New member
continued on (same chapter though)
Josh looked at Jo sharply. Jo shrugged his look off and continued to figure out what Ravyn’s little spit was about. Jo sighed, knowing too well, that woman is uncontrollable, even in the most controlled environment.
Josh looked back to Azem, with a huge fake smile on his face.
“Sorry, about that, Harris and her foul moods, ah, that’s Joanna, the head of nursing,” explained Josh, being a total suck up to the new doctor on the scene. “That’s Andrea, head of paediatrics.” Andrea raised her head completely bewildered at Josh’s attitude. She shook her head in disapproval. She was going to say something but she feared that the hate between Azem and her would be too obvious too quickly. “Over there against the wall, that’s Greyfoxx, oh no sorry, that’s Meaghen, the head of radiology and radiotherapy. Greyfoxx is just her surname which I have to repetitively have to say to shut her up sometimes.” Josh didn’t know it but he had just said his thoughts out loud and had obviously put Meaghen in a greater bad mood. Ravyn was the instigator, as always, of Meaghen’s bad moods, rarely followed by anybody else. “And I take it; you’ve already had an encounter with Sacred Heart’s third kind…Harris.”
Azem nodded slowly.
“Glad to meet you all,” smiled Azem, shortly, and then he turned and faced Josh. “Is Harris always in her bad moods?”
“You have no idea,” interrupted Meaghen. Azem faced Meaghen as she continued on speaking. “I don’t know what history you guys have together, but ****, I’ve been working here for a couple of years now, and do you know how many times I’ve been tempted to pull out an inanimate object and commit a crime against her?”
“She’s not that bad,” complained Andrea, rolling her eyes at Meaghen’s exaggeration of the topic of Ravyn’s attitude and caustic moods. “Stop exaggerating and start doing what you need to do. Like getting me those stupid x-rays you owe me from three days ago.”
“You’re only saying it because you don’t constantly get compared to neo-Nazis and other historical figures that at the end of the day, make you wonder if she needs to be admitted to the psyche ward,” retorted Jo.
“I wouldn’t blame Ravyn for comparing you and your department to **** enthusiasts,” replied Andrea smoothly. She was only sticking up for Ravyn because she had enough of everybody’s **** about how evil Ravyn is. Andrea did recognise the need for her to change her tone and her moods sometimes, but not to the point where one can be tempted to be above the law.
“She likes comparing people to historical figures?” asked Azem, as everyone’s attention was back on him.
“You sound like that’s nothing new to you,” commented Josh.
“Oh no, it’s not that, it’s just wow, you’ve got to give some credit to her for comparing everyone to historical figures, it takes a lot of intelligence and brain power to keep it up, as I figure that she does,” replied Azem.
Andrea was ready to tell Azem to go to **** and never come back, the same way that Ravyn did, including the storming off and out of the room part as well. Andrea’s rope for Azem’s tolerance was going to snap and she knew it herself, if she didn’t depart from the room within five minutes, she was going to implode and Azem would be right in the path of destruction. Andrea got to her feet suddenly, picked up her half empty coffee cup and preceded to leave the room.
“You know, you and Ravyn have the same exit to a situation,” commented Meaghen. Andrea stopped. “Has anyone notice this?” Andrea concluded Meaghen was deliberately trying to be a pain in the *** and ignored her. She cut between Azem and Josh, giving Azem a really painful watch-your-***-from-now-on look. Azem was amazed he was getting such looks on his first day.
“Meeting’s over, everyone get back to work without hesitation,” ordered Josh, as there was a couple of seconds of silence then everyone got up, talked and walked out of the room at the same time. “You’ve got a record so far, mate, two evil looks from two evil women within ten minutes of each other. Jeez, I haven’t even gotten that many within ten minutes from two women.”
Andrea walked out into the hallway to see Sarah looking at the wall, sitting on the line of chairs next to the wall, and pale faced as ever. Andrea knew Ravyn would find a way to kill Sarah for being so emotional while on the job, despite the fact that Ravyn wasn’t even allowed to teach Sarah without a medical licence. Andrea rushed over to find out what drama had gone down. She was expecting something to do with Matt.
