God Hates Fags


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005

The website speaks for itself. I've particularly linked to the faq so you can brief yourself on their key policies. I originally found this site due to an article located here

SMYRNA, Tenn. - Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in Iraq.

It was WBC - Westboro Baptist Church in Tennessee.

Here are some excerpts from their FAQ, and how much BULLSHIT it is. :mad: :mad:

Those of you who refuse to believe in God (as if it is some sort of weakness to admit that humans aren't the supreme form of intelligence) are reduced to believing that the universe happened at random. How arrogant and blind atheists must be to rather believe this than in God!

How do you know the Bible is correct?

The Bible has God's divine imprimatur stamped on every page, where I know that God is speaking to me. You can pretend that the Bible is not the Word of God, but we know that deep down inside, you know it's the truth.

and the kicker quote, that makes me want to go apeshit on them...

Why do you picket soldiers' funerals?

Here are some axiomatic matters of fact:

These turkeys are not heroes. They are lazy, incompetent idiots looking for jobs because they're not qualified for honest work.

They were raised on a steady diet of fag propaganda in the home, on TV, in church, in school, in mass media - everywhere - the two-pronged lie: 1) It's OK to be gay; and, 2) Anyone saying otherwise, like WBC, is a hatemonger who must be vilified, demonized, marginalized into silence.

Therefore, with full knowledge of what they were doing, they voluntarily joined a fag-infested army to fight for a fag-run country now utterly and finally forsaken by God who Himself is fighting against that country.

And they close off the page with...

They turned America
Over to fags;
They're coming home
In body bags.

:mad: How dare they picket and protest at the funeral of a soldier!!!! They weren't even protesting the war.
I'll have more to say bout this later.... my son is here... but for now

at least he's commited
yea i, of course, have been to that site....

I find it humorous that a church, christian at that, finds its self obsessing over gay people like that is the entire bible to them...

its quite sick and whats even more sick is the pictures of the kids involved....i feel sorry for them.

I prefer my klansmen with the grand dragon outfit foaming at the mouth myself...

but i enjoy this one too

Gotta love this:

The fag agenda.

The fag agenda includes desensitizing the public: "The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights.....To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preferences the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games....At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full 'appreciation' or 'understanding' of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing...then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won" (25).

Part of the fag agenda is to get the public to affirm their filthy lifestyle, as one fag admitted in the October 1987 fag rally on Washington: "We are no longer seeking just a right to privacy and a protection from wrong. We also have a right -- as heterosexual Americans already have -- to see government and society affirm our lives" (27).

Part of the fag agenda is to turn people from Christianity: "The teaching that only male-female sexual activity within the bounds and constraints of marriage is the only acceptable form should be reason enough for any homosexual to denounce the Christian religion" (1).

Fags knowingly lied (and still lie) about the 10% figure (i.e., fags make up 10% of the population). As Tom Stoddard (formerly of the Lambda Legal Defense Fund) said, "We used that figure when most gay people were entirely hidden to try to create an impression of our numerousness" (17).

The Gay Revolutionary .

I have a zero tolerance policy for intolerance. These religious wingnuts have their heads so far up their asses it's nauseating. And they preach it all "In the name of The Lord". That's what makes it even worse. I know plenty of Christians that AREN'T anti-gay, who would be as sickened as I am by what these radicals have to say. It just amazes me that there are still people out there with that kind of mentality.
The best part is the guy from godhatesfags.com (his name escapes me) was speculated by many to have been BTK. I'm not going to go into it, but it made me smile.
I have a zero tolerance policy for intolerance
Does your head ever explode from this??
Kryptonite Man said:
That's NOT a church, it's a fraggin' CULT!!!! I say we take these crackpots and nuke 'em!!!! Frippin' bastards! :mad: :mad:

