So what does that comparison have to do with a religious discussion?
Um.....Wez, try to pay attention, the comparison was how faith is a feelings similar to the unconditional love feeling I have as a parent to my children, the entire thing was about comparing feelings, feelings you have never experienced so I can understand your confusion on that part but still try to keep up on how the discussion has evolved.
So what.. you're a superior human being? What does that comparison have to do with a religious discussion?
Again, try to keep up, we were talking about how religion does not come from a book just like love of a child does not come from a book. You either have it or you don't.
I never had a child to feel any connection to TJ.. we decided to terminate the pregnancy.. So your religion that stresses forgivenenss tells you that I did something morally unforgivable and you are obligated by *** to "punnish" me for it?
First of all my faith offers forgiveness from *** for sin to those who ADMIT they have done wrong. You feel what you did was good, so how can *** forgive you?
As far as me trying to punish you, I don't see the connection, I am not trying to punish you Wez, I even spent a considerable amount of time trying to use the least attacking descriptive word in my attempt to not punish you. I can't erase the fact you disposed of your own child, but if you really believe you did nothign wrong, me commenting on it cannot be seen as a punishment either.
Yes you did, playing semantics does not change the fact that you and her created a life and you disposed of it. That life was part of both of you and you killed a little bit of yourself in the process. If you have to use semantics to hide from the reality of your actions then you admit your even feeling shame for your deed, and actually that is a good thing. Feeling shame is the first step to admitting you were wrong and admitting you were wrong is how you find forgiveness.
do you still love the mother of of your children?
To a certain extent, yes I do. I could never live a life of love with her again because that requires trust that cannot exist between us anymore. I never have understood how some peopel go from love to hate, I may not like some of her actions, but I definately do not hate my ex.
She is the mother of my children, children I love deepely, how could I hate the person who helped me bring them to life?
The ugly things you have said about her in the last few years sure do not sound like love to me, so if you used to love her, but now you don't love her, then obviously love for you is conditional, lol.
Nice try Wez, but I have never said anything ugly about my ex on a personal level. I have complained about some of the things she had done and yes, some of it has really upset me, but I am incapable of hating her, as I said above, to a certain degree I do still love her, we shared some very strong feelings and traveled a big piece of life together and I would not trade that time and lose my children, I charish that time even thought it had some bad parts to it.
What happened to the unconditional love your wife shoulda had for you
That would be a question for her, not me. My guess would be she lost her faith in *** and could no longer be with me because she felt bad that I still had my faith, but again that is just a guess, nobody knows for sure what is in the other person's head.
and vice versa and the "unconditional love for the children you allow her to "whip every other day"?
Oh my, reaching pretty hard on that one Wez, you really are desperate to "get even", lol.
I suppose you would kill her and run away with the children? Is that the alternative Wez? Spanking is legal in Florida, the schools here still have "swats" for crying out loud. Spanking that does not leave big marks is not considered child abuse in Florida, maybe it does in other States, but not in Florida. I don't personally believe spanking is reasonable for most punishment dealing with a child, but if my ex does, there is no legal way to stop it.
That would be you.
Anyway, as usual I always kick myself each time I try to give you the benefit of the doubt that "this time" Wez might actually be reasonable, and this is no exception.
My point was simply that book knowledge of religious literature does not give anyone an understanding of religion because religion is 100% internal. Without a feeling of faith, a feeling of something more, reading a Bible or going to church will be difficult to understand. It is liek a guy who has his girlfriend drag him to a poem reading. The girl is having a great time but the guy is sitting there clueless and bored to tears, maybe even angry over being forced to listen to "this garbage" just to appease his girl.
I understand the confusion peopel without faith have when looking at the many religions, I really do. All I ask is don't attack religion and faith just because you can't grasp it's existence.
I remind everyone that perceptions are not always the best way to decide what is real or not, germs existed even though we did not possess the ability to perceive them just like the Earth was always round even thought people thougth it was flat for the same reason of not being able to perceive it's roundness.