On Mon, 5 Nov 2007 23:18:50 -0500, "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca>

>listen to me dear friends. You need not scrutinize these words below. Go
>to the Word of God, and see for yourself.

Most atheists have done exactly that - which is why they're now
atheists. Your Bible is one of the best arguments for atheism there

> May God Bless you.

May he give you some tiny measure of intelligence.
Al at Webdingers dot com
"We should do unto others as we would want them to do unto us. If I were an unborn
fetus I would want others to use force to protect me, therefore using force against
abortionists is justifiable homocide ."
- "Pro-Life" doctor killer and corpse Paul Hill
"Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
> news:fglf01$7qp$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> news:JymXi.50308$q7.34560@bignews3.bellsouth.net...
>>> Short for nothing.
>>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>>> news:D5A.6455871@netvigator.com...

>>>He( Jesus) is the only true God, and all you need to believe in. He is
>>>unique, from the fable gods because He conquered hell, death and the
>>>grave. He is Risen and alive today.

>> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
>> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
>> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made it
>> possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on earth
>> the newness of life.

> The Jesus story is totally implausible. It is not supported by any solid
> objective verifiable evidence

.. Should we believe in a god for whom there
> is NO solid objective evidence?


this is a question only you can ask yourself.
Is Jesus the only begotten son of God : true God, true man?
Did He come out of the grave, did He ascend to heaven to be with his
what does this all mean to me?
it requires you humble yourself, and seek this God out
Is it true that you love me that you would send Jesus, your only begotten
Son, so I may have eternal life?
Go to the Word of God....
in humility. Put aside all your serious doubts for a while. read a little
everyday , and ask this "higher power if there is a higher power" to reveal
what those words say.

The evidence available is quite the
> contrary. It is totally implausible! This Jesus belief is

based purely on
> faith

Right! Stop reasoning. you'll never understand it with your mind. You must
come to God in faith.

in totally implausible stories, not factual objective verifiable
> evidence of any kind.
> The Bibles were written recopied and modified by hundreds of men of
> unknown veracity and honesty over a time span of several thousands years.
> There are NO ORIGINALS IN EXISTENCE. What ever the originals were have
> rotted and disappeared thousands of years ago. We don't know what the
> originals said.

what is impossible for man is very possible with God. God can and did
preserve is Holy Word. Again you must come to this truth by faith, trusting.
Faith is caught not taught.


The Bibles are nothing more than a mixture of myths, fables,
> contradictions and impossible tales. There are 18 different versions alone
> of the English Bible interpretations.

so says the carnal mind. Mmm.
God through man has supernaturally preserved the book s in the Bible, and
don't ask me to provide truth. All I can say is that it still changes lives,
and it can yours too.


> According to the Bibles, God supposedly created the heavens, the earth and
> everything in it in six days. Adam, the original man was created during
> this time from 'DUST'. His mate, Eve was created from one of Adam's RIBS.
> According to the Bibles this all powerful omnipotent God supposedly
> created this huge complex Universe in six days!
> This God supposedly came to earth over 2,000 years ago as a man named
> Jesus to save mankind from the sins that God himself created and to preach
> his wishes and commands. Archeological evidence indicates 'modern' man has
> existed approximately 100,000 years. Why did god wait all those years to
> come to earth to preach his word and pay for man's sins (which he himself
> created!)?



The Bible says he came in the fullness of time
God's ways, God's reasons for the specifics of His salvation plan are really
not for me to question
the Cross ( the atoning death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ) and
the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus, washed my sins, therefore I am made
(imputed) righteous in God's eyes John : 3: 16
That is where to begin. The others more heavier Theological questions
shouldn't really concern the new believer...just yet. unless he is looking
to find fault and not really interested in salvation of his soul.

> This all powerful creator of this huge Universe supposedly came to Earth
> as a baby in a cold manger, in the middle of winter and was born of a
> virgin called Mary. Why would he choose to be born in such an ingenuous
> way?

Arrogant humans had to make up a myth
about a god arriving from the womb of another human.


Arrogant humans keep insisting it is a myth, because they hate the terms of
salvation. God Jesus died for the Church.
He has used man to spread the message of His redemptive plan. God said NO to
sin: it has to go, and YES to sinful man. People that hate Christianity,do
so because they love the sin and do not want to deal with their sinful
condition. Just read the opening Chapter of John. sinful man love the
darkness they are in and refuse to come into the light of God's truth, so
they do what is convenient. They point out what appears to look like
man-made errors in the Bible.


Jesus was supposedly born of a Virgin Mary and she was the wife of
> Joseph, why was she still a virgin? Why did the women need to be married
> to a mortal in order to give birth to a god? And why couldn't this all
> powerful god creator just come to earth in what ever form he chose to
> create? He supposedly created the Universe and everything in it!


Joseph was the earthly parent of Jesus while He was growing up. God is also
pro-family. Why should Mary, the mother of Jesus, been a single mom (we're
speaking here of earthly parents)?

Mary had to be a virgin: she was concieved by the power of the Holy Spirit>
Again thenatural mind doesnot accept this and calls it nonsense.
I call it amasing ...by faith.


> If he could create Adam instantly from dust and Eve from a rib, why did he
> use this slow tortuous means to create himself as a god man on earth???

