Free Lunch wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 07:35:18 -0700, in alt.atheism
> scottrichter422@yahoo.com (Scott Richter) wrote in
> <1i4ivfn.5dppa859zxttN%scottrichter422@yahoo.com>:
> >Free Lunch <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote:
> >
> >> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
> >> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?

> >
> >Silly rabbit...
> >
> >The bible is reliable because the bible says it is reliable, and
> >futhermore, it says that no additional evidence is required. In fact,
> >any evidence that contradicts the bible must be the work of the devil,
> >and how reliable could THAT be? Q.E.D.

> I've had religious teachers who came very close to saying exactly that.

This guy said the same thing, thought it worth keeping:

Christians don't believe there are contradictions in the bible.


Because it's not written in the bible that there are any.

[With acknowledgments to Andrew W.]
Pastor Frank <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote:

> > When did you see God?
> >

> I told you so many times already, that we Christian see God in Jesus
> Christ giving His innocent life for us sinners, out of love for us, ...not
> because we deserved His love.

When all is said and done, your little Jesus character is nothing but a
comforting story you tell yourself, a fairy tale handed down through the
generations. The Jesus of your imagination never existed.

> > The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
> > evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
> >

> Matters nothing.

Of course it matters. What kind of fool would think otherwise? And if it
"matters nothing" then why the **** are you wasting your life vainly
attempting to defend it?

> The principle of loving and caring to the death if need be, stands
> regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the essence of
> our God.

If the principle stands regardless, then you have no need for your Jesus
mythology or any of the other trappings of religion. In fact, they can
only distort and diminish the act of loving and caring--as you have
demonstrated here countless times.
"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?

>> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
>> need
>>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
>>essence of our God.

> But love can exist without God.

Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most cruel
death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,
if ye have love one to another.
Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one another,
as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down
his life for his friends.
Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:44:45 -0400, in alt.atheism
"Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>> <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>>>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
>>> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
>>> need
>>>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
>>>essence of our God.

>> But love can exist without God.

> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
>Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most cruel
>death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below
>Pastor Frank
> Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
>another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
> Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,
>if ye have love one to another.
> Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one another,
>as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down
>his life for his friends.
> Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."

Frank you didn't say anything that made sense, but you've repeated it
again and again. Learn what evidence is and learn that love is an
emotion, not a god.
Free Lunch wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:44:45 -0400, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> <46f102f6$0$16387$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>> "Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> news:bbeue3hmf63ksjp38bjmrsqcbp6c58iue7@4ax.com...
>>> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
>>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>>> <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>>> "Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>>> news:hfdqe3pgtsrpn8ekkkq3bqeevo0jj68ia9@4ax.com...
>>>>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>>>>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
>>>> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
>>>> need
>>>> be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
>>>> essence of our God.
>>> But love can exist without God.

>> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
>> Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most cruel
>> death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below
>> Pastor Frank
>> Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
>> another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
>> Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,
>> if ye have love one to another.
>> Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one another,
>> as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down
>> his life for his friends.
>> Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."

> Frank you didn't say anything that made sense, but you've repeated it
> again and again. Learn what evidence is and learn that love is an
> emotion, not a god.

Damn! I missed that. Let him define "Love". He'd probably say "Love is
god" and be the snake that bites itself in the tail. Probably mumble
about some "ideal" that his "god" is... Then some more mumble that JC is
this ideal....

In the end it is "mumblemumble"



Sex is hereditary.
If your parents never had it, chances are you wont either.

Free Lunch wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:44:45 -0400, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> <46f102f6$0$16387$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
> >"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> >news:bbeue3hmf63ksjp38bjmrsqcbp6c58iue7@4ax.com...
> >> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
> >> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> >> <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
> >>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> >>>news:hfdqe3pgtsrpn8ekkkq3bqeevo0jj68ia9@4ax.com...
> >>>>
> >>>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
> >>>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
> >>>
> >>> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
> >>> need
> >>>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
> >>>essence of our God.
> >>
> >> But love can exist without God.
> >>

> > Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
> >Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most cruel
> >death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below
> >
> >Pastor Frank
> >
> > Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
> >another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
> > Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,
> >if ye have love one to another.
> > Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one another,
> >as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down
> >his life for his friends.
> > Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."

> Frank you didn't say anything that made sense, but you've repeated it
> again and again. Learn what evidence is and learn that love is an
> emotion, not a god.

It is his cute 'get out' because he knows he cannot refute the many arguments
against gods,
so he falls back on his 'god is love' scheme.

It fails to impress and it gets rather boring
Pastor Frank wrote:

> "Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> news:bbeue3hmf63ksjp38bjmrsqcbp6c58iue7@4ax.com...
> > On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
> > "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> > <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
> >>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> >>news:hfdqe3pgtsrpn8ekkkq3bqeevo0jj68ia9@4ax.com...
> >>>
> >>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
> >>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
> >>
> >> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
> >> need
> >>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
> >>essence of our God.

> >
> > But love can exist without God.
> >

> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
> Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most cruel
> death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below

so 'love' begats a son who comes down to earth and dies a cruel death during
which he raises his eyes skywards and cries out "Father Father why hast thou
forsaken me"

Frank, are you a charlatan. Did 'He' say those words or not?

YES or NO?

> Pastor Frank
> Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
> another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
> Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples,
> if ye have love one to another.
> Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one another,
> as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down
> his life for his friends.
> Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> news:bbeue3hmf63ksjp38bjmrsqcbp6c58iue7@4ax.com...
>> > On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
>> > "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>> > <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>> >>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> >>news:hfdqe3pgtsrpn8ekkkq3bqeevo0jj68ia9@4ax.com...
>> >>>
>> >>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>> >>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
>> >>
>> >> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
>> >> need
>> >>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is
>> >>the
>> >>essence of our God.
>> >
>> > But love can exist without God.
>> >

>> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
>> Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most
>> cruel
>> death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below

> so 'love' begats a son who comes down to earth and dies a cruel death
> during
> which he raises his eyes skywards and cries out "Father Father why hast
> thou
> forsaken me"
> Frank, are you a charlatan. Did 'He' say those words or not?
> YES or NO?

Non sequitur!

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank wrote:

> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:46F2005C.DA75AFCB@netvigator.com...
> > Pastor Frank wrote:
> >> "Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> >> news:bbeue3hmf63ksjp38bjmrsqcbp6c58iue7@4ax.com...
> >> > On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
> >> > "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> >> > <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
> >> >>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> >> >>news:hfdqe3pgtsrpn8ekkkq3bqeevo0jj68ia9@4ax.com...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
> >> >>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
> >> >>
> >> >> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
> >> >> need
> >> >>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is
> >> >>the
> >> >>essence of our God.
> >> >
> >> > But love can exist without God.
> >> >
> >> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
> >> Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most
> >> cruel
> >> death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below

> >
> > so 'love' begats a son who comes down to earth and dies a cruel death
> > during
> > which he raises his eyes skywards and cries out "Father Father why hast
> > thou
> > forsaken me"
> > Frank, are you a charlatan. Did 'He' say those words or not?
> > YES or NO?
> >

> Non sequitur!