“Are you alright? Hello?” asked Andrea, as she waved her hand up and down to interfere with Sarah’s out of blank gaze that was fixed to the wall. Sarah shook her head to get of the blank gaze that she was in.
“Huh?” asked Sarah, as she realised that Andrea had saw her blankly gazing at the wall. “I was having fun in my own world just then.”
“I’m sure you were,” replied Andrea, blankly, as she took a seat next to her. “What’s up?”
“Have you ever had one of those days were you think that this world would be a better place without death and sorrow?” asked Sarah, as a bunch of doctors and nurses went past her but she didn’t really notice them to figure out who they were and if she knew them or not.
“Yeah, everyday, but the sad reality of it is, we work in a hospital, and strangely enough, everyone sees death on a regular basis, even the innocent ones die,” answered Andrea. “Why do you ask?” Andrea was quite certain Sarah just saw her first death or Matt was playing with her mind again.
“That poor man, he just went like that, I couldn’t do anything, not even the nurses could do anything,” answered Sarah, recalling the events of the past ten minutes.
“It was his time to go and that may sound harsh but, it’s the truth, you live or you die,” told Andrea. “See. Sarah, I’ve told many interns this, many times. But life is just life, there are no rights and there are no wrongs. And when you die, it’s like oopsy-****, I’m dead, now it’s time to haunt people that I hate.”
“Yeah, you’re right in a way,” concluded Sarah.
“There’s no way, I know I’m right, I’ve been here longer and I’ve had more difficult cases to deal with other than cardiac arrests,” replied Andrea. “Cardiac arrests are like men to me almost, usually I find one that I really like, and it goes like that, on and off all the time with me. You’re lucky in a way, when it comes to surgery, you don’t have to do it right now. ***, I hate doing surgery with Bennington and Delson, they crank their music up so loud that Gradon usually comes in and takes the CD player away. Life’s a ***** then you die, really.”
“Yeah, I see it now, you are right,” replied Sarah.
“And if you think seeing someone dying is bad, you’ve obviously never been down in the morgue, ***, I hate it down there, especially when you’re around Bennington or Delson, they make the morgue look like a form of entertainment,” bitched Andrea. Andrea got up from her seat. “Any who, time’s wasting away and I’ve got things to do. Cheer up, because in the long run, we all die.”
Sarah smiled and realised that it wasn’t just all of Andrea’s sentimental bullshit after all. Andrea replied to Sarah’s smile with a smile of her own, waved goodbye and then disappeared out of sight, leaving Sarah wondering what the **** would happen next that was so traumatic.
Sarah got up from her seat and slowly started to walk the opposite way to where Andrea was going. She was looking to ground, looking to the repeated patterns and lines on the hospital floor, wondering what was going to happen to her in the long run. She stopped. She had a feeling that someone was watching her. She hated being watched, Alexis used to do it to her all the time when she was little, that was, grabbing her from her behind and dragging her somewhere where Allie didn’t know about, also known as, Alexis’ stoners pit at the bottom of the house. She looked around. Only for her eyes to stop on Azem, who was looking directly at her.
Azem really freaked Sarah out. She didn’t know who he was and what his main purpose was right now, but she felt unsafe around.
“You’re Harris’ intern, right?” asked Azem, gruffly. Sarah now remembered where she had seen him. He was the person from the other day who wanted to know where Ravyn was. Sarah nodded, silently, as Azem stopped leaning against the wall and approached Sarah. “What’s your name again? Sorry I didn’t catch it the last time ‘round.”
“Sarah,” answered Sarah, a bit confused.
“Is she nice to you?” asked Azem.
“Sorta,” answered Sarah. “Who the **** are you anyway?”
“The name’s Azem, the man,” gloated Azem, trying to act like a teenager who’s up himself in the playground. “The man that is the boss of this entire hospital thanks to Grant’s departure and the board.”
“What happened to Grant?” asked Sarah, a bit surprised that Grant has just disappeared like a sci-fi character teleporting.
