New member
“Hey did you hear? Harris collapsed!”
“Apparently she’s pregnant,”
“She’s pregnant with Bourdon’s child,”
“She saw Azem and fainted…does that mean she fainted because she’s attracted to him?”
“Didn’t she get hit by a bus or something?”
The rumours were flying around the hospital the next day, faster than a Ferrari on a race track. Mainly the new interns were saying it, and then eventually, the fully qualified staff members were saying it…the really gullible ones.
Jo was sitting in the cafeteria with a bunch of other nurses, and interns, including Tarja. Tarja was currently going on about the different types of rumours that were flying around. She didn’t believe a single one. But Jo, being the normal chatty and gossiping the woman that she was she only believed one. And the only one that made logical sense, the one that a radiology intern had started earlier that morning; Ravyn was pregnant. The difference between Tarja and Jo was that Tarja wanted proof with such rumours, while Jo only wanted to think that Ravyn was pregnant so she could get a whole two years off on paid maternity leave and stay the **** away from Jo and her nurses.
“I still think the pregnant one makes sense,” replied Jo, too much of Tarja’s objection about the type of rumours that were going around. “Explains the moodiness.”
“If she was pregnant, she would’ve been pregnant for a long time,” retorted Tarja. “And she’s hid it pretty well. That woman is like a stick seriously.”
Diana and Sygy had a few moments to spare, so they came and joined Tarja and Jo in their interesting debate of the true and false rumours.
“Good morning all,” greeted Diana, as they both drew up seats at the table. Diana and Sygy were basically estranged twins. They did everything together, including living together and working together. Out of those facts came rumours of them being a lesbian couple. The new members of staff were always the victims of rumours.
“Good morning,” everyone replied on the table who had noticed Diana and Sygy’s presence.
“I’ve been hearing some interesting rumours going around this morning,” said Sygy. “Is it true…?”
“That Ravyn is pregnant?” asked Jo. “Yes.”
“No it’s not,” objected Tarja. “They are just rumours. They aren’t the truth. Just a bunch of bored interns having a bit of fun and a revenge attack at the most hated doctor in the hospital. She only collapsed. I was on call last night and I had to top up her fluids every three hours. She was only dehydrated.”
“Because she’s pregnant,” Jo pushed. Tarja gave up. Nothing Tarja could say or do could change Jo’s mind right now. Tarja rolled her eyes, as Andrea came back to the table because she had just popped out to top up her supply of caffeine in her system. Jo’s attention was now on Andrea’s appearance. “How come you didn’t tell us?” Andrea looked at Jo, puzzled by her question. “That Ravyn’s pregnant.”
Andrea almost wanted to spit out her coffee at such a comment.
“What the ****?” asked Andrea. “Jo, lay off the energy drinks. They give you too much stimulation.”
“No I’m serious, that’s what I heard from Meg this morning,” answered Jo. “How many months along is she?”
“*** **** Joanna, don’t you have better things to do rather than believe rumours and gossip?” asked Andrea. “You’re the head of nursing, go and round up your nurses and play a game of pin the tail on the donkey or something less mentally stimulating.”
Jo frowned and turned her attention back to Sygy and Diana.
“How’s the new paramedic job treating you?” asked Jo.
“Alright,” answered Diana. “I suppose I’ve been in worse jobs.”
“I’m going to grab a coffee,” said Sygy to Diana. “Do you want one?”
“I’ll come with you,” answered Diana, as Sygy and her departed the scene of chattering mouths and wondering minds.
“You seriously need to find something else better to do with your time,” commented Andrea. “No, Ravyn is not pregnant and I know this for a fact. She just needs a vacation right now. The stress is getting to her now.” Andrea got to her feet as she soon realised she had better things to do. She picked up her coffee once on her feet and left the scene. She didn’t like Jo today, mainly because she was an insolent teenager girl just wanting something to talk about.
She walked out of the cafeteria and into the hallway that separated into two different wards. She took a sharp left as she soon realised that she was going the wrong way. She stopped and took a sip of her coffee and put it in a nearby rubbish bin.
“Andrea,” came Rob’s voice from down the corridor. Andrea turned around to see Rob not in uniform but in plain clothes. Andrea smiled and waved, as Rob approached her. “Hey, how have you been doing?”