Well stay with your arse backed up into a corner

Because that is where you deserve to stay.

I will be taking a well deserved Frank holiday from now on

and will concenate on having dialigues with those who do not appear to be
downright and sickenly dishonest

"God is love" - indeed

The only god you love Frank .........is Frank

> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank wrote:
>> "bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
>> news:46F2005C.DA75AFCB@netvigator.com...
>> > Pastor Frank wrote:
>> >> "Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> >> news:bbeue3hmf63ksjp38bjmrsqcbp6c58iue7@4ax.com...
>> >> > On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
>> >> > "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>> >> > <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>> >> >>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> >> >>news:hfdqe3pgtsrpn8ekkkq3bqeevo0jj68ia9@4ax.com...
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>> >> >>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death
>> >> >> if
>> >> >> need
>> >> >>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is
>> >> >>the
>> >> >>essence of our God.
>> >> >
>> >> > But love can exist without God.
>> >> >
>> >> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence".
>> >> Our
>> >> Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most
>> >> cruel death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See
>> >> below
>> >
>> > so 'love' begats a son who comes down to earth and dies a cruel death
>> > during
>> > which he raises his eyes skywards and cries out "Father Father why hast
>> > thou forsaken me"
>> > Frank, are you a charlatan. Did 'He' say those words or not?
>> > YES or NO?
>> >

>> Non sequitur!

> Well stay with your arse backed up into a corner
> Because that is where you deserve to stay.
> I will be taking a well deserved Frank holiday from now on
> and will concenate on having dialigues with those who do not appear to be
> downright and sickenly dishonest
> "God is love" - indeed
> The only god you love Frank .........is Frank

Thanks for screeching flames for atheism. This will surely drive people
into the ever loving and caring arms of Jesus. Praise God!!!!!

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"Scott Richter" <scottrichter422@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote:
>> > When did you see God?

>> I told you so many times already, that we Christian see God in Jesus
>> Christ giving His innocent life for us sinners, out of love for us,
>> ...not
>> because we deserved His love.

> When all is said and done, your little Jesus character is nothing but a
> comforting story you tell yourself, a fairy tale handed down through the
> generations. The Jesus of your imagination never existed.

You forgot to supply the evidence. But it matters nothing, the
principles Christ represent stand regardless. It's all matter of believing
and having faith in something and someone greater than yourself, and about
living up to this glorious ideal of perfection that is God. See below

Pastor Frank

Jesus in Matthew. 5:48: Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
which is in heaven is perfect.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:44:45 -0400, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> <46f102f6$0$16387$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
>>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>>> <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>>>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>>>>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
>>>> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
>>>> need
>>>>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
>>>>essence of our God.
>>> But love can exist without God.

>> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
>>Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most
>>death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below
>>Pastor Frank
>> Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
>>another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
>> Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my
>> disciples,
>>if ye have love one to another.
>> Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one
>> another,
>>as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay
>>his life for his friends.
>> Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."

> Frank you didn't say anything that made sense, but you've repeated it
> again and again. Learn what evidence is and learn that love is an
> emotion, not a god.

Love is evidenced by loving and caring action, regardless of "emotion".
Christ giving His blameless life for sinners who don't deserve to be loved,
is this evidence and the very essence of our Christian God.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"bob young" <alaspectrum@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> Free Lunch wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:44:45 -0400, in alt.atheism
>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>> <46f102f6$0$16387$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>> >
>> > Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence".
>> > Our
>> >Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most
>> >cruel
>> >death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below
>> >
>> >Pastor Frank
>> >
>> > Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love
>> > one
>> >another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
>> > Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my
>> > disciples,
>> >if ye have love one to another.
>> > Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one
>> > another,
>> >as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay
>> >down
>> >his life for his friends.
>> > Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I
>> > command..."

>> Frank you didn't say anything that made sense, but you've repeated it
>> again and again. Learn what evidence is and learn that love is an
>> emotion, not a god.

> It is his cute 'get out' because he knows he cannot refute the many
> arguments
> against gods,
> so he falls back on his 'god is love' scheme.
> It fails to impress and it gets rather boring

That's because it's not about YOUR god or devil which is that ubiquitous
invisible ogre in the sky, behind them thar clouds, with which they
frightened you as a small child to get you to behave.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Pastor Frank <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote:

> >> > When did you see God?
> >>
> >> I told you so many times already, that we Christian see God in
> >> Jesus Christ giving His innocent life for us sinners, out of love for
> >> us, ...not because we deserved His love.

> >
> > When all is said and done, your little Jesus character is nothing but a
> > comforting story you tell yourself, a fairy tale handed down through the
> > generations. The Jesus of your imagination never existed.
> >

> You forgot to supply the evidence. But it matters nothing, the
>principles Christ represent stand regardless.

Then you have no need for Christ or all the other trappings of religion,
do you? And neither does anyone else. The only reason you worship that
cartoon character is because you've been conditioned to by an industry
whose longevity and reach makes McDonalds look like a piker in diapers.

Don't you know that?

> It's all matter of believing and having faith in something and someone
> greater than yourself, and about living up to this glorious ideal of
> perfection that is God.

Sorry, little fella, but I prefer to reserve my "believing and having
faith in something or someone" for things or people that actually exist.
Worshipping that which doesn't exist--that's called "marketing"...
On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:11:46 -0400, in alt.atheism
"Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:44:45 -0400, in alt.atheism
>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>> <46f102f6$0$16387$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:32:13 -0400, in alt.atheism
>>>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>>>> <46ef1fda$0$7328$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>>>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>>>>> The stories from the Bible are only as accurate as the Bible. What
>>>>>> evidence do you have that the Bible is reliable?
>>>>> Matters nothing. The principle of loving and caring to the death if
>>>>> need
>>>>>be, stands regardless. It is the evidence of ultimate love, which is the
>>>>>essence of our God.
>>>> But love can exist without God.
>>> Only "without" YOUR god or devil, which appears to be "evidence". Our
>>>Christian "God IS love", as evidenced by anyone willing to die a most
>>>death for others, who in no way deserve such a sacrifice. See below
>>>Pastor Frank
>>> Jesus in Jn:13:34: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one
>>>another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
>>> Jesus in Jn:13:35: By this shall all men know that ye are my
>>> disciples,
>>>if ye have love one to another.
>>> Jesus in Jn:15:12-13: This is my commandment: That ye love one
>>> another,
>>>as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay
>>>his life for his friends.
>>> Jesus in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command..."

>> Frank you didn't say anything that made sense, but you've repeated it
>> again and again. Learn what evidence is and learn that love is an
>> emotion, not a god.

> Love is evidenced by loving and caring action, regardless of "emotion".
>Christ giving His blameless life for sinners

You tell that story, but have no evidence that this is true.

>who don't deserve to be loved,

Sure they do. You have terribly hateful attitude toward human beings if
you think they don't deserve to be loved.

