diana's journal

Sygy said:
oh, you wanted me to feel it back.
Well i give you ten out of ten for effort! real couragious attempt! but when it came to actual quality methinks you fell a bit short, sweet cheeks!
dont condem my behaviour and how i speak to people when you have no clue where im comming from! it is not your place.
No, I'm not dropping this just like that...even though I don't ever wanna fight, especially not with you Syg but...for once I spoke up my mind and I'm not gonna leave like that...

Anyway, Syg, and who are you so you can call people names like "heartless pigs"?!? And just cuz they keep their birds in cages! It would be nice if you thought about other people and their feelings once in a while...

And do you know where I come from?!? Do you know where the others people you called heartless pigs come from!?! Okay, okay...I just hope you're gonna think about it even though I don't think you will...

Again...I don't wanna fight with you...but...I've just heard enough of bullshit from you...and I kinda wanted to speak up for a change...
Oh, and it's not about animals anymore...just to make it clear...

MrRandomGuy said:
hey Di, how are you doing today?
I'm doin okay, thank you...and yourself?
I didnt think i was just about animals anymore, but thank for informing me anyways.
If u want to make a bigger deal about this than its fine, do as you wish. I just think its very pathetic that if you wanted to speak your mind for so long, that you waited this long.
you know what, type cast me all you wish, whatever. im 'bitchy' fine! but maybe i dont know where your comming from, well i dont know where your comming from bc i thought much highly of you before. you i give you kudos for realizing that!
But dont typecast me, you dont know me obviously. I was going to drop this, i honestly *hand on heart* only came into your journal to apologize to you as i patching things up with the dude who has the parrot. Which is a very rare thing for me to back down.
ok, speak up, take ur uttermost cheapest shot.
Sygy said:
I didnt think i was just about animals anymore, but thank for informing me anyways.
If u want to make a bigger deal about this than its fine, do as you wish. I just think its very pathetic that if you wanted to speak your mind for so long, that you waited this long.
you know what, type cast me all you wish, whatever. im 'bitchy' fine! but maybe i dont know where your comming from, well i dont know where your comming from bc i thought much highly of you before. you i give you kudos for realizing that!
But dont typecast me, you dont know me obviously. I was going to drop this, i honestly *hand on heart* only came into your journal to apologize to you as i patching things up with the dude who has the parrot. Which is a very rare thing for me to back down.
ok, speak up, take ur uttermost cheapest shot.
Oh well...I don't want to carry on with that anymore...I just wanted to tell what I wanted to...
And yes, I know...I know I never speak up my mind...I hide it all inside...you don't need to remind me...I have lot's of things on my mind which is not easy...but hey, whatever...you don't need to listen to that ****...
Do you really think you know me now?
Okay, if you think so...
And well...I guess I'm sorry for everything after all...but I have a feeling you don't wanna hear that stuff...
Just wondering if your cool? I mean the Sygy thing is scary to read, maybe it's because I haven't beena round for a while. You 2 ok now or what lol!?
Cloud said:
Hmm ok. Sorry, but yea, the stuff your wearing for prom? What do you need now?
Ummm...sorry for yesterday...but when I'm in a bad mood I can quickly piss off...

Anyway...well...I got my skirt yesterday but left it at that designer that's gonna make me a corset...I'm gonna go to try it on tomorrow... Yesterday I was lookin for shoes but I didn't like any so I have to go today at the other place...now I really must find somethin...
Yesterday I also ordered a bunch...we have to have one on our left hand...and I ordered at the hairdresser... I think that is it... :p

MrRandomGuy said:
I'm doing pretty good
Nice to hear it...:)
GraDoN said:
nice to see you are sorting everything out... btw who are you going with?
Ummm...I'm dancin with my ex-school-mate from Elementary school, my neighbour...he's at the same school as me but he failed the first year so he's now in 3rd... We're just buddies...


Today we went to the theatre with school...just 3rd and 4th classes of gymnasium..so we didn't have lessons... We watched "Look Back In Anger" that we also have to read for our final exams (matura) at English. Well, I've already read it...I'm a good girl, lol... :p
Anyway, I saw Rok...and now I feel bad... :( Plus the weather is depressing...it's raining and stuff...so yeah, I'm havin fun... I'm thinkin a lot again...

Oh, yesterday we had a presentation of studying abroad... There's one organization called "hakes" (http://www.hakesinternational.org/index.php?lang=sl)...they are offering studying in Denmark and in UK...in Denmark for free at 12 programs at 4 schools...you just have to pay for your own living (room, food and stuff...)...in UK they pay 2/3 of the tuition for studying at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge or Chelmsford... I got very interested...but those programs in Denmark are not for me...I mean, I'm not interested in them...but I'm not really interested in goin to UK... :confused: Even though it would be a perfect opportunity for me to study psychology...
I would really need a big change in my stupid, boring life...and this is a perfect chance! Plus my mum totally supports this idea...but...there are always "buts"... :confused:
What do you guys think about that?
um if there's a chance to go abroad, you should take it. I'd love to go live somewhere else for a while.

and if you have any questions about denmark, maybe I could help ya out...
uk I don't know so much
Friðbjörn said:
um if there's a chance to go abroad, you should take it. I'd love to go live somewhere else for a while.

and if you have any questions about denmark, maybe I could help ya out...
uk I don't know so much
Yeah, like, everybody is saying that...and I know I should take it...but in Denmark sadly really is nothing that I'd be interested in that is offered... :(

I need a change so desperately...I can feel it...

Oh, and thanks...:)
well, guess that leaves the uk then ;)
but I mean there are opportunities elsewhere as well. there are other foreign exchange programs, and stuff like that.

it's all up to you obviously. I know a saying, it goes "with choice comes pain". doesn't sound very comforting, but hey there it is. lol
good luck in whatever you decide to do :)