“He left, duh,” answered Azem. “Any who do you know where I can find Harris?”
“Did you try her office?” asked Sarah. Azem shook his head. “Do you know where her office is?” Azem shook his head again. “Are you sure you want to go there?” Azem nodded. “Are you really fit to handle her bullshit?” Azem nodded. “I highly doubt that. Okay, here’s the deal. Just because I lead you there I am not going down with you, because it’s two kamikaze missions in one.”
“Trust me, I can handle anything,” assured Azem, not thinking for one second that Ravyn might’ve changed since their last meeting.
“Fine, if you think that way, come with me, I’ve got nothing else better to do,” sighed Sarah, as Tarja and Meg passed her deep in conversation about the social pool of events that occurs within a hospital like this one. Sarah started walked towards the elevator, not wanting to make conversation with her new boss. Then she realised who was ahead at the very end of the hallway. She stopped and turned around to Azem and pointed to the end of the corridor. “There’s Ravyn and now, this is the part where I leave.”
“You don’t have to leave,” replied Azem, as he stopped, but Sarah just walked back to where she previously was heading towards before she ran into Azem. “Jeez, talk about uptight ******* in this hospital, and I thought be married to Harris was a big enough thing to deal with.”
“Who is he?” asked Rob, at the end of the corridor and Sarah hadn’t seen him talking to Ravyn. Ravyn tried not to hide the fact that she hated Azem for all that he was to her, a *******. “It’s pretty obvious you don’t like him. You can’t hide that amount of hate, Ravyn; it’s pretty **** well obvious.”
“Must I?” asked Ravyn, trying to avoid telling Rob the real truth for her hate as Ravyn looked back to Azem and they caught each other’s eye contact. Azem started to move from where he was stationed. “I don’t like him; can’t I leave it at that?” Ravyn was starting to look for escape routes. The elevator doors opened and an outpour of nurses came out. “I’m going to leave this conversation now.” Ravyn detached herself from the conversation and entered the nearby elevator, leaving Rob thinking the oddest things.
She thought the doors would just close automatically behind her, or so, that she hoped they would. She closed her eyes, just praying to *** that Azem wouldn’t follow in. She heard footprints and then she heard the doors re-opening.
****, just close you stupid doors. Thought Ravyn, still not opening her eyes.
The doors were closing and the footsteps were next to her. She could predict who it would be now. By this stage, she said to herself that it was only Bennington and Delson being sadistically cruel to her. The doors had fully closed now and both bodies could feel gravity take its effect on going down.
“You were never one to face your fears,” said the voice that she hoped wouldn’t be the one to point that fact. She opened her eyes and looked to her side. Azem smiled. “You thought you could spend the rest of your career in this hospital, not talking to me, right?”
“Why are you back in Chicago?” asked Ravyn, trying to restrain herself from letting every emotion loose. “And I thought I made it clear when I said I never wanted to speak to you, that I meant it.”
“Everyone’s pasts always catch up with them and don’t even deny it that I am this horrible ******* that did all this awful stuff to you, supposedly,” Azem carried on. “I didn’t do anything to deserve the divorce.”
“Just except the things that you did to me when you were drunk and angry,” replied Ravyn. “I was your punching bag and I will be damned to eternity if I ever take that divorce back. That’s got be the highlight of my life, getting the divorce over and done with.”
“Bullshit,” muttered Azem. “I treated you like any man would treat his wife.”
“I reiterate, I was your punching bag,” repeated Ravyn, as the elevator stopped on the ICU level. “Now touch my desk and I will personally make sure that you will pay. I may be a *****, but ****, I’m a much better doctor than you and I don’t give two ***** if you have a doctorate in biomedicine. That’s just a piece of paper that tells me that you cheated on all of your exams in med school and yes, I know that for a fact. It’s amazing what I learnt being married to you.” Ravyn walked out into the hallway.
“You haven’t changed,” commented Azem, just as the doors were closing. There was a smirk upon Ravyn’s face, as she found that comment to be a compliment.