>is this evidence and the very essence of our Christian God.

It is the essense of your hateful doctrines to call hatred love.
"Scott Richter" <scottrichter422@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Pastor Frank <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote:
>> >> > When did you see God?
>> >>
>> >> I told you so many times already, that we Christian see God in
>> >> Jesus Christ giving His innocent life for us sinners, out of love for
>> >> us, ...not because we deserved His love.
>> >
>> > When all is said and done, your little Jesus character is nothing but a
>> > comforting story you tell yourself, a fairy tale handed down through
>> > the
>> > generations. The Jesus of your imagination never existed.

>> You forgot to supply the evidence. But it matters nothing, the
>>principles Christ represent stand regardless.

> Then you have no need for Christ or all the other trappings of religion,
> do you? And neither does anyone else. The only reason you worship that
> cartoon character is because you've been conditioned to by an industry
> whose longevity and reach makes McDonalds look like a piker in diapers.
> Don't you know that?

More downers? Jesus being a "cartoon character" indeed!!!! So you made
your choice then? You complain in every post, and complaining, trashing and
flaming is the activity of those in hell, whereas the friends of God would
rather support, praise, glorify and worship, which makes for heaven.
>> It's all matter of believing and having faith in something and someone
>> greater than yourself, and about living up to this glorious ideal of
>> perfection that is God.

> Sorry, little fella, but I prefer to reserve my "believing and having
> faith in something or someone" for things or people that actually exist.
> Worshipping that which doesn't exist--that's called "marketing"...

So you prefer to believe and have faith in Joe Sixpack down the road,
because he exists? We would rather believe and have faith in the perfection
which is Christ Jesus, and spend our lives aiming to emulate Him, if you
don't mind.
Btw our Great Commission tells us to "market" those perfections in order
to advance Christ's Kingdom of Heaven. Whereas atheism cannot but market

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:11:46 -0400, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> <46f4f020$0$26375$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>> Love is evidenced by loving and caring action, regardless of
>> "emotion".
>>Christ giving His blameless life for sinners who don't deserve to be

> You tell that story, but have no evidence that this is true.
> Sure they do. You have terribly hateful attitude toward human beings if
> you think they don't deserve to be loved.
>>is this evidence and the very essence of our Christian God.

> It is the essense of your hateful doctrines to call hatred love.

Glad you think you are able to love your enemies and those who crucify
you. If that's true, you are indeed a friend of God. Or were you lying?

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:44:42 -0400, in alt.atheism
"Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:11:46 -0400, in alt.atheism
>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>> <46f4f020$0$26375$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>> Love is evidenced by loving and caring action, regardless of
>>> "emotion".
>>>Christ giving His blameless life for sinners who don't deserve to be

>> You tell that story, but have no evidence that this is true.
>> Sure they do. You have terribly hateful attitude toward human beings if
>> you think they don't deserve to be loved.
>>>is this evidence and the very essence of our Christian God.

>> It is the essense of your hateful doctrines to call hatred love.

> Glad you think you are able to love your enemies and those who crucify
>you. If that's true, you are indeed a friend of God. Or were you lying?

There is no evidence that any gods exist. That does not mean that none
of Jesus' teachings are worthwhile.
"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
> On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:44:42 -0400, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
> <46f62364$0$26385$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>"Free Lunch" <lunch@nofreelunch.us> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:11:46 -0400, in alt.atheism
>>> "Pastor Frank" <PF@christfirst.edu> wrote in
>>> <46f4f020$0$26375$88260bb3@free.teranews.com>:
>>>> Love is evidenced by loving and caring action, regardless of
>>>> "emotion".
>>>>Christ giving His blameless life for sinners who don't deserve to be
>>> You tell that story, but have no evidence that this is true.
>>> Sure they do. You have terribly hateful attitude toward human beings if
>>> you think they don't deserve to be loved.
>>>>is this evidence and the very essence of our Christian God.
>>> It is the essense of your hateful doctrines to call hatred love.

>> Glad you think you are able to love your enemies and those who crucify
>>you. If that's true, you are indeed a friend of God. Or were you lying?

> There is no evidence that any gods exist. That does not mean that none
> of Jesus' teachings are worthwhile.

We all agree with you, that gods of atheist definition do indeed not
exist. However, our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully
manifested in Jesus Christ giving His life for us sinners on the cross of
Calvary. We therefore know our God and have seen Him. (Jesus in John
Atheists don't know our God and therefore cannot see Him, (Jesus in
John 3:3)