“Coping,” answered Andrea, bluntly. “More the question is at you, how have you been? Haven’t seen you around lately that much.”
“Yeah, I got in trouble with the cops and Azem’s cut my shifts back,” answered Rob. “I heard some nasty rumours today. And that was me just walking down the hallway to sign some things for some other people.”
“The only rumour that you should believe is that she collapsed,” told Andrea. “Don’t ask Jo or any of the nurses, well, except for Tarja. Tarja at least has a decent brain not to listen to the interns. The nurses are just full of **** when it comes to rumours. You even know what they’re like.”
“Is Ravyn okay?” asked Rob, wanting to avoid answering any questions about his run in with the law. Andrea nodded. Rob’s emotional landslide was going to happen anytime soon. “I hope she still knows I still love her deeply.”
“She’s been hurt more often and more severely then you think,” replied Andrea, not wanting to tell Rob about Azem. “Do you want to see her?” Rob nodded. “She might be awake. I’m not sure. But may as well see. Come, follow.” Andrea started to lead Rob to the elevators. They walked side by side deep in conversation.
“I still love that woman a lot more than you think,” Rob started. “I never meant to hurt her. In fact, I never meant to Chester in the long run. But knowing me, I manage to stuff up things, always. Now I know why she left me.”
Andrea shook her head.
“That’s not true,” corrected Andrea. “She left to protect herself.”
“From what?” asked Rob. “I was never going to hurt her.”
“But you were out of control, and you didn’t mean to hurt Chester, but you did, and she was afraid you were going to hurt her,” answered Andrea. “I know you don’t know her history as well as I do, and I don’t want to be the medium to tell you her lifelong struggle with relationships. You’re better off hearing it from her, not me.”
“I would never hurt her though,” defended Rob.
“You were driven by the fiercest emotion known to man, anger, and it made Ravyn perceive you as an animal,” explained Andrea, as the approached the elevator with a bunch of other people going up. “I clearly empathise with that woman and I would’ve done the exact same thing if it was my partner.”
The elevator doors opened and everybody rushed in to get whatever space was available for themselves. Andrea and Rob stood at the side, as each individual pushed the button for their level. The doors closed and they could feel the ground beneath them go up.
“If only I was only thinking straight,” pondered Rob.
“Yeah, if only,” muttered Andrea, as the elevator came to a stop. Rob and Andrea left the elevator without another word being spoken until they reached the ward that Ravyn had been admitted to. Andrea stopped Rob from going in for a quick word to him. “Just, she’s not in the right state of mind to talk bullshit emotional and relationship ****. Treat her as your friend."
“Will do,” agreed Rob, as Andrea let him walk into the ward. Andrea sighed and walked away. She was getting sick of these mini episodes of Days of Our Lives. Why couldn’t everyone just kiss and make up? Well…not Azem and Ravyn for heaven’s sake. Rob saw Ravyn sitting up in her bed, looking at the wall, probably day dreaming. She had a drip in her arm and she looked teary. “Hey…”
Ravyn looked startled as she looked to see who it was. She relaxed after seeing Rob drawing up a chair next to her bed.
“Hi,” replied Ravyn, shortly, knowing she couldn’t handle the emotional bullshit that came with that man right now.
“I heard what happened, are you alright now?” asked Rob, trying not to pull too much emotional bullshit on her as much as possible. Ravyn nodded. She wasn’t in the talking mood let alone the kiss and make up mood. “That’s good.”
“Are you alright?” asked Ravyn. “I haven’t heard much from you lately. Guess I haven’t seen you around.”
“I got bail, this morning, so that’s good,” answered Rob. “Yeah I’ve been alright. I’ve had better and more interesting moments.”
“This is so awkward talking to you, especially after me blacking out and ****,” said Ravyn, not sure to tell Rob or not.
“Yeah, it seems that way doesn’t it?” asked Rob. “Look, I’m sorry to bring this up, but I have to, okay? But since losing you, I’ve realised how much I miss your hugs and I miss your ******* about other staff members…but overall I’ve missed just being loved by you.” Ravyn looked to him directly, still teary. “I don’t know what happened in the time that I was away and now, *** **** Azem’s cut my shifts down, *******…but that’s not the point.”
