by the proceeding member of staff who was timetabled to work so and so hours.

Rob saw a small figure standing in front of the whiteboard, all clad in a black business suit. He wasn’t sure if it was Ravyn or not. He didn’t get a chance to get his morning coffee because half of the appliances in his house short circuited and managed to stuff themselves up. Rob walked over to the figure, as his keys swung from side to side off his pants.

“Hi…” Rob trailed off in his sentence not sure who he was going to introduce himself to. Ravyn turned around. “I didn’t recognise you for a sec.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” replied Ravyn, smiling a little bit. “Sorry about my sudden disappearance yesterday. I just wasn’t thinking properly and I was just all over the place.” Ravyn was waiting for the unimpressed look to appear on Rob’s face. “So, how are you today?”

“Bit tired,” answered Rob. “Are you over your little hating quest with Azem?”

“I’m never over that,” muttered Ravyn. “How’s the job been treating you?”

“Shithouse as ever,” answered Rob. “I’m still wondering why you hate Azem so much. He’s actually doing a better job then Grant is. He’s creating better reforms for the hospital. He’s actually trying to get an official paramedics team so half the staff don’t have to double up all the time. And he’s actually threatened to fire both Delson and Bennington if they keep on with their stupidity in both the morgue and in day surgery.”

“I don’t care what you think of him really, I have the historic reason of hating him,” muttered Ravyn, knowing that someday that she’ll have to eventually have to own up to being his ex wife to Rob’s face. Ravyn looked back to the whiteboard to see Sarah standing in front of it. “You look well today Woodlands.”

“That’s a bit weird I don’t feel well today, feel like a piece of **** to be quite honest,” replied Sarah, smoothly, as she rubbed a name off the whiteboard with the edge of her sleeve and replacing it with another one. “I wish Chester would keep this up to date.”

“Why is Chester suddenly in charge of changing the patient’s surgery timetable?” asked Ravyn, a bit annoyed at the fact that someone had given him the privilege of being in charge of timetabling. “Why make him feel superior?”

“Because Azem didn’t like Delson changing it every second time that Azem looked away,” answered Sarah. “I don’t mind this new boss. He’s actually trying to get this hospital’s act together. Unlike Grant, who, by reports, sat at his desk and played blackjack with his imaginary friend.”

“Not even the imaginary world liked Grant that much to be friends with him, so in **** or in heaven, that made no sense, he doesn’t even have any friends,” commented Ravyn. “And kudos for Azem making everyone feel like he’s a nice old soul, and I would rather go drown myself in that frozen lake opposite the hospital then to do anything that man says.”

“You need to go on anti-depressants or sleeping pills or anything to sedate your bitchiness,” recommended Sarah. “You can’t possibly keep this hating act up for the rest of Azem’s reign.”

Ravyn was going to say something but then she realised that the time for her tribunal was in twenty minutes and she wasn’t going to stick around to be fired for good. She rolled her eyes at Sarah who had stopped by now, rubbing people’s names off and replacing them with another. She turned back around gave Rob a peck on the cheek.

“Thanks, I was just waiting for that,” thanked Rob, sarcastically, as he returned her peck on the cheek and started to walk the opposite way that she was directed to from the tribunal. Ravyn left Sarah at the whiteboard and made her way down the other leading hallway that looked like it was never going to end. Maybe it was because of the all new interns crowded up in various spots of the hallway that sent chills down Ravyn’s spine.

Jo was walked past and stopped to talk to Ravyn, but Ravyn pretended not to see Jo, because Jo was being a total suck up to Azem and frankly, anyone who sucked up to that jerk, deserved to be burnt on a stake in the middle of the town square, or so, that was according to Ravyn’s opinion.

Jo pouted as she held several heavy patient charts in her hands. She finally concluded that there was something going in between Azem and Ravyn that made her take it out on everybody else, like whenever she was having a bad day, she took it out on Rob. Jo stopped suddenly as she thought to herself the possibility of…

Is Ravyn cheating on Rob with Azem?

Jo was as stunned as a fish fighting for its life out of water.

“What a convenience, you randomly stop near me,” commented Brad, standing next to her. He had just came out of a surgery where Chester and him were playing music until Tarja had enough and took the CD player away and locked it somewhere. Brad was indeed, trying to retrieve that CD player, by either sucking up to Tarja to get the key, or find out where it is and pick the lock. “Very convenient Joanna.”

Jo tuned back into reality.

“Have you ever had an idea that in the end might end up as the most rational excuse for Ravyn’s behaviour?” asked Jo, looking to Brad. “I think I just found one.”

“Dude, Bennington, Shinoda and I, started our theories a long time ago, it’s time to come back into reality little girl,” answered Brad. “You haven’t heard our theory about how Harris is Sacred Heart’s version of E.T?”

“No, that’s not your theory that’s Gradon’s,” corrected Jo, briskly. “I think it’s just me or something but I think Harris is doubling up when it comes to partners.”

“You mean cheating right?” asked Brad. “How so?”