Technically every religion is a cult. So yeah, it's still a church.
If people want to be gay, LET THEM BE GAY!!! Who gives a ****!?! Why can't people just do their own thing and move the **** on? If you are straight, GOOD FOR YOU! If other people are gay, GOOD FOR YOU! This may be freedom of speech but some people abuse the hell out of such a privledge. The guys back in the day did not fight for these privledges so we can sit here and bitch at each other for our sexual orinetation! These people need to get their heads out of their rear differential, sit down and just shut the hell up. No one wants to hear about them moaning and pissing about the existance of gays, they are not hurting anyone. And quit trying to throw God at people! Geez...
Outlaw2747 said:
If people want to be gay, LET THEM BE GAY!!! Who gives a ****!?! Why can't people just do their own thing and move the **** on? If you are straight, GOOD FOR YOU! If other people are gay, GOOD FOR YOU! This may be freedom of speech but some people abuse the hell out of such a privledge. The guys back in the day did not fight for these privledges so we can sit here and bitch at each other for our sexual orinetation! These people need to get their heads out of their rear differential, sit down and just shut the hell up. No one wants to hear about them moaning and pissing about the existance of gays, they are not hurting anyone. And quit trying to throw God at people! Geez...

Preach it brother! The jackasses at that site aren't God, so they should shut the Hell up!:mad:
SMYRNA, Tenn. - Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in Iraq.

These god hates fags people need to SHUT THE **** UP! Hey assholes! you know the soldiers you're bashing and saying they're being punished for harboring "fags"? If it weren't for the military you'd all be playing bitch for the terrorists. Don't disrespect the military. They're not giving their lives to be badmouthed--especially at their own funerals.

If people want to be gay, LET THEM BE GAY!!! Who gives a ****!?! Why can't people just do their own thing and move the **** on? If you are straight, GOOD FOR YOU! If other people are gay, GOOD FOR YOU! This may be freedom of speech but some people abuse the hell out of such a privledge. The guys back in the day did not fight for these privledges so we can sit here and bitch at each other for our sexual orinetation! These people need to get their heads out of their rear differential, sit down and just shut the hell up. No one wants to hear about them moaning and pissing about the existance of gays, they are not hurting anyone. And quit trying to throw God at people! Geez...

EXACTLY!! Let the gays be gay! So long as they're consenting adults doing something in the privacy of their own home WHY GIVE A ****!? It's their personal business. If you don't like homosexuality then don't do it!
I worked for 3 years in mental health. I learned that there is an inescapable link between the super religious and the sexually deviant. I mean things like Rape, sexual addiction, sex with children.
Its really ****in rich this same group of sheep is pointing the finger at anyone. The mental health community calls that PROJECTION.
Lethalfind said:
I worked for 3 years in mental health. I learned that there is an inescapable link between the super religious and the sexually deviant. I mean things like Rape, sexual addiction, sex with children.
Its really ****in rich this same group of sheep is pointing the finger at anyone. The mental health community calls that PROJECTION.


Our former Governor General, one Peter Hollingworth, was the head of the Anglican church in Australia. During that time, he not only turned a blind eye to reports of paedophilia amongst his clergy, he actively assisted the peds by moving them into areas where they had less chance of being detected for their ongoing crime sprees.

As the evidence accumulated, and more victims found their voices, the public outcry reached fever pitch. Peter, the arsehole, refused to step down (the GG can't be sacked, except by the Queen of England). It took months to convince him that there was something severely wrong with encouraging paedophilia in the priesthood.

I believe he is still in denial. Accused of rape, his accuser committed suicide, and the church provided an alibi, leading to the charge being dropped.

Read about his sorry tale here.
Let me just give a disclaimer before I start my RANT. I am extremely fed up with sex offenders. We have had several high profile cases here in Florida and I am to be honest affraid for my daughters safety AND I am also affraid I'm going to have to get a gun and follow her around and shot the sick ******* that trys something with her.

Having said that, this ******* Peter Hollingsworth, Builder was talking about should be shot. I would be happy to volunteer for the job, I would love to use a couple hollow points on him. I think I would start by shooting him in the balls, then in the ankles, then knees and finally after he had suffered sufficently I would blow his brains out.

By hiding these sick bastards this man became their accomplice. This man is no better then if he did the crime himself.