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Bill M wrote:
> A simple question for all god believers. With thousands of god and religious
> beliefs, how do you KNOW yours is the real god and all the rest are fakes?
> Why would any real god permit his flock to be misled by all these fakes?
> I'll tell you why. The real objective evidence is that no Gods CREATED MAN
> but quite the opposite; that man created gods!
> There are thousands of different god and religious beliefs. Here is a list
> of most of these;
> Baha'i Faith
> Buddhism
> Adventist
> Jehovah's Witnesses
> British Israelism
> Southern Baptists
> American Baptists
> Catholics
> Christian Science
> Amish
> Brethren
> Mennonites
> Quakers
> Shakers
> Plymouth Brethren
> Fundamentalists
> Twin Oaks
> Confucianism
> Hinduism
> Islam
> Jainism
> Judaism
> Shinto
> Sikhism
> Taoism
> Vodun (Voodoo)
> Neopagan Religious Faiths
> Asatru (Norse Paganism)
> Druidism
> Goddess Worship
> Wicca
> Witchcraft
> Caodaism
> Damanhur Community
> Druse
> Eckankar
> Elian Gonzalez religious movement
> Gnosticism
> Gypsies
> Hare Krishna - ISKCON
> Lukumi
> Macumba
> Mowahhidoon
> Native American Spirituality
> Rom, Roma, Romani, Rroma, (a.k.a. Gypsies)
> Santeria Elian Gonzalez religious movement
> Satanism; The Church of Satan
> Scientology
> Unitarian-Universalism
> The Creativity Movement
> Zoroastrianism
> Gods:
> Ahura Mazda, Allah, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Babaluaye,
> Bacchus,
> Baldur, Bast, Bellona, Brahma, Brigid, Ceres, Cupid, Cerridwen,
> Demeter, Diana, Dione, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Eleggua, , El Shaddai, Elohim
> Eshu, Ereshkigal,
> Frigga, Frey, Freya, Gaea, Lord Genesa, Hades, Hebe, Hera, Helios, Hel,
> Hephaestus,
> Hermes, Hestia, Horus, Ibeji, Ifa, Inanna, Indra, Ishana, Ishtar,
> Isis, Janus, Juno, Jehovah, Jove, Jupiter, Kali. Krishna Kronos, Korravai,
> Loki, Lugh, Lord Indra, Manitou, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mercurius,
> Morrigan,
> Nahuiquiahuitl, Nanahuatzin, Nephthys, Neptune, Obatala, Odin, Ogun,
> Oshosi, Oshun, Osiris, Oya, Orunmila, Olokun, Olodumare, Pluto,
> Persephone, Poseidon, Proserpina, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, Lord Rama, Rhea, Saturn,
> Set,
> Selene, Shango, Lord Siva, Tammuz, Thor, Tir, Tiw, Uranus, Venus, Vesta,
> Vishnu,
> Vesta, Vulcan, Wotan, Yahweh, Yemaya, Zeus, XodA.
> African gods:
> Abassi [Sky]
> Abonsam [Evil]
> Abora [Supreme]
> Abzu [Water]
> Acoran [Supreme]
> Adaheli [Sun]
> Adro [Sky]
> Adroa [Sky]
> Agassou [Panther]
> Agbe-Naete [Water]
> Age [Animals]
> Aigamuxa [Monster]
> Ajalamo[Unborn Children]
> Aje [Wealth]
> Ajok [Supreme]
> Akonadi [Oracle]
> Akongo [Supreme]
> Akuj [Supreme]
> Ala [Earth/Fertility]
> Alatangana [Creator]
> Amma [Creator]
> Anansi [Trickster]
> Anyiewo [Snake]
> Aondo [Creator]
> Apa [Creator]
> Apedemak [War]
> Arawa [Moon]
> Arebati [Sky]
> Arom [Contracts]
> Arsan Duolai [Underworld]
> Asase Ya [Earth]
> Ashiakle [Wealth]
> Asis [Sun]
> Astar [Sky]
> Ataa Naa
> Nyongmo
> [Creator]
> Ataokoloinona [Supreme]
> Atete [Fertility]
> Avrikiti [Fishermen]
> Ayabba
> [Ayaba] [Hearth]
> Bacax [Cave]
> Bagba [Wind]
> Balubaal [Earth+]
> Bandara [Superior Gods]
> Banga [Clear water]
> Behanzin [Fish]
> Beher [Sea]
> Bera Pennu [Vegetation]
> Bo [Warriors]
> Bomazi[Ancestors]
> Buadza [WInd]
> Buck[River]
> Buku [Sky]
> Bumba [Creator]
> Cagn [Creator]
> (!Kaggen)
> Cghene [Creator]
> Chiuke
> (Chuku) [Creator]
> Chiata [Supreme]
> Chwezi [Hero]
> Col [Rain]
> Chikara [Sky]
> Danh
> (Dan Ayido Hwedo) [Snake]
> Deng [Sky]
> Deohako [Beans+]
> Dii Mauri [Moorish Gods]
> Dongo [Outer Space]
> Dugbo [Earth]
> Dxui [Creator]
> Emeli-hi [Supreme]
> Eranoranhan [Protector]
> Eshu (Elegba) [Trickster]
> Fa [Destiny]
> Famien [Fertility]
> Faro [Sky/Water]
> Fidi Mukullu [Creator]
> Garang and Abuk [First Humans]
> Gbeni [Chief]
> Gei (Gou) [Moon]
> Gu [War/Smiths]
> Gua [Sky]
> Gulu [Supreme]
> Gunab [Evil]
> Guruhi [Evil]
> Gurzil [Bull]
> Gwalu [Rain]
> Hammon [Setting Sun]
> Harun and Haruna [Water Spirits]
> Heitsi-Eibib [Sorcerer]
> Hevioss [Thunder]
> Huntin [Tree]
> Huvean [Creator]
> Ifa [Oracul]
> Ikenga [Supreme]
> Imana [Creator]
> Iruwa [Sun]
> Juok [Creator]
> Kalumba [Creator]
> Kalunga Supreme]
> Katavi [Demonic]
> Ka Tyeleo [Supreme]
> Khebieso [Lightening]
> Kho-dumo-dumo [Demon]
> Kholomodumo [Monster]
> Khuzwane [Creator]
> Kibuka [War]
> Kokola [Guardian]
> Kwammang-a [Supreme]
> Kwoth [Spirit]
> Kyala [Creator]
> Legba [Trickster]
> Leza [Chief]
> Libanza [Supreme]
> Lisa [Chameleon]
> Lyangombe[Chief]
> Macardit [Demon]
> Mantis [Creator]
> Massim-Biambe [Creator]
> Mawu [Sky]
> Mawu-Lisa [Supreme Couple]
> Mbotumbo [Supreme]
> Medr [Earth]
> Moomb [Creator]
> Mon [?]
> Mugasa
> Mugu [Sky]
> Mujaji [Rain]
> Mukasa [Supreme]
> Mula Djadi [Creator]
> Muluku [Supreme]
> Mulungu
> Mungu [Creator]
> Mungo (Mungu) [?]
> Musa (Teaching]
