diana's journal

ok...ubistvu sva bla prjatla ze ene tri leta prej....hmm..k tko pomislim... pomoje najbujsi da se pac tui ti druzis z ostalimi frendi in tko...in na koncu bo lahko lih ksn izmed njih pravi :D
Ma ja...sj to zna bit kr uredi zadeva, ce ti rata...ce...


Yesterday was crazy! It was pouring the whole day and in the eve there were floods actually all over the country but it was the worst in central and east part, I believe (that's where I live)...I mean, floods are not a common thing around here so it was quite a surprise...
In our house it flooded basement and garage but not that badly, though...
Meh, crazy weather...

However, nothing much is going on...I'm supposed to go to riding club again, probably to paint some obstacles and stuff...
it must be raining an awful lot to be flooding o.0
Well, it was raining for only a day but it really was pouring! It didn't seem that a lot but rivers started to rise and all these stuff...crazy...
yeah...yesterday was pretty scary....:eek: and I like storms and stuff...but yesterday was like.... wtf??...so are things ok now in celje? ...omg...i don't know how to speak with you.. slovene or english... XD
In Celje...it's okay now...some roads are still closed, though...but the majority is fine...
He he...depends on what you prefer and if you want other people to understand it or not...but I'm just to lazy to talk to you in english so...bm gvrila slovensk s tabo, ok?:D Razn, ce bo kej, de bi zanimal tut ostale...;)
wow..that's really crazy....

good that it's already getting better
Yeah...for sure...
hehe...ok....sej jst bom pa ucasih po anglesko....ucasih pa po slovensko...ksne dneve mi pridejo prej besede u anglescini kot u slovenscini :D

mja..uglaunem... fajn da ni blo prow nvem kake grozne skode.. ;)
Mhm, vrjamem...:)

Pr nas doma je res ni blo...ponekod pa je kr bla...ah, jebat ga...

I'm sleeeeeepy...

My day:
- woke up at 5.30am...
- was in riding club at 6.45am...
- started with work in the stables...
- around 11am started with helping my trainer to forge...
- around 1.30pm we went to lunch...
- at 2.30pm we had training...
- after my training I watched other's trainings...
- I went home at around 7pm...didn't get the ride before...

So yeah, I think those're the main things...
When I came home, I went upstairs and wanted to get in the room...my sis was in and it took some time to open up...I knew there was something suspicious going on...and when I finally enter, it smelled so bad...and it was cigarettes...yup, she was smoking in the house...I mean, how stupid can she really be?!? She is smoking in the house of non-smokers!
Anyway, I told her that I'm gonna tell mum and she said she doesn't care...but I will anyway...cuz that was the 2nd time that I cought her (1st time was probably about a year ago and I didn't tell...) but now it's just too much...heh...whatever....

Oh, yeah, I'm gonna take my driving test on 4th October...^^ So I still have 2 weeks to drive for about 10 hours...I'm driving tomorrow at 1.30pm after a week, I believe...heh...
yup tell on that brat! lol :p

but yeah...you'll ace that test as well =)
Ha ha, yeah...but i think she told on herself cuz they were talking something about smoking yesterday...so, Idk...when I get the chance, I'll talk to mum...

Yeah, I sure hope so...cuz I'm gonna have to skip the school and come back to celje and then back in maribor...will be such a vaste, if I don't pass it...


Oh...my...god! I threw something in the garbage can and what I saw in it?!? My limited special edition of Korn's Untitled album!! I was like WTF?!? I'm about to kill anyone who did that...seriously...And damn, think about it...luck I saw it...or else there would be no album...:'(

Oh...my...god! I threw something in the garbage can and what I saw in it?!? My limited special edition of Korn's Untitled album!! I was like WTF?!? I'm about to kill anyone who did that...seriously...And damn, think about it...luck I saw it...or else there would be no album...:'(
OMFG!! who could have done that? thats so uncool! thank god you saw it!
She did what???????? (By the way hi DI!! lol) OMG is she a sister or a little devil?? That's bad...that's...OMG poor Di, what kind of a sibling you have to live with *hugs* If someone deliberately threw my rare LP merchandise in the garbage I would decapitate them instantly!! I don't get her, why all this hate? You seriously have to talk to her and find a solution for her despicable behaviour Di... Good luck!

Oh...my...god! I threw something in the garbage can and what I saw in it?!? My limited special edition of Korn's Untitled album!! I was like WTF?!? I'm about to kill anyone who did that...seriously...And damn, think about it...luck I saw it...or else there would be no album...:'(

wow...that's so mean...
She did what???????? (By the way hi DI!! lol) OMG is she a sister or a little devil?? That's bad...that's...OMG poor Di, what kind of a sibling you have to live with *hugs* If someone deliberately threw my rare LP merchandise in the garbage I would decapitate them instantly!! I don't get her, why all this hate? You seriously have to talk to her and find a solution for her despicable behaviour Di... Good luck!
Hey, Jojo!*waves*
She's definitely a devil...no doubt about that...she's the main reason why I want to get away so badly...and that day is finally approaching...I'm gonna be (part) rescued...
I won't talk to her cuz there's no use...especially not now when I'm goin away...I don't care...I don't give a **** about her...
one lucky catch that
glad you rescued it...
I know...thanks...
****ing hell!
Hell yeah!
wow...that's so mean...
Yup...it really is...I'd stab her if I could...


I was driving today...was okay...I'm still a bit lost cuz I'm driving in another town which is so different from Celje...I still got almost 2 weeks to get used to it...but my teacher is happy with my driving...:)
After that I went riding...and I also prepared some stuff cuz we're going to the competition tomorrow...that means I'm gonna have to wake up at 5.30am and I'm going out tonight...awesome, huh? Lack of sleep is waiting for me again...
Oh yeah, new club is supposed to open tonight and I hope it will...it's one of the best in country for young people (students)...till now it's only been in Ljubljana and Maribor and now it's here...yay! Finally something good...well, at least I hope it will be good...
Have fun at the club...

and good luck with the competition...you shouldn't drink that much today...lol