Josh looked at Jo sharply. Jo shrugged his look off and continued to figure out what Ravyn’s little spit was about. Jo sighed, knowing too well, that woman is uncontrollable, even in the most controlled environment.
Josh looked back to Azem, with a huge fake smile on his face.
“Sorry, about that, Harris and her foul moods, ah, that’s Joanna, the head of nursing,” explained Josh, being a total suck up to the new doctor on the scene. “That’s Andrea, head of paediatrics.” Andrea raised her head completely bewildered at Josh’s attitude. She shook her head in disapproval. She was going to say something but she feared that the hate between Azem and her would be too obvious too quickly. “Over there against the wall, that’s Greyfoxx, oh no sorry, that’s Meaghen, the head of radiology and radiotherapy. Greyfoxx is just her surname which I have to repetitively have to say to shut her up sometimes.” Josh didn’t know it but he had just said his thoughts out loud and had obviously put Meaghen in a greater bad mood. Ravyn was the instigator, as always, of Meaghen’s bad moods, rarely followed by anybody else. “And I take it; you’ve already had an encounter with Sacred Heart’s third kind…Harris.”
Azem nodded slowly.
“Glad to meet you all,” smiled Azem, shortly, and then he turned and faced Josh. “Is Harris always in her bad moods?”
“You have no idea,” interrupted Meaghen. Azem faced Meaghen as she continued on speaking. “I don’t know what history you guys have together, but ****, I’ve been working here for a couple of years now, and do you know how many times I’ve been tempted to pull out an inanimate object and commit a crime against her?”
“She’s not that bad,” complained Andrea, rolling her eyes at Meaghen’s exaggeration of the topic of Ravyn’s attitude and caustic moods. “Stop exaggerating and start doing what you need to do. Like getting me those stupid x-rays you owe me from three days ago.”
“You’re only saying it because you don’t constantly get compared to neo-Nazis and other historical figures that at the end of the day, make you wonder if she needs to be admitted to the psyche ward,” retorted Jo.
“I wouldn’t blame Ravyn for comparing you and your department to **** enthusiasts,” replied Andrea smoothly. She was only sticking up for Ravyn because she had enough of everybody’s **** about how evil Ravyn is. Andrea did recognise the need for her to change her tone and her moods sometimes, but not to the point where one can be tempted to be above the law.
“She likes comparing people to historical figures?” asked Azem, as everyone’s attention was back on him.
“You sound like that’s nothing new to you,” commented Josh.
“Oh no, it’s not that, it’s just wow, you’ve got to give some credit to her for comparing everyone to historical figures, it takes a lot of intelligence and brain power to keep it up, as I figure that she does,” replied Azem.
Andrea was ready to tell Azem to go to **** and never come back, the same way that Ravyn did, including the storming off and out of the room part as well. Andrea’s rope for Azem’s tolerance was going to snap and she knew it herself, if she didn’t depart from the room within five minutes, she was going to implode and Azem would be right in the path of destruction. Andrea got to her feet suddenly, picked up her half empty coffee cup and preceded to leave the room.
“You know, you and Ravyn have the same exit to a situation,” commented Meaghen. Andrea stopped. “Has anyone notice this?” Andrea concluded Meaghen was deliberately trying to be a pain in the *** and ignored her. She cut between Azem and Josh, giving Azem a really painful watch-your-***-from-now-on look. Azem was amazed he was getting such looks on his first day.
“Meeting’s over, everyone get back to work without hesitation,” ordered Josh, as there was a couple of seconds of silence then everyone got up, talked and walked out of the room at the same time. “You’ve got a record so far, mate, two evil looks from two evil women within ten minutes of each other. Jeez, I haven’t even gotten that many within ten minutes from two women.”
Andrea walked out into the hallway to see Sarah looking at the wall, sitting on the line of chairs next to the wall, and pale faced as ever. Andrea knew Ravyn would find a way to kill Sarah for being so emotional while on the job, despite the fact that Ravyn wasn’t even allowed to teach Sarah without a medical licence. Andrea rushed over to find out what drama had gone down. She was expecting something to do with Matt.