> Musisi [Supreme]
> Mwari [Supreme]
> Nampa [Personal]
> Nana-Bouclou [First Gods]
> Nana Buluk [Creator]
> Ndjambi [Sky]
> Ndriananahary [Supreme]
> Nduru [Jungle]
> Nenaunir [Storm]
> Nesshoue [River]
> Ngai ('Ngai) [Creator]
> Ngewo-wa [Creator]
> Ngworekara [Demon]
> Niamye [Supreme]
> Nkosi Yama'kosi [Supreme]
> Nommo [Elemental]
> Nommo [Spirit]
> Nyama [Animal]
> Nyambe [Supreme]
> Nyambi (Nyambe) [Supreme]
> Nyame
> Nyami-Nyami [Guardian]
> Nyankopon (Ashanti:Nyame) [Supreme]
> Nyamia Ama [Supreme]
> Nyasaye [Supeme]
> Nzambi (Nzambi)
> Mpunguo) [Supreme]
> Nzame [Supreme]
> Obassi Osaw [Supreme]
> Obatala [Sky]
> Oduduwa (Odudua) [Earth]
> Ogun (Ogoun) War]
> Olokula [Sea]
> Olorun [Supreme]
> Omumbo-Rombonga [Tree of Life]
> Orahan [Supreme]
> Orisa Nla [Creator]
> Orishako [Agriculture]
> Orunjan [Midday Sun]
> Orunmila [Compassion]
> Oshalla [?]
> Osun [Beauty and Love]
> Oya [Passion and Power]
> Pemba (Bemba) Mother]
> Qandisa [Demon]
> Qamata[Quamta] Supreme]
> Rock-Sene [Supreme]
> Ruwa [Supreme]
> Sagbata [Smallpox]
> Sakarabru [Medicine]
> Sakpata [Smallpox]
> Sango [Thunder]
> Shango [Thunder]
> So [Lightening]
> Tano [River]
> Tore [Forest]
> Trowu[Spirits]
> Tsui'goab [Rain]
> Twe [Lake]
> Umvelinqangi [Creator]
> Unkulunkulu [Supreme]
> Unumbotte [Creator]
> Waka [Rain]
> Wele [Supreme]
> Wulbari [Supreme]
> Wuni [Supreme]
> Xewioso [Thunder]
> Yemaja [Creation]
> Yo [Impersonal]
> Zin [Water]
> Table of Asian Gods:
> Abhijnaraja [Physician]
> Abhimukhi [One of the Bhumis]
> Acala [?]
> Adhimukticarya [One of the Bhumis]
> Adhimuktivasita [One of the Bhumis]
> Adibuddha [First]
> Adidharma [Primeval]
> Aizen Myo-o [Protective]
> Ajaya [?]
> Akasagarbha(Tibetan Nam-mkhai
> Aksayajnana-Karmanda [Literature]
> Aksobhya (Japanese Ashuku, Chinese A-Chu'u) [One of the Dhyani]
> Amida [Savior]
> Amitabha [A Dhyani]
> Amitayus [Longevity]
> Amoghapasa [see Avalokitesvara]
> Amoghasiddhi [A Dhyani]
> Anantamukhi [Literature]
> Arapacana [Book and Sword]
> Arcismati [Bhumis]
> Arhat [A Saint]
> Arthapratisamvit [Logical Analysis]
> Arya-Tara [Sakti]
> Asokakanta [avatar Marici]
> Asokottamasri [Physician]
> Astabhuja-Kurukulla [avatar Kurukulla]
> Asura [Group of Demons]
> Avalokitesvara(Avalokita, Lokesvara) [Dhyani Present Age]
> Ayurvasita[One vasitas]
> Balaparamita [Philosophy]
> Bhaisajyaguru(Sman-bla, Otaci,Yao-shih-fo, Yakushi)[Physician]
> Bhima[Attendant]
> Bhrkuti[Female]
> Bhrkuti-Tara [Mother]
> Bhumi [Spiritual Spheres]
> Bhutadarma [Demon Controller]
> Bi-har [Protector]
> Bodhidharma [Monk]
> Bodhisattva (Chinese Pu-sa) [Born to be Englightened]
> Buddhabodhiprabhavasita [Vasitas]
> Buddhalocana [Female Buddha]
> Budha [Mercury]
> Butcho [?]
> Chandarosana [Mahayana]
> Charcika (Carcika) [Mahayana]
> Chakravartin [World Ruler]
> Chattrosnisa [An Usnisa]
> Chaturmaharajas (Caturmaharajas) [Four Great Kings]
> Chittavista [Vashitas]
> Citipati [Graveyard Demons]
> Cunda [Literature]
> Da-shi-zhi [Bodhisattva]
> Dadimunda [Temples]
> Dainichi' [Purity/Wisdom]
> Dakini [Demons]
> Dala Kadavara [Demon]
> Devaputra [Gods of Lower Rank]
> Dhanada [avatar Amoghasiddhi]
> Dharani [Mystical Texts]
> Dharmadhatuvagisvara [Dharma]
> Dharmakirtisagaraghosa [Physician]
> Dharmamegha [Bhumis]
> Dharmapala ,Chinese Fu Ha [Protective Dieties]
> Dharmapratisamvit [Nature Analysis]
> Dharmavasita [Vasitas]
> Dhritarashtra (Pali Dhatarattha) [One of the 4 World Guardians]
> Dhupa [Mother]
> Dhupatara [Mahayana]
> Dhvajagrakeyura [avatar Aksobhya]
> Dhyanaparamita [Philosophy]
> Dhyani-Bodhisattvas [Five Bodhisattvas]
> Dhyani-Buddhas [Five Meditators]
> Di-zang [Bodhisattvas of Hell]
> Dvarapala [?]
> Ekajata [Terrible]
> Emma-o [Judges the Dead]
> Fudo [WIsdom]
> Guan Yin [bodhisattva]
> Hariti [Ate Children]
> Hayagriva [Protection]
> Heruka [Protection]
> Hevajra [Protection]
> Ida-Ten [Law/Monestaries]
> Jambhala [avatar Vausravana]
> Janguli [Snakebite cure]
> Jian Lao [Earth/Permanence]
> Jizo [Compassion]
> Juichimen [Mercy]
> Kali devia [avatar Lha-mo]
> Kannon [Japanese bodhisattva]
> Khasarpana(Khasarpana-Lokesvara) [Indian bodhisattva]
> Ki Fudo [avatar Fudo-Myo-o]
> Krodhadevatas [Inspire Terror]
> Ksitigarbha [One of 8 bodhisattva]
> Kuan-yin (Kwannon) [Mercy]
> Kujaku Myoo [Esoteric]
> Kurukulla [?]
> Locana [?]
> Mahasthamaprata [Chinese bodhisattva]
> Maitreya [Future]
> Manjughosa [Nepalese bodhisattva]
> Manjusri [bodhisattva]
> Mara [Evil]
> Marici [Sun]
> Mi-lo Fo (Pu-Sa) [Chinese bodhisattva
> Miroku [Japanese bodhisattva
> Mo-Li [Protects Temples]
> Padmanartesvara [avatar Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara]
> Pancaraksa[5 Goddesses]
> Pandara [?]
> Paramasva [?]
> Parnasavari [?]
> Prajna [Femaleness]
> Prajnaparamita [Buddhist Text]
> Ran-deng [Beggar and Future Buddha]
> Ratnapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
> Ratnasambhava [Dhyani-Buddha]
> Remanta [King of the Horse gods]
> Sakyamuni [Japanese]