“Can you please restrain yourself from bringing that ******* into our conversations from now on?” asked Ravyn, as Rob nodded. “I am aware that you still have strong feelings for me, and it’s vice versa in this situation right now. But I have my own personal demons to battle with, and I can’t be in a relationship right now. It’s not you, as much of a cliché that sounds, but it’s me. My personal demons are emotionally tearing me to pieces and now they’ve started attacking my mental state.” There was a small pause. “Would you mind if I had a sleep? I’ve only just woken up and I still want more sleep. I’m an emotional wreck; I can’t even handle myself right now for the first time in ages.”
“I understand,” replied Rob, as he got to his feet and left the room quietly. Ravyn laid back down to have more of a sleep that she knew she didn’t need but she craved it anyway, to avoid talking to people about what she is and isn’t up for right now. Rob walked past Azem’s new office. Rob wanted to know if he could get any of his old shifts back by any chance.
He knocked, but the door was well open.
There was a kid sitting on a chair near his desk. The boy couldn’t be more than four or five to Rob’s eyes. To Rob, the kid looked a bit liked Ravyn. His attention was diverted suddenly to Azem sitting in his chair, looking at Rob sternly.
“Yes, Bourdon, can I help you with something?” asked Azem.
“Just wanting to know if I could have my old shifts back, well, at least some of them,” answered Rob.
“Your schedule is still pending, and you may get some shifts back, it’s the board making the schedule changes now, not me remember that one Bourdon,” Azem explained, as his attention was suddenly diverted to the little boy in the corner. “Why don’t you go and play with your dinosaurs?”
“They’re downstairs where all the sick kids play,” answered the boy.
“Okay, go get a nurse and you and the nurse can go and get them,” suggested Azem, as the little boy ran off past Rob and down the corridor to only run into Meg.
“He’s your son?” asked Rob.
“Yeah,” answered Azem.
“He’s cute,” commented Rob. “What’s his name?”
“Leo,” answered Azem, shortly. "His mother died when he was only six months old."
p.s. I cannot hold liability over what your nightmares consist of
“Hey did you hear? Harris collapsed!”
“Apparently she’s pregnant,”
“She’s pregnant with Bourdon’s child,”
“She saw Azem and fainted…does that mean she fainted because she’s attracted to him?”
“Didn’t she get hit by a bus or something?”
The rumours were flying around the hospital the next day, faster than a Ferrari on a race track. Mainly the new interns were saying it, and then eventually, the fully qualified staff members were saying it…the really gullible ones.
Jo was sitting in the cafeteria with a bunch of other nurses, and interns, including Tarja. Tarja was currently going on about the different types of rumours that were flying around. She didn’t believe a single one. But Jo, being the normal chatty and gossiping the woman that she was she only believed one. And the only one that made logical sense, the one that a radiology intern had started earlier that morning; Ravyn was pregnant. The difference between Tarja and Jo was that Tarja wanted proof with such rumours, while Jo only wanted to think that Ravyn was pregnant so she could get a whole two years off on paid maternity leave and stay the **** away from Jo and her nurses.
“I still think the pregnant one makes sense,” replied Jo, too much of Tarja’s objection about the type of rumours that were going around. “Explains the moodiness.”
“If she was pregnant, she would’ve been pregnant for a long time,” retorted Tarja. “And she’s hid it pretty well. That woman is like a stick seriously.”
Diana and Sygy had a few moments to spare, so they came and joined Tarja and Jo in their interesting debate of the true and false rumours.
“Good morning all,” greeted Diana, as they both drew up seats at the table. Diana and Sygy were basically estranged twins. They did everything together, including living together and working together. Out of those facts came rumours of them being a lesbian couple. The new members of staff were always the victims of rumours.
“Good morning,” everyone replied on the table who had noticed Diana and Sygy’s presence.
“I’ve been hearing some interesting rumours going around this morning,” said Sygy. “Is it true…?”
“That Ravyn is pregnant?” asked Jo. “Yes.”
“No it’s not,” objected Tarja. “They are just rumours. They aren’t the truth. Just a bunch of bored interns having a bit of fun and a revenge attack at the most hated doctor in the hospital. She only collapsed. I was on call last night and I had to top up her fluids every three hours. She was only dehydrated.”