All childbirth has been painful since the fall in Genesis 3. the curse of

The cross was torturous. God the father laid all the sins of mankind on the
incarnated Son,God-man. Again this goes into Christian theology.

He supposedly grew up as a normal child and worked as a carpenter as an
> adult. There are no details in the Bibles about his younger years. After
> about THIRTY YEARS, he supposedly announced to the local inhabitants that
> he was Jesus the God savior from heaven to tell them God's wishes and
> commands.


The New Test deals primarily with the earthly ministry of Christ Jesus. His
childhood accounts wouldn't be relevant to a believer... really if you think
about it, as much as when He was speaking of the Kingdom to the cross.



>> What about you... what do you want to believe... what do you believe to
>> be truth and fables?
>> The Kingdom of Heaven is like a hidden treasure...Seek Him while you may.
>> rockymt

On Tue, 6 Nov 2007 17:22:44 -0500, "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca>

>"Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
>> news:fglf01$7qp$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>>> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>>> news:JymXi.50308$q7.34560@bignews3.bellsouth.net...
>>>> Short for nothing.
>>>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:D5A.6455871@netvigator.com...

>>>>He( Jesus) is the only true God, and all you need to believe in. He is
>>>>unique, from the fable gods because He conquered hell, death and the
>>>>grave. He is Risen and alive today.
>>> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
>>> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
>>> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made it
>>> possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on earth
>>> the newness of life.

>> The Jesus story is totally implausible. It is not supported by any solid
>> objective verifiable evidence

>. Should we believe in a god for whom there
>> is NO solid objective evidence?


>this is a question only you can ask yourself.

Are you really t5his stupid, or just pretending?

>Is Jesus the only begotten son of God : true God, true man?

Where did you demonstrate this "God" before rudely and stupidly
presuming it to those you know don't share your religious beliefs?

Where did you demonstrate that this "Jesus" is anything more than your
irrelevant religious belief?

>Did He come out of the grave, did He ascend to heaven to be with his

Did Frodo wear the ring and destroy it in Orodruin, did he take the
ship to the undying shores?

> what does this all mean to me?
>it requires you humble yourself, and seek this God out

Why the **** should we "seek" what is so far merely a figment of your

If you imagine we should take it seriously then YOU have to make it
relevant to us, using real-world, outside-your-religion evidence.

>Is it true that you love me that you would send Jesus, your only begotten
>Son, so I may have eternal life?


>Go to the Word of God....

Go **** yourself.

>in humility. Put aside all your serious doubts for a while. read a little

What "doubts", brainwashed moron? So far there is nothing to doubt IN

>everyday , and ask this "higher power if there is a higher power" to reveal

Why should we do that, brainwashed moron?

>what those words say.

Can't you assholes ever say anything without rudely and stupidly

[rest of this mindless, question-begging stupidity deleted]
On Nov 4, 4:36 am, "Bill M" <wm...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> Short for nothing.

"Nada" is Spanish for "nothing," actually.

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes at dakotacom dot net
On Nov 4, 4:15 pm, Kenneth Doyle <nob...@notmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 17:32:46 -0500, Christopher A.Lee wrote:

> > Do they not even care what they sound like in the real world? No
> > embarrassment? Not even any understanding that those in whose faces they
> > vomit these fairy stories, don't believe them in the first place so
> > they're hardly going to see it as sensible?

> > These loonies are like flat Earthers or stork-theory gynecologists.

> Maybe they've got some sort of mantra thing going. They hypnotise
> themselves with the rhythm of the words. The meaning of the words would
> be entirely irrelevant.

>From what I remember of being a born-again fundie, this isn't too far

off the mark.

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes at dakotacom dot net
On Nov 4, 9:04 pm, "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote:

<Snip foregoing, as there's only so much silliness you can respond to
and remain sane>

> "You may ask me how I know my God is real;
> you may doubt the things I say and doubt the way I feel;
> but I know He's real today, He'll always be;
> I can feel His hand in mine,
> and that is good enough for me."
> Words : Mossy Lister

And this differes from schizophrenia...how, exactly?

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes at dakotacom dot net
On Nov 5, 9:18 pm, "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote:

> listen to me dear friends. You need not scrutinize these words below. Go
> to the Word of God, and see for yourself.

I've read the bible, rocky-me-dear. I read it through the first time
the year I turned eight. I read it through every year thereafter
until I was 22. I have read several different translations, including
the KJV and the Douay. I have read it in German, Spanish, and Demotic
(Modern) Greek.

The bible is nothing but a hodge-podge of Bronze and Iron Age
mythology. It isn't factual. It isn't historical. It qualifies as
literature, had some interesting (if lugubrious) poetry and some
pretty nice soft porn, but it doesn't qualify as "true."

> Be slow to speak and judge; quick to listen and heed. Don't
> over-rationalize, don't over-intellectualize.

Why? Rationality is the most human of human characteristics.
Rationality makes us what we are. To deny rationality is to deny our
humanity. Urging us to deny our rationality means that you're playing
into the old, old con game of "don't think, just do as I tell you."

Well, **** you.

If your beliefs cannot stand up to reason, don't blame reason. Blame
the silliness of your beliefs.