“You think of why she’s always in a foul mood, she’s unhappy with her relationship with Rob and thus, the amount of times she’s complained about Azem is incredible,” answered Jo, slowly trying to figure out what she meant. “She complains about Rob as well…”

“When she complains, doesn’t that usually figure that Harris doesn’t like the person?” asked Brad. “I don’t know about you, but the way that you’ve concluded your theory on her relationships, it just doesn’t sit with me. But are you dead serious that she’s…cheating on Rob?”

“There’s no possible explanation,” concluded Jo, as Sarah caught her attention as Sarah was fixed on looking at the ground as a means to distract herself from everyone in the hospital that randomly came up and offered their sympathies. Sarah didn’t hesitate to ask the same questions what-the-**** and who-are-you. “Hey.”

Sarah stopped as she noticed both Brad and Jo were standing right near her walking past.

“I can’t talk right now. I’ve got to be somewhere,” replied Sarah, as she saw Brad and rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t you even start at it, I heard what happened.”

“What happened?” asked Brad, smiling innocently. “I’m such a social butterfly at times I forget things.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t have the time to talk to a teenager right now,” Sarah brushed Brad off, as she smiled to both individuals and walked away.

“I still can’t but to think that I know Sarah from somewhere, I’ve said it from the first day I met her, I’ve seen her somewhere but I don’t know where and when,” muttered Jo to herself but Brad heard it and gave her a quirky look.

“Are you sure you don’t belong in the nutter house?” asked Brad. “The only place I’ve seen Sarah outside of work and other places, is in my dreams.” Jo gave Brad something to carry as she put half of the folders that she was carrying. “You could’ve said something.”

“Carrying on about your little comment about Sarah, in your dreams Delson, and I mean it literally,” replied Jo, starting to walk towards her desk behind the nurse’s desk. Brad followed knowing that Jo would attack him or something for not bringing the files that he was holding to her within twenty-four seconds of her being twenty-two feet away from him. “In your dreams Delson.”

“I know, but you’ve got to think to yourself of how hot she is,” added Brad. “The only reason I’m not going after her is that Bennington would kill me.”

“I don’t see Sarah that way, a, because I am a straight and normal function female, and b, she’s had enough heartbreak for me to have a lesbian crush on her,” retorted Jo. “Now please, this is making me sick this topic.” Jo and Brad arrived behind the nurses’ desk and put the files gently down on the table. Now, Brad was never a person to do things gently, that’s why he was never allowed in the operating room while a life or death situation was occurrent and that’s why no one let Brad give them massages. Last person that received a massage from Brad ended up with bruises on them. Brad let the files drop a metre of two before splattering all over the table. “***, no wonder no one is tolerant of you.”

“Well, we can soon fix that now can’t we?” appeared Azem’s voice out of nowhere. Jo and Brad spun around to see that Azem was right behind them. Azem was actually in the common room, checking the place out for faults. He had a particular thing about hazardous things around the workplace. “Delson, Brad, or whatever you’re called. You know I’m not going to tolerate bullshit behaviour around here, so Bennington and you better get your act together. And as for the Shinoda incident this morning, I really can’t care for adolescents right now. It’s bad enough I have to put up Harris’ smart remarks about me and other people around this joint.”

“How are you finding handling her attitude?” asked Jo, eager to know how long it will be until either one of them snaps.

“A breeze,” answered Azem, as he knew how to bend Ravyn the right way.

“Oh, you won’t be saying that by the end of the week,” assured Brad, smiling at the fact that Azem thought he was this hard-*** ***** that could handle anyone and anything.

“You don’t know me that well kid, so I won’t be saying that, you’re yet to see what I’ve got planned for Harris and her smart *** mouth,” retorted Azem, showing Brad who’s the boss. “I may not have the ability to fire her directly, but I’m pretty high up in the medicine community and I know certain people who can do very powerful things. Like stripping her right to practice for eternity.”

“Nah, Matt’s done that already,” concluded Brad. “I bet when she comes back from that tribunal this afternoon, she won’t be kissing the licence to practice medicine, but she’ll be kissing someone’s *** big time.”

“Shut up Delson,” told Jo, not wanting what he had just said to come true. Ravyn was indeed her living archenemy in the hospital, but she did one **** of a good job of it.




New member
Hahaha - E.T.??? :lol: That was great! hahaha funny guys...

This idea Jo has of me cheating on Rob with Azem made my jaw drop! WTF? And wonder what he has in store for my 'smart-***'. That man's an *** *grumbles* He's the stereotypical control-freak/abuser isn't he? Makes me angrier and anxious every time I read his name (sorry Azem) ;) Everyone loves him!!! Aaargh!!

Anyhoo, what the ****, did I read right in that Jo thinks she knows Sarah from somewhere before?? Hmm... wonder what's up with that 0_o More secrets in store?

**** this place really is like House meets... I dunno, Days of Our Lives or something...

Love it.




New member

“Ten bucks, she’s lost her licence,”

“Twenty bucks, she’s cheating on Rob,”

“Fifty bucks, she’s going to end up dating Azem,”

The rumours had already started to spread around the hospital about Ravyn. Ravyn wasn’t aware of them nor did she really care of what people thought about her. She sat in the cafeteria, leant over, and hiding her face in her crossed over arms. There was no one else in the cafeteria, thank ***, she wasn’t in the mood to socialise, not even with Andrea or throwing abusive comments at any interns that came her way.

