Farewell Everyone

Wow,now isn't this the best send off.We have a bitch fest,a mod who loves editing my posts,and a new debate about Islam has kicked off.What else could a gal ask for? :rolleyes:(Ya mean, edit your posts like this one? It wasn't me....)
Wow,now isn't this the best send off.We have a bitch fest,a mod who loves editing my posts,and a new debate about Islam has kicked off.What else could a gal ask for? :rolleyes:

Exactly. Why leave?

Oh, that's right. You have to.

But, like any fine artist, the value of your contribution to life is always more recognised when you are gone.

I'll miss you Sweetheart. When ya coming back? :p
Lethalfind said:
posted by Anna

"Lethalfind is enjoying herself making fun of AIG."

Anna, I admit it, I am small and petty...one thing I am not is Envious of dear AIG. There is nothing about her that I would want in my life, especially the part about being a slave to her religion.

Ofcourse not,since I love seeing people as equals.I don't have some chip on my shoulder and I certainly would never give so much attention to someone I describe as an ''attention whore''.
Yes! I'm a slave to my religion.I love my religion.It has given me great values.Nothing a buttfaced scarecrow yelling ''get out of my country'' would know about.
(or was it this one?)
builder said:
Exactly. Why leave?

Oh, that's right. You have to.

But, like any fine artist, the value of your contribution to life is always more recognised when you are gone.

I'll miss you Sweetheart. When ya coming back? :p

Lol. I'll miss ya too baby.I'll be back.
Ofcourse not,since I love seeing people as equals.I don't have some chip on my shoulder and I certainly would never give so much attention to someone I describe as an ''attention whore''.
Yes! I'm a slave to my religion.I love my religion.It has given me great values.Nothing a buttfaced scarecrow yelling ''get out of my country'' would know about.

AND evidently your great values include wishing more people rather then less had died on 9-11.
Thats just as ass-backward as I thought people like you are.

I have suspected you are from the UK. If so then take heart, once I finish my nursing degree I will be spending 6 months out of the year in the UK, I plan on buying a house there since I can afford to, I have no mortgage on my house here (truly proving that I am all about the money).
While there I plan joining the push to kick all the corner shop keepers out of the country.
I have even consulted an immigration attorney who tells me that it will be a snap for me to get joint citizenship with the UK for myself and my daughter.
SO in short AIG someday we might meet in person, I could be your landlord...
AND evidently your great values include wishing more people rather then less had died on 9-11.
Thats just as ass-backward as I thought people like you are.

WTF!! When have I said I wished more people had died on 9/11? Please enlighten me.

I have suspected you are from the UK. If so then take heart, once I finish my nursing degree I will be spending 6 months out of the year in the UK, I plan on buying a house there since I can afford to, I have no mortgage on my house here (truly proving that I am all about the money).
While there I plan joining the push to kick all the corner shop keepers out of the country.
I have even consulted an immigration attorney who tells me that it will be a snap for me to get joint citizenship with the UK for myself and my daughter.
SO in short AIG someday we might meet in person, I could be your landlord..

lol.Yeah you could be my landlord but first I gotta sell my house to you don't I? My sister works as a social worker.First thing I'll do when you get here is set the social services on you to give that poor child a better life and better role model.
Can't wait to meet you at Heathrow.