> Find out what is truth for yourself.

"Truth"??? Gah. Truth is whatever anybody says it is. Everybody
and their Aunt Millie has a version of "truth," and I've never seen
one version of it beat out the next.

I wouldn't give you a plug nickle for truth. I'm interested in
fact .

> Give God a chance in your life - equal time.

If you've got evidence that any god exists, please plonk it down
right here:

Unless and until you can do that, you're just spouting crap.

> Don't let pride keep you from discovering the love of God, and His amazing plan for you.

Nope, no sale. First you provide objective, testable evidence that
any god exists. Once you've done that, then you can provide
objective, testable evidence that this god feels "love" towards

Now get crackin', rocky. You've got some serious work to do.

> He/she who has ears let him/her hear ( what the Spirit of truth is saying).
> May God Bless you.

And let him/her who has a brain, think.

Rationality is its own blessing. No supernatural entities needed.

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes at dakotacom dot net
On Nov 6, 3:46 am, les_on_usenet <delete-unr...@leswell.freeuk.com>
> Suggested entry to Christospeak Dictionary:
> "The Word of God" = magic like 'Abracadabra', anybody who reads the
> puported 'word of God' (claimed to be that bundled book of ancient
> Israelite myths and Fables known as the Bible) will be instantly
> transformed into a believer.

Well, not instantly, but you're close. They actually believe that the
biblical quotes will act on our brains somehow. If I remember
correctly, the phrase they use is "sowing the seed." They believe
that if we hear the bible enough, that one day we'll wake up and be
"convicted" (shades of Chunkers!) of "the truth of god's word."

> Of course before this magic works you have to, "Open your heart
> to god" which is Christospeak for "you need to pretend to believe
> and if you pretend to believe hard enough you will believe"

Like our lil buddy rocky pointed out upthread, they want you to
suspend the working of your rational mind and allow emotion to take
over. Very insidious.

And yes, if you have to pretend to believe, well, that means you
want to believe but that naughty old brain of yours just won't shut
off. However, if you keep pretending to believe, eventually your
brain will erode and you will believe. I've heard this called "fake
it 'til you make it."

> So, in order for the magic of the Bible to work you have to
> suspend all common sense, stop thinking, pretend to
> believe and you will start believing. (as written in another
> post this god thing will then send you something called
> the "Holy Spirit" which is this god thing anyway which
> will give you the gift of believing itself). So, if you pretend to
> believe you will be given the gift of believing (means you have
> convinced yourself) and your mind will be so deluded as
> to start seeing whatever you want to see.
> Well no thanks, the first step to withdrawl from reality
> and self-delusion is a semi-detached state that can only
> leads to madness. Some of the Christians who post
> here are clearly beyond half mad already and
> completely detached from this world. I think I will
> keeep my sanity the best I can thank you and cling like
> mad to reality like my life depends upon it.
> >Be slow to speak and judge; quick to listen and heed.

> "Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;
> Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment."
> - Shakespeare Hamlet Act 1 scene II
> here is the complete passage:
> "Look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,
> Nor any unproportion'd thought his act.
> Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar:
> Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
> Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel;
> But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
> Of each new-hatch'd, unfledg'd comrade. Beware
> Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in,
> Bear't that th' opposed may beware of thee.
> Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;
> Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.
> Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
> But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy;
> For the apparel oft proclaims the man,
> And they in France of the best rank and station
> Are most select and generous, chief in that.
> Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
> For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
> And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
> This above all- to thine own self be true,
> And it must follow, as the night the day,
> Thou canst not then be false to any man.
> Farewell. My blessing season this in thee!"

Ah, the Bard. <Smile> I'll take William over Jesus any day.
> > Don't
> >over-rationalize, don't over-intellectualize.

> = Turn off your brain and become stupid and
> suggestible. Oly then can you swallow our
> nonesense whole.
> Yes a very revealing suggestion.
> > Find out what is truth for ourself.

> Well said! This is why I am not a Christian swallowing your nonesense
> whole just on your say so.
> This is course something we constantly do here on aa and which
> causes your kind the greatest anxiety. The thing you fear most
> is doubt and that you might loose your 'faith'. Precious to you
> but worthless to anybody else. Well, once again into the
> breech dear friends (more of the bard :)

That's because they're scared shitless of dying and having to be
dead. They can't wrap their heads around the fact that their
consciousness will one day cease. The wanna Live Forever. They are,
at best, craven cowards, and at worst, mentally unbalanced.

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes at dakotacom dot net
rockymt wrote:

> n
> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:u2tXi.3072$di.2705@bignews9.bellsouth.net...
> >
> > "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
> > news:fglf01$7qp$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
> >>
> >> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> >> news:JymXi.50308$q7.34560@bignews3.bellsouth.net...
> >>> Short for nothing.
> >>>
> >>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> >>> news:D5A.6455871@netvigator.com...

> >
> >
> >>>He( Jesus) is the only true God, and all you need to believe in. He is
> >>>unique, from the fable gods because He conquered hell, death and the
> >>>grave. He is Risen and alive today.
> >> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
> >> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
> >> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made it
> >> possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on earth
> >> the newness of life.