> Samantabhadra [Bodhisattvas]
> Saptaksara [avatar Heruka]
> Shakra [King of the Gods]
> Ssu Ta T'ien Wang [Kings of Heaven]
> Sumbharaja [Buddhist Krodhadevata]
> Tennin (Tennyo) [angels]
> Usnisavijaya [?]
> Vairocana [Dhyani-Buddhas]
> Vaisravana (Pali Vessavana, Chinese Do Wen) [Guards World]
> Vajrabhairava [?]
> Vajrapani [Bodhisattvas]
> Vajrasattva [Nepal Dhyani-Buddha]
> Vajravarahi [?]
> Vajrayogini [Initiation]
> Vajrayogini [Riches]
> Vidyadharas [?]
> Vidyujjvalakarali [?]
> Vighnantaka [?]
> Virudhaka (Pali Virulha, Chinese Zheng Zhang) [Guards World]
> Virupaksa (Pali Virupakkha, Chinese Guand Mu) [Guards Western Heaven]
> Visvapani [Dhyani-Bodhisattva]
> We-to [Divine General]
> Yakushi Nyorai [Healing]
> Yama [?]
> Yamantaka [Krodhadevatas]
> Zhu Dian (Zhu Tian) [Chinese Buddhist gods]
> Ao [Sea]
> Awun [Destruction]
> Ba [Drought]
> Ba Gua [Basis of Divination]
> Bo Hsian [Taoist]
> Cai-Shen [Riches]
> Can Cong [Silkworms]
> Cao Guo-jiu [Actors]
> Chang Fei [War]
> Chang Hs'ien [Children]
> Chang Kuo-lao [?]
> Ch'ang E (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Moon]
> Chang Tao Ling [Afterlife]
> Cheng-huang (Ch'eng Huang) [Guardians]
> Chen Jen [Spiritual Beings]
> Cheng San-Kung [Fishermen]
> Cheng Yuan Ho (Ch'ang-o Huang E) [Buskers]
> Chih Nu [Weavers]
> Chih Sung-Tzu (Chi Sung Tzu) [Rain]
> Chih-Yu [Inventor]
> Ch'in-Shu-Pao [Guardian]
> Chou Wang [Sodomy]
> Chu-Chuan Shen [Pigsties]
> Chu Jung [Fire]
> Chu Lung [Day/Night]
> Chung K'uei [Afterlife]
> Chung-li Ch'uan [Immortal]
> Confucius [Philosopher]
> Di Zhang Xia [?]
> Dong-yo Da-di [Helps Sky God]
> Erh-Lang [Guardian]
> Fan-K'uei [Butchers]
> Fei Lien (Fei Lian) [Wind]
> Feng-Huang (Hoang-female Phuong-male) [Many Meanings]
> Feng Po (Feng-Po) [Human form of the wind]
> Feng P'o-p'o (Feng-Po-Po) [Female wind]
> Fo [Buddha]
> Fu His [Taught Humanity]
> Fu Hsing [Happiness]
> Fu Shen [Happiness]
> Fu-Shou-Lu [Collection of Gods]
> Fu-xi [Hero]
> Gao Yao (Ting-jian) [Judgement]
> Gong Gong [Common Workers]
> Gou Mang and Ru Shou [Messengers]
> Guan Di (Kuan Ti) [War/Fortune Telling]
> Gui Xian [Demon]
> Han Hsiang [Immortal]
> Han Xiang-zi [Immortal]
> He Bo (Bing-yi) [Rivers]
> Heng E (Change-e) [Moon]
> He Xian-gu [Immortal]
> Heng-Ha-Erh-Chiang [Temples]
> Heng-o [Moon]
> Ho Hsien-ku [Immortal]
> Ho Po [River]
> Hou Chi [Harvest]
> Hou I [Archer]
> Hou T'u [Earth]
> Hsien [Taoists]
> Hsi Ho [Sun's Creator]
> Hsi Wang Mu [Guardian]
> Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti [Dark Heaven]
> Hua Hsien [Flower]
> Huang-di (Huang Ti) (Shun) [Hero]
> Huang Fei-hu (Fei) [Mountain]
> Hu-Shen [Hail]
> I [Bowmen]
> Infoniwoo [Generation]
> I-Ti [Wine]
> K'ai Lu Shen [Purges Evil]
> Kuan Yu [War]
> K'uei Hsing [Examinations]
> Lan Cai-he [Immortal]
> Lao T'ien Yeh [Supreme]
> Lao-Tzu (Lao-zi) [Philosopher]
> Lei Kung [Storm]
> Lei-zi [Thunder]
> Li [Fire]
> Li Tie-guai [Immortal]
> Liu [Crops]
> Lu Dong-bin (Lu Yan) [Immortal]
> Lu-Hsing [Salaries/Employees]
> Lung Wang [Dragon King]
> Lupan [Carpenters]
> Ma-Mien [Bureaucrat]
> Meng (Meng P'o) [Underworld]
> Meng-T'ien [Writing Brush]
> Men Shen [Doors, includes sometimes Wei Cheng]
> Mu Gong [Immortals]
> Niu-Y'oun [Police]
> Nu Gua (Nu Kua, Nu Wa) [Creator and Marriage]
> O-Mi-T'o Fo [Amitabha]
> Pa [Drought]
> Pa-Cha [Anti-locusts]
> Pa-Hsien [Eight Immortals]
> P'an-Chin-Lien [Prostitues]
> 'P'an Ku (Panku, Pangu) [Cosmos]
> Pi-Hsia-Yuan-Chun [Childbirth]
> Puhsien [Sun]
> Ran-deng [Future Buddha]
> San Ch'inga [Three Taos]
> Shang Di (Shang Ti) [Supreme]
> She Chi (Thu) [Earth]
> Shen [Spirit]
> Sheng Jen [Holy]
> Shen-nong(Shen Nung) [Hero]
> Shen-T'u [Guardian]
> Shen Yi [Sun]
> Shiang Ku [Magician]
> Shih-Tien Yen-Wang [Committe of Ten]
> Shou-Hsing [Longevity]
> Shou Lao (Shou Xing Lao Tou-zi) [Long Life]
> Shou-Ts'ang [Servant]
> Shui-Fu [Water]
> Shui-Kuan [Defender]
> Ssu Ming [Life and Death]
> Sung-Chiang [Theives]
> Sun Hou-Tzu [Monkey]
> Sun Hou-zi [Apes]
> Sun-Pin [Cobblers]
> T'ai I [High]
> Tai-sui-xing [Time]
> Tai-yi [Sky]
> T'ai Yueh Ta Ti (Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti, T'ai-Yo, Ta-Ti) [Peak]
> Thu [Earth]
> Tian [Sky]
> Tian-zhu [Catholic]
> Tien (T'ien) [Sky]
> Tien-Hou (T'ien Fei) [Heaven]
> T'ien-Kuan [Happiness]
> T'ien Lung [Dragon]
> Tien Mu [Lightening]
> Tien-Wang (Mo-Li) [Kings]
> Ti-Kuan [Foregiveness]
> Ti Nu (Ti-ya) [Earth]
> Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa [Mercy]
> Ti Yu [Afterlife]
> Tou Nu [North Star]
> Ts'ai-Lun [Stationers]
> Ts'ai Shen [Wealth]
> Tsan [Demons]
> Ts'ang Chien [Hearth]
> Tsao Shen [?]
> Tsao-Wang [Hearth]
> Tu [Earth]
> Tung Wang Kung [Ruled Male Immortals]
> T'u-ti (Ti-Ti) [Locality]
> Wang [Palace Door]
> Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang [Guardian]
> Wen Ch'ang (Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti) [Literature]
> Wen-Shu Yen-K'ung [Manjushri]
> Wen Pu [Epidemics]
> Wu Ti [Myth]
> Xian [Spirits]