“Because she’s pregnant,” Jo pushed. Tarja gave up. Nothing Tarja could say or do could change Jo’s mind right now. Tarja rolled her eyes, as Andrea came back to the table because she had just popped out to top up her supply of caffeine in her system. Jo’s attention was now on Andrea’s appearance. “How come you didn’t tell us?” Andrea looked at Jo, puzzled by her question. “That Ravyn’s pregnant.”
Andrea almost wanted to spit out her coffee at such a comment.
“What the ****?” asked Andrea. “Jo, lay off the energy drinks. They give you too much stimulation.”
“No I’m serious, that’s what I heard from Meg this morning,” answered Jo. “How many months along is she?”
“*** **** Joanna, don’t you have better things to do rather than believe rumours and gossip?” asked Andrea. “You’re the head of nursing, go and round up your nurses and play a game of pin the tail on the donkey or something less mentally stimulating.”
Jo frowned and turned her attention back to Sygy and Diana.
“How’s the new paramedic job treating you?” asked Jo.
“Alright,” answered Diana. “I suppose I’ve been in worse jobs.”
“I’m going to grab a coffee,” said Sygy to Diana. “Do you want one?”
“I’ll come with you,” answered Diana, as Sygy and her departed the scene of chattering mouths and wondering minds.
“You seriously need to find something else better to do with your time,” commented Andrea. “No, Ravyn is not pregnant and I know this for a fact. She just needs a vacation right now. The stress is getting to her now.” Andrea got to her feet as she soon realised she had better things to do. She picked up her coffee once on her feet and left the scene. She didn’t like Jo today, mainly because she was an insolent teenager girl just wanting something to talk about.
She walked out of the cafeteria and into the hallway that separated into two different wards. She took a sharp left as she soon realised that she was going the wrong way. She stopped and took a sip of her coffee and put it in a nearby rubbish bin.
“Andrea,” came Rob’s voice from down the corridor. Andrea turned around to see Rob not in uniform but in plain clothes. Andrea smiled and waved, as Rob approached her. “Hey, how have you been doing?”
“Coping,” answered Andrea, bluntly. “More the question is at you, how have you been? Haven’t seen you around lately that much.”
“Yeah, I got in trouble with the cops and Azem’s cut my shifts back,” answered Rob. “I heard some nasty rumours today. And that was me just walking down the hallway to sign some things for some other people.”
“The only rumour that you should believe is that she collapsed,” told Andrea. “Don’t ask Jo or any of the nurses, well, except for Tarja. Tarja at least has a decent brain not to listen to the interns. The nurses are just full of **** when it comes to rumours. You even know what they’re like.”
“Is Ravyn okay?” asked Rob, wanting to avoid answering any questions about his run in with the law. Andrea nodded. Rob’s emotional landslide was going to happen anytime soon. “I hope she still knows I still love her deeply.”
“She’s been hurt more often and more severely then you think,” replied Andrea, not wanting to tell Rob about Azem. “Do you want to see her?” Rob nodded. “She might be awake. I’m not sure. But may as well see. Come, follow.” Andrea started to lead Rob to the elevators. They walked side by side deep in conversation.
“I still love that woman a lot more than you think,” Rob started. “I never meant to hurt her. In fact, I never meant to Chester in the long run. But knowing me, I manage to stuff up things, always. Now I know why she left me.”
Andrea shook her head.
“That’s not true,” corrected Andrea. “She left to protect herself.”
“From what?” asked Rob. “I was never going to hurt her.”
“But you were out of control, and you didn’t mean to hurt Chester, but you did, and she was afraid you were going to hurt her,” answered Andrea. “I know you don’t know her history as well as I do, and I don’t want to be the medium to tell you her lifelong struggle with relationships. You’re better off hearing it from her, not me.”
“I would never hurt her though,” defended Rob.
“You were driven by the fiercest emotion known to man, anger, and it made Ravyn perceive you as an animal,” explained Andrea, as the approached the elevator with a bunch of other people going up. “I clearly empathise with that woman and I would’ve done the exact same thing if it was my partner.”
