yes i do have a reason... everything you say sounds childish... like the musings of a 20 year old...
and No... Dr Dip , as you call him, doesn't prove white superiority... He proves all races are superior in different fields, and in that, he proves that races are different. Something that flies directly in the face of all that liberlism tells us... Making the foundations of thier beliefs wrong.
you are right, when you said that I, as a white man, would not survive in sub-saharan Africa [paraphrase]... white people are not idealy suited for that environment... It's true! No arguments here...
I NEVER said that White people are superior, or that we should rule supreme... you assume... falsely, even after I have tried to set the record straight... you continure to run headlong down the wrong way of a one way street...
IF you are 39... I can see why you spend so much time online, and have no more are the most imature 39 year old in both thought, and general comprehesion skills...
Just because you say it, doesn't make it true... Hypocrit...