Do U believe in ***?


New member
I myself as stated before do no believe in ***. There are too many things that seem odd why he would let happen. Take for instance the Holocaust. What did the Jews do that made them deserve that? Also why does *** let children die in Africa because of hunger?

And heres my main point. What did *** create the dinosaurs? So we could find them and prove he isn't perfect? And for all as we humans know, *** could be a gambler. What if he bet the Devil to see who could get more people into Heaven or ****. Now I don't believe this as a point, but prove me wrong.

Oh man, I'm gonna get a lotta flack for this. Also I'm sitll waiting to hear from the mod that delted the bible picture I posted so long ago.

P.S. I'm prob gonna be a lil slow in my response. I'm posting alot on another forum and from time to time now I go here.



New member
Its not flack because of the things u said....... well kinda but not in a relgious sence your saying *** exists despite saying he dont and the is no mention of the Dinosaurs in any old religion tis one of the many reassons why its dismissed now.


New member
We were discussing about the dinosaures and the big band and everything in my religion class and those who believed in ***, dissagreed that they've excisted and those who dont obviously agreed but than my teacher said that they are proofs of dinosaures existens (duh) but if *** is so powerfull as he is (which I believe) then he can have "put" the dinosaures' bones and have created big bang. The creation of big band did not seem logical to me as bible says that *** created earth in seven days in a different way but...

well, we cant have every answers. That's what makes us humans.

But personally, I do believe in ***. Wouldn't make it through life with him.

Although, there are times in life when I question the bible (my father's christian and even if he wouldn't be, I would have the same amount of respect for christainty and all other religions) or being Hindu, the bhagavad gita but then I also find that if I want help, I recieve it.



New member
The Bible isn't a science textbook. Stop acting like I think it can be one. It's not.
Are you saying it the Bible doesn't hold truth like a science textbook? Or that it's not a book of facts and provable theories laid out to you like a science textbook? Either way, it should become a textbook.. If one can follow a religion so blindly and without question, the religious philosophies and teachings should be laid out to you and proven. Then, there would be no need to question the religion and all the Why's and Why Nots would be answered. Kind of like the ultimate Cliff Notes for the Bible. But that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

The creation of big band did not seem logical to me as bible says that *** created earth in seven days in a different way but...well, we cant have every answers. That's what makes us humans.
As humans, yeah we don't have all the answers but don't underestimate your own mind. Don't like people bog you down because they say "Oh, you cannot understand the meaning of ______ because ***'s thinking is so superior that we can't comprehend it." If you believe that that is true and that only *** can understand certain things, then you're lathargic and you know nothing more than an Athiest.



New member
As humans' date=' yeah we don't have all the answers but don't underestimate your own mind. Don't like people bog you down because they say "Oh, you cannot understand the meaning of ______ because ***'s thinking is so superior that we can't comprehend it." If you believe that that is true and that only *** can understand certain things, then you're lathargic and you know nothing more than an Athiest.[/quote']Well, I do believe that human is so advanced that we have the ability to find these answers out but we have'nt find out how to. Science have proved that to and I'm not sure but I think that humans only use 6% of their brain.

I hold my word to what I said before that we dont have all the answers. Now, I dont udnerstand how that makes me nothing more than an athiest.

I'm not telling that I let ppl bog me down about those kind of things though but how can me believing that make me an atheist?


New member
I believe he exists, you cant breath life and look at our world without believing it. But I'm not religious. (this is a pretty loaded topic, this subjest usually starts arguments)


New member
Are you saying it the Bible doesn't hold truth like a science textbook? Or that it's not a book of facts and provable theories laid out to you like a science textbook? Either way' date=' it should become a textbook.. If one can follow a religion so blindly and without question, the religious philosophies and teachings should be laid out to you and proven. Then, there would be no need to question the religion and all the Why's and Why Nots would be answered. Kind of like the ultimate Cliff Notes for the Bible. But that would be too easy, wouldn't it?[/quote']
Uh... no? I'm saying the Bible doesn't let you in on every little teeny weensy detail about everything. That's not the purpose. It says *** Created everything. Finished.

Science textbooks go into more detail. Science doesn't disprove ***. Science explains how *** does things. The only reason Science exists is because the early scientists believed that *** had created the world with enough regular occurance to study it.

You can't say that everything..... well, geez, humans are complex enough to where we couldn't have been made by blind chance!

If we were all made by blind chance, and there's nothing after this life, then... this life counts for nothing. We should all be running around naked, smoking crack and raping nuns. Anally.

Ever think to wonder WHY we only use 6% of our brain? It's because there would be no free will if we used all of it. Because it's a no-brainer that *** exists. To think otherwise, meaning, thinking that there's nothing more intellectuall than humans... well, that's just paranoid and egotistical.