> Xi-Wang-mu [Immortality]
> Yama [Seventh hell]
> Yan-lo (Yan Wang) [Underworld Prince]
> Yao [Wind Conqueror]
> Yao-shi-fo [Physician]
> Yao Wang [Medicine]
> Yeng-Wang-Yeh [Death]
> Yen Wang (Yen Lo) [Underworld Judge]
> Yin and Yang [Male and Female]
> Yo Fei [War]
> Yu-Chiang [Ocean Winds]
> Yu-di (Yu Huang) [Supreme]
> Yueh Fei [War]
> Yu Huang (Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti) [High]
> Yun T'ung [Clouds]
> Yu-qiang [Sea]
> Yu Shih [Rain]
> Yu-tzu [Rain]
> Zao Jun [Kitchen]
> Zhang Guo-lao [Immortal]
> Zhong-Kui [Literature and Examinations]
> Zhong-li Quan [Immortal]
> [Sources: Brief History of Ancient Chinese Mythology]
> Finnish Gods:
> Ahto [Water]
> Akka [Harvest]
> Egres [Vegetation/Fertility]
> Hiisi [Forest/Evil]
> Ilma [Air]
> Ilmarinen [Sky]
> Inmar [Sky]
> Juma [Sky]
> Jumala (Mader-Atcha, Ukk) [Thunder+]
> Kalevanpojat [Demons]
> Kalma [Death]
> Kekri [Fertility Feast]
> Kipu-Tytto [Illness]
> Kondos [Sowing Crops]
> Kuu [Moon]
> Lemminkainen [Hero]
> Louhi [Sorcery/Evil]
> Loviatar [Disease]
> Luonnotar [Creator]
> Madderakka [Dwarves]
> Maahiset [Dwarves]
> Naaki [Water]
> Nyrckes [?]
> Olmai (Olmay) [Divine properties]
> Pajainen [?]
> Pajonn [Thunder]
> Para [Goblin Like]
> Pellonpekko [Barley]
> Raudna [?]
> Rutu [Devil]
> Sampsa [Vegetation]
> Seides [Stones]
> Rauni [?]
> Tapio [Forest]
> Tiermes [Thunder]
> Tuoni [Underworld
> Tursas [Monster]
> Ukko (Isainen) [Thunder]
> Vainamoinen [Hero]
> Veralden-radien [World Pillars]
> Waralden Olmai [World]
> Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone (Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-Ne) [Thunder]
> Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi [Pole Star]
> Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi [Refusal]
> Ama-No-Uzume [Fertility]
> Ama-Tsu-Kami [Heavenly Gods]
> Amatsu Mikaboshi [Evil]
> Ame-No-Hohi [Disappeared]
> Ame-No-Wakahiko [Ruled Earth]
> Bimbo-Gami [Poverty]
> Bishamon [War]
> Chimata-No-Kami [Rain/Sea]
> Daikoku [Wealth]
> Ebisu [Labor]
> Fuchi [Fire]
> Fukurokuju (Fukuro kuju) [Wisdom]
> Futsunushi [Lightening]
> Gozu-Tenno [Plague]
> Haya-Ji (Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-Kami) [Whirlwind]
> Hikohohodemi [Hero]
> Hinokagutsuchi [Fire]
> Hiruko [Morning Sun]
> Hoderi [?]
> Hisa-Me [Devils]
> Ho-Masubi (Kagu Zuchi) [Fire]
> Hosuseri [?]
> Hotei [Laughter]
> Inari [Prosperity]
> Izanagi [Creator]
> Izanami [Mother]
> Jikoku [Guardians]
> Jimmu Tenno [Founder]
> Jurojin (Jorojin) [Longevity]
> Kagu-tsuchi [Fire]
> Kamado-gami [Hearth]
> Kami [Divinities]
> Kami-Musubi (Kami-mi-masubi) [?]
> Kami-Nari [Thunder]
> Kamui [Sky]
> Kappa [Water]
> Kawa-No-Kami [Rivers]
> Kishijoten [Luck]
> Kishimojin [Demon]
> Komoku [South]
> Kompira [Wealth]
> Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime (Kono-no-hana-saku-ya-hime) [?]
> Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime Kuni-Toko-tachi [First]
> Kuni-Tsu-Kami [Earth]
> Kura-Okami [Rain/Snow]
> Nai-No-Kami [Earthquakes]
> Naka-Yama-Tsu-Mi [Mountain Slopes]
> Ningyo [Mermaid]
> Ninigi [Ruler Earth]
> O-Kuni-Nushi (Okuninushi) [Medicine/Sorcery]
> Onamuji [Earth]
> Omiwa [Protective]
> Oni [Demons]
> O-Wata-Tsumi [Sea]
> O-Yama-Tsu-Mi (O-yama-tsuni) [Mountain]
> Raiden [Thunder]
> Ryo-Wo [Sea]
> Ryujin (Ryugin) [Thunder/Rain]
> Sae-No-Kami [Roads]
> Sengen-Sama [Guarded Holy Moutain]
> Sennin [Immortals]
> Shichi-Fukujin [Luck]
> Shiko-Me [Devils]
> Shine-Tsu-Hiko [Wind]
> Shitatera-Hime [?]
> Shi-tenno [Cardinal Direction Guardians]
> Shojo [Satyrs]
> Soko-No-Kuni [Underworld]
> Suitengu [Sea]
> Sukuna-bikone (Suku-na-biko) [Hot Springs]
> Shoki [Enemy of Devils]
> Susanowo (Susanoo, Susa-no-wo) [Storms]
> Takamimusubi (Taka-mi-masubi) [Royal Family]
> Takemikadzuchi [Thunder]
> Take-Mi-Musubi [Sun]
> Taki-Tsu-Hiko [Rain]
> Tatsuta-hime [Autumn]
> Ten-gu (Tengu) [Mountain/Forest]
> Tenjin (Temmangu) [Learning/Calligraphy]
> Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi) [Moon]
> Uji-gami [Ancestors]
> Uke-Mochi-No-Kami (Ukemochi, Waka-Uke-Nomi, Toyo-Uke-Bime) [Fertility and
> Food]
> Uzume [Mirth]
> Wakahiru-me [Rising Sun]\
> Wata-tsu-mi [Sea]
> Yabune [House]
> Zocho [South]
> Shinto Amaterasu [Sun]
> Ama-Tsu-Mara [Smiths]
> Ame-No-Kagase-Wo [Astral]
> Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami [Water]
> Amenominakanushi (Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami) [Supreme]
> Am-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto [Weavers]
> Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami [Elemental]
> Ame-no-uzume [Dancers]
> Benten (Benten-San, Benzaiten, Benzaiten) [Eloquence+]
> Fujin [Wind]
> Hachiman [War]
> Ho-musubi [Fire]
> Kami [Idols]
> Cao Dai(Chinese: Gao-Tai) [Supreme]
> Debata [?]
> Empung Luminuut [?]
> Hainuwele [?]
> Hananim [Sky]
> Hmin [Ague]
> Karei [Supreme]
> Kinharingan [Creator]
> Kud [Evil]
> Laseo [Sun]
> Lature Dano [Supreme]
> Lowalangi(Lowalani) [World Above]
