that is your proof??!! That to you suggests I support suicide bombing, mass killings etc etc...When I said proof, I meant PROOF..
I know your just asking and I think you saw the link I gave about these things...I am someone like most Muslims who knows that there is a lot of misguidence out there, I have to be honest with you, I cannot lie, there are some (a small minority) who do think it is acceptable to suicide bomb etc etc. I can promise you that I a not one of them, it is a fruitless action, it brings nothing but further distruction and causes us to look bad and for ignorant persons to swear and call all of us the most vile names under the sun!!
War exists, none of us can deny it, but in a just cause and a just way, this does not include random killings, bombings, suicide bombings and the killing of people not involved in the battle.
To kill innocent persons, and especially to kill women and children is to bring someone to their lowest point and of course I am not going to be behind it.
I have a few scholars who I listen to and these are on the straight path of Islam, they condemn all forms of terrorism and do not under any cirmustances allow Suicide bombing or anything of the sort. They are all Arabs. What do you say to that??
All of the Arabs I have met in the Muslim countries I have been to, there all terrorists and slave traders are they????
It has nothing to do with nationality, it is to do with the influence of people who put themselves into authority, give talks when they are not qualified to do so and twist things for their own ends.