diana's journal

mm I see
yeah you are...nowadays, haha

I mean nobody respects the real age minimum...people just start drinkin lol
I know...:D

And yeah, that's true...but it's just how it is...law is there to break it...sometimes...:p

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I saw Rok yesterday on my way to town...and he said hello...across the road...pretty impressing, lol...

oh btw...
you liked that Mogwai track right?
there's actually another band, or at least one of their albums, with this great beautiful instrumental music
it's called Broken social scene, and I've heard one album so far, called Feel good lost
so I recommend that rather than other Mogwai tracks, at least for the feel of Auto-rock lol
it's not the same really, but it's just as beautiful, imo
hmm yeah impressive...for him maybe
Ha ha...certainly him for doing it...lol...
oh btw...
you liked that Mogwai track right?
there's actually another band, or at least one of their albums, with this great beautiful instrumental music
it's called Broken social scene, and I've heard one album so far, called Feel good lost
so I recommend that rather than other Mogwai tracks, at least for the feel of Auto-rock lol
it's not the same really, but it's just as beautiful, imo
Well, I actually pretty much like Auto-rock album...:)
Thanks for the info, though...I'm downloadin it...^^
Hahaha i am too looking forward to legal drinking :p
well atleast at a pub or social environment.
Heh, yeah...but when you are allowed to, it's really nothing special...or you don't drink alcohol in pubs (like me) cuz it's too expensive...lol...


I know I've been logged on for the past 2 days even though I haven't been here...it's just that my internet connection was shut down cuz we didn't pay the bill...nothing unusually for us...

Anyway, what's been happening?
Well, nothing much really...I had trainings in the morning for those past 2 days which means that I was just being lazy in the afternoons...was watching tv and playing cards on the computer...nothing dramatic...

Oh, yesterday I actually watched basketball which I haven't watched for years probably...it was a match between Slovenia and France...woah, that was sooo dramatic! In the end our guys won 67:66, I believe, even though they were losing it in the between for like 15 points...plus the judges were being bitches and were judging in the favour of France, naturlich...-.- Now our guys are goin in the quarter final, I think, as the first in their group cuz they won all 3 matches...so, that was quite exciting...:)

Ummm, what else?
Oh yeah, tomorrow I'm finally gonna drive again....this time after more than 2 weeks...and my teacher said that I'm gonna drive for 3 hours...I'm interested in how's that gonna look like...lol...
And that driving theory test...I'm probably gonna go and take it again in 2 weeks...didn't have will to do it today and I won't be able to do it next week...

However, that's it...
glad you like all that stuff :p
amazing album...

I noticed you used german slang haha
you said natürlich in the middle of a sentence...that's so like me lol
glad you like all that stuff :p
amazing album...

I noticed you used german slang haha
you said natürlich in the middle of a sentence...that's so like me lol
Yeah, I do like that stuff...so, keep me informed, will you?:)

Ha ha...ummm...I use aber natürlich sometimes...just cuz I feel like it...I don't think I use any other german words, though...plus I don't write ü cuz I can't figure out the shortcut to it...*shrugs* Woot, now we have something in common...:D
dicker means fatter

what the whole thing means...who knows
I guess it might be one of those saying in languages that are just wordplay and make no sense, or it's just Jos flipping out


So...today I was driving for 3 hours...first for 2 and then for 1...one girl was driving in between cuz she was having a test drive for the licence...she failed and was so disappointed...it was pretty sad looking at her...
My teacher said that we'll try to pretty much complete with my driving this month...woah, I really hope it will happen...:)


So...today I was driving for 3 hours...first for 2 and then for 1...one girl was driving in between cuz she was having a test drive for the licence...she failed and was so disappointed...it was pretty sad looking at her...
My teacher said that we'll try to pretty much complete with my driving this month...woah, I really hope it will happen...:)

that means you could get the license pretty soon, right?

good luck with all that