> Mahatala (Mahataral) [Supreme?]
> Ma-zu [?]
> Nanmata (Namite) [Primeval]
> Narbrooi [Woodlands]
> Nemu [Primodial]
> Palk [Sun]
> Puang Matowa [Sky]
> Pulug [Thunder]
> Reahu [Dark Demon]
> Rigenmucha [Supreme]
> Silewe Nazarata [?]
> Sirao [First]
> Ta Pedn [?]
> Tnong [Sun]
> Tumbrenjak [Original Man]
> Upulevo [Sun]
> Wunekau [Sun]
> Abyrga [Snake]
> Afi [Rain/Thunderstorms]
> Aitvaras [Evil]
> Alardi [Spirit]
> Aralo [Agriculutre]
> Armaz [Supreme]
> Auseklis (Ausrine) [Stellar]
> Baba [Spirit]
> Baba Yaga (Jezi-Baba) [Ogress]
> Bagvarti [?]
> Bangputys [Sea]
> Bannik [Baths]
> Bagisht [Flood/Prosperity]
> Barastir (Barastaer) [Underworld]
> Bardha [Elves]
> Beg-tse (Cam-srin) [War]
> Beng [Satan]
> Biegg-Olmai [Wind]
> Bogatyri [Heroes]
> Boldogasszony (Kisboldogasszony) [Protector Women/Children]
> Bolla (Bullar) [Demon]
> Buga [Supreme]
> Bukura e dheut
> [Good Spirit]
> Bukuri e qiellit [Jehovah]
> Byelobog (Bielbog) [?]
> Byelun [?]
> Chernobo(Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [?]
> Chors [Sun]
> Dabog [Sun]
> Deive [Stone Spirits]
> Dieva deli [?]
> Dievini [Less Known Gods]
> Dievs [Sky]
> Djall [Devil]
> Domovoi (Domovoy) [Household]
> Donbittir [Water/Fish]
> Drag-gshed [Eight Terrible Gods]
> Dud [Heavenly Spirit]
> Dvorovoi [Courtyard]
> Dyavo [Demons]
> En [?]
> Erlik [King of the Dead]
> Es [Sky]
> Fatit [Destiny]
> Fene [Demon]
> Gabija (Gabieta, Gabeta) [Fire]
> Gabjauja [Corn]
> Giltine [Death]
> Guta [Demon]
> Hadur [War]
> Himavat [Himalayas]
> Horagalles [War]
> Isdustaya and Papaya [Fate]
> Isten [Supreme]
> Jagaubis [Fire]
> Jarovit (Gerovitus) [War]
> Jessis [avatar Jupiter]
> Jumis [Fertility]
> Juras Mate [Water]
> Kaka-Guia [Funerary]
> Kalvis [Smith]
> Karta [Fate]
> Kaukas [?]
> Khors [Health/Hunting]
> Khyung-gai mGo-can [?]
> Kikimora [Household]
> K'op'ala [Protective]
> Kukuth (Kukudhi) [Sickness]
> Kulshedra (Kucedre) [Demon]
> Kun-tu-bzan-po [Chief Bon]
> Kupala [Water/Magic/Herbs]
> Kurdalaegon [Blacksmiths]
> Laima [Fate]
> Lamaria [Hearth]
> Laskowice (Leshcia) [Forest]
> Lauka Mate [Fields/Fertility]
> Laume [Fairy]
> Leshy [Forest]
> Lha [Bon Gods]
> Lhamo [?]
> Ljeschi (Lychie) [Fauns and Satyrs]
> Ljubi [Demon]
> Manzasiri [Primeval]
> Mate [Mother]
> Mati Syra Zemlya [Earth]
> Medeine (Mejdejn) [Woods]
> Meness [Moon]
> Menulis [Moon]
> Meza Mate [Nature]
> Mirsa [Light]
> Mokos [Fertility]
> Mu (rMu) [Heavenly]
> Muma Padura [Wood]
> Myesyats (Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog) [Moon]
> Nang Lha [Household]
> Nari [Demon]
> Nari [Sky]
> Num [Sky]
> Odqan [Fire]
> Ora [Protective]
> Ordog [Dark]
> Pekar (Pehar) [Demon]
> Peko [Barley]
> Perendi [Jehovah]
> Perit [Mountain Spirits]
> Perkons [Thunder]
> Perkunas [Thunder]
> Perun (Peroun) [Thunder]
> Polevik [Field]
> Poludnitsa [Field]
> Pon [Sky]
> Porenutius (Porevit) [?]
> Preas Eyn [?]
> Preas Eyssaur [Destructive]
> Preas Prohm [Primeval]
> Prende (Prenne) [Love]
> Psezpolnica (Polish Poludnica) [Midday]
> Pugu [Sun]
> Qormusta (Chormusta) [High]
> Rugievit [War]
> Rusalki (Rusalka) [Water/Woodlands]
> Safa [Weapens]
> Sanda [?]
> Sarkany [Weather]
> Saule [Sun]
> Saules meitas [?]
> Selardi [Moon]
> Shen-Lha-od-dkar [Bon]
> Shen-rab [Founder Bon]
> Sipe Gyalmo [Bon]
> Shiwini [Sun]
> Shosshu [Smiths]
> Siwini [Sun]
> Srat [Demon]
> Sri [Demon]
> Sridevi [?]
> Stribog [Winds]
> Svantevit (Svantoveit, Svantovitus) [War/Agriculture]
> Svarog [Sky]
> Syen [Guardian]
> Stihi [Demon]
> Teljavelik [Heavenly Smith]
> Telyaveli [Smiths]
> Tengri [Heavenly Beings]
> Tesheba [Weather]
> Thab-lha [Hearth]
> Triglav (Trigelawus) [War]
> Uacilla [Thunder/Rain]
> Ulgen [Creator]
> Urme [Fate]
> Usins [?]
> Vadatajs [Evil]
> Vampire [Soul of Dead]
> Veela [Kindess]
> Veja mate [Winds]
> Veles (Volos) [Underworld]
> Velnias [Devil]
> Velu mate [Dead]
> Verbti [Fire/North Wind]
> Vila [Water]
> Vilkacis (Lithuanian Vilkatas) [Werewolf]
> Vlkodlaks (Vookodlaks) [Werewolf]
> Vodnik [Demon]
> Vodyanoi [Water]
> Volos (Volusu) [Cattle]
> We [Supreme]
> Xhindi [Spirits]
> Yarilo [Love]
> Zaltys [Grass Snake]
> Zemepatis (Zemempatis) [Supreme]
> Zemes mate [Mother]
> Zemyna (Zemyneles) [Earth]
> Zorya [Guardian]
> Zvezda Dennitsa and Zvezda Vechernyaya [Morning and Evening Star]
> Ai Tojon [Light]
> Ajysyt [Mother]
> Anky-Kele [Sea]
> Ayi [Creator]
> Hittavainen, Hittauanin [Hare-Hunters]
> Hinkon [Death Demon]
> K'daai [Fire Demon]
> Kaltes [The Goddess]
> Ke'lets [Death Demon]
> Kurkil [Creator]
> Kutkinnaku [Good Spirit]
> Mayin [Supreme]
> Picvu'cin [Hunting/Wild Animals]
> Shurdi [Thunderstorms]
> Tomam [Bird]
> Tomor(Tomorr) [Father Creator]
> Xucau [Supreme]
> Ye'loje (Pugu) [Sun]

That which is God, is that force called "All Things" which speaks to
Put no face upon it, make no graven images, by doing such man limits God
to a finite understanding, rather than embracing that which is "All

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