> >
> > The Jesus story is totally implausible. It is not supported by any solid
> > objective verifiable evidence

> . Should we believe in a god for whom there
> > is NO solid objective evidence?

> <>><><><
> ><><><

> this is a question only you can ask yourself.
> Is Jesus the only begotten son of God : true God, true man?
> Did He come out of the grave, did He ascend to heaven to be with his
> father?

No - what you quote is merely mythology with nothing to back it up.

> what does this all mean to me?
> it requires you humble yourself, and seek this God out
> Is it true that you love me that you would send Jesus, your only begotten
> Son, so I may have eternal life?
> Go to the Word of God....

there's no words from any gods ever recorded, it all comes from the human mind

> in humility. Put aside all your serious doubts for a while. read a little
> everyday , and ask this "higher power if there is a higher power" to reveal
> what those words say.

I would ask the higher power why two thousand kids were allowed to be swept out
to sea to drown in the tsunami two Cristmases back - and all i would hear would
be a terrible silence

> The evidence available is quite the
> > contrary. It is totally implausible! This Jesus belief is

> <><><
> <><>.....
> based purely on
> > faith

> Right! Stop reasoning. you'll never understand it with your mind. You must
> come to God in faith.
> <><><>
> <><>
> in totally implausible stories, not factual objective verifiable
> > evidence of any kind.
> >
> >
> >
> > The Bibles were written recopied and modified by hundreds of men of
> > unknown veracity and honesty over a time span of several thousands years.
> > There are NO ORIGINALS IN EXISTENCE. What ever the originals were have
> > rotted and disappeared thousands of years ago. We don't know what the
> > originals said.

> <><><><><>
> what is impossible for man is very possible with God. God can and did
> preserve is Holy Word. Again you must come to this truth by faith, trusting.
> Faith is caught not taught.
> ><><><

> ]<><><><>
> The Bibles are nothing more than a mixture of myths, fables,
> > contradictions and impossible tales. There are 18 different versions alone
> > of the English Bible interpretations.

> <><><>
> <><><
> so says the carnal mind. Mmm.
> God through man has supernaturally preserved the book s in the Bible, and
> don't ask me to provide truth. All I can say is that it still changes lives,
> and it can yours too.
> <><><
> >
> >
> >
> > According to the Bibles, God supposedly created the heavens, the earth and
> > everything in it in six days. Adam, the original man was created during
> > this time from 'DUST'. His mate, Eve was created from one of Adam's RIBS.
> >
> >
> >
> > According to the Bibles this all powerful omnipotent God supposedly
> > created this huge complex Universe in six days!
> >
> >
> >
> > This God supposedly came to earth over 2,000 years ago as a man named
> > Jesus to save mankind from the sins that God himself created and to preach
> > his wishes and commands. Archeological evidence indicates 'modern' man has
> > existed approximately 100,000 years. Why did god wait all those years to
> > come to earth to preach his word and pay for man's sins (which he himself
> > created!)?

> <><><>
> <><><>,
> The Bible says he came in the fullness of time
> God's ways, God's reasons for the specifics of His salvation plan are really
> not for me to question
> the Cross ( the atoning death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ) and
> the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus, washed my sins, therefore I am made
> (imputed) righteous in God's eyes John : 3: 16
> That is where to begin. The others more heavier Theological questions
> shouldn't really concern the new believer...just yet. unless he is looking
> to find fault and not really interested in salvation of his soul.
> <>><><>,.
> >
> >
> >
> > This all powerful creator of this huge Universe supposedly came to Earth
> > as a baby in a cold manger, in the middle of winter and was born of a
> > virgin called Mary. Why would he choose to be born in such an ingenuous
> > way?

> <>><><
> Arrogant humans had to make up a myth
> about a god arriving from the womb of another human.
> ><><><>

> <><>
> Arrogant humans keep insisting it is a myth, because they hate the terms of
> salvation. God Jesus died for the Church.
> He has used man to spread the message of His redemptive plan. God said NO to
> sin: it has to go, and YES to sinful man. People that hate Christianity,do
> so because they love the sin and do not want to deal with their sinful
> condition. Just read the opening Chapter of John. sinful man love the
> darkness they are in and refuse to come into the light of God's truth, so
> they do what is convenient. They point out what appears to look like
> man-made errors in the Bible.
> ><<><><>

> Jesus was supposedly born of a Virgin Mary and she was the wife of
> > Joseph, why was she still a virgin? Why did the women need to be married
> > to a mortal in order to give birth to a god? And why couldn't this all
> > powerful god creator just come to earth in what ever form he chose to
> > create? He supposedly created the Universe and everything in it!

> ><><><><>

> <><><>
> Joseph was the earthly parent of Jesus while He was growing up. God is also
> pro-family. Why should Mary, the mother of Jesus, been a single mom (we're
> speaking here of earthly parents)?
> Mary had to be a virgin: she was concieved by the power of the Holy Spirit>
> Again thenatural mind doesnot accept this and calls it nonsense.
> I call it amasing ...by faith.
> <<><><>
> ,><><><
> >
> >
> >
> > If he could create Adam instantly from dust and Eve from a rib, why did he
> > use this slow tortuous means to create himself as a god man on earth???

