diana's journal

Hey, girl! Thanks for poppin in... :p
I'm okay...I just came home from riding...I had training after like a month...for me training = jumping with my trainer...to let you know, guys... ;)
Well...it's not that long but it is long time...he he...
You know you can click me on the MSN anytime! (when I'm online, of course... :p )
*hugs you tight back*

I'm feeling great! My sis is again gone for the whole day so I'm just enjoying the time without her around... :D Right now I'm watching ski jumping after long time and it feels good... ;) Before that I watched European athletics championships...Our guy was 3rd yesterday at 100 m...and today he qualified at 200 m... :thumbsup:

Anyway, yesterday I had training after about a month...it was pretty good but Randi was a little surprised cuz she had to jump after such a long time...you see, she has to get nervous to jump well...and she has to draw me when she see the obstacle...And yesterday before jumping, she was very relaxed and stuff...and then she had to become nervous...he he...pretty interesting... :p Not for you, of course, I realize that...lol...XD

For today I have nothing planned...I guess I'm gonna stick here at home for the whole day...no riding today...Tomorrow I'll have tryining again, if the weather's gonna be okay...And on Sunday competition...aga, in there's not gonna be raining...

Oh, I have a video for you of my victory... :) The quality is really bad but at least you can see something... :thumbsup: Here it is:
me & randi_competition_victory
The video of the watering after that victory coming soon... :p

So, I guess this is it...have nothing more to say to you...Take care!
He he, you're wondeful! Such an excitement...I can't believe it! He he...*hugs back* I'm really glad, that you liked it... :)

Oh, a video of watering just uploaded...so, here it is...
freakin funny watering...XD
This stuff is very funny and you can hear how we Slovenians speak, he he...lol... :p Oh, and as you can see, I'm not the only one that got wet...they watered me, as the best that day, and another girl, as the worst, lol... And, yes, I had a black bra... :eek:
Hahaha!!! Hilarious!!! Well that black bucket on your head...definitely suits you Di my dear!! Hehe...Joking! I hope you didn't catch a cold after that, right? Lovely!!! :D
He he...yeah, I too think that suits me very well... :rolleyes: :D
No, I didn't catch a cold cuz it was too freakin hot...over 30°C... This was recorded on 17th of June...and this was the time when I went on competiton without sleeping but partying all night, he he...just to refresh your memory... :p
It's nice to see your mood has elevfated alot recently, i like this Diana so much not that I didnt like u before but this one is just ace ^_^
He he, well, you didn't ask... :rolleyes:
However, I'm glad you had fun watching it, lol... :D I guess that you won't hesitate on watching any of my stuff in the future... :p I think you learned your lesson...ha ha... ;)
And, btw...not only T-shirt, lol...
diana said:
He he, you're wondeful! Such an excitement...I can't believe it! He he...*hugs back* I'm really glad, that you liked it... :)

Oh, a video of watering just uploaded...so, here it is...
freakin funny watering...XD
This stuff is very funny and you can hear how we Slovenians speak, he he...lol... :p Oh, and as you can see, I'm not the only one that got wet...they watered me, as the best that day, and another girl, as the worst, lol... And, yes, I had a black bra... :eek:

haha, that was funny :D
Chantal said:
haha, that was funny :D
Yeah, it was...and the funniest thing was that I walked around the place completely wet for about half an hour! I had to give a shower to Randi and stuff...I can't imagine how people looked at me, ha ha... :eek:
Oh, what do you think about my new sig?

So, yesterday I went riding in the morning...it was pretty nice...
In the evening at 9.30 pm I went out after like 2 months! :eek: However, I went to town, my mum gave me a lift. First I hang out with my school-mate Katarina and 3 other girls at one's of these other girls place. It was pretty nice and very funny cuz Sara got sooo drunk...ha ha, we just laughed at her so much...lol...she did everything we told her to do, all the stupid and silly stuff... :p I wasn't drinikn cuz they only had wine and vodka...and I wasn't really into that...plus I haven't been drinkin alcohol for very long time... Oh, but I smoked a cigarette after long time...and a bit of cigar but it was disgusting!

Oh, well, after that we went to that club...it was awesome going in there after 2 months! :D At the beginning I eve didn't know how too dance, lol...but then I remembered... :eek: So, gone wild a bit but I was like all wet of my sweat...too many people, too little place and too hot! He he...lol...2 guys flirted with me...first one was just one guy with this long blond hair, probably a "true-metal-man", lol...he started to dance with me from the back and then after a while, when he wanted to kiss me and I said no, he just walked away, probably thinkin about: "Well, **** you then...", lol...I wasn't surprised though...oh, his friends just laughed at him while we danced and I heard one of them saying to another: "What a lover...haha...", lol...*giggles* After that small event another guy again came to me from the back and again started to dance...bla, bla, bla...he even said taht he thinks I'm cute and that he wanted to get to know me better...I just said that I'm in love with another guy and that there's actually no use dealing with me. He thanked me for being honest and that's how we separated...nicer guy than the first one but I think he was about 25 years old at least...
Well, it was interesting and that's all that matters... :p
Oh, I met my ex-bf...we were even throwing around for a bit, lol...pretty crazy... :p It's nice to have him as a friend... :)
First thing that happened to me when I entered the club was that I saw some familiar faces nad my school-mate Špela. We almost jumped on one another, hugged, when one guy hitted into us so we fell to the flor...lol...I just think this was something like: "Welcome back!"...he he...pretty rough welcome but at least it was, lol... :D
Anyway, I came home at about 3.45 am...pretty early but it got boring cuz the music wasn't that good...so I want to sleep at 4.10 am and wake up at about 11.45 am...and now I'm here... :thumbsup:

I also found out today that tomorrow's competiton is displaced on the 3th September...I'm happy about it cuz I really have no will to go there...it's cold and rainy or cloudy... :confused:

Hmmm, I think that's it...take care, mates! ;)
*is wanting to be you*

i just adore you :p
cause i want to ride like you too !!!!

how are you ding hun?
i hope okay

just one week vacation left :(
i don't want to go to school !!!!!!

see you later !!!

*tight hug*
He he...you'll ride like me some day or better...you just have to be persevering... :thumbsup:
I'm okay, thanks...and you?
Your school starts in a week?!? :eek: Poor you...mine starts on 1st September...but damn, this is gonna come soon... :(
*hugs back*