She had just appealed to the tribunal, like a dog wanting back its bone. She couldn’t believe it herself, at that several times during the hearing, she felt like dropping down on her knees and beg her heart out. She thought this emotion through. She didn’t want to be away from the bustling of the hospital corridors in the earliest hours of the morning. She didn’t want to be away from the annoying interns…oh wait, yes she did. She didn’t want to be in a workplace where Rob wasn’t readily available to be her complaint machine for a couple of pointless minutes. Someone had came and sat down in front of her. She hoped to the heavens that it wasn’t Azem. She looked back up for a split second, groaned, and then re-buried her head. Now she realised that hoping to the heavens did nothing but screw her over each time she hoped for something not to happen.

“Someone’s a loner and most probably a goner,” said Azem, blankly. “I heard about your case.”

“Is it too much for me to ask for you to leave me alone for just once in my already painful life?” asked Ravyn, raising her head and sitting back in her chair properly. “I’m waiting on the news that tells me I can still think you’re spilling bullshit no matter what people think about your stupid hospital reforms.”

“I thought when I ran into you for the first time in this hospital, just yesterday, I thought you were the same old woman that divorced me,” started Azem, but Ravyn interrupted him.

“Don’t base your conclusions on assumptions,” interrupted Ravyn. “My life’s already a ***** without you and your fancy *** coming back into it and ******* everything and everyone up in the process to your glorification as the person that gave a **** about this hospital.”

“I thought you were the still the same sweet old woman I married…” Azem carried on.

“Yeah, the one that had enough of our marriage and left, I’m not sweet so don’t even think that for one minute,” interrupted Ravyn. “I’m not sure if you’re aware of it, but what you did to me was way out of line and I do consider myself a survivor of your massive bullshit that you somehow channelled into attacking me.”

“And do you have any physical and substantial proof to hold that against me?” challenged Azem, crossing his arms in disbelief.

“Go ask Andrea, she was there when I was admitted to the psyche ward because I was too afraid to leave you and I was afraid what you were going to do to me if I did eventually leave you,” answered Ravyn, as a person came over to her. It was a member of the tribunal. Ravyn diverted her attention to the woman that was clad in an Irish green suit. “Hi.”

“Hi, sorry about the wait,” apologised the woman, as Ravyn noticed the envelope in her hands. “We’ve got the result from the hearing and it’s in this. Enjoy.” The woman handed Ravyn the envelope and for once, Ravyn showed her gratitude by a simplistic smile. Well, it wasn’t just the once she’s given that sort of smile to, it’s just very rare to see it upon her face and being in the hospital at the same time. The woman left Azem and Ravyn, sitting at the table.

Ravyn ripped open the envelope and pulled out the white piece of paper. Her eyes lite up as she skimmed through the words with her eyes.

“So, is this hospital just part of your resume or do I have to put up with more of your stupid bullshit?” asked Azem, hoping the first option would come true. Ravyn showed him the piece of paper. “*** ****. I hate the tribunal. I was getting my hopes up that you leaving would teach you a valid lesson.”

“It’s amazing what new hope and opportunities medical licences give you, especially renewed ones,” gloated Ravyn, putting her licence back into the envelope still with a gloating smirk on her face.

“Look at you now, all big and fancy that you’ve gotten your licence back, stop gloating, only losers gloat,” retorted Azem.

“You’ve taught me well, Azem,” reminded Ravyn. “Just, put it this way, if it wasn’t for you and you trying to harden me during our marriage, I would never be like this. So the only person you’ve got to blame for my attitude adjustment problem is yourself.”

“I never made you anyway,” defended Azem. “You choose what you choose to be in life and don’t say to me that you never had a choice.”

“Yeah I had a choice, and that choice eventually ended up being, me leaving you,” argued Ravyn, as she stopped with the envelope situation. “Again, the only person you’ve got to blame is yourself. So don’t go around and trying to readjust my attitude because it’s a take it or leave it situation. You don’t like me, fine; I’m okay with that, cos, after our marriage, I will be ****** to the Gods up above if I ever end up back in your arms. I know what you’re capable of, and I’m most angry at the fact that you put on a nice and smooth man façade. People are going to start seeing straight through you and look at you as the man that I divorced.”

Ravyn got to her feet, while Rob stood in the hallway leading into the cafeteria, where he’d been for the past ten minutes listening to the ***** fest that was going on between Ravyn and Azem. She collected the envelope and walked towards Rob’s way. Azem smirked and sat where he was. Ravyn was in such a angry spit about Azem’s attitude towards things, that she completely didn’t see Rob leaning against the wall and walked straight past him.

Rob quickly caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm, startling Ravyn, as Ravyn had thought Azem just caught up with her just then.

“Let me go A…” she trailed off in her speech, as she realised that it wasn’t Azem, but it was Rob. “Hi. Sorry I didn’t see you. Good news, they’ve given back my licence, all within two working days of being suspended.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Rob, in a more serious tone then Ravyn had expected.

“I did tell you, in fact you were the first person that I had told,” answered Ravyn.