> <><><>
> ,.<><><<><
> All childbirth has been painful since the fall in Genesis 3. the curse of
> mankind
> The cross was torturous. God the father laid all the sins of mankind on the
> incarnated Son,God-man. Again this goes into Christian theology.
> He supposedly grew up as a normal child and worked as a carpenter as an
> > adult. There are no details in the Bibles about his younger years. After
> > about THIRTY YEARS, he supposedly announced to the local inhabitants that
> > he was Jesus the God savior from heaven to tell them God's wishes and
> > commands.

> <><><><>
> ,><><><>
> The New Test deals primarily with the earthly ministry of Christ Jesus. His
> childhood accounts wouldn't be relevant to a believer... really if you think
> about it, as much as when He was speaking of the Kingdom to the cross.
> <>><><.,
> <>><><><
> ,.<>><><><><
> ><><><><><><><><

> <>><><><><><><><><><><><
> ><<>><><><<><><><><><><>><><<>><><

> >
> >
> >
> >> What about you... what do you want to believe... what do you believe to
> >> be truth and fables?
> >> The Kingdom of Heaven is like a hidden treasure...Seek Him while you may.
> >>
> >> rockymt
> >>

> >
> >
Pastor Frank wrote:

> "Kenneth Doyle" <nobody@notmail.com> wrote in message
> news:ZJtXi.8771$CN4.7647@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
> > On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 18:17:25 -0500, Pastor Frank wrote:
> >>
> >> Love isn't an "un-provable premise", and we believe in it, and
> >> anyone who demonstrates it, as Christ did on the cross of Calvary.

> >
> > There's no proof that that event ever happened, or that Christ ever
> > existed.
> >

> Glad you evidence, that you WOULD believe if you were certain the event
> had taken place. The Holy Spirit is in the habit of convincing people like
> you.

Reminds me of Adolf Hitler:

"Tell the masses a big lie and tell that lie often enough and sooner or later
they will believe it"

> Praise the Lord!!!!!

Praising 'common sense' would be time better spent

> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

"bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> rockymt wrote:
>> n
>> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> news:u2tXi.3072$di.2705@bignews9.bellsouth.net...
>> >
>> > "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
>> > news:fglf01$7qp$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>> >>
>> >> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> >> news:JymXi.50308$q7.34560@bignews3.bellsouth.net...
>> >>> Short for nothing.
>> >>>
>> >>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>> >>> news:D5A.6455871@netvigator.com...
>> >
>> >
>> >>>He( Jesus) is the only true God, and all you need to believe in. He is
>> >>>unique, from the fable gods because He conquered hell, death and the
>> >>>grave. He is Risen and alive today.
>> >> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy
>> >> Spirit,
>> >> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
>> >> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made
>> >> it
>> >> possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on
>> >> earth
>> >> the newness of life.
>> >
>> > The Jesus story is totally implausible. It is not supported by any
>> > solid
>> > objective verifiable evidence

>> . Should we believe in a god for whom there
>> > is NO solid objective evidence?

>> <>><><><
>> ><><><

>> this is a question only you can ask yourself.
>> Is Jesus the only begotten son of God : true God, true man?
>> Did He come out of the grave, did He ascend to heaven to be with his
>> father?

> No - what you quote is merely mythology with nothing to back it up.
>> what does this all mean to me?
>> it requires you humble yourself, and seek this God out
>> Is it true that you love me that you would send Jesus, your only begotten
>> Son, so I may have eternal life?
>> Go to the Word of God....

> there's no words from any gods ever recorded, it all comes from the human
> mind
>> in humility. Put aside all your serious doubts for a while. read a little
>> everyday , and ask this "higher power if there is a higher power" to
>> reveal
>> what those words say.

> I would ask the higher power why two thousand kids were allowed to be
> swept out
> to sea to drown in the tsunami two Cristmases back - and all i would hear
> would
> be a terrible silence
>> The evidence available is quite the
>> > contrary. It is totally implausible! This Jesus belief is

>> <><><
>> <><>.....
>> based purely on
>> > faith

>> Right! Stop reasoning. you'll never understand it with your mind. You
>> must
>> come to God in faith.
>> <><><>
>> <><>
>> in totally implausible stories, not factual objective verifiable
>> > evidence of any kind.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The Bibles were written recopied and modified by hundreds of men of
>> > unknown veracity and honesty over a time span of several thousands
>> > years.
>> > There are NO ORIGINALS IN EXISTENCE. What ever the originals were have
>> > rotted and disappeared thousands of years ago. We don't know what the
>> > originals said.

>> <><><><><>
>> what is impossible for man is very possible with God. God can and did
>> preserve is Holy Word. Again you must come to this truth by faith,
>> trusting.
>> Faith is caught not taught.
>> ><><><

>> ]<><><><>
>> The Bibles are nothing more than a mixture of myths, fables,
>> > contradictions and impossible tales. There are 18 different versions
>> > alone
>> > of the English Bible interpretations.

