Falling dollar.. Good or bad?



My paper is not a battleship, it's just a personal idea and a proposal, which is precisely why I offered it to Wez alone.
Clearly, I don't want to argue about it on this forum.

And your post is precisely why I'll be sending it to Wez and Old Salt long before I send it to you - if I send it to you at all - because I'm not actually interested in your opinion on the matter.

Not at this point in time, anyway.
Point Taken... I wasn't really going to argue about it... just a turn of phrase...


Anna Perenna

New member
Not whack. Just strong on your beliefs and sexy, too. :cool:
I'm printing the screen and saving this for posterity/future proof - in case you come to your senses and decide to edit this post. ;)

note to self: use the f-word on IWS more often



New member
I'm printing the screen and saving this for posterity/future proof - in case you come to your senses and decide to edit this post. ;)
note to self: use the f-word on IWS more often
Never edited someones post in my life. If that was my nature I'd have done something in the "I hate IWS" fest TJ had in the IWS thread.

Say what you want. I'll address it as it stands.


Anna Perenna

New member
Never edited someones post in my life. If that was my nature I'd have done something in the "I hate IWS" fest TJ had in the IWS thread.
Say what you want. I'll undress you as you stand.
You're right. Editing posts is a terrible thing ....

I really do love you, you know.


Anna Perenna

New member
That kind of hurts. I really meant it when I said it, both to you and wez.
I mean it with all my fart.

Besides, love means so much more when you say it with poo.

Which reminds me, you've stopped leaving the seat up for me. I'm starting to think you don't want me anymore ....



New member
I mean it with all my fart.
Besides, love means so much more when you say it with poo.

Which reminds me, you've stopped leaving the seat up for me. I'm starting to think you don't want me anymore ....
Women fart?


Old Salt

New member
Food for thought:

Announcement of plans for bailout - stock market tanks.

House fails to pass bailout - stock market rallies.

House talks about a re-vote - stock market falls again.

Senate passes their version of bailout - stock market falls again.



New member
Food for thought:
Announcement of plans for bailout - stock market tanks.

House fails to pass bailout - stock market rallies.

House talks about a re-vote - stock market falls again.

Senate passes their version of bailout - stock market falls again.

well.. least no matter what I'm pretty certain the Earth wont fall out of orbit and the ground will still produce food.. So we got that going for us.. ;)



New member
On a good note, due to the slumping economy in the US, illegal immigration is down.

Illegal immigrant inflow to the U.S. lags that of legal immigrantsA report by the Pew Hispanic Center shows a reversal of a trend that began in the '90s.

By Cynthia Dizikes, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

October 3, 2008

WASHINGTON -- For the first time in a decade, the makeup of the U.S. immigrant population may be shifting, with the number of illegal immigrants entering the country falling behind the number of those entering legally, according to an independent report released Thursday.

The swing, a possible result of the economic slump and a federal immigration crackdown, marks a reversal of a pattern begun in the 1990s, when the number of newly arrived illegal immigrants surpassed those arriving lawfully, according to the study by the Pew Hispanic Center, a Washington think tank.

"This is a population that had been growing rapidly and substantially for at least 15 years, and the growth has essentially come to a halt in 2008,"
Illegal immigrant inflow to the U.S. lags that of legal immigrants - Los Angeles Times



So artifically propping up home prices is the answer? ... Yeah.. that's it.

For bailout to work, housing market needs to mend - MSNBC Wire Services - MSNBC.com
If we prop up house prices, the transition to Communism is complete... Sayonara Free Market Economy! It was nice living within a system where hard work and natural talent pays off, but how will we ever ensure the social equality of the less qualified unless we reign in the talent a little!?

We are the next European State...



New member
Housing markets being artificially inflated is part of what got us in this problem. Peoples houses all of a sudden became worth far less than what they owed, even after years of making payments.

Old Salt

New member
It's genetically impossible for a politician or bureaucrat to learn from their mistakes. :( Especially when those mistakes buy them votes.
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