diana's journal

diana said:
Nothing is going on...again...Yesteday I was so bored that I even started to read a book for my next-year final exams...Idk, I guess it was the only smart thing of me for the past couple of days...or weeks...
However, I again had this dreams...damn, they were weird...and long...and so realistic!
Well I better won't explain them all cuz they really were strange...but the main part was that Miha, Blaž (my ex) and some other guy (I don't remember who he was) were in the same room, I think at Miha's place. Then all of the sudden I started to makin out with my ex when I realised that I'm makin out with my EX! Miha and the other guy just left the room...the strange thing is that I didn't stop...Idk...Anyway, dreams were over soon when we stopped...
When I woke up I was confused...I don't know what this supposed to mean now...Strange, ha?
Oh, well...I just can't wait till the next week when Miha should come home one day... ;)
lol...funny dream :p
and I've always thought that thing on top of the z in Blaz (don't know how to write it lol) looked kinda cool...random fact but yeah haha
Hmmmm... interesting dream... I can't say there is a particular meaning for this dream, you just had a dream involving Miha because you think about him all the time... as for the making out part... the fact it was your ex you were making out with doesn't really mean anything, he was just part of the context... I think you just feel so confused with the whole situation that your subconscious brings out a mixture of feelings, and people you have been emotionally involved with at some point in your life... It'll all be clearer to you once Miha comes back... Just be a lil patient OK honey? *hugs* :)
diana said:
Nothing is going on...again...Yesteday I was so bored that I even started to read a book for my next-year final exams...Idk, I guess it was the only smart thing of me for the past couple of days...or weeks...
However, I again had this dreams...damn, they were weird...and long...and so realistic!
Well I better won't explain them all cuz they really were strange...but the main part was that Miha, Blaž (my ex) and some other guy (I don't remember who he was) were in the same room, I think at Miha's place. Then all of the sudden I started to makin out with my ex when I realised that I'm makin out with my EX! Miha and the other guy just left the room...the strange thing is that I didn't stop...Idk...Anyway, dreams were over soon when we stopped...
When I woke up I was confused...I don't know what this supposed to mean now...Strange, ha?
Oh, well...I just can't wait till the next week when Miha should come home one day... ;)
Most likely it means your scared of doing something stupid infront of him
Frib...he he, yeah...well, I bet you don't know how to say it... :p And I can't help you with that cuz I don't know how too write it another way... But, "š" is something like sch in german, and "č" something like ch...now you can fugure "ž" out...lol... :thumbsup:
Jojo...yeah, maybe you're right...actually we can't know for sure what these dreams mean...but I know that it mean at least something. Thanks for thinking about it, sweety! *hugs*
And, yeah...I know...I am patient...let's say... ;)
Sarah...no problem, girl... :) *hugs*
Hybrid...hmmm, I never thought about it that way...thanks...another thing to think about... ;)

Yesterday was bad...me and my sis had this huge fight...horrible...yesterday I've gone insane...completely! And it's about all these everyday fights we have but I just can't handle it anymore, you know...I just can't! The only thing I'm thinkin about is that I only have to hold on for another year and then I'm gone! Waaaa, I can't wait!
Oh, and then, in the evening, my mum, sis and me were just argueing like really bad...it was awful! My sis was crying like she's the most poor human out there! And then it was again all my fault... Nobody seems to realise that she is destroying me mentaly...she's destroying me with her words... You can't even imagine what she's like...

Anyway, today I went riding in the morning...came home...read some magazines...had lunch..and now I'm here...trying to relax...and have some better time...
Ashwin said:
Do you think there's a reason why your sister argues with you. I don't know too much attention, different ages and so on :confused:
Well...she's like 14 years old...very bad age for me...you know what I mean...
Sooo, we always, always argue cuz of copmuter...we have time fixed and everything but...she's always bitchin when I'm on the internet longer than she is...so, the reason is nothing big but...I'm listening to her like all days just bitchin and I can't handle it...
u know date rape drugs arent just for drug rape*, they work wonders and keeping lil brats quiet

*im not endorsing spiking of any kind, any assumption so means ur vereh vereh confused and oddly and should be locked up*
diana said:
Frib...he he, yeah...well, I bet you don't know how to say it... :p And I can't help you with that cuz I don't know how too write it another way... But, "š" is something like sch in german, and "č" something like ch...now you can fugure "ž" out...lol... :thumbsup:
except I'm not sure I get the ž...is it like a voiced S? hmm
Haha!!! *rotfl* Fribbsy's quest of life...Find the right pronounciation for z with a hat (don't have the symbol to put over the z, sorry guys) :D :D Hey Di my sweet!!! How are ya? *squeeze hugs*
He he, Jojo...you mean "Ž"... :p Yeah, I'm wondering if there even exist a pronounciation for it... Well, we'll see... :D
Anyway, Jojo, I'm fine....especially when I'm online...when I'm not I'm extremely bored...and on Thursday we had a huge fight: my sis, mum and me...However, let's say it's better now... :thumbsup:
And how are you, my sweety? *squeeze hugs back*