>> <><><>
>> <><><
>> so says the carnal mind. Mmm.
>> God through man has supernaturally preserved the book s in the Bible, and
>> don't ask me to provide truth. All I can say is that it still changes
>> lives,
>> and it can yours too.
>> <><><
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > According to the Bibles, God supposedly created the heavens, the earth
>> > and
>> > everything in it in six days. Adam, the original man was created during
>> > this time from 'DUST'. His mate, Eve was created from one of Adam's
>> > RIBS.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > According to the Bibles this all powerful omnipotent God supposedly
>> > created this huge complex Universe in six days!
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This God supposedly came to earth over 2,000 years ago as a man named
>> > Jesus to save mankind from the sins that God himself created and to
>> > preach
>> > his wishes and commands. Archeological evidence indicates 'modern' man
>> > has
>> > existed approximately 100,000 years. Why did god wait all those years
>> > to
>> > come to earth to preach his word and pay for man's sins (which he
>> > himself
>> > created!)?

>> <><><>
>> <><><>,
>> The Bible says he came in the fullness of time
>> God's ways, God's reasons for the specifics of His salvation plan are
>> really
>> not for me to question
>> the Cross ( the atoning death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ)
>> and
>> the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus, washed my sins, therefore I am made
>> (imputed) righteous in God's eyes John : 3: 16
>> That is where to begin. The others more heavier Theological questions
>> shouldn't really concern the new believer...just yet. unless he is
>> looking
>> to find fault and not really interested in salvation of his soul.
>> <>><><>,.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This all powerful creator of this huge Universe supposedly came to
>> > Earth
>> > as a baby in a cold manger, in the middle of winter and was born of a
>> > virgin called Mary. Why would he choose to be born in such an ingenuous
>> > way?

>> <>><><
>> Arrogant humans had to make up a myth
>> about a god arriving from the womb of another human.
>> ><><><>

>> <><>
>> Arrogant humans keep insisting it is a myth, because they hate the terms
>> of
>> salvation. God Jesus died for the Church.
>> He has used man to spread the message of His redemptive plan. God said NO
>> to
>> sin: it has to go, and YES to sinful man. People that hate
>> Christianity,do
>> so because they love the sin and do not want to deal with their sinful
>> condition. Just read the opening Chapter of John. sinful man love the
>> darkness they are in and refuse to come into the light of God's truth, so
>> they do what is convenient. They point out what appears to look like
>> man-made errors in the Bible.
>> ><<><><>

>> Jesus was supposedly born of a Virgin Mary and she was the wife of
>> > Joseph, why was she still a virgin? Why did the women need to be
>> > married
>> > to a mortal in order to give birth to a god? And why couldn't this all
>> > powerful god creator just come to earth in what ever form he chose to
>> > create? He supposedly created the Universe and everything in it!

>> ><><><><>

>> <><><>
>> Joseph was the earthly parent of Jesus while He was growing up. God is
>> also
>> pro-family. Why should Mary, the mother of Jesus, been a single mom
>> (we're
>> speaking here of earthly parents)?
>> Mary had to be a virgin: she was concieved by the power of the Holy
>> Spirit>
>> Again thenatural mind doesnot accept this and calls it nonsense.
>> I call it amasing ...by faith.
>> <<><><>
>> ,><><><
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > If he could create Adam instantly from dust and Eve from a rib, why did
>> > he
>> > use this slow tortuous means to create himself as a god man on earth???

>> <><><>
>> ,.<><><<><
>> All childbirth has been painful since the fall in Genesis 3. the curse of
>> mankind
>> The cross was torturous. God the father laid all the sins of mankind on
>> the
>> incarnated Son,God-man. Again this goes into Christian theology.
>> He supposedly grew up as a normal child and worked as a carpenter as an
>> > adult. There are no details in the Bibles about his younger years.
>> > After
>> > about THIRTY YEARS, he supposedly announced to the local inhabitants
>> > that
>> > he was Jesus the God savior from heaven to tell them God's wishes and
>> > commands.

>> <><><><>
>> ,><><><>
>> The New Test deals primarily with the earthly ministry of Christ Jesus.
>> His
>> childhood accounts wouldn't be relevant to a believer... really if you
>> think
>> about it, as much as when He was speaking of the Kingdom to the cross.
>> <>><><.,
>> <>><><><
>> ,.<>><><><><
>> ><><><><><><><><

>> <>><><><><><><><><><><><
>> ><<>><><><<><><><><><><>><><<>><><

>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> What about you... what do you want to believe... what do you believe
>> >> to
>> >> be truth and fables?
>> >> The Kingdom of Heaven is like a hidden treasure...Seek Him while you
>> >> may.
>> >>
>> >> rockymt
>> >>
>> >
>> >

On 6 Nov., 05:18, "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote:
> "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
> news:fgm4ig$sm0$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
> > "Kenneth Doyle" <nob...@notmail.com> wrote in message
> >news:EDrXi.8729$CN4.6939@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
> >> On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:56:21 -0500, rockymt wrote:

> >>> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
> >>> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
> >>> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made
> >>> it possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on
> >>> earth the newness of life.

> >> Prove it.

> > <><>><><><><><><><>

> <><><><><><><><><><
> ><><><><<><>
> > Nov 5 Monday:

> listen to me dear friends. You need not scrutinize these words below. Go
> to the Word of God, and see for yourself.

Are you really so simple minded to say the above to an atheist?

