Dream Doctor

okay this dream is pretty ****ed up.

this is to take place on a mountain with snow and it was freezing cold.
but it had to do with SEX and it was pretty messed up everywhere we go in this drem i ended up having SEX all the time and i woke and was like wtf.

but any clues to what it means
lpp said:
okay this dream is pretty ****ed up.

this is to take place on a mountain with snow and it was freezing cold.
but it had to do with SEX and it was pretty messed up everywhere we go in this drem i ended up having SEX all the time and i woke and was like wtf.

but any clues to what it means

Those are called wet dreams.....But I'm not gonna give ya the definition...
lpp said:
okay this dream is pretty ****ed up.

this is to take place on a mountain with snow and it was freezing cold.
but it had to do with SEX and it was pretty messed up everywhere we go in this drem i ended up having SEX all the time and i woke and was like wtf.

but any clues to what it means

sounds lyk ur desperate...no offense or anythin.
I keep having the same dream at least once a week. My husband and I (I just met the guy about 7 months ago on the first day of high school in real life) were trying to get our newborn daughter Arya to go to sleep. After a while we finally managed it. We stayed in her room a few minutes longer to watch her sleep. It was storming out pretty badly and then lightning strikes and when that happened my husband look out the window and told me he saw someone run across our yard. I told him he was imagining things and not to worry about it. All the same he decided to go downstairs and check it out anyway. After a few minutes I heard loud banging noises from downstairs and then footsteps coming closer. Then I heard him screaming for me to get Arya and myself out of the house and call the police. I ran into my room (which is connected to Arya's) and grabbed the phone. I came back and just as I was about to dial the phone number I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me saying that I had better drop the phone or my husband would die. I turned around to see two men. One was holding my husband with a knife to his throat. The other was slowly coming towards me. Arya started to cry so I backed up to her crib and tried to comfort her. I started to rock her in my arms and then the man kept coming closer to me. He kept telling me to hand over the baby but I refused and held onto her tightly. Just as the man reached out to grab her from me we heard the other man screaming in pain. Somehow my husband managed to get free and stabbed him with the knife. He went after the other guy and they fought for a while and then my husband managed to shoot the man with a gun that the man had. Just as he was coming over to Arya and me the man got up and shot my husband and then he died. I placed Arya in her crib and ran over to my husband. He gave me a weak smile and gave me a weak kiss. He then told me to make sure that I let Arya remember him and to make sure that we remember that he will always love us. I started crying and protesting that he was going to be fine and then he whispered I love you and then died. Then in real life I wake up screaming his name (which I was doing in my dream) as loudly as I can and I have tears in my eyes and it takes me a while to realize that I was dreaming and that I am safe in my bed because the dream seems way too real. I have only told two of my friends about this dream and I am worried that if I tell him (the guy in my dream) he will get freaked out and I don't want that to happen because we are almost always haninging out with each other and I don't want that to change. This is the worst dream I have ever had and it is the one that won't go away.
lpp said:
pervert..............i'm not even 18 yet why would i be ready for SEX?
settle the hell down. wtf do u think

you think i might feel read y to umm have *coughs*

means after uve been talking about how u had a dream about u having sex on top of a mountain?
okay, i dont have dreams often. in fact, before these 2 dreams, i hadnt had a dream in the past 3 or 4 weeks. in fact, i never dream 2 nights in a row, so i thought this was pretty weird, especially since it was the same dream 2 nights in a row, so here it goes. its nothing that big or groundbreaking, but i just thought it was weird cuz of the reasons previously posted.

neways, so im sitting in my grade 6 classroom (me and my classmates are all the same age as we are now, in grade 10, so the just the classroom is different) and we're watching a movie in-class. i dont know what movie it is or nething, or what class it is, but im just sitting there and i get moved for talking, which i wasnt even doing. so i get moved next to jolynne (the girl from my journal that i have a huge crush on) and we were just sitting there and talking. nothing sexual happened, there was nothing about us having feelings for each other or nething, we just sat there and talked. is there any deeper meaning to this? i normally dont have dreams, and if i do, i rarely remember the whole thing, but this one i did, so im kind of confused..
i had this dream

my mom found out about my cutting and she flipped out on me..

and i can't stop thinking about this dream
i had a couple of dreams about my mom and me fighting in my old house.
in one of the dreams i was in my room and my mom just walked into my room and started beating me up and then slit my wrist.
i keep having dreams ABOUT that old house too!! what does this mean!!
weird dream just with mike and rob or brad.....don't remember the other band member

but umm i'm gonna try my best to get detailed of what i can rember
but umm there was a house type thing with a big meeting room and i was tehre and mike and i think rob or brad...was there no chester...but umm there was umm this thing that holds something its spins and i remember alomost hitting mike in the face cause he was on the floor but then its comes to a house and after that is blank....

so what does it mean or is just a dream
I´m getting annoyed by these dreams now so I need to know what they mean...I always dream that someone I like or someone close to me dies! and um...I dont like dreaming about it all the time..
yesterday I had this dream again that Mike and anna were at the VMA´s with Jay-z and Beyoncé and I was there too somehow...then I saw beyoncé performing and after thatb when Mike and Anna were driving home, they got into an accident and um..Mike died :(
I also dreamed about my mom dieing and so did my dad :(
why are everyone dieing in my dreams?!?! O.O
Wow you can decode dreams? Anyway I keep having these two dreams where I get raped by Joe (me: scared) or My parents die and Im adopted by Mike. Any clue what they are sapose to mean?