Farewell Everyone

Yep,so I finally made a decision.I wanna say that I've had a great time.No other forum is as lively,fun and annoying as this one.Love it. ;)
I apologise if I personally offended anyone.That was not my intention.
So now that I'm going,do you guys wanna take anything off your chests? :rolleyes:

Dramatic notice that they are leaving and giving the opportuinty to address any problems other members have with them in an attempt to leave on good terms with everyone. I might be wrong but it sounds to me like someone is gonna be hovering around for a while to see if anything is said about them or they plan on being back. Just the impression I got.

If I'm wrong, GOOD LUCK TO YOU. I don't think we ever had issues, if we did it appearantly wasn't memorable to me and probably not to you either.

Keep On Truck'n.
ImWithStupid said:
Dramatic notice that they are leaving and giving the opportuinty to address any problems other members have with them in an attempt to leave on good terms with everyone. I might be wrong but it sounds to me like someone is gonna be hovering around for a while to see if anything is said about them or they plan on being back. Just the impression I got.

If I'm wrong, GOOD LUCK TO YOU. I don't think we ever had issues, if we did it appearantly wasn't memorable to me and probably not to you either.

Keep On Truck'n.

lol, I think you hit the nail on the head. Poor thing must be suffering at home for attention so she came on here and started this thread.
I like you guys and all but I don't give a **** if you have a problem with me, pray about it in church...She sounds like she might have lost some perspective about the computer and real life...
Gee thanks lethal.LMAO.I feel your love.And ofcourse yours too Anna.
As for an explanation.Phreak was right.You corrupted me.I went back to some of my post and screamed ''WTF!!!''. :D
Anyway,I don't really give a **** about what Anna and Lethal think,Snafu, Buildy and RO gave me the sniffs.
I'm still undecided actually.I'm waitin' for MRIH's opinion.lol
As for me wanting some attention,didn't think I worked too hard Anna.Keep sweating bitch,you'll get to the top.sheesh Envious Goat!
LOLOL, now thats even funnier. We have corrupted you, what did you go and talk to your Muslim friends and they warned against talking with infidels and warned you to get away.
OF course, you make a melodramatic statement like Farewell, I'm leaving etc, and now say your undecided??

God help the men in your life.
Well at least your pathological need for attention is also serving as a great deal of entertainment for me.

When I worked in mental health, I would read whats called the DSM (diagnostic systems manual), its the American standard for diagnosing mental illness. If people like AIG read it, they would see their face next to some of the diagnoses. Their behavior is such a cliche', its amazing they can keep it up without being embarassed.
Whoa, low blow, Lethal.

AIG holds her own here.

I give her backup when I want to. She is her own persona here, and well liked too.

As for attention whore, I don't think so.

Her battles are almost legendary, and considering that she is part of a minority here, I consider her to be in the defecit side of the attention seekers.

Try reading some of her history here. ;)
I don't think she is being an attention whore at all, but if she leaves, I will idiot box her name permanently.

AIG said:
As for an explanation.Phreak was right.You corrupted me.
I was also right when I voted you would be back. You can't resist stockholm syndrome AIG.

Anna Perenna said:
Not only is she not actually leaving, but I'm better looking, smarter, stronger, and more outspoken than both of you :p
I guess we'll just have to take your word for that...
I like you builder, but "battles" ?

Let me say again, this is an internet blog sight, nothing that happens here matters in the real world...
As for the battles you speak of, she brings them on herself so she can feel persecuted over her choice of religion. Whatever...

Anybody noticed how NO ONE checked off they will miss her dearly?
I don't think she is being an attention whore at all, but if she leaves, I will idiot box her name permanently.

Now why would you wanna do that? :confused:

I was also right when I voted you would be back. You can't resist stockholm syndrome AIG.

Lol,actually Iam leaving.I got a week off work.A last week on GF.
Lethalfind said:
LOLOL, now thats even funnier. We have corrupted you, what did you go and talk to your Muslim friends and they warned against talking with infidels and warned you to get away.
OF course, you make a melodramatic statement like Farewell, I'm leaving etc, and now say your undecided??

God help the men in your life.
Well at least your pathological need for attention is also serving as a great deal of entertainment for me.

When I worked in mental health, I would read whats called the DSM (diagnostic systems manual), its the American standard for diagnosing mental illness. If people like AIG read it, they would see their face next to some of the diagnoses. Their behavior is such a cliche', its amazing they can keep it up without being embarassed.

I thank you for giving me just enough of your time to be so Observant.
I don't understand why it annoys you so much that I created this thread,seeing as you're only the biggest contributor to it. shock!Horror!
Outlaw2747 said:
Good riddens...

Eh, okay **** it, I'll miss you. You bought some spice here. And you are cute. THERE I SAID IT OKAY!?!?! :(

I feel like such a goofball now. Have I gone soft?

Awe thanks outlaw. And Iam truly sorry for messing with you when your waren't feeling well.
Just outa curiosity,did you write this post before or after your ''who cares'' vote? :D
After. I'm just mean like that sometimes. :) One thing I would like to know...who the heck rigged the poll? And how do you know who chose what? :p
Outlaw2747 said:
After. I'm just mean like that sometimes. :) One thing I would like to know...who the heck rigged the poll? And how do you know who chose what? :p

Phreak's idea of sticking a knife in.Thanks for the vote Tori.
AIG, damn I will miss you! (even though my first impression of you was as a silly American playing games ;) remember that?) I very quickly learned that you are intelligent, strong and witty, and though I totally disagree with your religious choices, I have to say that I CAN respect them. (I can't always say that about a person) Hope you can stop in now and then just to say hi and give an update on your studies.

Now that that's said............

YAY!!!! Now Builder can truly be all MINE!!!!! :p