> Be slow to speak and judge; quick to listen and heed. Don't
> over-rationalize, don't over-intellectualize. Find out what is truth for
> yourself. Give God a chance in your life - equal time. Don't let pride keep
> you from discovering the love of God, and His amazing plan for you.
> He/she who has ears let him/her hear ( what the Spirit of truth is saying).
> May God Bless you.
> rockymt

May you gain a brain.

> <><>
> <><>

On Wed, 07 Nov 2007 11:21:56 -0800, gudloos@yahoo.com wrote:

>On 6 Nov., 05:18, "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote:
>> "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
>> news:fgm4ig$sm0$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>> > "Kenneth Doyle" <nob...@notmail.com> wrote in message
>> >news:EDrXi.8729$CN4.6939@news-server.bigpond.net.au...
>> >> On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 16:56:21 -0500, rockymt wrote:

>> >>> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
>> >>> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
>> >>> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made
>> >>> it possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on
>> >>> earth the newness of life.

>> >> Prove it.

>> > <><>><><><><><><><>

>> <><><><><><><><><><
>> ><><><><<><>
>> > Nov 5 Monday:

>> listen to me dear friends. You need not scrutinize these words below. Go
>> to the Word of God, and see for yourself.

>Are you really so simple minded to say the above to an atheist?

We seem to have a rash of very naive posters at the moment with
very similar agendas and language making emotional appeals to
us to be stupid and just believe.

Is there some agenda here?

>> Be slow to speak and judge; quick to listen and heed. Don't
>> over-rationalize, don't over-intellectualize. Find out what is truth for
>> yourself. Give God a chance in your life - equal time. Don't let pride keep
>> you from discovering the love of God, and His amazing plan for you.
>> He/she who has ears let him/her hear ( what the Spirit of truth is saying).
>> May God Bless you.
>> rockymt

>May you gain a brain.


Les Hellawell
Greetings from
YORKSHIRE - The White Rose County
"skyeyes" <skyeyes@dakotacom.net> wrote in message
> On Nov 6, 3:46 am, les_on_usenet <delete-unr...@leswell.freeuk.com>
> wrote:
>> Suggested entry to Christospeak Dictionary:
>> "The Word of God" = magic like 'Abracadabra', anybody who reads the
>> puported 'word of God' (claimed to be that bundled book of ancient
>> Israelite myths and Fables known as the Bible) will be instantly
>> transformed into a believer.


The word "God" has a well defined meaning, and it means whatever or
whoever is central to your life in a positive way. If what is central is
negative, i.e. a drug addiction, or alcohol which makes you steal and lie,
then it's called a devil. It's title, not a proper name.

> Well, not instantly, but you're close. They actually believe that the
> biblical quotes will act on our brains somehow. If I remember
> correctly, the phrase they use is "sowing the seed." They believe
> that if we hear the bible enough, that one day we'll wake up and be
> "convicted" (shades of Chunkers!) of "the truth of god's word."
>> Of course before this magic works you have to, "Open your heart
>> to god" which is Christospeak for "you need to pretend to believe
>> and if you pretend to believe hard enough you will believe"

> Like our lil buddy rocky pointed out upthread, they want you to
> suspend the working of your rational mind and allow emotion to take
> over. Very insidious.
> And yes, if you have to pretend to believe, well, that means you
> want to believe but that naughty old brain of yours just won't shut
> off. However, if you keep pretending to believe, eventually your
> brain will erode and you will believe. I've heard this called "fake
> it 'til you make it."

You miss the point. Jesus knew, that people do what they feel like, and
that their quality of actions is a direct result of how they feel about
something. Therefore, the logical way to change people's behaviour for the
better is change how they feel about things, ..and Jesus does that very
well, and more.
Ask Him into your life and let Him handle your case. You will feel
yourself relax in trust of Him.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"skyeyes" <skyeyes@dakotacom.net> wrote in message
> On Nov 5, 9:18 pm, "rockymt" <rock...@porchlight.ca> wrote:
>> listen to me dear friends. You need not scrutinize these words below.
>> Go
>> to the Word of God, and see for yourself.

> I've read the bible, rocky-me-dear. I read it through the first time
> the year I turned eight. I read it through every year thereafter
> until I was 22. I have read several different translations, including
> the KJV and the Douay. I have read it in German, Spanish, and Demotic
> (Modern) Greek.
> The bible is nothing but a hodge-podge of Bronze and Iron Age
> mythology. It isn't factual. It isn't historical. It qualifies as
> literature, had some interesting (if lugubrious) poetry and some
> pretty nice soft porn, but it doesn't qualify as "true."
>> Be slow to speak and judge; quick to listen and heed. Don't
>> over-rationalize, don't over-intellectualize.

> Why? Rationality is the most human of human characteristics.
> Rationality makes us what we are. To deny rationality is to deny our
> humanity. Urging us to deny our rationality means that you're playing
> into the old, old con game of "don't think, just do as I tell you."
> Well, **** you.
> If your beliefs cannot stand up to reason, don't blame reason. Blame
> the silliness of your beliefs.

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
John 3:3) You have to be an atheist to look for "reasonable" and "rational"
love. LOL

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"skyeyes" <skyeyes@dakotacom.net> wrote in message
> On Nov 4, 4:36 am, "Bill M" <wm...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> Short for nothing.

> "Nada" is Spanish for "nothing," actually.