“No, not about that, you could’ve just left me instead of doing that, it’s despicable Ravyn,” Rob found it hard to put it into a sentence without completely going off at her.

“What…?” asked Ravyn. “I’m lost. You mean about me and Azem? I didn’t want to tell you.”

“Of course you didn’t! That’s why I had to hear it from another source and not from you!” snapped Rob. “That’s why it hurts as it does; I had to hear it from another source and not from you directly. I’m ready to kill someone Ravyn, I really am.”

“Kill Azem not me, I didn’t do anything,” recommended Ravyn.

“Of course you did something, it takes two to tango Ravyn!” snapped Rob, letting go of her arm and starting to walk backwards, away from Ravyn. “That’s it. It’s off. The whole relationship thing we were aiming for, it’s off completely. I can’t be with someone who says they are in love with me and two minutes later they run off with someone else while trying to pretend that they love me.”

“What…no…Rob…that’s not it…*** no…” Ravyn found it hard to find the words, as Ravyn thought he must’ve heard a rumour off someone and wasn’t obviously listening to what the conversation was really about. “Rob, please don’t go. It’s not what you think. Please.”

Rob ignored her and continued to ignore her desperate pleas to come back. Ravyn didn’t even see the point of trying to run after him. He wouldn’t listen and she couldn’t find the words to defend herself. Rob was angry and he knew someone’s blood will be spilt tonight.



I'm wrecked.




New member
WTF?! *cries* Noo!! Rob dumped me because of a stupid rumour? Because he misconstrued the situation? What the **** was he doing just standing there eavesdropping for anyway? And why do I get the impression Azem's more comfortable with this than he should be? Did he start that **** in Jo's ear or something? What the **** is wrong with that man? *wants to stomp off in a huff but doesn't cause it's just a story after all haha*

Well... happy as larry I got my job back. Bet the ones I torture everyday aren't as happy. And now that you and I seem to have met some sort of common ground I get the impression our similar pasts may work in strengthening that tenuously budding relationship. Good to hear. Also glad I got a glimpse too of the past history, I mean, after Sarah's flashback I must have been in flashback mode (not the easiest of things to write depending) so good to get an idea where Azem and I went wrong... and funny to see he's still in denial about it. Or maybe I am. I dunno, we're both a tad screwed up and angry I gather. Must have made for a damned happy household once *******


So now you've dropped the bomb on Rob of sorts I wonder where this will go. If the hospital's reeling over rumours I can only imagine what they're gonna come up with now I'm back again. Haha, Grant couldn't get rid of me and neither could Azem. Kewl. And I take it by this prelude to more drama and angst (just the way we writers like it ;) ) I assume Sarah and Matt will also take a downward nosedive soon, no? Kinda wondering... Viking's around, Matt's a bit stressed - and Chester's really starting to become a concern. Man's gone from teenager to walking dark-cloud all over losing you. I hope he doesn't completely lose it. Seems a nice guy, really. I think you should just give him another chance, just my personal opinion... but then again, last thing Ava needs is a teenage-type as a father-figure.

Well. I rant.


Look forward to more laters. Thanks again and sleep well.





New member

Mike yawned. It was the dead of the night and he was ready to knock at Sarah’s door for some reason. He perfectly knew the reason but he just couldn’t be bothered to be awake to remember it.

Chester had called him some fifteen minutes ago to go and get Sarah and meet at the park downtown. Mike thought Chester was trying to set up a fight between them. That was until Chester had told him that Rob’s after either Ravyn or Azem, and it’ll be a double whammy if he gets both. Chester didn’t have Ravyn’s number to start with. Didn’t feel like he had a need to and he didn’t want Azem’s number for a number of reasons that were made up of letters with symbols being placed in the middle of the word as they had replaced the deliberately missed out letters.

Mike knocked. Nothing happened.

Mike knocked again. Something did happen. Mike was expecting Sarah to open the door, as it was Sarah’s house.

“Matt…” Mike trailed off in surprise of Matt’s presence, especially in a singlet and boxer shorts. “Where’s Sarah?” Matt stretched as he was fighting to adjust to the brightness of the outside security light.

“Asleep, like everyone else at this time of the morning,” croaked Matt. “Like I was, on the couch. Do you wanna come in or something man? Cos the heater’s been on for the last forty-eight hours and I made sure that it remained that way. I just don’t want the cold air to come in, it’s bad enough I have to share a house with a three year old that’s tall enough to reach and turn the door handle every three minutes I turn my back on her.” Mike nodded slowly as he accepted Matt’s invitation to come on in. Matt turned on the hallway light, as he closed the front door behind Mike. “What do you want at this time of the morning with Sarah?”

“Some ****’s going to happen real bad if I don’t get Ravyn’s number real soon,” Mike started to reply but figured that he should stop while he was ahead of himself. He had heard very nasty stories about Matt and wasn’t sure if he should be trusted. “Just get her up please.”

Ava started to cry upstairs in her room. Matt screwed his face up and groaned. Ava had been having crying episodes all night because of her toothache and Sarah forced Matt to deal with it every time. The sound of Sarah’s bedroom door was now apparent, and footsteps followed, along with the opening of Ava’s door which emphasised the cries of the three year old in pain.

