Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

Muslims don't hate us because of our freedoms... they simply hate. They are taught to hate people at an early age. Even their own muslims are hated by muslims. Islam is the religion of satan and satan hates us all. That is why muslims hate us.


New member
I can confirm for you that it is not legal here in Ohio, however, *** only knows what would happen if we had digger visitors from Down Under! :eek:
Hmmm, what about Washington?

Washington is one of 17 states that does not outlaw **********. Police are also investigating the farm and the two men who live on the property to determine whether animal cruelty


New member
Show me proof that I support "terrorism"...
So your saying that under no circumstances would you support a Muslim or anyone else, taking matters into his/her own hands and blowing up, killing or maiming NON MILITARY PERSSONEL.

The context I am using is the definition in Websters for

reign of terror

"violence (such as bombing) committed by groupsin order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demans"

Terrorism: " the systematic use of terror esp. as a means of coercion"

You would never support this, no matter what?

I'm just asking...



New member
Ok, so this is all very hilarious.

What, we're mixing up race and religion so effectively now? Muslim does not automatically equal Arab, any more than Christian does not automaticall equal White.

I put this forward... Terrorists, Extremists and the like, anybody who uses violence and claims their religion gives them just cause, is not a Muslim. At least, they don't deserve to claim it.

Islam really is a peaceful religion whether you accept that or not. In fact the Quran itself states that one should only defend oneself when one is personally being attacked and even then only in certain circumstances. It does not condone the bombings or murders of innocent civilians or indeed the killing of enemy soldiers unless they're attacking you.

And let's not forget that Muhammad himself believed that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worshipped the same *** in their own ways, that the different holy books were simply part of a larger whole (Umm al'Kitab or Mother of Books).

In many ways, the Islam of today seems to have forgotten itself... but this isn't true in all cases. To declare all Muslims scum or evil is to be ignorant of the truth itself. Just as with Christianity, there will always be people who feel that they can use their religion or claims of it to justify their own personal crusade or their own cause. These people are wrong and do not deserve to be labelled 'Christian' or 'Muslim' or whatever it is that they may call themselves.

****, look back at the early days of the Islamic religion. It PROMOTED independence and rights for women, it PROMOTED learning, it PROMOTED peace and coexistence.

Think about that



New member
Ok, so this is all very hilarious.
What, we're mixing up race and religion so effectively now? Muslim does not automatically equal Arab, any more than Christian does not automaticall equal White.

I put this forward... Terrorists, Extremists and the like, anybody who uses violence and claims their religion gives them just cause, is not a Muslim. At least, they don't deserve to claim it.

Islam really is a peaceful religion whether you accept that or not. In fact the Quran itself states that one should only defend oneself when one is personally being attacked and even then only in certain circumstances. It does not condone the bombings or murders of innocent civilians or indeed the killing of enemy soldiers unless they're attacking you.

And let's not forget that Muhammad himself believed that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worshipped the same *** in their own ways, that the different holy books were simply part of a larger whole (Umm al'Kitab or Mother of Books).

In many ways, the Islam of today seems to have forgotten itself... but this isn't true in all cases. To declare all Muslims scum or evil is to be ignorant of the truth itself. Just as with Christianity, there will always be people who feel that they can use their religion or claims of it to justify their own personal crusade or their own cause. These people are wrong and do not deserve to be labelled 'Christian' or 'Muslim' or whatever it is that they may call themselves.

****, look back at the early days of the Islamic religion. It PROMOTED independence and rights for women, it PROMOTED learning, it PROMOTED peace and coexistence.

Think about that
I'm pretty clear, its the Arab Muslims I have a problem with. Ask the black Muslims in Sudan how they feel about their Murdering Arab Muslim brothers...



New member
I'm pretty clear, its the Arab Muslims I have a problem with. Ask the black Muslims in Sudan how they feel about their Murdering Arab Muslim brothers...
I don't think it's fair to assume it's all arab muslims either. Regardless of nationality or background, it's a percentage of the muslim community that have taken it upon themselves to interpret it to their own ends. Any given Arab Muslim is no more or less likely to be a terrorist or an extremist than any other muslim.



New member
I don't think it's fair to assume it's all arab muslims either. Regardless of nationality or background, it's a percentage of the muslim community that have taken it upon themselves to interpret it to their own ends. Any given Arab Muslim is no more or less likely to be a terrorist or an extremist than any other muslim.
Check the news coming out of Darfar, its Arab Muslims...look back in history, its Arab Muslims...They always have been a problem and as long as one of them breathes they will continue to be a problem. Its been going on for 2000 years, I don't see it changing.



New member

that is your proof??!! That to you suggests I support suicide bombing, mass killings etc etc...When I said proof, I meant PROOF..


I know your just asking and I think you saw the link I gave about these things...I am someone like most Muslims who knows that there is a lot of misguidence out there, I have to be honest with you, I cannot lie, there are some (a small minority) who do think it is acceptable to suicide bomb etc etc. I can promise you that I a not one of them, it is a fruitless action, it brings nothing but further distruction and causes us to look bad and for ignorant persons to swear and call all of us the most vile names under the sun!!

War exists, none of us can deny it, but in a just cause and a just way, this does not include random killings, bombings, suicide bombings and the killing of people not involved in the battle.

To kill innocent persons, and especially to kill women and children is to bring someone to their lowest point and of course I am not going to be behind it.

I have a few scholars who I listen to and these are on the straight path of Islam, they condemn all forms of terrorism and do not under any cirmustances allow Suicide bombing or anything of the sort. They are all Arabs. What do you say to that??