No. NADA is Bill's god or devil. It means without, such as being
"without" God.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:u2tXi.3072$di.2705@bignews9.bellsouth.net...
>> "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
>> news:fglf01$7qp$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>>> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>>> news:JymXi.50308$q7.34560@bignews3.bellsouth.net...
>>>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:D5A.6455871@netvigator.com...

>>>>He( Jesus) is the only true God, and all you need to believe in. He is
>>>>unique, from the fable gods because He conquered hell, death and the
>>>>grave. He is Risen and alive today.
>>> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
>>> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
>>> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made
>>> it
>>> possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on earth
>>> the newness of life.

>> The Jesus story is totally implausible. It is not supported by any solid
>> objective verifiable evidence

> Should we believe in a god for whom there is NO solid objective evidence?

Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
John 3:3) Only atheists ask for "objective and verifiable evidence" of love.
They probably got into the habit coercing their girlfriends to prove their
love by some action we all can guess. LOL

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Olrik wrote:

> On Nov 3, 5:34 pm, "Pastor Frank" <P...@christfirst.edu> wrote:
> > "Bill M" <wm...@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> >
> > news:HS2Xi.1763$di.1627@bignews9.bellsouth.net...
> >
> > > Should we base this life on fiction, myths and fables? I challenge anyone
> > > to provide 'objective verifiable evidence' that their god actually exists.

> >
> > Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> > Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> > therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> > Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> > John 3:3) and no, we won't send you all our money as "objective, verifiable
> > evidence", to prove our love for you. That's what you are after, aren't you?

> Bill is not asking for money. Xians, on the other hand, seem to have
> an insatiable need for it. Go figure...
> > You will just have to believe us,

> That would be NO .
> > that we answer your posts because we
> > love you in the Lord and that this loving action evidences our God, whose
> > essence is that very love and care we show others.

"Excuse me, but may I point something out to you?

That love and care for others can be done quite well on your own, like I do,
there's no need for any gods."

> lol
> Olrik
"bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Olrik wrote:
>> On Nov 3, 5:34 pm, "Pastor Frank" <P...@christfirst.edu> wrote:
>> > "Bill M" <wm...@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> > news:HS2Xi.1763$di.1627@bignews9.bellsouth.net...
>> > >
>> > > Should we base this life on fiction, myths and fables? I challenge
>> > > anyone
>> > > to provide 'objective verifiable evidence' that their god actually
>> > > exists.
>> >
>> > Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested
>> > in
>> > Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
>> > therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
>> > Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
>> > John 3:3) and no, we won't send you all our money as "objective,
>> > verifiable
>> > evidence", to prove our love for you. That's what you are after, aren't
>> > you?

>> Bill is not asking for money. Xians, on the other hand, seem to have
>> an insatiable need for it. Go figure...
>> > You will just have to believe us,

>> That would be NO .
>> > that we answer your posts because we
>> > love you in the Lord and that this loving action evidences our God,
>> > whose
>> > essence is that very love and care we show others.

> "Excuse me, but may I point something out to you?
> That love and care for others can be done quite well on your own, like I
> do, there's no need for any gods."

Why do you keep telling us the same redundancies over and over? We
already conceeded, that no god(s) of your definition are needed, nor exist
i.e. old man in the sky above them thar clouds, but our Christian "God is
love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in Jesus Christ giving His
life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We therefore know our God and
have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
John 3:3) You Bob don't know any love and care for others, otherwise you
would honour those like Christ who sacrifice their lives for the wellbeing
of others. "like I do" indeed!!!!

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in message
> "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
> news:fgqp9b$14c$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> news:u2tXi.3072$di.2705@bignews9.bellsouth.net...
>>> "rockymt" <rockymt@porchlight.ca> wrote in message
>>> news:fglf01$7qp$1@utornnr1pp.grouptelecom.net...
>>>> "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>>>> news:JymXi.50308$q7.34560@bignews3.bellsouth.net...
>>>>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:D5A.6455871@netvigator.com...
>>>>>He( Jesus) is the only true God, and all you need to believe in. He is
>>>>>unique, from the fable gods because He conquered hell, death and the
>>>>>grave. He is Risen and alive today.
>>>> Christ Jesus co-eternal, co-creator with the Father and the Holy
>>>> Spirit,
>>>> transcendent, ( beyond time and space-- /He created time and space),
>>>> pre-eminent... but most importantly He is my Risen Savoir Who has made
>>>> it
>>>> possible for me to follow him beyond the grave, and walk here on earth
>>>> the newness of life.
>>> The Jesus story is totally implausible. It is not supported by any solid
>>> objective verifiable evidence

>> Should we believe in a god for whom there is NO solid objective evidence?

> Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in
> Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of Calvary. We
> therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John 14:6-10)
> Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
> John 3:3) Only atheists ask for "objective and verifiable evidence" of
> love. They probably got into the habit coercing their girlfriends to prove
> their love by some action we all can guess. LOL

Gospel of John

24Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the
disciples when Jesus came. 25So the other disciples told him, "We have seen
the Lord!"
But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put
my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not
believe it."
26A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with
them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and
said, "Peace be with you!" 27Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here;
see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and

28Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"

29Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed;
blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."


> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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