“Sarah,” said Matt, as he realised that he wasn’t going to be forced to be the father to Ava he had never intended to be in the first place.

“I’ve got it under control, don’t worry,” replied Sarah from upstairs, as she held Ava in her arms. The child buried its head in her chest, as Sarah’s maternal instincts came into play. Sarah patted her child on the back and started to swing from side to side softly, that she hoped the swinging motion would calm Ava down. “Matt. Do you know where Ava’s pain killers are by any chance? I couldn’t find them last night. Are we out of it already?”

“I don’t know,” answered Matt. “Too many questions, and too early to answer them all. Hey Sarah, you wanna come down, Mike’s at the door.”

“What? At this time?” asked Sarah, trying to keep her voice down, as Ava started to hyperventilate. Sarah hushed Ava some more. “Tell him to come here. I can’t come down right now.”

“Fine,” sighed Mike, as Matt went back to the couch in the next room and fell asleep on the couch where he felt like he slept better on it then in the guest bedroom. Mike trotted up the stairway which Sarah was ready to kill him for, because of the racket her was making with his heavy footsteps against the stairs. Mike stood in the doorway of Ava’s room to see Sarah holding a small child wrapped up in an oversized pink blanket under a dim light illuminating the room.

“Yes, Michael, what is so important that you had to come around right now?” asked Sarah, knowing that calling him by his full name would annoy him. “I have a child who is in pain and overtired to deal with on top of working.”

“How about someone’s life is in danger?” asked Mike, as he leant against the frame of the doorway. “Does that count?”

“Who’s?” asked Sarah, a bit shocked, as she felt Ava starting to move within the blanket.

“Mummy,” said Ava, as she popped her head out from the covers. Sarah’s attention was back on Ava.

“Yes,” replied Sarah, still wiry.

“Ouchies,” complained Ava, as Sarah noticed that she was still hyperventilating.

“What ouchies?” asked Sarah, a bit confused.

“Tummy,” answered Ava, as Sarah looked as Ava’s pain was now reflected in her ever clear Matt-like emerald eyes. Sarah removed the blankets from her around her child and pushed Ava’s pyjama top up so that she could see her belly.

It looked like thousands of tiny little insects just had a stampede over her stomach. Sarah pushed her top even more and the rash was all over her chest as well.

“Jesus ******* ***, Ava, why didn’t you tell me?” asked Sarah, as she realised what she had just said in front of a three year old that picks up language like dust being attracted to furniture left alone over time.

“I’m sorry,” answered Ava, as Sarah put her top back to its original state, wrapped Ava back up again, and got up from her seat with Ava still in her arms.

“I have to go sorry Mike, I’ve got to get Ava to the hospital I think she’s having an allergic reaction to something,” apologised Sarah to Mike, who kinda pieced together what was happening, slowly.

“Look, before you go, can I have Ravyn’s number?” asked Mike. “Just say, something happened between her and Rob and now Rob’s like a savage dog let loose on its chain.”

“It’s in my cell downstairs,” answered Sarah, walking past Mike. Mike followed her down the stairs and into the entrance hallway. Sarah stopped at an antique side table near the door. She turned to Mike who had stopped behind her. “Can you do me, a huge favour and hold Ava for me please? Just, be careful not to touch her stomach.” Mike rolled his eyes as he held out his arms flat, as Sarah grinned with acceptance and gave Mike Ava.

“Hello,” Ava said to Mike, as Sarah turned back around and started to rummage through her bag on top of the side table. “My name’s Ava.”

“Hello, I’m Mike,” replied Mike, with a stupid smile and Sarah quickly saw that stupid smile. “Nice to meet you little lady.”

“***, the rumours are true, you do act like a three year old,” muttered Sarah to herself, as she found her cell and started to go through the phonebook. “Here. I’ll give you her number if you give me back my child.”

“Deal done,” replied Mike, as he handed Ava back to Sarah. Sarah awkwardly gave her cell to Mike which Ava was lying on. Mike took the phone and brought out his phone.

“Bye Mike,” said Ava.

Mike smiled and looked up from his cell.

“Bye little lady Ava,” replied Mike. He started to punch in Ravyn’s number on his phone. He knew that time was wasting away and that someone will not be attending work that coming morning.

“Matt wake up,” ordered Sarah, looking towards the limp figure nearby.

“I wasn’t even asleep with the racket you guys were making,” replied Matt, from the living room. “What?”

“Ava’s having an allergic reaction to something, we’ve got to take her to the hospital, and I need someone to drive me there,” answered Sarah.

“Can’t it wait when it’s daylight?” asked Matt. “I’m not a good night time driver.”

“Do you want me to run you down, after I make this phone call?” asked Mike, volunteering for the job that Matt in the end will not eventually do.

“Fine, Matt if you won’t do it, Mike will do it,” concluded Sarah, extremely annoyed at Matt’s laziness, especially in a situation like this. Mike put Sarah’s cell on the side table near her bag.

“Just hold on for a sec,” requested Mike, as he opened the door, and went outside to talk to Ravyn.




