GAZA WITHDRAWAL-your thoughts


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
I think it was long overdue.It's a positive step but I doubt the palastinian authorities will be given authority over it.
Israeli armed forces surround gaza,this would make life hard for the palatinians even though they move into the area.
The settlers piss me off.What right do they have to fight when it has never been their land.
Well...the Plaestinians will say that it was theirs, and Israel will say it's theirs.

So..once again we are left with nothing else but a big "weiner-waving" bantor of another conflict caused by nothing else but a seperation of beliefs, and a hard-on for borders. Think about about a couple of things.....People kill people over a difference of religions, and a ****ing fence-line!

At this point, I am for anything that will bring peace to that region. Peace in that region benefits us all! However, my question.....What are the Israelis supposed to do once they have cleared the Gaza Strip out, and all of a sudden......more terrorist attacks on Israel from radical Palestinians occur?
Yeah,I doubt there will ever be any peace.Why can't they just share the land?I know,i'm in my own fairytale.
I think the whole world should come together to help put an end to the conflict.The land should be shared half and half.Then put the biggest barrier after that.
Greed is the biggest killin' machine!
Yeah,I doubt there will ever be any peace.Why can't they just share the land?I know,i'm in my own fairytale.
I think the whole world should come together to help put an end to the conflict.The land should be shared half and half.Then put the biggest barrier after that.
Greed is the biggest killin' machine!

I'm glad that at least there is something of stature being tried to help solve the peoblem... But realistically, It's probably only going to make things worse... Israel is conceeding this land to the Muslims... This in and of itself is a good thing, but it put's Israel's back against the wall... WHEN the terrorism continues, they have little choice but to respond with strength nad malice... WE CAN ALL AGREE that muslims do not deal well with being 'attacked', and this, I feel, is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back...

As far as them sharing the land... You're right... that is a pipe dream...

Ultimately, this probablem will only be solved one way... one of the two has to go... end of story! Thier are two dogs in a cage that holds one... eventually one will have to kill the other... OUR only hope is that we don't get dragged into it being the dog handler! But it is likely that we will eventually get dragged into it, so we must prepare now by installing our intelligence networks now, so as to not repeat the 'piss poor' intel snafu of the Iraq invasion...

I feel that this pullout is the first step toward global war...

Here's something that Xtians, Muslims, and Jews can pray for together... You can all pray I'm wrong!
Ya sure real posotive, all the while the wall of jeruslem is going up faster and faster. Can anyone say DISTRACTION?
tizz said:
Ya sure real posotive, all the while the wall of jeruslem is going up faster and faster. Can anyone say DISTRACTION?

LOL! That's absolutely true.There is a hidden agenda.Maybe yours is correct,they are trying to make themselves look good to appease the rest of the world and distract them from their ''activities''.
Well the "wall" is basically illegal (at least by the contracts of teh UN) and nobody who can will do a damn thing about it. Why is still entirely beyond my comprehension! The entire freaking middle east is a creation of evil. The devil in sheeps clothing, the whole damn thing and evewry religion to ever come out of the region!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When it comes to Israel and America,contracts don't matter. The UN can't do anything cause the ****ers are controlled pussies!
Nope...It's because the U.S. refuses to suck the dicks of the U.N..

Thank God! It's about time!

Besides...i don't really blame them for building the damned wall. Have a few of your country men get their insides blown all over a market place and see how you feel about a wall!

Wish we had a few walls here in the states!
In theory pulling out of the Gaza sounds good.
If it will bring peace than more power to them. Even at the cost of the Jewish settlers homes.
The problem is this is giving the wrong message. The Palestinians aren
Fill those biotches up with something flamable and light em up. Let's make glass out of the whole middle east. That would be another landmark that you can see from space. Turn the whole desert into a big beautiful plate. :rolleyes: