diana's journal

Okay okay, I managed to get a decent and easy to use converter so I could make 2 videos of me and Randi...;)

So, here they are:

^ Here's the competition where I end up 10th...you can see how she run into that fence...looks aweful, lol...

^ And here's the competition where I end up 2nd...and it was the 1st time this year that I entered in this category...so, we were all happy...and a lot of people were surprised...;)

Oh, and turn your speakers on at the 2nd video...:D
cool videos...

the first one looks kinda scarry when she hits the fence....
Ha ha...I know...it was scary...:D


Today I had my first verbal exam...Maths...and it was actually okay...I did one mistake and I didn't know everything but I'm happy about it...teachers were very helpful...so yeah...damn, I'm over with Maths! Woot!:D

Tomorrow I'm having verbal from Slovene...and I have no clue about it...I hate studying literature...damn...that's gonna be interesting...lol...


Damn, it's ****in 33°C today here in our town...and nowhere is hotter in Slovenia...damn...so freakin hot...

Yesterday I took my last final exam...so...HOLIDAYS!:party:
Ah, the freedom...even though I can't imagine it yet, lol...

Oh, and today I should go at the competition but it was raining in the morning so I didn't...meh, maybe it's even better that way cuz Randi runs really weird...which is really not good...made me sad yesterday...

And yesterday I went out in the eve after looong time...was okay...and wasn't out long...only till about midnight...

So yeah, that's it...
Thank you all guys!^^

Jeez...well...not really that much cuz I didn't have much time...I thought I'm gonna go on the competition so I should get up at the 5.45 am...so, I did wake up then but when I heard rain falling...it was like bleh...but whatever...

We went to the competiton...I end up 4th in the A2 category (110 cm)...it could be better but I ****ed something up...but it's okay anyway...I'm happy with my girl...^^

4th is not bad....

as long as you are happy with it
i still cant find the vid of you and randi!!!
Ummm...now it's on my myspace profile...I just got the code from photobucket up...you should see it now...:)



I got new pics from competiton today...first 2 are from the 16th...and the other 3 from yesterday...so, here they are:


^ Randi looks so adorable here...her eyes...^^

^ Relaxing before the competiton...;)


^ This jump is like so perfect! Both me and Randi...^^

I got more pics for you...

^ She looks sooo cute...^^


However, tomorrow we're goin to the competition...at the same place as last weekend...so, keep your fingers crossed for me...:)

Oh, and tomorrow in the eve I'm goin to a local concert...there'll be some bands...mostly rock...also Siddharta, if you heard about it...so, it should be fun...and it's good cuz I'm not going to a competition on Saturday so I'll be able to stay outside long...and get at least a bit drunk...;)