“Are you alright? Hello?” asked Andrea, as she waved her hand up and down to interfere with Sarah’s out of blank gaze that was fixed to the wall. Sarah shook her head to get of the blank gaze that she was in.
“Huh?” asked Sarah, as she realised that Andrea had saw her blankly gazing at the wall. “I was having fun in my own world just then.”
“I’m sure you were,” replied Andrea, blankly, as she took a seat next to her. “What’s up?”
“Have you ever had one of those days were you think that this world would be a better place without death and sorrow?” asked Sarah, as a bunch of doctors and nurses went past her but she didn’t really notice them to figure out who they were and if she knew them or not.
“Yeah, everyday, but the sad reality of it is, we work in a hospital, and strangely enough, everyone sees death on a regular basis, even the innocent ones die,” answered Andrea. “Why do you ask?” Andrea was quite certain Sarah just saw her first death or Matt was playing with her mind again.
“That poor man, he just went like that, I couldn’t do anything, not even the nurses could do anything,” answered Sarah, recalling the events of the past ten minutes.
“It was his time to go and that may sound harsh but, it’s the truth, you live or you die,” told Andrea. “See. Sarah, I’ve told many interns this, many times. But life is just life, there are no rights and there are no wrongs. And when you die, it’s like oopsy-****, I’m dead, now it’s time to haunt people that I hate.”
“Yeah, you’re right in a way,” concluded Sarah.
“There’s no way, I know I’m right, I’ve been here longer and I’ve had more difficult cases to deal with other than cardiac arrests,” replied Andrea. “Cardiac arrests are like men to me almost, usually I find one that I really like, and it goes like that, on and off all the time with me. You’re lucky in a way, when it comes to surgery, you don’t have to do it right now. ***, I hate doing surgery with Bennington and Delson, they crank their music up so loud that Gradon usually comes in and takes the CD player away. Life’s a ***** then you die, really.”
“Yeah, I see it now, you are right,” replied Sarah.
“And if you think seeing someone dying is bad, you’ve obviously never been down in the morgue, ***, I hate it down there, especially when you’re around Bennington or Delson, they make the morgue look like a form of entertainment,” bitched Andrea. Andrea got up from her seat. “Any who, time’s wasting away and I’ve got things to do. Cheer up, because in the long run, we all die.”
Sarah smiled and realised that it wasn’t just all of Andrea’s sentimental bullshit after all. Andrea replied to Sarah’s smile with a smile of her own, waved goodbye and then disappeared out of sight, leaving Sarah wondering what the **** would happen next that was so traumatic.
Sarah got up from her seat and slowly started to walk the opposite way to where Andrea was going. She was looking to ground, looking to the repeated patterns and lines on the hospital floor, wondering what was going to happen to her in the long run. She stopped. She had a feeling that someone was watching her. She hated being watched, Alexis used to do it to her all the time when she was little, that was, grabbing her from her behind and dragging her somewhere where Allie didn’t know about, also known as, Alexis’ stoners pit at the bottom of the house. She looked around. Only for her eyes to stop on Azem, who was looking directly at her.
Azem really freaked Sarah out. She didn’t know who he was and what his main purpose was right now, but she felt unsafe around.
“You’re Harris’ intern, right?” asked Azem, gruffly. Sarah now remembered where she had seen him. He was the person from the other day who wanted to know where Ravyn was. Sarah nodded, silently, as Azem stopped leaning against the wall and approached Sarah. “What’s your name again? Sorry I didn’t catch it the last time ‘round.”
“Sarah,” answered Sarah, a bit confused.
“Is she nice to you?” asked Azem.
“Sorta,” answered Sarah. “Who the **** are you anyway?”
“The name’s Azem, the man,” gloated Azem, trying to act like a teenager who’s up himself in the playground. “The man that is the boss of this entire hospital thanks to Grant’s departure and the board.”
“What happened to Grant?” asked Sarah, a bit surprised that Grant has just disappeared like a sci-fi character teleporting.