The elevator doors opened and everybody rushed in to get whatever space was available for themselves. Andrea and Rob stood at the side, as each individual pushed the button for their level. The doors closed and they could feel the ground beneath them go up.
“If only I was only thinking straight,” pondered Rob.
“Yeah, if only,” muttered Andrea, as the elevator came to a stop. Rob and Andrea left the elevator without another word being spoken until they reached the ward that Ravyn had been admitted to. Andrea stopped Rob from going in for a quick word to him. “Just, she’s not in the right state of mind to talk bullshit emotional and relationship ****. Treat her as your friend."
“Will do,” agreed Rob, as Andrea let him walk into the ward. Andrea sighed and walked away. She was getting sick of these mini episodes of Days of Our Lives. Why couldn’t everyone just kiss and make up? Well…not Azem and Ravyn for heaven’s sake. Rob saw Ravyn sitting up in her bed, looking at the wall, probably day dreaming. She had a drip in her arm and she looked teary. “Hey…”
Ravyn looked startled as she looked to see who it was. She relaxed after seeing Rob drawing up a chair next to her bed.
“Hi,” replied Ravyn, shortly, knowing she couldn’t handle the emotional bullshit that came with that man right now.
“I heard what happened, are you alright now?” asked Rob, trying not to pull too much emotional bullshit on her as much as possible. Ravyn nodded. She wasn’t in the talking mood let alone the kiss and make up mood. “That’s good.”
“Are you alright?” asked Ravyn. “I haven’t heard much from you lately. Guess I haven’t seen you around.”
“I got bail, this morning, so that’s good,” answered Rob. “Yeah I’ve been alright. I’ve had better and more interesting moments.”
“This is so awkward talking to you, especially after me blacking out and ****,” said Ravyn, not sure to tell Rob or not.
“Yeah, it seems that way doesn’t it?” asked Rob. “Look, I’m sorry to bring this up, but I have to, okay? But since losing you, I’ve realised how much I miss your hugs and I miss your ******* about other staff members…but overall I’ve missed just being loved by you.” Ravyn looked to him directly, still teary. “I don’t know what happened in the time that I was away and now, *** **** Azem’s cut my shifts down, *******…but that’s not the point.”
“Can you please restrain yourself from bringing that ******* into our conversations from now on?” asked Ravyn, as Rob nodded. “I am aware that you still have strong feelings for me, and it’s vice versa in this situation right now. But I have my own personal demons to battle with, and I can’t be in a relationship right now. It’s not you, as much of a cliché that sounds, but it’s me. My personal demons are emotionally tearing me to pieces and now they’ve started attacking my mental state.” There was a small pause. “Would you mind if I had a sleep? I’ve only just woken up and I still want more sleep. I’m an emotional wreck; I can’t even handle myself right now for the first time in ages.”
“I understand,” replied Rob, as he got to his feet and left the room quietly. Ravyn laid back down to have more of a sleep that she knew she didn’t need but she craved it anyway, to avoid talking to people about what she is and isn’t up for right now. Rob walked past Azem’s new office. Rob wanted to know if he could get any of his old shifts back by any chance.
He knocked, but the door was well open.
There was a kid sitting on a chair near his desk. The boy couldn’t be more than four or five to Rob’s eyes. To Rob, the kid looked a bit liked Ravyn. His attention was diverted suddenly to Azem sitting in his chair, looking at Rob sternly.
“Yes, Bourdon, can I help you with something?” asked Azem.
“Just wanting to know if I could have my old shifts back, well, at least some of them,” answered Rob.
“Your schedule is still pending, and you may get some shifts back, it’s the board making the schedule changes now, not me remember that one Bourdon,” Azem explained, as his attention was suddenly diverted to the little boy in the corner. “Why don’t you go and play with your dinosaurs?”
“They’re downstairs where all the sick kids play,” answered the boy.
“Okay, go get a nurse and you and the nurse can go and get them,” suggested Azem, as the little boy ran off past Rob and down the corridor to only run into Meg.
“He’s your son?” asked Rob.
“Yeah,” answered Azem.
“He’s cute,” commented Rob. “What’s his name?”
“Leo,” answered Azem, shortly. "His mother died when he was only six months old."