New member
**** it you always leave the updates to end on a kind of cliffhanger! Want more damnit! Want to see Rob go mental (if Mike's telling the truth), want to see what Ava's sick from (if it is allergies, poor kid has a bad medical history already, must be genetic ;) ), and want to see if Mike and maybe Sarah hook up? Call me crazy but Mike might win Sarah's heart by getting to the child, that's more common than you'd think. And love to see the shistorm if that DID eventuate what with Chas Matt and Mike all sorta keen on her... And yeah... well I wanna know what happens between me, Rob and Azem too! Haha - wow, it's like... we're leading parallel lives here, me and my intern, notice that? Wonder how I could hate you when we're obviously so alike... maybe that's the answer huh? ;) Anyway don't wanna lead you just was thinking aloud that's all. Nice as always, looking forward to more.

Thankies :D



New member
Ok. Last update for tonight. I have to finish my Jan Vermeer's "Girl With a Pearl Earring" and Meg White montage piece of **** thing. *** **** it's the most randomnest piece of **** I've done.


The doorbell went off and then the cell started to ring.

She didn’t know which one she should answer first. Ravyn picked up her cell to see who was calling. A number appeared. But her cell didn’t recognise the number. She hesitated for a second.

Which one would most likely be Rob? She asked herself in a rush.

She picked up.

“Ravyn?” asked a panicked voice on the other end of the phone.


Oh ***. Ravyn thought to herself.

“Well no it’s not, it’s ***. Of course it’s Shinoda.” Mike rolled his eyes, as sat down on Sarah’s steps leading up to her house. “You have to do me a favour. Don’t answer the door until morning.”

“Why not? And why should I start listening to you? And how the **** did you get my number?” Ravyn was annoyed at the fact that she had gotten her hopes up thinking that it was Rob coming back to grovel at her feet and admitting that Ravyn was right about him not seeing the total picture.

“Just say, when you see a ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign on a property, don’t enter the property,” Mike knew he wasn’t making such sense, Mike didn’t care right now. He did in a way.

“You’re making no sense,”

The doorbell went off again.

“Did I just hear your doorbell go off?”

“Well at least I know you’re not deaf, but totally a complete idiot in general,”

“Don’t answer the door, I don’t care if it’s the Dalai Lama at your door, don’t,”


“You know that little spit that Rob chucked at you today?”

“Wow. This hospital is outrageously fast for the rumour mill is now a bullet train. How the **** did you find out about that in such a short manner of time?”

“I just know, I got your number off Sarah who right now is yelling at Matt for being an idiot,”

“Nothing new,”

The doorbell went off again. The person on the other side of it was getting frustrated. The person could hear Ravyn speaking and not answering the door was getting to the point where the person just wanted to kick down the door.

“You’re not answering it,”

“And who are you exactly to tell me what to do?”

“I’m the person that is trying to tell you, not to answer the door. *** dammit.”

“And I’m gonna be the person that hangs up on you,”

Ravyn hanged up on him, tossing her phone onto a nearby table as she yawned and went to answer the door. Before Mike had called Ravyn was ready for bed. She stopped in front of the front door and opened the front door up.

It was so complex and hard to understand. There was another figure alongside the dark shadowy figure that she assumed had been knocking at her door. The security lights were turned off which made it harder to see. There were sounds, various of them. She couldn’t recognise either figure because they had just randomly gone into a split second tussle. Ravyn stood back, she wanted to slam the door…she just didn’t know what to do.


Someone just got a couple of bones broken.


Someone’s gone down hard on the ground.

Ravyn slammed the door shut. She slid down the back of it and thought to herself what had just happened. She was confused.

She stood back up and re-opened the door.

“I thought he was Azem,” growled Rob’s dark voice. Ravyn opened the door even more to see Rob sitting on Chester’s limp body.

“Holy ****,” concluded Ravyn.




New member
WTF? What the **** is Chester doing at MY house?! And... *gasp* did Rob just... kill him??

*insert stunned face*

Random, yes. ****, no. Whoa... you always leave me with more questions than answers...



New member

Sarah carried Ava into a ward and laid her down on the bed, unwrapping her child from under the pink blankets that she wrapped. Mike had followed Sarah into the hospital as he had found no point trying to help Ravyn for she wouldn’t listen to a thing he would say. Ava had started to black out in Sarah’s arms in the elevator.

“Go get Andrea or Joss, please,” requested Sarah, as Mike nodded and ran out of the hallway. It was panic time and Sarah didn’t even know what was going on. Ava was in shock or something, but she couldn’t guess from what. Ava had lost consciousness now and Sarah panicked even more. She didn’t know that Ava was allergic to anything, nor did she show any signs of allergies when she was younger. “Ava. Can you hear me?” No response from the limp child. Joss and Andrea barged in and told Sarah to leave, but the reality of it was that Sarah didn’t want to leave her only child. Sarah had done this to many people in the time that she had started her internship at the hospital. She had deliberately isolated relatives from their loved ones. She never thought she would be one of them to be isolated. Mike crept up behind Sarah, and dragged her away from the ward. Mike sat her down a couple of corridors away from where Ava laid. Sarah felt empty and helpless.