“He left, duh,” answered Azem. “Any who do you know where I can find Harris?”
“Did you try her office?” asked Sarah. Azem shook his head. “Do you know where her office is?” Azem shook his head again. “Are you sure you want to go there?” Azem nodded. “Are you really fit to handle her bullshit?” Azem nodded. “I highly doubt that. Okay, here’s the deal. Just because I lead you there I am not going down with you, because it’s two kamikaze missions in one.”
“Trust me, I can handle anything,” assured Azem, not thinking for one second that Ravyn might’ve changed since their last meeting.
“Fine, if you think that way, come with me, I’ve got nothing else better to do,” sighed Sarah, as Tarja and Meg passed her deep in conversation about the social pool of events that occurs within a hospital like this one. Sarah started walked towards the elevator, not wanting to make conversation with her new boss. Then she realised who was ahead at the very end of the hallway. She stopped and turned around to Azem and pointed to the end of the corridor. “There’s Ravyn and now, this is the part where I leave.”
“You don’t have to leave,” replied Azem, as he stopped, but Sarah just walked back to where she previously was heading towards before she ran into Azem. “Jeez, talk about uptight ******* in this hospital, and I thought be married to Harris was a big enough thing to deal with.”
“Who is he?” asked Rob, at the end of the corridor and Sarah hadn’t seen him talking to Ravyn. Ravyn tried not to hide the fact that she hated Azem for all that he was to her, a *******. “It’s pretty obvious you don’t like him. You can’t hide that amount of hate, Ravyn; it’s pretty **** well obvious.”
“Must I?” asked Ravyn, trying to avoid telling Rob the real truth for her hate as Ravyn looked back to Azem and they caught each other’s eye contact. Azem started to move from where he was stationed. “I don’t like him; can’t I leave it at that?” Ravyn was starting to look for escape routes. The elevator doors opened and an outpour of nurses came out. “I’m going to leave this conversation now.” Ravyn detached herself from the conversation and entered the nearby elevator, leaving Rob thinking the oddest things.
She thought the doors would just close automatically behind her, or so, that she hoped they would. She closed her eyes, just praying to *** that Azem wouldn’t follow in. She heard footprints and then she heard the doors re-opening.
****, just close you stupid doors. Thought Ravyn, still not opening her eyes.
The doors were closing and the footsteps were next to her. She could predict who it would be now. By this stage, she said to herself that it was only Bennington and Delson being sadistically cruel to her. The doors had fully closed now and both bodies could feel gravity take its effect on going down.
“You were never one to face your fears,” said the voice that she hoped wouldn’t be the one to point that fact. She opened her eyes and looked to her side. Azem smiled. “You thought you could spend the rest of your career in this hospital, not talking to me, right?”
“Why are you back in Chicago?” asked Ravyn, trying to restrain herself from letting every emotion loose. “And I thought I made it clear when I said I never wanted to speak to you, that I meant it.”
“Everyone’s pasts always catch up with them and don’t even deny it that I am this horrible ******* that did all this awful stuff to you, supposedly,” Azem carried on. “I didn’t do anything to deserve the divorce.”
“Just except the things that you did to me when you were drunk and angry,” replied Ravyn. “I was your punching bag and I will be damned to eternity if I ever take that divorce back. That’s got be the highlight of my life, getting the divorce over and done with.”
“Bullshit,” muttered Azem. “I treated you like any man would treat his wife.”
“I reiterate, I was your punching bag,” repeated Ravyn, as the elevator stopped on the ICU level. “Now touch my desk and I will personally make sure that you will pay. I may be a *****, but ****, I’m a much better doctor than you and I don’t give two ***** if you have a doctorate in biomedicine. That’s just a piece of paper that tells me that you cheated on all of your exams in med school and yes, I know that for a fact. It’s amazing what I learnt being married to you.” Ravyn walked out into the hallway.
“You haven’t changed,” commented Azem, just as the doors were closing. There was a smirk upon Ravyn’s face, as she found that comment to be a compliment.