diana's journal

yeah it's not very known
I dunno how it works, I've just heard of it
so I thought I'd suggest it since you were having trouble
and explorer is not very great >.>

Yesterday was a basketball match between Slovenia : Germany...and damn, what a game!
After the 1/4 the result was 30:9
After 2/4 - 45:22
After 3/4 - 63:43
In the end the result was 77:47

Our guys completely rocked it, germany played probably the worst game ever, even
Nowitzki couldn't save them and actually he went sitting on the bench soon after the start of the 2nd half the match, I believe...they knew they cannot win it...
It was really a joy for me to watch this stunning game...Slovenia really revenged Germany for that defeat in 2005 in Beograd...:D

Tomorrow we'll be playing against Lithuania...it will be a match between the only 2 teams that won it all on this championship...it shall be very exciting...=)