She knew how it felt. Matt had done that to her several times. And the last thing she wanted to do is to become accustomed to it again. Sarah looked at the opposite wall. Mike sat down next to her and embraced her in a side-on hug, as he saw a tear fall down her tired face.

“She’ll be okay, I bet it’s nothing,” assured Mike. Sarah looked at him unimpressed by his attempt to re-assure her that her daughter wasn’t already on the verge of death or an incurable disease like cancer.

“She hasn’t broken into a rash ever before and she has certainly not past out before,” objected Sarah. “She would’ve told me if it was a consistent rash. Even if I accidentally put her top on backwards she makes a ten minute scene out of it.” Mike looked at her, thinking wether or not that was a real example or just a hypothetical situation. “She’s like me in personality, but sadly not enough of me in her appearance. She cannot shut up sometimes.”

“Yeah, just like you,” muttered Mike to himself. Sarah heard it but chose to ignore it. “Look, Andrea and Joss are trying to do their best. I wonder where Bennington is, he was supposed to call me by now.” Mike looked to the clock on the wall. It was two in the morning, exactly. “Unusual not to hear from him by now. I think I was supposed to meet him near the park near Harris’ place.”

“What went down?” asked Sarah, remembering something about how Mike wanted her number and how he wouldn’t give her a decent explanation about the whole wanting her number thing. “I mean, it consists of contacting her outside of work hours, in which, I know I shouldn’t do by her laws, but it was just there for emergencies.”

“I don’t know, Delson accidentally ran into Bourdon yesterday afternoon and Bourdon was furious, it looked like he wanted snap,” answered Mike, he knew he was lying and he didn’t want to tell Sarah right now the real story. “You should go ask Delson not me. In fact, go ask Bourdon right now, he should be on roster now.” There was something that Mike wanted to say to Sarah, but he was sure this wasn’t the right time, so he just kept it to himself. “How old is Ava?”

“Three in a couple of months,” answered Sarah softly as she started to think the worse for her daughter. There were rapid footsteps coming towards Mike and Sarah. They both looked to see who was coming to shatter the peacefulness of the corridor. Andrea. “She better have good news.”

“Don’t say that, you’ll end up with the opposite,” replied Mike, as Andrea came nearer. “I have a good feeling that she has good news.”

“Shinoda, leave us,” ordered Andrea, as she approached the pair. Mike rolled his eyes. “That’s not a request that’s an order.”

“Whatever you can say to me you can say to him,” replied Sarah, softly.

“It’s not that,” started Andrea, as she stopped in front of them and put her hands in her coat pockets. “Have you ever wondered why Bennington never really ends up fighting you in the basketball courts?”

“Because I’m stronger and he knows I can and will kick his ***,” answered Mike, bluntly. “You’re point is again?”

“Bennington’s come in and he’s downstairs with multiple fractures, he looks fairly beaten up,” answered Andrea. “Now, the reason why I want you to leave is that Azem has put you on surgery with Bennington being the manikin you operate on. He’s been beaten up badly.”

Mike snorted with laughter.

“Bennington bit off more then he could chew,” commented Mike, as he got to his feet. He turned around and faced Sarah. “Hope everything is okay. Do you want a lift back?”

Sarah shook her head.

“Shift starts in a couple of hours, may as well start it early,” answered Sarah, as Mike smiled and walked off. Andrea replaced Mike in his chair next to Sarah. “Let me guess, my child has cancer or something?”

“Not cancer, thank ***, more heartbreak for you, but yeah, she doesn’t have the flu if that’s what you’re wondering,” answered Andrea, sighing shortly after finishing her sentence but continued to talk anyway. “But our prognosis is that, she may have contracted something quite serious and she’s had a very bad reaction to the virus.”

“Anything in particular?” asked Sarah.

“We can’t tell right now, Joss is going to run off some blood tests now, and in a couple of hours we should know what’s wrong with her,” answered Andrea, patting Sarah on the back. “It’s not your fault.”

“I know,” replied Sarah, blankly. “But strangely enough, I hear people on a daily basis saying it is their fault, despite the fact they don’t even know that they had no control over it whatsoever.”

“Sometimes you have to bleed in this place just to even know if you’re alive,” said Andrea, blankly. “It’s the harsh reality of hospitals. That’s why we have morgues and keep idiots like Bennington and Delson away from them. Hey, talking of Bennington, did you hear what happened to him?”

Sarah noticed a serious tone with Andrea’s last sentence. Sarah was now afraid that Chester was still carrying on like an emotional wreck, jumped off a cliff, and failed in his attempts at his own riddance of his life.

“Oh ***, what happened?” asked Sarah, a bit concerned.

“I don’t know, there are three versions of the evening, already going around and apparently it’s only happened in the last two hours,” answered Andrea. “Well, I can’t keep on being an eccentric chatterbox. Got a job to do. Why don’t you go home for a couple of hours and get some shuteye? I don’t start until eight.”

“Yeah, I’ll catch a cab home, Mike drove me here,” replied Sarah, concluding that she better start getting home and try to move on from Ava’s little episode and try to motivate that ex of hers to get a job. She got to her feet and Andrea did so as well.

