So, your claim is that the writings aren't literal, and are subject to interpretation?
Which writings?
Again, this goes back to the context. Is the verse in the OT that tells me not to mix types of thread together open to interpretation? No, it's pretty straight forward. don't mix cotton and wool. But what is open to interpretation is the reason why that verse is in there.
Back in the day, clothing had to last. Mixing thread types back then would severely shorten the lifespan of you clothing. It isn't a directive meant to keep folks from wearing polyester leisure suits (although, you could make that argument...,) instead it is there to help set up a community that didn't have unlimited means and a Kohl's on every corner.
Does this mean that I am going against ***'s wishes by wearing the polyester leisure suit? well.... it's a leisure suit, so bad example... But no, it was a cultural rule, not a spiritual one- so it's not relevant today, as cultures have changed.
Is the creation account in genesis literal?
No. I do believe that it only took 7 days for an all powerful *** to create the universe, but the creation account isn't an eye-witness account of creation. If you watched an instant replay, there is likely a lot of stuff left out. heck, Genesis wasn't even the first book of the bible written.
Is the story of Jesus life open to interpretation?
I would say no. The life of Jesus is told Biblically by 4 eye-witnesses of his life. People nowadays have been executed on flimsier evidence than that.
His teachings though? To a point. Interpretation may not be the right word to use here, but like I said: He spoke in parables so that folks would have to really listen to what he was saying in order to get what he meant. His message doesn't change, but the way we read/hear it most definitely can- depending on our mood, what is going on in our lives, our level of spiritual maturity. I can read a passage of his teachings and get something out of it that I never saw before. heck, I was reading the account of Jesus turning water into wine the other night and got a totally different meaning out of it than I ever had before. The message didn't change, but the way 'I' interpreted it did.
This is what leads to so many different denominations and churches- man reading and interpreting things differently.
That goes back to fallible man getting in the way.