New member
You stand up for what u believe in but dont let others do the same, thats called hypocritical.............. anywho yea should stop taking potshots but I for one think everyone should turn it down a notch. No one is going to convert anyone here just leave it, its a waste of time.


New member
What is right, is not always popular. What is popular is not always right.
Hmm, is it popular to be athiest/agnostic in middle America these days? In North America?

You're not arrogant and stubborn because you're defending your beliefs. Be Christian. Be proud of it. You're arrogant, stubborn, and ignorant because you shove your religion down other peoples' throats while saying that their current religion is a lie. There's a difference between expressing your opinions and instigating.



New member
Ever think to wonder WHY we only use 6% of our brain? It's because there would be no free will if we used all of it. Because it's a no-brainer that *** exists. To think otherwise' date=' meaning, thinking that there's nothing more intellectuall than humans... well, that's just paranoid and egotistical.[/quote']

You LIKE the idea of being a mindless, *** fearing drone?


New member
well im christian and I wrote a whole (practically) novels worth of info on the last thread about the to-close to comfort similarities between muslims and christians...but the thread got lockd th moment i tried to post...

either way Christianity tells us not to dismiss other religions as wrong/ evil. So i have no clue why you would do so. Did u know in the koran it praises jesus christ claiming he is a great man...the only diffrence is that they belive jesus didnt die


your not supposed to fear ***.

yea i beleive in ***,

but the reason ppl say the church is hypocrites is because there is no one ness in the church. Eg: there are countless denominations, and everyone thinks that their church is the best.



New member
Where? Jesus didn't say that. Jesus never preached tolerance.
You don't Fear ***?

Last person who said that got thrown down in Isaiah 14:12.

um ever heard of the ten commandments?

Love thy neighbor. In order to love the people around you have err uhh how to say this...tolerate people :thumbsup:

Isaiah 14:12, that is in a book we call the old testement. Now see Jesus came down to Earth to reinterpret the bible thus creating the new testement...before Jesus showed up everyone though *** was this merciless dude who wanted you to fear him and junk like that. Jesus came down to preach and say Hey um *** doesn't want you to fear him...he kinda wants you to love him and embrace him....

For a guy who strongly sticks up for his christian faith you know so little

Where? Jesus didn't say that. Jesus never preached tolerance.
You don't Fear ***?

Last person who said that got thrown down in Isaiah 14:12.

I completely agree with you, and I think that needs to be fixed.
Well becuase of that i belong to a group (not a cult or sect that think we're better than anyone else (as some ppl have said) of believers that are called "The Lords Recovery" ( to explain it better) we know that the church need oneness,and there needs to be one church in each locality.

Because say u went to a church group and got afended with a fellow believer, well ud leave it and goto another church that "would suit your needs" because u dnt like that church anymore.

Well that shouldn't be happening we should have oneness and togetherness to build up gods kingdom.



New member
Reflectionist wake up, its not because u believe in this stuff that we think ur a total jerk off, its the way u try to force ffed us with ur beliefs, ur nothing but a door to door jehovas whitness or whatever in my opinion and I spit in their face. At the moment u remind me of that crazy chick on fox news.

And do u actually have a mind of ur own? Everytime u seem to have an argument its from what the bible told u, for the love of *** come up with something original and prove that ur not a mindless drone. As far as I seen ur nothing close to a perfect christian as you seem to insult, pick on or hate on everyone at least follow the commandments ur trying to make us follow u hypocrite.



New member
funny how when people get madder, their english and grammar get worse and worse.... just noticing.
My thoughts exactly :thumbsup: . Seeing as though in a dot dot dot situation there should only be 3 periods. Not four. The F in funny should have been capitalized, as should the E in English. {Get} should have had an -s added to the end of it since your subject is people which is plural. The whole sentence seems to be some sort of fragment. Your are right though. When a person's grammar begins to slop up and disfunction it is a quick indicator that they are upset. Except for me. Usually it's becuase I am tired or do not feel like using proper sentence structure becuase I am not trying to impress anyone on this site.



New member
Haha, since when did posts become illegible due to an extra period? Anyway back on track

If we were all made by blind chance, and there's nothing after this life, then... this life counts for nothing. We should all be running around naked, smoking crack and raping nuns. Anally.
You fail to see that there are morals beyond Christianity. You think if one doesn't believe in ***, they have no reason to be logical. As if all lunatics and people of that criteria are non-believers... :rolleyes:

Get that through your head because that ****** me off. I can't stand when people stereotype and think that I am anything like that HITLER WANNA BE!?!?
Oh, so NOW you know what it's like to be Muslim?

EDIT - at least I set my sights on something Greater than PEOPLE.
That's ironic because in your religion, you trust in another man for redemption regardless of how holy or corrupt that man may be.

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