“She’ll be ok, I’ll give you a ring if anything major happens,” soothed Andrea, as she gave Sarah a hug and walked off.

Sarah retraced her steps back to Ava’s ward. She wouldn’t be there. She would somewhere else but Sarah went back to check that Ava was okay or not. And if she happened to be there, it’ll be something positive for Sarah, for she wasn’t getting any positive things happening in her life right now. She stopped in the frame of the doorway and looked around. She saw Joss at a small child’s side. Joss saw Sarah and smiled.

“She’s okay, don’t worry right now,” comforted Joss, as Sarah walked over to Ava in her bed. She was awake. She drew up a seat and sat next to her daughter. She saw the fright in her daughter’s eyes and she saw the confusion as well. “She’s handling it pretty well. We’ve had kids come in and once they’ve woken up they started screaming and bringing the whole hospital into total chaos and panic. She’s been quiet. She woke up about seven minutes ago.”

“Don’t ever do that to Mummy ever again,” said Sarah to Ava. “You scared Mummy pretty badly.”

“Sorry,” replied Ava, as Sarah was trying her hardest not to break down again. “Don’t cry.”

“I won’t,” agreed Sarah, as Sarah got back up from her seat. She even thought to herself why she had pulled up a seat in the first place if she knew she couldn’t be around Ava right now. “Mummy’s going to go now. She has to get back to Daddy.”

“Bye,” dismissed Ava, automatically.

Sarah sighed and left the ward without another word being spoken from her mouth. She walked down the corridor with the only sounds were her own footprints. She stopped at the elevator, looked up to see where it was, she just wanted to sleep when she really thought about it.

“Hello again,” said Mike on her side. Sarah was a bit surprised to see him next to her. She looked over and he wasn’t in his surgeon’s uniform. “I’m late.”

“Makes two of us, I’m late on catching up on sleep,” replied Sarah. “How’s Bennington?”

“Not so good, from what I’ve heard from Tarja and Jo,” answered Mike. “Some idiot cracked his skull open and now it needs to have a plate in it. That’s going to be fun.”

“Sounds like fun,” commented Sarah softly, as the elevator doors opened.

“Ladies first,” offered Mike with a simple gesture of his hand. Sarah smiled and walked in, soon followed by him. Nothing was said until the doors closed in front of them. “I can’t believe Matt chose to sleep rather to see if his own child would be okay, I really cannot.”

“Well, start believing it, it’s the sad reality of it all,” muttered Sarah. “I don’t know why I let him stay at my place.”

“You’re not back together with that ***** are you?” asked Mike, as Sarah turned to Mike and looked like she had just been offended on several levels with that one question of his.

“*** no!” yelled Sarah. “Just because I want him to turn his life around so that he’ll get out of mine, doesn’t mean we’re back together nor are we planning to get back together, I don’t want a death wish right now Mike.”

The elevator stopped with a sudden jolt and the doors opened to the same level each individual wanted to go. Sarah walked one way and Mike walked the other. But the difference is that Mike stopped and turned around. He stood there contemplating if he really needed to get the issue off his chest with Sarah right now. Mike nodded. Thinking it was the best thing to do, despite the fact that he was late but he didn’t care right now. He ran after Sarah, as Sarah kept on walking, unimpressed by Mike’s actions.

“Do you want me to walk you to your car?” asked Mike, as both parties stopped right in front of the sliding doors. “Just to make sure no one does anything like what Bennington has to deal with right now.”

Sarah smiled and shook her head.

“No thanks, but it was a good suggestion, you should suggest that more often,” answered Sarah. By now, Mike and Sarah had already invaded each other’s personal space and were comfortably close to each other. “Don’t you have to attend to Chester’s mishaps?”

“It can wait,” answered Mike. “I have to tell you something and I’m sorry if the worse was to occur as a direct result of me telling you this. But you have no idea what it feels like not to tell a girl how much you like her, but knowing that she’s gone through enough heartbreak and too many emotions, stops you sometimes. I know this isn’t the perfect time, with Ava and Matt and all that **** currently present, but you deserve so much better and when people tell you that Chester wasn’t worth your time in weight and effort, they are right. I’m sorry Sarah, again, but there have been so many times I just wanted to tell you how much I liked you. I know, you’re an intern and I know I have a reputation to be a player amongst the interns, but I’m not that way towards you, I feel quite strangely different but I like the feel of feeling quite strangely different about you.”

“You could’ve just spared me the whole speech and *** **** kissed me like they do in the movies,” replied Sarah, smoothly as she was flattered by Mike’s honesty.

“I’m sorry I had to tell you before I did anything,” apologised Mike. Sarah went red in the ears.

**** it, thought Mike as he leant in just *** **** kissed the woman. Sarah didn’t hesitate, but she was the one to end it, after accepting Mike’s kiss.

“Well, at least I know with you, you get along with Ava and you oppose both idiots and stupidity,” said Sarah. “I have to go now. I need sleep.”

“Bye,” farewelled Mike, as he gave Sarah a peck on the cheek. Sarah smiled again, walked away, through the sliding doors, and out to the car, as her whole perspective of life just dramatically changed and so did Mike's as demonstrated by the big smile that had just appeared on his face. “Yes!”


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