All of the Arabs I have met in the Muslim countries I have been to, there all terrorists and slave traders are they????

It has nothing to do with nationality, it is to do with the influence of people who put themselves into authority, give talks when they are not qualified to do so and twist things for their own ends.



New member

I know your just asking and I think you saw the link I gave about these things...I am someone like most Muslims who knows that there is a lot of misguidence out there, I have to be honest with you, I cannot lie, there are some (a small minority) who do think it is acceptable to suicide bomb etc etc. I can promise you that I a not one of them, it is a fruitless action, it brings nothing but further distruction and causes us to look bad and for ignorant persons to swear and call all of us the most vile names under the sun!!

War exists, none of us can deny it, but in a just cause and a just way, this does not include random killings, bombings, suicide bombings and the killing of people not involved in the battle.

To kill innocent persons, and especially to kill women and children is to bring someone to their lowest point and of course I am not going to be behind it.

I have a few scholars who I listen to and these are on the straight path of Islam, they condemn all forms of terrorism and do not under any cirmustances allow Suicide bombing or anything of the sort. They are all Arabs. What do you say to that??

All of the Arabs I have met in the Muslim countries I have been to, there all terrorists and slave traders are they????

It has nothing to do with nationality, it is to do with the influence of people who put themselves into authority, give talks when they are not qualified to do so and twist things for their own ends.
I was just asking. There have been other Muslims (AIG) who came right out and said she had wished the White House had been blown up on 9-11 AND that the non military personnel working in the White House deserved to die JUST because they worked for the government.

I am not saying ALL Arabs are terrorists, however over the years the trouble makers normally came from the Arabic population.

I've never understood how terrorists (Irish terrorists included) can blow up their own people for "the cause".



New member
I was just asking. There have been other Muslims (AIG) who came right out and said she had wished the White House had been blown up on 9-11 AND that the non military personnel working in the White House deserved to die JUST because they worked for the government.
I am not saying ALL Arabs are terrorists, however over the years the trouble makers normally came from the Arabic population.

I've never understood how terrorists (Irish terrorists included) can blow up their own people for "the cause".

It's called religious brainwashing. These fundamentalist clowns are brainwashed, from the time they were in the womb, to hate jews, Americans, and non-islamics. They are so indoctrinated that they honestly believe they are going to get rewarded for murder. The truth is ... terrorists do not become martyrs....they become the girlfriends of horney hellhounds!!!!




New member
It's called religious brainwashing. These fundamentalist clowns are brainwashed, from the time they were in the womb, to hate jews, Americans, and non-islamics. They are so indoctrinated that they honestly believe they are going to get rewarded for murder. The truth is ... terrorists do not become martyrs....they become the girlfriends of horney hellhounds!!!!

In some cases this is sad but true. And the fact is that this is way out of line of proper muslim values. As I mentioned, the Quran basically states that Jews, Christian and Muslims are all worshipping the same ***, so why can't we all just get along? It's supposed to be the Pagans and Polytheists they have a gripe with.



New member
that is your proof??!! That to you suggests I support suicide bombing, mass killings etc etc...When I said proof, I meant PROOF..
That isn't proof? I dunno, Hamza seemed to think it looked pretty bad for you.

You said it was OK to be killed in the name of religion. Which meant it was OK for somebody to do that killing. Which, in turn, means that you think killing is perfectly OK if done in the name of Allah. You are pigshit scum, you rancid filthy *****. You support terrorism. That isn't up for debate. You've admitted this. There is no longer a question of whether you are even a true Muslim or not. Islam = peaceful. Mariama != peaceful.



New member
In some cases this is sad but true. And the fact is that this is way out of line of proper muslim values. As I mentioned, the Quran basically states that Jews, Christian and Muslims are all worshipping the same ***, so why can't we all just get along? It's supposed to be the Pagans and Polytheists they have a gripe with.
Are you a Muslim?



New member
I asked for real proof, if you cannot provide any then simply stop talking.

We do not worship the same ***, Christians split their worship into three...



New member
I asked for real proof, if you cannot provide any then simply stop talking.
We do not worship the same ***, Christians split their worship into three...
1. I gave you proof. You said you supported murder in the name of religion, which is terrorism. If you choose not to accept it, that's your fault.

2. I am not a Christian.

3. Christians do not split up their worship into 3 different beings.

a. *** - what you would call Allah.

b. Jesus - *** in the Flesh. Worshipped by some as *** himself. But make no mistake, he's still ***.

C. Holy Spirit/Ghost - I'm not quite clear on what exactly this is, per se, but it isn't worshipped.


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
I don't think it's fair to assume it's all arab muslims either. Regardless of nationality or background, it's a percentage of the muslim community that have taken it upon themselves to interpret it to their own ends. Any given Arab Muslim is no more or less likely to be a terrorist or an extremist than any other muslim.
This is the biggest piece of mindless bullshit I have ever read on this board.

Your head must be so far up your *** you haven't seen daylight in years.

Everybody of course knows that it is all of those Scandinavian Muslims causing all of the problems. :rolleyes: Them and those pesky muslims from China, and England, and Germany and Greenland and Brazil and Guatemala and even those white mother ******* American Muslims here in the USA. :rolleyes:

Yeah...we all know it's those bastards causing all of the problems.



Yeah, the Indonesian fucktards are muslim too and they have their major issues but the world terror is ARAB MUSLIM. End of Story.

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